A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thanks @TopNotch , that's true, and a way to see it. Just ... I am too shy, or try enough avoiding attention. At my age, I guess I still need to learn more assurance, LOL!

Yesterday evening yoga class - nice, challenging one.
This morning meditation and Shadebound D12. Lunchtime was a stretching class, as our regular yoga teacher is in vacation (how dare he?! :chuckle:)

Day 210 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thanks @CODawn :) Don't know if the streak will hold during my trip in June, but it's a little marker ;)

Forgot to write it down, but yesterday Shadebound was very knee-heavy - so I did only three rounds (and changing the lunge jumps in reverse lunges) ; wondering if I should not it in the feedback section or if it's too personal a reaction.

Today did Shadebound D13, rest day. First illustration had me laughing - if someone can rotate their neck 360 degrees, there ... is a problem. Possession by Pazuzu (The exorcist) being one of the possibilities. :devil::muahaha:

Meditation not yet done - long day with going to the office, and afterwards got to have a scanner to check my aorta (control that has not been done in a .... very long time).

Day 211 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thanks for asking, @Froud , I don't have the results yet, it will be tonigh or tomorrow - and hoping it will be comprehensible by me (it goes to the cardiologist too of course) ; I had a heart IRM once which results were so "coded" (acronymes and such) that I couldn't understand what it meant or if anything had changed.

No meditation yesterday, first time in a long time.
Todat Shadebound D14 at level II, and meditation.

My knee hurt yesterday, which showed that yep, Day 12 was ... knee-heavy ; but it seems fine today so that's all right.

Day 212 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thanks @Tileenah , @Froud and @CODawn . Results were good - aorta is exactly as in 2019- meaning there is a moderate coarctation (narrowing) where the surgery was, but it doesn't budge, and more importantly, there is no sign of anevrism or weakening. :welcome:

The knee is back to normal - the over-exercise of Day 12 was clearly real, but no harm done. As the trip to iceland is coming much closer now, I really should be careful to preserve my knee, to enjoy it the most and take the good long hikes!

Today, meditation and Day 15 of Shadebound.

Day 213 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Yesterday evening yoga class ; I tend to prefer Tuesday's teacher - she corrects postures more often than Thursday's teacher. My fave is still Wednesday lunchtime's teacher ;)

Today meditation, Shadebound D19, and lunchtime yoga class.

Day 217 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Hard Thursday. Political turmoil at work is peaking, and I feel torn between two groups I like and who have no long term interest fighting like that. Besides, final decision will be made by the higher ups, who don't give a darn about what we say, IMO. Oh well. In a few years it won't matter.

Yesterday 2 minutes breathing to stave off a panic attack, and Shadebound D20.

Day 218 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05). (today not counting yet)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Merci @Tileenah , trying to make my peace with it and to take emotional distance. It will come.
Yesterday meditation and Shadebound D21.
Today meditation and Shadebound D22.

Working again all WE to finish some work. If changes happen as some wish, trust me, I am not putting additional days at work. Not worth it.

Day 220 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thanks @CODawn . It's getting better, I was still quite emotional this morning but my choir buddies were awesome in lifting me up in encouragement and music, and prayer too. Love'em, and love you bees.

Today Shadebound D23 (level I, instead of the "by default" level II when I don't mention anything) because of morning spent at choir and church. Meditation done too, some chakra balancing - I don't quite understand it / believe it (chakras are not physical, and sorry buds but I am a pharmacist and scientist, LOL), but I know it works in grounding and balancing myself on different levels. The nerves and the head work in mysterious ways :vibes::muahaha:

Day 221 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Tendon Strength...not a fan.😵
Not a huge fan either (last post was second degree ;) ), but I fully recognize the interest.

Yesterday's meditation done, and evening yoga class. One girl is able to do splits, I was just in awe!

Today shadebound D 26 level II done, meditation not yet done. And lunchtime yoga class.

Long WE coming (Thursday is a holiday, Friday the office is closed), without work to catch on so... Looking forward to it.

Day 224 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Shadebound D30 :dance: and meditation done.
We had a really super time with the choir this morning, managing to perform the song by heart, having the whole congregation clapping with us, and I really hope this led to good, joyful worship for all ;) Love this group! Our present choir director leaves mid-June, just after the concert, so we will give her a good send off including a potluck next Wednesday. She will be missed. (It was a choice by the church to get temporary music director for a few years, after the previous one of about 20 years left, to shake things up. So far, I really loved our two interm directors, and loved learning different styles with them).

Day 228 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @Tileenah , @Fremen , @Anek , @BetaCorvi , @Montserrat and @TopNotch .

To keep up with the programs, I started Unbound D1 ; and meditation done.
There will have to be a break in the program when I leave for Iceland, but counting that, it should take me more or less until end June, and then, Bretagne! Where I may give a chance to the walking program.

Now, question for Iceland... I surely won't have time for a classical Darebee session, but I am sure I will walk... a lot :LOL: (now, knee and heart will have to follow, non mais!). Normal recommendation is 10,000 steps / day. My question is ... If I have done 15,000 steps each day, can I say my streak of consecutive days of exercise is preserved? What do you think, bees, does it make sense? If not, well, it's just numbers , LOL.

(keeping my Duolinguo streak, which is more than 3 years, is another little worry , LOL, but that's something else)

Day 229 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
True, @Tileenah . Now that I telecommute, I walk much less than I used to ; now in regular times I try to make it that, at least 6 days in the week, if I don't go to the gym, I will walk at least 5,000 steps. I don't have a nice park down my street anymore, but there are decent walks to be made in my neighborhood.

And thank you @CODawn and @Froud !

This morning meditation and Day 2 of Unbound. Tonight going to see a ballet with a good friend!

Day 230 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


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Witcher from Kent
Posts: 199
"True Failure is Never Attempting"
Heya! Long time no see! Just caught up fair rollercoaster of a journey work wise sorry to hear that :( Glad you are adapting well cant wait to read the rest of your journey :) Hope ballet is lovely tonight x

swan lake ballet GIF


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @BlackButler ! (and pretty gif!). For work, if there could be a workplace without politics, withough puppetmasters and whiners and moochers... Ah well, someone is whispering to me this is human nature. We'll deal with it, step by step. :chuckle:
And if they annoy me too much... DRAKARYS! :muahaha:

And thank you, and thanks @Tileenah , it was a more modern ballet, but very interesting, with superb settings and light arrangements. ANd the way the dancers control their bodies... I am just a tiny bit jealous! (then I remember how most of them really mistreat their bodies to the point of fatigue fractures and such, and I am not jealous anymore:shoked:)

Today Day 3 of Unbound, meditation, and lunchtime yoga class.

Day 231 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
True, @NancyTree , true! :bigyes:

Yesterday Day 4 of Unbound, meditation.

Today Day 5 of Unbound done, meditation not yet done.

Work is again very frustrating, with overload, little visibility on what my responsabilities willbe past September, and a coworker that acted so disapragingly at a meeting. Sigh, remember, Wolvie : work on what you can control, express yourself, and this too shall pass.

Day 233 of consecutive exercise (D210 on 03/05).