Exercising towards a better tomorrow!

Antheia & Colossus

Active member
from Warsaw, PL
Posts: 40
Thanks! @MadamMeow

A busy night, but they don't bother me anywhere near as much as they used to, so got all my exercising done this morning:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Single Leg Hops (EotD) done,
From The Ashes (WotD) done (1 set),
Day 2 of Fighters Codex done,
Day 3 of Standing Abs done,
Day 3 of Power Walk done,
Day 30 of Unbound done (All done! Going to keep repeating this one for my stretches though),
Sore Feet done.

Yesterday ended up being a chore and watching old Dr. Who (The Claws of Axos) day, so nothing to do today except try and dodge the rain for some grocery shopping, it's Taco Monday!

See y'all tomorrow!
Congrats on finishing Unbound! :yas:


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 294
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14"
Congrats on finishing Unbound! :approve:

The Claws of Axos! Isn’t that the 3rd Doctor? My husband got me into Doctor Who - I started with 10 and now sometimes I watch the classic series on Pluto. Great show!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,249
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @FlowersandPetals @Maegaranthelas @Antheia & Colossus @Obsinosterous @VacTom @Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @JCU @Tranquil_warrior

@FlowersandPetals -Yes, it was the Third Doctor at his grumpiest!

I didn't have a lot of success with my exercises this morning, I tried but I'm just too cold and tired today (It was another very busy night):-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Burpees Jumping Squats (EotD) done (Still not up to doing Burpees),
Mighty Snail (WotD) attempted (1 set, Couldn't do the Plank Walkouts or Rotations, they made me dizzy),
Day 3 of Fighters Codex attempted (1 set, too much getting up and down, I'll try this one again tomorrow),
Day 4 of Standing Abs done,
Day 4 of Power Walk done.

Hopefully I'll be able to do better tomorrow, I'll see y'all then!