Exercising towards a better tomorrow!

Antheia & Colossus

Well-known member
from Warsaw, PL
Posts: 106
Thanks! @MadamMeow

A busy night, but they don't bother me anywhere near as much as they used to, so got all my exercising done this morning:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Single Leg Hops (EotD) done,
From The Ashes (WotD) done (1 set),
Day 2 of Fighters Codex done,
Day 3 of Standing Abs done,
Day 3 of Power Walk done,
Day 30 of Unbound done (All done! Going to keep repeating this one for my stretches though),
Sore Feet done.

Yesterday ended up being a chore and watching old Dr. Who (The Claws of Axos) day, so nothing to do today except try and dodge the rain for some grocery shopping, it's Taco Monday!

See y'all tomorrow!
Congrats on finishing Unbound! :yas:


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from USA
Posts: 482
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
Congrats on finishing Unbound! :approve:

The Claws of Axos! Isn’t that the 3rd Doctor? My husband got me into Doctor Who - I started with 10 and now sometimes I watch the classic series on Pluto. Great show!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @FlowersandPetals @Maegaranthelas @Antheia & Colossus @Obsinosterous @VacTom @Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @JCU @Tranquil_warrior

@FlowersandPetals -Yes, it was the Third Doctor at his grumpiest!

I didn't have a lot of success with my exercises this morning, I tried but I'm just too cold and tired today (It was another very busy night):-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Burpees Jumping Squats (EotD) done (Still not up to doing Burpees),
Mighty Snail (WotD) attempted (1 set, Couldn't do the Plank Walkouts or Rotations, they made me dizzy),
Day 3 of Fighters Codex attempted (1 set, too much getting up and down, I'll try this one again tomorrow),
Day 4 of Standing Abs done,
Day 4 of Power Walk done.

Hopefully I'll be able to do better tomorrow, I'll see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Mamatigerj @NancyTree @Princess Fancy

@TopNotch - He's not my favourite, that's either Fourth or Seventh, but I don't dislike any of them.

I'm really struggling with my exercises at the moment.
I thought I'd reached a nice equilibrium between getting enough sleep and still looking after the Housemate, then her Night Terrors decided to go into overdrive :exhausted:, had to skip working out altogether yesterday, tried a bit harder today though:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Twists (EotD) done,
Hunter (WotD) done (1 set with 10 Knee Push-Ups),
Day 5 of Standing Abs done,
Day 5 of Power Walk done,
Day 1 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

So I think this will be the plan for now, concentrate on my challenges, try and do at least the Exercise of the Day and 1 set of the Workout of the Day but leave Fighters Codex for now (One day I'll get that one done! :teary:).
At least the weather is nice today, gotta go get the ingredients for Minestrone Soup, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @Antheia & Colossus

Sleep! Glorious sleep!
8 hours (5 uninterrupted) of solid slumber and I can tackle all the exercises:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Plank Crunches (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
Here & Now (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 3 of Fighter's Codex attempted (3 sets, I was all Push-Uped out by then),
Day 6 of Standing Abs done,
Day 6 of Power Walk done,
Day 2 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

So change of plans, going to stick with Fighter's Codex but not worry if I have to take a little break from it now and again.
Leftover Minestrone Soup for dinner (Technically, more of a Minestrone Stew because the amount of vegetable stock seemed far too much so I halved it), see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @Mamatigerj

Argh! So many Night Terrors!
Luckily the Housemate stopped freaking out about 5am, so I got a bit of sleep at least:-

Universal Warmup done:-
40 W Extentions (EotD) done (Surprised I got these done in one go),
Whisper (WotD) done (1 set),
Day 4 of Fighter's Codex done,
Day 7 of Standing Abs done,
Day 7 of Power Walk done,
Day 3 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

Weather doesn't want to improve, looks like I'm going to have to brave the freezing fog for my daily walk :whaa:, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @Lady Celerity - I try, but I don't always make it, today was a close call...

It was very cold this morning, I managed a bit of exercising, but lacked the enthusiasm to tackle Fighter's Codex:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Squats (EotD) done,
Sculptor (WotD) attempted (Did Knee Push-Ups and only half the Backfists),
Day 8 of Standing Abs done,
Day 8 of Power Walk done,
Day 4 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

Despite the town doing its best Silent Hill impression, going out in the fog yesterday proved worthwhile, I found some of the trousers I like in a sale.
Also made it to the halfway point of my Gravity Falls rewatch, still just as good a show as ever, kinda terrified to realise it's over 10 years old now though!

Lets see how well next week goes, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Gravity Falls is the best! We also love The Great North :bouncy:

Haven't heard of that one, I'll have to add it to my never-ending list of things I want to watch.

