A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree and @CODawn , I had such a great evening! The adaptation was just great, with huge work done on scene and lighting, and great voices. It was fun seeing Nephew and Sweetie discover some songs, and also discover that some other songs that they had heard in other circumstances came from this "Rock opera". I think in English you know it as "Tycoon". It aged very, very well.

Friday I did meditation and

Saturday I still went to body-pump class :bigyes: and did meditation , and today did meditation and a short yoga session.
Today was also the first Sunday of Advent. At the church choir, we're in full swing preparing for the Christmas concert on Saturday 10th, very much looking forward to that too. May I wish a blessed season of advent for those who wish it, and a peaceful, fraternal end of year to those of other (or non-existent) faiths. Hugs to all bees!

Day 53 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11).

And regarding this week:
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 7 days out of 7, excellent
  • Meditation 6 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal twice this week, good
  • Reading before bed 6 evenings (I will let you guess which evening I did not, ROFLOL), good
  • Self-care habits 1 for 6 days our of 7, and habit 2 7 for 7 days, good.
  • three class at the gym, goal attained.


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday was meditation, and the WOD (don't have the name at hand anymore, it was a cardio workout III, done 5 reps)

Today I am in the office, so did meditation, but not yet daily workout, I am thinking of a good yoga windown once back home but I will put it.

Day 54 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 04/11) since I cannot yet count today.


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Alchemist from France
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Friday no meditation, but Fit December D2
Saturday 7 minutes relaxation, Fit December D3. The choir dress rehearsal drained me! Loved it, but it is sooo tiring. The concert is Saturday, two representations. I am pondering spending the following Sunday under the bedsheets, LOL.
Yesterday Sunday 5 minutes relaxation, Fit december D4.

Regarding this week:
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good.
  • Meditation 6 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal three times this week, more than the goal but with the rehearsal / Christmas coming and so on, I won't beat myself over it. I may be more lenient this month for that topic.
  • Reading before bed 7 evenings, good
  • Self-care habits 1 for 6 days our of 7, and habit 2 7 for 7 days, good.
  • Two class at the gym, goal attained. With the dress rehearsal Saturday morning, Body pump was not a possibility, and couldn't do an aqua gym class this week, so the two classes are actually quite good for this weel. Next week will be probably two too.

I wanted to do those needle-thread moves and superman, but I don't seem to find the time. Drat.

And today Monday, 5 minutes meditation, and Fit December D5.

Day 61 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12).

So thank you @Gandhalfit , and now to 60, LOL!


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Alchemist from France
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Today no meditation yet, and Fit December Day 6. Cold, but also very humid outside, a day to stay home with a purring kitty :kittens: in your lap and a cozy mystery in your hands (or work paper in your hands, if you telecommute and have to bring the tofu and cat kibbles home, LOL).

Day 62 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12).


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Alchemist from France
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Indeed @CODawn ! Mademoiselle Luna sends purrs, LOL.

Meditation done yesterday. This morning, meditation and Fir December Day 7, and at lunchtime Yoga class.

This summer, with daily 20 minutes yoga, I had seen progresses in balance and some other abilities - but I feel back to square 1. This month I want to finish the calendar, but thinking I may need to get back into yoga more next year, I will have to ponder this.

Day 63 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12).
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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Indeed @Nanna Io :lovable:

So, yesterday 5 minutes relaxation, and went to a body balance class since there's no way Saturday I can do body pump, and it is too cold to even think of going to aquagym :muahaha:No Fit December, I used my pass.

Today 7 minutes relaxation, Fit December D9, and 40 jumping jacks for a new pass.

Regarding yoga, I learned yesterday there were more yoga classes available at my gym without additional fee, so yay! That may help me for my yoga goal for 2023.

Day 65 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12).


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Alchemist from France
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Sooo... Super busy WE with the concerts, and they also had us sing for the service Sunday morning... No voice left, LOL!
Saturday morning 5 minutes relaxation and Fit December D10
Sunday 5 minutes relaxation and Fit December D11
Today no relaxation yet, and FIit December D12. I also started punches for the orange ornament for the Christmas tree!

Regarding this week:

  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 3 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal : four times I think, and this was a special week so that's it!
  • Reading before bed 6 evenings, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 7 for 7 days, good.
  • Two class at the gym, goal attained. again, so that's good.
Day 68 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12).


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Alchemist from France
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Relaxation not done Monday.
Tuesday, done 5 minutes meditation, and Fit December D13
Today 7 minutes meditation, and Fit December D14, and yoga class at lunchtime.
So far I have 2600 punches for the tree ornament (oranges),.

Not feeling my best those days, I may have overdone it. And it's so hard to slow down this season (when actually we should!), and I am miffed at myself for having had this slip. Bah, this too shall pass when I have regained a bit energy!
And look, what a charger I have found : a purring kitty called mademoiselle Luna :kittens::bigyes:

Take good care of youself, dear bees!

Day 70 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Alchemist from France
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Very busy those days!
Thursday D15 of Fit December, 5 minutes meditation
Friday D16 of Fit December, 6 minutes relaxation
Today uses my Hall Pass, and 5 minutes breathing exercise ; and went to body pump but used the lowest weights to not tire myself too much.

