A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Regarding last week (30th January to 05th February):
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good. 4 weeks/5.
  • Meditation 6 days out of 7, good. 5 weeks/5
  • Fish 2 times, good. 5 weeks/5
  • Fruits 6 times , good 5 weeks/5
  • Not-homemade meal : twice , good. 5 weeks/5
  • Reading before bed 6 evenings, good 5 weeks/5
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 7 for 7 days, good. 5 weeks/5
  • Two classes at the gym -including 2 yoga classes (the choir rehearsal on Saturday morning was not compatible with Body Pump), good, 5 weeks/5
This morning 20 mins yoga with Adrienne, no meditation yet.

Day 124 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Tuesday evening meditation and yoga class done
Wednesday meditation, as workout at level II

And lunch-time yoga class.
Yesterday 10 minutes yin yoga (active rest day), meditation dropped
This morning 15 minutes hatha yoga.

Day 128 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
@Gandhalfit it is a nice, complete one, definitly! With the plank-based postures and the abs, it has a strong core component, and the taps and burpees create a good heart rate.

Yesterday evening meditation
This morning no bodypump class, I am (once again) working all WE to finish some work due mid of next week. Quite ... stressed that this seems a reguar occurence, so something in our workload is wrong. N+1 knows it and tries. But above, they don't hear... Grr.
One more reason to still try keep care of my body.
Still, this morning I did at level II

(for the push ups, as I am not good with to-failure things, I took as goal 20 knee-push-ups ; and did them ; it burned but the form was good).

Day 129 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Meditation done yesterday evening.

Today did meditation, and our very own @Laura Rainbow Dragon 's video:
Thank you Laura, it was challenging for me (balance is an isue!) but in the good way, I had a good moment with you! And finished with a tripod egg headstand (headstand with the knees stacked on the elbows, https://www.twofitmoms.com/2014/01/20/headstands-101-your-first-inversion/) for a win ;)

Report's progressing. We shall overcome, as Joan Baez sings!

Day 130 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Tonight did

Not much, but I had to go to the office today since Thursday is another day of protests so I'd rather not have to take the subway during protests and strikes.
Meditation not yet done , but I really should. The report I mentioned yesterday is advancing, yes, but really frustrating - for different reasons I cannot explain too much. Oh well... /I/ will do quality! Non mais!

Day 131 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Not much, but I had to go to the office today since Thursday is another day of protests so I'd rather not have to take the subway during protests and strikes.
Retirement age?
Yeah, public transport is bad enough, I get you.


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Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
The only reason I know about is because local youtubers went on a ski holiday and mentioned it when the site was partially closed.
Best of luck with it :happy:


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
@Gandhalfit thank you ; for the moment the syndicates are keeping the security around the protests fairly high so, even if there's been some trouble, it is much less than in previous protests. And telecommuting makes things so much easier.

@TopNotch , OK, not sure I get it ? Was it for another thread? Or... Yeah, are you referring to a certain owl (Duolinguo)? If it is, LOL, yeah, funny (and we seem to work well together!)

Meditation done yesterday evening.
No exercise this morning - wolvie too busy, but at noon I had a yoga class, and I can tell you the teacher burned our quads and glutes! ouch!!! :muahaha:


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday did 20 mins yoga, and meditation
Today meditation and level II

I finished that darned work yesterday 8/30 PM. This morning still "up" from going early to church for choir, and singing. This afternoon I sank! So tired! This week of rest is well needed. Tomorrow morning we're leaving for Bretagne, yay!

Day 137 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @Tileenah and @CODawn ! Travel yesterday was smooth. Only thing, my IBS decided to flare up last night, so super short night, and I was already tired... drat. It'll get better soon.

Yesterday meditation and a yoga with Adrienne seance.
Today meditation a,d at level I (tired!)

Fairly sure I did it not too long ago, but good one.

Day 139 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Merci @Nanna Io , it is a very much neede rest, and a nice time.

Today did meditation and

Good active rest workout!

Yesterday we went and found me some of the things I need for my trip to Iceland in June, today another quick shopping in specific shops (using the fact I have a car, and a driver :LOL: available) I'd rather do here than in Paris.

Day 141 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Today I did meditation and

And a long walk along the beach to try on my new trekking shoes (which fit very comfy), and new mariner's cap (which didn'y fly away in the wind, so good size!)

Day 142 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @CODawn , first big trip since my health problems so ... Quite significant, and really looking forward to it!

@NancyTree I was trying to remember who did that trip last year, thanks a lot! Writing that down and I will shot you a message ;)

Saturday / yesterday I did a yoga with Adrienne 20-minutes video, and meditation.
This morning meditation and 10 minutes of yin yoga with DownDog Yoga.