Starting a new week, since Fighter's Codex looked rather daunting I did that first and then decided if I had enough energy for anything else:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 5 of Fighter's Codex attempted (got most of it done, but my hips couldn't manage many of the Double Turning Kicks),
50 High Knees (EotD) done,
Day 9 of Standing Abs done,
Day 9 of Power Walk done,
Day 5 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

It's looking a lot nicer outside than it has, so it shouldn't be so cold on my daily walk (Gotta buy some mushrooms for dinner), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Any recommendations from your list, maybe some interesting animations? :)

Honestly nothing new animation-wise has grabbed me for a while (I was looking forward to Creature Commandos, but that turned out to be kinda meh), that's why I've been rewatching older shows (And I started doing that because of the new 10th anniversary short they did for Over The Garden Wall).
I also wanna add Central Park to the list if you're a fan of music and musicals. :)
Not huge on musicals but I'll give it a try!

Tired but determined today :strong: :-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold (EotD) done,
54 Squats for @Laura Rainbow Dragon 's Birthday (I think I was supposed to do these yesterday, sorry!),
Day 6 of Fighter's Codex done (Going to keep doing these first when they look intimidating),
Day 10 of Standing Abs done,
Day 10 of Power Walk done,
Day 6 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

Watched Harold and the Purple Crayon last night, surprised me by being rather good for a kids movie (I have a habit of sticking very random stuff on my DVD rental list, and then having no idea why I thought that would be something I'd watch :thinking:).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
@Laura Rainbow Dragon -You're welcome!

Got a decent night's sleep, Housemate has caught a bad cold which, ironically, makes her easier to look after.
Fighter's Codex still wiped me out though, and I didn't even finish it :sadness::-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Reverse Plank Kicks (EotD) done (Surprised myself by doing these),
Day 7 of Fighter's Codex attempted (Managed 2 and 1/2 sets before my hips had had enough),
Day 11 of Standing Abs done,
Day 11 of Power Walk done,
Day 7 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

I did a lot of walking yesterday, so taking it a little easier today, going to make Blue Cheese Spaghetti for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
@TopNotch - I try. I could certainly do with eating more veggies and less meat though, and just healthier recipes in general probably.

@PetiteSheWolf - Blue Cheese makes (Almost) everything better!

@NightWolf714 - If you're interested I could send you a copy of the recipe. (It comes out of a book, so I can't just throw up a link unfortunately.)

Now I haz cold :mask: (And I only managed to get to sleep at 6am).
Fortunately there wasn't anything too energetic in today's workouts so I could manage them all:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Jack Squats (EotD) done (Glad these had a video, I thought they involved jumping),
Limitless (WotD) done,
Day 8 of Fighter's Codex done (Very certain I didn't do these kicks anywhere near slow or precise enough),
Day 12 of Standing Abs done,
Day 12 of Power Walk done (The longer days on this are starting to get tedious already, gotta remember to put some music on next time!),
Day 8 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

I made an important decision today. Going to give the Housemates nighttime terrors/confusion until the end of the month to start improving, if they don't I'm going to get in touch with Social Services about changing her caring setup. Sadly, I suspect it will just be a gigantic waste of time that will only result in getting the Housemate angry with me (She's not going to accept additional carers, or go into a care home voluntarily (Which, I suspect, is the option they'll suggest)), but I do have to try something before my brain starts to get really frazzled.
Didn't get a chance to make my spaghetti last night, so I don't have to think about what's for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!


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Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
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Posts: 308
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Thank you. But if he tries it, he'd probably experiment with it instead. He's a bit adventurous with cooking sometimes, haha.

I'm glad you're setting a limit and maybe looking at further options. Unfortunately, it sounds like it'll mostly be a matter of trying to convince your housemate that you need help or that you'll need a carer yourself. :C


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @Antheia & Colossus @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon - Unfortunately the Housemate is taking a bit of a "Head in the Sand" approach to her health, me looking after her is fine because I've been doing it so long, but getting extra help of any kind means she can't ignore how poorly she is now.

For anyone interested, here's that Spaghetti recipe:-
Blue Cheese Spaghetti (For 2 People).
1 Lemon (Zested),
1/2 Lemon (Juiced),
2 Garlic Cloves (Finely Chopped),
1 Spring Onion (Sliced),
1 tsp Dried Parsley,
1 tbsp Mirin,
30g Chopped Nuts,
100g Blue Cheese (Cubed),
30g Breadcrumbs,
150g Mushrooms (Sliced),
150g Spaghetti,
1 tbsp Flour,
2 tbsp Butter.

1. Cook Spaghetti, keeping 1 Cup of Pasta Water,
2. Melt 1 tbsp Butter in a small pan, fry Garlic, Spring Onion, Breadcrumbs and Nuts for 3 minutes, add Lemon Zest and a pinch of salt, set aside.
3. Melt 1 tbsp Butter in a large pan, fry Mushrooms for 3 minutes, add Flour, stir for 1 minute, add Mirin, stir for 1 minute.
4. Add Pasta Water, Blue Cheese and Parsley, cook for 4 minutes.
5. Stir in Lemon Juice and Spaghetti.
6. Serve in bowls and top with the Breadcrumb/Nut mix.

