A new beginning (Ranger training)


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Hi everyone,

So I have been on this site for a while, starting and stopping and always beating myself up, and I think it is time to stop this vicious cycle.

Sadly I am a person that gets disheartened a bit to fast, then stop and then beat myself up about it. At the current moment it is so bad that I am wondering why I am even starting this thread as I will give up in 2 weeks time.... However, as I said, I want to try my utmost to stop this cycle.

I consider myself a Ranger as I used to love participating in obstacle courses in the past (like the Spartan) and loved them.

My 2 biggest issues are diet as well as keeping on with exercise.

So my plan is to first train a bit to lose weight (currently at 103 Kgs) and secondly to eat healthier.

For the first I am currently doing 2 of the programs (Square one as well as Arms of Steel Chair edition). I am also throwing in some pushups.
After that I want to incorporate some running into my training.

For number 2 I want to try eating more like a ranger would. So no processed foods and mainly vegetables that one could find naturally.
Perhaps even create a special training program for "Gathering" the food, maybe something like 10 squats per potato and carrot and 20 high knees for a chicken to start of with.

I really hope that me writing down my foods as well as exercises I will be a bit more accountable and hope that this is the start of a wonderful adventure.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Thank you all for welcomes :)

So it seems that the accountability part is already working as I did not want to write chocolate croissant as food, so I didnt get one :D

I change the Square one with Baseline so that I can have a streamline as well as strength program running.
Finished both day 1 on level 3.
Added a few pushups as well.

For for the day was a apple, protein shake and home made pasta with bolognaise sauce.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
So yesterday was a tad of a bad day. Whenever I go on a more strict eating plan and train I get cravings and go overboard and yesterday was that day.

Normally I stop after this as I feel do down to continue, but soldiered on and did Day 5 on both of the programs... and this time I was able to do the actual squats without knee pains.

Food wise I am not sure what I all ate but I know it was way over what I was supposed to have.

Will try mixing in some protein powder with my breakfast just to get some more nutrition


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Finished day 9 of both of the programs as well as some extra pushups.

I was going through some of the other peoples journeys and like how some people write down their food, hence

Scrambled eggs with bread

Nothing on that day

Once again pasta and bolognaise sauce

I had a look at the level 2 programs and want to continue with doing 1 strength and 1 stamina based program and will most likely settle with Arms of steel and Cardio Go. Especially since I will be starting the Couch 2 5K program as well.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 10 completed on both programs. Because they both had arm exercises I could really feel them... and now

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar (I bought a months supply of protein bars and shakes for a very low kilojoule diet but decided against it. So still have lots of stock)

Pork filet with baby potatoes and carrots

Feeling good about this run. Because I approached it differently then last time and not exercising to see results I feel a lot better about doing the, and dont get disheartened when something goes wrong.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 12 done.

Shoulders are a bit more sensitive than usual , but that is OK

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar

Thai red curry with the last bit of the leftover pork and some rice.

I did have some more snacks than usual with 2 bananas and a company sponsored doughnut. Seeing that I tried hard not to eat anything to sugary (I will avoid the word bad) the doughnut was delicious and well deserved :LOL:


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Ranger from South Africa
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Day 13 is behind me. with the added pushups I can really feel it

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Meal replacement shake

Chicken with egg fried rice

A extra apple and another doughnut (there were some left from the previous day)

So I weight myself this morning, which is not my usual weight in day, and I went up again. Will weigh myself tomorrow again. Me scale also does the body fat % and lean muscle measurements so will be interesting to see what the weight gain was about.

In the end I am not really that worried about it as I feel better and will most likely have to wear a belt before the end of the year


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
Ooh! I want a scale like yours! *drool* Do you realize that if you keep going thru tomorrow, you will have breached your expected two-week drop-out? How shall we celebrate your victory? Dance party?
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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
@OJJJEM I didnt even realise that to be honest :LOL:

I think what is busy getting me through is that for one I am looking at the long term goal right now and a few bumps wont matter in the grant scheme of things... the second thing is what Mianevem said: "Being able to get back on track is a more important skill than never failing at all."

There were even 3 days I didnt train on and I know I normally would have given up at that point.

Also, I am not 100% certain how accurate the scale is, but they had it on a special when I got it and it was just a tad more expensive than the standard one.

