A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Saturday evening some 150 kicks (? I posted it on the proper thread).
Yesterday 5 minutes meditation, and so that I'd do enough kicks against the spiders,

Also did 100 jumping jacks yesterday evening against the ghosts.

Day 25 of consecutive exercise, not counting today yet (D1 on 06/10).

So, this week
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 1 times, good but strict minimum
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal once this week, good
  • Reading before bed every evening, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 6 days out of 7, so good.
  • Two classes at the gym, that's good (though I am for 3, but 2 already allows good payback for the gym membership IMO).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Well... Too many jacks yesterday, I am afraid! I was "feeling" my knee but no sharp pain so didn't take a strong note, but this morning my (right) knee is clearly swollen and tender even as I was stepping out of the bed. Lesson learned.
So, 5 minutes equal breathing, for workout

to stretch but rest the knee, and knee sleeve put on for a few hours to decrease the swelling.

I remember feeling that after a few days of one of the indoor cardio programs here that had probably lots of jacks / jumps.

Wondering if it means I should motivate myself to go see the sports doc to have a prescription for the kinesitherapy I was supposed to do right when my heart went awry - and never really did.

Oh well, it is no biggie, it will be away tomorrow or Thursday by latest, but I was surprised!

Day 27 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Ah, you had to scroll all the way down your profile page, but it's gone now. :( Only obtainable at the time of the event.
Really? I didn't know that. Maybe it should be made available again? @neilarey


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you so much @TopNotch , @Gandhalfit , and of course our Queen Bee @neilarey ! Glad to have this badge !

So, today I still kept it slow to help my knee finish recovering, with

Meditation not yet done.. I will put tomorrow if I manage to squeeze it later.

@TopNotch , Yeah, the frequency of a cat's purr has strange properties! I'd like to see formal studies (what would the placebo be? A warm bottle? :happy: ), but any how, such pure love can only be good :angel:. :kittens: I noticed that she is also very gentle where I am hurting, whether it be the knee, or a bit after my heart surgery when I went home (and my sternum was, well, still in healing mode, LOL).

Day 28 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
No meditation yesterday.

@TopNotch , good one, and it makes sense that the relaxation induced by a warm, vibrating, fuzzy ball'o'fur helps destress and promotes healing (and cardiovascular health). However, the article itself reminds the readers that it is just one study (for frequency healing), and correlation isn't causation. But it is a start. And any reason to shower our kitties with love is good!

5 minutes meditation, and

Day 29 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10).


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,349
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I was thinking more along the lines of - sitting back and doing nothing while the cat is purring on our laps is only done for the sake of our health, not because we actually want to!
Speaking of which, one of the cats curls up on my lap and then she looks up at me, tilting her head back to do so, often pressing her head into my chest while doing so. SO cute! Neither of the others does that.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
@TopNotch , that sounds downright adorable :lovable: Mademoiselle Luna doesn't do that. But that's what makes me melt : when she joins me on the bed, sometimes she will take my hand and pull it more toward herself, under herself, and settle with her head and shoulder resting on my hand like a pillow . How not to melt before such trust?!

And thank you @CODawn .
I decided to take a little risk, and go to a stretching class (body balance), making veeeery sure the positions wouldn't aggravate my knee. I guess I will see if it was reasonible or not pretty soon! But I was really wanting a class.
Also did 5 minutes meditation, and at level II

Day 30 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
@NancyTree that's to make us forget their devilish side :LOL: Seriously, full agreement.

Saturday 5 minutes relaxation , and

This morning 5 minutes equal breathing, and tonight

Quite ... annoyed with my knee. It felt almost OK, but between church and parents, I managed to fall (wet leaves? not sure why I lost balance) and of course landed brutally on my right knee, the problematic one. I immediately put on a knee sleeve , but I clearly have a large bruise (thank you anticoagulants...), wondering how it will look like and feel tomorrow. Drat!