Day 73 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
D16 of Fit December, and 5 minutes breathing exercise.

Day 74 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)

Regarding this week:

  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good.
  • Meditation 6 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal : three times, my upper limit but definitly OK in this kind of crazy time.
  • Reading before bed 7 evenings, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 7 for 7 days, good.
  • Two class at the gym, goal attained. again, so that's good.
I won't do a summary of next week, as we'll be travelling Wednesday and visiting my older bro for Christmas habits and food are gonna be all over the place. Goal, still : keep on for Fit December. Daily updates will also be scarce in that time, but don't worry, this wolf will be back on Tuesday 27th.


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Mianevem ! And you too, and family!

Today no meditation - I ran around like a headless chicken to finish some work (though I had the day off), and medical appointments. Still did Fit December D19, and prepared a free pass day.
I feel a bit like a rat lab , they want more tests next year for blood (cholesterol - should be fine, and liver, wondering, plus all the usual tests), as well as some more cardiac imagery to look at the aorta (has'nt been looked in detail since the surgery) and maybe another stress test and holter. The cardiologist wasn't too happy to hear I fained during yoga last week (the day I grumble about having pushed too far), so she will decide in January for the stress test and holter. And now it looks like the aortic valve may be tightening. Not unexpected, but sigh... Well, let's look at the half-full glass, at least I am well taken care of medically, they are not letting anything go by!!!

Day 75 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,156
Thanks @CODawn . The cardiologist also decided to have a holter done in January (I was supposed to wait until spring). I will put on my rose-tinted glasses and say it means I am well followed ;)

Well, look at that, a week! I can say I did the Fit December workout faithfully ; for meditation, not so. We had great walks - my brother lives at the foot of the Alps (Chartreuse / Bauges for those who want to locate more), very very pretty. So, globally, a great Christmas!

This morning, Fit December D28, and no meditation yet.

Day 84 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Alchemist from France
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Managed to do 5 minutes breathing exercise yesterday.
Today Fit December D29, no meditation yet, and intend to go to yoga class this evening but it may depend on a repair being done at home. My appartment ring had stopped working and we just figured the cause out : when I got a secure door installed at my appartment in June, they bolted the secure door like barbarians and managed to damage the ring's wires inside the wall. So yeah, repair wasn't as straightforward as my father hoped (and tried), but at least it is getting done, LOL! Ah the joys of keeping a place in good shape! (I also had a small leak on my laundry machine's joint, and the cover on the toilet seat litteraly exploded when my dad simply sat on it, so I can tell you the repairman's visit is a very useful one, LOL!)

Day 85 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)
3 months and 100 days are coming close!
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Alchemist from France
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Yoga class and meditation done yesterday. Different instructor, more in the vinyasa style, I like it a bit less than Hatha but it was still a very enjoyable class.
This morning 5 minutes relaxation and Fit December D30 done, and BodyBalance class done at lunch time.

I may not do Fit December tomorrow and use my last Hall Pass, so I considered the program done and finished. One more seasonal shiny for me!

Day 86 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Happy New Year!


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"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @lpf , @Anek , @Sif_Shepard , happy new year to you too!

Sunday meditation, and 25 minutes of yoga with the YogaDowload challenge D1 (thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon for the idea).
Today no meditatio yet, but 25 minutes Yogadownload challenge (YChallenge, shall we say?) D2.

Again I ate too much Saturday (we celebrate a belated Christmas with my second bro and his family, and they were homebound bc. of Covid for CHristmas) , and yesterday afternoon good eating but a bit more reasonible. I was careful with the Champagne those two days as, the week in the Alps with older bro, we drank not a lot - but daily, and my coagulation measures are again all over the place... Oh well, it will settle, LOL! So now two weeks dry and with lighter eating (meaning light, protein-based diner for me).

Day 89 of consecutive exercise (D60 on 04/12)


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Alchemist from France
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Meditation done yesterday afternoon, and after work I tried an ashtanga yoga class - quite a change of pace from my usual hatha, but I think I may like the challenge... Pondering which yoga class, the Tuesday evening or the thursday evening, I will add to my routine this year. We will see!
This morning YD challenge D4 - lots of balances, and at lunchtime my usual Wednesday noon Hatha Yoga class.
Yep, that makes a lot of yoga ;) That's my goal for January!

Day 91 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 03/01)


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Alchemist from France
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Sunday YD challenge D8, and meditation.
This morning YD Challenge D9, and 5 minutes breathing exercise.

Day 96 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 03/01)

Regarding last week:
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 5 days out of 7, first time in a long while I have been below my goal.
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good.
  • Fruits 7 times, good
  • Not-homemade meal : twice times, good.
  • Reading before bed 7 evenings, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 7 for 7 days, good.
  • Three class at the gym - including two yoga classes, goal attained. again, so that's good.


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Alchemist from France
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So, yesterday YD challenge D10 - "relaxing" series several days in a row, because I mostly do the shortest sequences because of time ; but heck... And 5 minutes breathing practice.

Today YD challenge D11 more challenging one, 5 minutes relaxation, and Hatha Yoga class at lunchtime.

Day 98 of consecutive exercise (D90 on 03/01)... D100 is coming near!