And a dance party sounds perfect :ragdoll:


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 14 done.

Weight in was at 101.7
So only lost 0.2 KGs but still happy about it

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar

Pasta and bolognaise sauce

I made some pancakes with chocolate spread. Might not be the best food, but in the end run I realized that if I don't cheat once in a while I end up buying the full shop.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Saturday did not go as planned sadly.
I had a lot of food I should not have had... I also did not exercise as I had a bit of a headache.
Not even going to bother posting the food here....

unlike ALL my other attempts, I did get back on the horse on Sunday, having completed Day 15 for both programs as well as additional pushups.

For the Baseline program I changed it up a bit and did jumping jacks instead of the side steps.

One of my weaknesses is core and back, just not sure what workout I can add that wont be to bad. Recommendations are of course welcome :)

Leftover pancakes

Meal replacement shake

Burger patties on a garlic roll

All in all a good day.

PS: At the moment I finished day 2 of week 2 of the 100 pushup challenge. Doing the middle column. This one


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 16 completed.

I once again added weights to my hands for the Arms of Steel exercise and managed to go through all 5 sets without rest. So I am definitely getting fitter. Used the tape measure and a online calculator to get my body fat % and currently it is on 27.43 %. I am not gonna measure it every week and also wont weight myself every week. So will most likely do it every 2 weeks, meaning the next measurements and weight in is at the end of this program

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar

Pasta with bolognaise sauce

A banana and a leftover pancake

I think pancakes are my kryptonite as they are easy to make and you are more than likely to have all ingredients at home


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
I think pancakes are my kryptonite as they are easy to make and you are more than likely to have all ingredients at home
I highly suggest experimenting with "from scratch" recipes using healthier ingredients when you come across foods that you just can't help but have an extra serving... or two... or three... ;) This way, you control the contents of your pancake batter as the maker of the mix. If possible, set a large container of dry ingredient mix on your counter and refill it from scratch when it empties. This way, you'll always have the healthier alternative to your vice in sight and in mind, rather than the premade packaged mix.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
@OJJJEM I actually make the pancakes from scratch :) The worst part is that I learned the recipe over 25 years ago when I went to scouts with a friend. Still use it to this day cause it is so simple.

And most of the times you have all the ingredients at home... but it is a bad habit, but for now my focus is on actually doing my exercises. If I do my exercises than I am happy :D The diet can come at a later stage.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 17 completed.

My legs are still sore from day 15. And I realized how bad my flexibility is. My 2 biggest weaknesses are core and flexibility.

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Meal replacement shake

Pork filet with roast potatoes (both done in convection oven)

A new stack of pancakes :noming:

For now I will focus on completing these 2 programs I am on now. One of my issues is that I overcomplicated things and then stop.

Once these are done I might do core + back program on level 2 paired with something else. Perhaps Foundation.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 18 done.

I can feel my body is rather stiff this morning. Also I REALLY need to start stretching as I can feel some areas pulling tighter.

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Packet of peanuts

Pork filet on bread

last of yesterdays pancakes... will try my hardest to make this the last batch.

There is a stretch routine I used to do with various yoga poses. I printed the pages out and later took photos as I can not seem to find the original website. Going to try to get them organized so I can post them here as I would really appreciate a opinion


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Ranger from South Africa
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Although day 19 is done I only managed to do it at level 2. Sadly I left my stretching for to long and I thing my sciatica is starting to act up.

This is usually one of the times when I stop as I really really really hate stretching... however I will take the next 3 days to do stretches focusing on lessening the pain and then hopefully start up Monday again


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Ranger from South Africa
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For the first time in a very long time (20 or so years) I managed to have a small break after straining myself to much, eating what I shouldnt and still get up on my horse.

Yesterday was day 20. However with the hamstring stretch of the baseline program I realised that I need to work on that and will start the Hamstring stretch workout to my routine


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Ranger from South Africa
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Last few days have been a tad hit and miss. Started exercising and for some reason felt really under the weather.