Still pretty full of cold, so I'm doing afternoon exercises today, Fighter's Codex was a little too much for today though:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Knee Strikes (EotD) done,
Monk Mode (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 13 of Standing Abs done,
Day 13 of Power Walk done,
Day 9 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

Going to take it easy for the rest of the day, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,217
"Striving to be the change."
Unfortunately the Housemate is taking a bit of a "Head in the Sand" approach to her health, me looking after her is fine because I've been doing it so long, but getting extra help of any kind means she can't ignore how poorly she is now.
The Housemate needs to stop making everything about herself. The extra help is for you. Because you continuing to do everything is not fine at all.


Well-known member
Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
Pronouns: They/she
Posts: 308
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @Antheia & Colossus @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon - Unfortunately the Housemate is taking a bit of a "Head in the Sand" approach to her health, me looking after her is fine because I've been doing it so long, but getting extra help of any kind means she can't ignore how poorly she is now.
That's definitely a difficult one! It's kinda understandable that she doesn't want to see how bad things are. That comes with a ton of emotions and grief and such. However, it's not fair that you have to struggle like this either. And it may help to state it as it being more about helping you out. But yeah, she's gonna have to realize that things need to change because this isn't a very good long term solution. (That's why I'm happy you have a backup plan.)

I'm sorry you are in this situation. This all has to be so incredibly difficult for you for a number of reasons.


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @Laura Rainbow Dragon - Unfortunately that's just how she is, but we've had 2 Nurses and a Paramedic (It's been an interesting couple of days) point out how badly we're managing at the moment, so hopefully that's sunk in a bit.

Had to miss yesterday, my cold got really bad and I spent the day shivering under a blanket, still feeling rough today but could manage a light workout:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Side-to-Side Lunges with Toe Point (EotD) done,
Ladybug (WotD) done,
Day 14 of Standing Abs done,
Day 14 of March Steps done,
Day 10 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

Having another quiet day, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714 @Lady Celerity @Antheia & Colossus @Maegaranthelas

I tried a bit too hard today, thought I was up to doing a bit of Fighter's Codex, I was not:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Bear Plank Hold (EotD) done,
Day 9 of Fighter's Codex attempted (Managed to struggle through one set, I'll give it a day or two and try again),
Day 15 of Standing Abs done,
Day 15 of Power Walk done,
Day 11 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

It's a grocery shopping day, hopefully, running low on food, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Was waiting for someone all morning, so it's afternoon exercising time:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Toe Tap Hops (EotD) done,
Shredder (WotD) done (3 sets, with 5 Knee Push-Ups a time),
Day 16 of Standing Abs done,
Day 16 of Power Walk done (Still a bit boring even with music),
Day 12 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

Cold is almost gone, I've just got a blocked nose to sort out.
Chicken and Gnocchi for dinner tonight, if I can get to the greengrocers before they close (Couldn't get any Baby Spinach yesterday), still waiting for people though :sadness: .
See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @MadamMeow

Missed yesterday as it ended up being a long old day of sitting up all night with the Housemate, waiting for medical people and then more waiting in hospital.
Still pretty tired this morning, but as it looked fairly light workout-wise, thought I'd give it a shot:-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Heel Get-Ups (EotD) done,
Stakeout (WotD) done,
Day 17 of Standing Abs done,
Day 17 of Power Walk done,
Day 13 of Unbound done,
Ankle Recovery done.

On the plus side I got a lot of reading done yesterday and finished season 3 of FROM (A show I dropped after being disappointed with last season, but I've come to accept I love it despite its many flaws).
Gotta visit the Housemate later, see how long she'll be in hospital, I doubt it will be long this time given how overwhelmed the place seemed to be yesterday.
See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,319
Thanks! @NightWolf714

Missed yesterday because I was asleep! (Literally, I took advantage of the Housemate being in hospital to catch up on my sleep, I switched my alarm off and slept for over 13 hours.)
Didn't make that mistake today:-

Universal Warmup,
30 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done,
Rowdy (WotD) done,
Day 18 of Standing Abs done,
Day 18 of Power Walk done,
Day 14 of Unbound done,
Sore Feet done.

I've accepted that Fighter's Codex is still a bit too much for me right now (When Team Bee get to rejigging it I wouldn't be surprised to see it get bumped up to a level 4 program), so I'm just going to do the Workout of the Day for the rest of the month, start a new program in February.

Another trip to see the Housemate today, she's going to be in the Hospital over the weekend at least, then figure out what's for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,217
"Striving to be the change."
Missed yesterday because I was asleep! (Literally, I took advantage of the Housemate being in hospital to catch up on my sleep, I switched my alarm off and slept for over 13 hours.)
Didn't make that mistake today:-
I'm thinking that was not so much a mistake. Sleep is important! And you've been deprived of it far too often recently.
I'm happy you're able to take some time now to rest.