Day 144 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Meditation done yesterday evening.
This morning did the following for an active rest day:

I am using this week for quite a different rythm - I am waking up one hour later, starting work 45 minutes later, doing the workout mid-morning (and often the meditation mid-afternoon). so, finishing work later, but as we are in Bretagne, I have much less to do cooking / home keeping wise. I was absolutely drained when we arrived in Bretagne (work had been ... very heavy), and the first night was very bad due to IBS so my starting point before vacations was exceptionally low. I rested, last week, but really didn't feel "ready" this Sunday, so kind of taking another week to charge again my batteries. I am starting to feel a bit more myself. Wondering what the impact will be when back in Paris and if there are changes I should do, but we will see. If we get a long strike, that may again mess things up - I want to keep up with going to the office, and to choir rehearsals, but if transport is a mess, I will have to prioritize my energy.

Day 147 of consecutive exercise (D120 on 02/02).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Ha, @Gandhalfit , I think I got tricked by a faux-ami! :muahaha: In French, seance can be lots of different scheduled events - a massage, a movie at the movie theater... So, nope, not calling on dead people while in corpse pose :ghost: (though the idea is ... kinda a good idea to start writing a story, LOL)!

Sooo, meditation done Thursday. Friday, another yoga video, and meditation.
Yesterday Saturday did

and meditation
And today meditation and

And here comes a new week, back in Paris, having to go twice to the office, and with strikes starting Tuesday... Should be interesting! Take care, bees!

Day 151 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).


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Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
:muahaha: In French, seance can be lots of different scheduled events - a massage, a movie at the movie theater... So, nope, not calling on dead people while in corpse pose :ghost: (though the idea is ... kinda a good idea to start writing a story, LOL)!

LoL 🤣 It would be interesting


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @CODawn , @TopNotch and @NancyTree ! Naxos is about as loved as my mademoiselle Luna is, and I think both are pretty photogenic. Naxos has those darker areas on his sclera that give him a really unusual, very moving gaze. And Mademoiselle Luna is well, what she is :heart:

Meditation done yesterday, today did a quite quick yoga with Adrienne practice (I had to go to the office), meditation not yet done.

Day 152 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yep @Redline , that was a bit the goal, can't let that ticker get unused, right?! ;) Glad to read you're continuing to do darebee workshops, beau boulot!

Yesterday end of day meditation done.
Today did a 20 minute yoga video, and meditation not yet done.

Day 157 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Meditation done yesterday.
Today did meditation and

plus some shoulder stretches and heart openers. Active rest day :boss:

Day 158 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).

Summary of this week, starting again this week since we are post vacations and sress:
  • Did either sports class at the gym, or 5,000 steps, 6 days out of 7, weeks 1/1
  • Meditation 7 days / 7, weeks 1/1
  • Fruit 7 days / 7, weeks 1/1
  • Store or restaurant-bought meal 3:3 (that's my upper limit), weeks 1/1
  • Personal Habit 1 , 7 days/7, weeks 1/1
  • Personal Habit 1 , 7 days/7, weeks 1/1
  • Gym classes: 3 including 2 yoga classes, weeks 1/1


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
So, body pump class done yesterday evening
This morning meditation and at level I

And at lunch time, yoga class. I could feel the post- body pump DOMS, but they didn't impair the yoga seance, something I was afraid of in settting my schedule like this, so yay.

Day 161 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday was an in-office day. Still did meditation, and in the evening yoga class.

Today was active rest day - meditation and

Day 163 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).

Week end! Should be fairly busy as tomorrow there is a genealogy forum I hope to go to, then visit my Godmother ; and Sunday after church I have my parents for lunch. And of course wondering what next week'll bring us, with the political situation being so , how to say ... high-voltage right now. Even my street starts to stink because of the garbage accumulating.


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Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Ammm why are the garbage workers striking?
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
@Gandhalfit , yep, @Tileenah summed it up well. I really don't like seeing the city I love like that... Sigh.

So, great genealogy forum, and good time with my Godmother Saturday (despite slaloming between garbage heaps...) ; meditation and a yoga video from Adrienne done.

Today did meditation, at level II the workout

And cooked for my parents porchops in milk and lemon, with fennel and potatoes. It was messy-looking (porkchops kind of fell apart, LOL), but very tasty.

More votes next week, strikes and protests expected Thursday, and no idea how high the garbage heaps can go. Should be ... Interesting.

Day 165 of consecutive exercise (D150 on 04/03).