Day 21 is done

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar (only have 5 left so soon there will be a change)

Pork filet with carrots and potatoes

2 pancakes. Will also try to reduce that

I did the Monday stretch routine and I think the stretching was more exhausting than the actual exercises.
9 more days left..... And I think what I will do it add:

Training days streak: 1

A streak counter.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
Since you mentioned trying to reduce your pancake intake, I figured I'd share this tip with you. I have a major problem with over eating because my brain only ever gets the "hunger" signal... I never feel full and always think I'm starving, essentially... One of the things that I find helps me when I eat something that's not exactly considered "healthy" at the end of the day is to eat it with a "negative calorie" food. For instance, if I pig out on too many chocolate dipped pretzels for my snack this afternoon (anytime after 2pm), I will likely eat it with a romaine heart or some celery ribs... (apples are on my snack list today, and are also a negative calorie food, but I don't like pairing sugars with sugars in this event, and I actually try to avoid sugars after 2pm overall)


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
That is a nice tip @OJJJEM . Thank you, should try that. Another thing that I am thinking about it getting fruits that are in season, dipping them into dark chocolate and freezing them.

For me the issue is that I have a insane sweet tooth and stress eat. The issue is that if I get both of those under control I go on a sort of binge where I will buy half the shop.


Day 22 is done

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein shake (also 5 left, I think)

Pork filet on bread with cheese tomato and egg

Bee Sting pastry

Tuesdays stretches are also done. And wow do I have flexibility issues

Training days streak: 2

Busy looking at the other programs to choose my next ones but have a strong idea which ones already


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55

Day 23 is done

However I only managed to do level 2 of the baseline program as I could really feel it on my lower back

Oats with a apple and protein powder

Protein bar

Pork filet on bread with cheese

Apple and a Banana

Wednesday stretches done, but I did not hole the stretches, but rather did it in a slow motion

Training days streak: 3


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Ranger from South Africa
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So I was out for a bit so there will be a longer update now.

Not 100% sure what food I ate so will be omitting it

Was not in the mood for the usual exercises so did the Smiter workout

Day 25 is done

Day 26 is done

Day 27 is done

3 days left before I go into the new programs.

At this moment I am thinking of the following 3:
Arms of Steel
Cardio Go
Back and Core

The training will be longer but I believe the 3 workouts complement each other nicely.

Training day streak: 7


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 28 on both the programs done.

I can already smell the victory line and hear the shouting of the voices

2 more days and I will go for another weigh in as well as tape measure... although I am not looking forward to it.

In the end run though my goal was to train more persistent and not give up, which I have accomplished.. Better food choices will come next week with the new programs

Training day streak: 8


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
I look forward to celebrating your results with you! Unless the results are less than desirable... then I will look forward to wallowing on your behalf to a mountain of chicken and a show that I probably don't want to watch... all for you, of course.... *snickers*

But seriously! I'm really happy for you for your perseverance.


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55
Day 29 on both the programs done.

Training day streak: 9

Day 30 on both the programs done.

After this day my arms are burning.

So I had a look at my scale and sadly the results are no 100% what I wanted... I went back up 105.5 KGs from 101.7 a gain of 3.8 KGs (8.4 pounds). however... 1.6 KGs of that is lean muscle. So even though I did not lose weight and gained some more fat, I am also glad that half of my weight gain is also from lean muscle, and I will take that as a win.

More importantly... my goal for this training now was to get back into swing, not worry about diet and worry about actually doing the full program for a change... which I have.

So that to me is a resounding victory!!!

However,,, some nice chicken does sound delicious :D

Training day streak: 10


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
Congrats on improving your measures, even if they weren't what you had wanted. Perseverance is your biggest win, and that's the best win to have!
Ze chickenzes was delicious! (I was gonna eat it whether you succeeded or not, because chicken is just beautiful when it's prepped and cooked to perfection!)

(Special thanks to Google Images for providing the picture)


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Ranger from South Africa
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Posts: 55

Cardio Go!

Day 1: who knew so many half jumping jacks could burn so much. halfway through and the burn was real... Gritted my teeth and pushed through

Arms of Steel
Day 1: very similar to the seated version... but after the Cardio Go my shoulders really felt it

Back and Core
Day 1: Why oh why do I do this... After the high knees from Cardio Go!, doing leg raises wasnt fun... I am sensing a pattern.

Seeing that I managed to stick to my goal to finish the programs I am setting another goal. I was thinking of no sugar but ended up with intermittent fasting.

Lets see what the results say after +- 30 days.

The training today took just over 50 minutes