Sigh. To focus on something good : singing! I joined the church's choir, not sure if I had mentionned it before, and it's been a real blast. Singing with other people is such a great feeling, for aesthetic but also just physically!

So, this week
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 5 days out of 7, not good, but lots of works + bad knee were the cause. No excuse next week.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal twice this week, good
  • Reading before bed every evening, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 6 days out of 7, so good.
  • One class at the gym, that's not good , same remark as for the walking. Grrr.
Day 32 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @NancyTree , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Louve Rose , @Mianevem , @mavie , @Fremen , @Matan . Well, knee's blue and this morning was very tender. I went to the osteopath (had already this appointment to try avoid seeing the sports doc) ; her manipulation really loosened the muscles around, we will see tomorrow. But this knee's gonna look funky, going through all the colors of the bruise, oh my!

Still did 5 minutes meditation, and

replacing the jumps with side steps, and the burpees very gently.

Day 33 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I always hurt hurting already knees. It's like a rule or something.
More healing vibes for your knee :vibes:


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thank you @Anek , @Gandhalfit and @Froud !
It is much better today ; I did 5 minutes meditation,

level II, replacing the lunches with more calf raises.

I was able to move up and down to clean / put order in my appartment pretty well, with some tensions but at the end of the day no swellin felt. It looks like the osteopath did good.

Day 34 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Vacation day but still crazy. I did have to wake up as early as any workday to go to the dentist (long story but gotta finish some dental work in decent time, so no choice for appointment!), then used that to go do some serious shopping. After lunch and a too short break, as soon as I had finished workng out, my phone rang ... work. Had to jump back on work and pass calls to clarify some things I thought were clarified end of last week. Drat. Gotta say this kinda messed up with me. Oh well!

Anyhow, meditation not yet done, workout at level II done

(with the sumo squat replaced with a regular wall squat).
Knee's doing very well, that's the less pain and mobility limitation I have had since last week.

Day 35 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Bonjour @Nanna Io , and welcome :) In normal times, I try to alternate level III workouts (cardio / strength, and a combat from time to time), so I look at the WoD to see if it fits, and if not, I use the filter and get a workout of those categories depending on what I did the day before and if I go to the gym that day (yoga / I complete with cardio, pool / I complete with strength). Plus additional yoga from time to time.

Those days, with the knee, I chose lower intensity workouts ; normally next week I should be able to go back to normal exercise :)

Friday I did meditation 5 minutes, went to aquagym, and did

Saturday 5 minutes of breathing exercise and

Today 5 minutes cardiac coherency and, replacing jacks with 20 side steps,

Day 39 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).

So, this week
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, goal attained.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 1 times, not super but acceptable.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal twice this week, good
  • Reading before bed every evening, good
  • Self-care habits 1 for 7 days, and habit 6 for days out of 7, so good.
  • One class at the gym, again not good but the knee really needed rest.
I think we will have had enough "good" days with the knee that I can come back to yoga and body pump next week. Promised!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Step by step, @Nanna Io ! :bigyes:

This morning 7 minutes meditation, level II of an old classic,

At lunchtime yoga class,

and at mid-afternoon break 3*10 supermen with goalpost arms, and 3*10 thread-the-needle flow (asana and then extend back up, expanding chest). Those last one are recommendations from the osteopath to open back my chest and pull back my shoulders (hunched because , you know, having your chest opened once when you're a little one and once more when you're an adult kinda has repercusions on it, who could have guessed?! :chuckle::saywhat:)

Day 42 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
And regarding last week:
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, goal attained.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal twice this week, good
  • Reading before bed every evening, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2 7 for 7 days, good.
  • three class at the gym, goal attained.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Not done meditation yet, decided it was rest day so

I am supposed to go to aquagym tonight, but work day's being very draining (meeting all day), and tomorrow I want to be in good energy since I am taking Darling Nephew and his sweetie to a concert ("Starmania", one of the few Musicals in French, from the 80es. A blast from the past for me, and looking forward to introduce my nephew to it).

Day 50 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).