60 Days of Walking Day 39 - decided to go up a mountain I've only been up once before. I had been a bit disappointed because the track, though steep, was all tarmac and steps and it wasn't so interesting. But there had to be other routes, right? There always are. And I found one. And it was certainly challenging! Part of the track had an incline of 24% - which for those of you who, like me, have (in my case, had) no idea what that actually means, it means that for every 10cm forward I moved, I also moved 2.4cm upward. It certainly had me panting! It was tough. The masochist in me says to do it again!
Left or right? I chose left. (This was the easier bit...)
Dogs get something to drink. People had to bring their own!
And you can just make out a bit of snow from the recent fall on Mt Gingera.
Still in a t-shirt but sometimes the wind made it rather chilly. Might not be too long now before the long sleeve stay on.
Code of Abs Day 30
From Walking to Running Day 23
One-Minute Meditation Day 2
Lower Abs Day 9 = -1
Taekwondo. My partner observed today that I wasn't even really trying with a drill we had to do. In the first one, he held a paddle at chin height (my chin) and I was just to swing my leg up (rather than actually do an instep kick) and hit the paddle and if it looked too easy, the holder was to lift the paddle. Yeah, that was pretty easy. The next drill was outswing (or outer crescent) kick, again more of a swing than a kick requiring power so that was also very easy for me. I'm not bad at outswing because I'm flexible and can generally get my leg to brush past my chest. The leg goes out across the body, up and over to the side in a wide arc. You can get higher and hit a closer opponent if you can get your leg closer to your body as it swings around. So he held the paddle and I swung my leg up and over and he lifted the paddle and stepped closer and it was all a bit of fun. Lots of side kick training today - on the floor, against the wall, then actually doing it, first in steps then as a whole.
I've been thinking about my proposed trip, trying not to feel guilty for leaving my children to go off on a merry frolic of my own. Thought I'd got over that, actually, then the Lad asked today if I were leaving tomorrow. I said no, and asked when he wanted me to leave. He asked, "Can I say the year?" The answer was 1 Jan, 3000! I guess it's because I've always been here. I've been the constant. They can all troop off to wherever they want - camp, down the coast, sleepovers at friends' places, wherever, but they know that I'm always
always here. And now I'm proposing, for a few weeks, not to be here. Bloody guilt.