Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Thanks, @CODawn

:v: 60 Days of Walking Day 60

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 23
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 14
:v: Lower Abs Day 30 = -1 (and so I end with an easy day!)
:v: Destress Day 14

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

There was rain this morning, but by the time we were ready to go out, it was just kind of grey. Eventually found our way to where we wanted to be, and here, proof there was some blue sky!


It didn't last very long, though:

All about rocks, today. The colours and patterns were just so cool. I dropped a few in my coat pockets.

Couldn't take this one, though:
Or these...

Now, let's get all science-geeky. Below is the Sugarloaf. It looks like sand but it's rock. It was formed from boulders and sediment deposited in a lake which formed when the ice sheet began melting in the Permian era (around 280 million years ago). This area presents the best record of Permian glaciation in Australia. Cool, hey? (and yeah, I couldn't resist the pun!).

Here you can see gouges made by retreating glaciers, back when this was part of Gondwanaland.
Science lesson over for the day. :LOL:


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
You're quite welcome @PetiteSheWolf @Tileenah and @Whirly
Thank you, @Fremen @Tileenah @Montserrat (it surely did! Think this was a little too long, perhaps. Still, I got to take some walk I might not have done otherwise.) and @Whirly

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 24
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 15
:v: Destress Day 15

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Actually got a real hike in today! And there was lots of blue sky!! Walking by the sea is all very interesting and I love the power and fury that the sea can display, but really, it ennervates me. I could watch it for hours (probably) but it doesn't make me feel like doing anything. The sea makes me feel lazy. Mountains on the other hand. The quiet, solid majesty of mountains invigorates me. I am filled with power from mountains and nothing is impossible. And today, I got to go into the mountains. :) So here are some mountain pictures. I took the track by myself so I could go at my usual pace which was very nice. Just after I started though, I had a magic moment, one of those serendipitous things that make Life bright. I saw a nice straight tall tree with interesting striations down the bark. As I looked up and up and up at it, I saw, quite high up, two rainbow lorikeets who were nesting in a small hollow in the tree. I watched them for a few minutes, thinking that if I hadn't stopped to admire the tree, I would never have seen the birds (can you see them? They were easier to see with just my eyes). And you know, all through the rest of my walk, I never saw any more lorikeets.


Some hills - or are these mountains? And that's Adelaide in the distance.

I took this picture from a lookout (note the edge of the railing on the bottom right)...

...that was here. And this picture was taken from the area in the above picture!

There are some waterfalls here, and I walked over the walkway over the top of this one before continuing around the hills.

Here is another one:

And once I got back down to 'ground' level, mum (who hadn't been up to the hike, hence I got to do it myself and it was pleasantly challenging but not very hard) and I went for a relatively flat walk to see it close up.

Now, what to do tomorrow... Other, of course, than starting the new challenge and another programme. :LOL:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 1

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 25
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 16
:v: Epic Glutes Day 1
:v: Destress Day 16

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

It took us twice as long as expected to get where we wanted to go because we could not find an open gate! Finally we got somewhere and our only option of walks/hikes at this point was a relatively gentle 1k walk to a lookout or a 6k grade 4 hike. Mum's not even up to grade 3 hikes (like what I did yesterday), so we did the walk to the lookout.

Wallabies on the way.

From the lookout. This is known as the Punchbowl.

On the way back, there was another path which beguiled us into following it. It started to get the better of mum after a bit and finally she stopped and sent me on to the end of it. It was a one-way path so once I reached the end, I had to turn around and do it all again, but backwards. It was a little easier backwards. I think you can guess from the graph where mum would have stopped! A decline (and subsequent incline) of about 140m in about 500m! I've gone down slippery-dips with less of a slope.

The view at the bottom was worth it, though, the Punchbowl Waterhole.

And cool rocks.

Now, if you scroll back up to the view from the lookout, there is a black spot around the middle of the picture but up a bit. That's where these Waterhole pictures were taken. Total of 5.49k in about 1½ hours.
From being a little disappointed at the beginning to being absolutely spent but satisfied in the end - overall, a pretty good day. :)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 2

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 26
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 17
:v: Epic Glutes Day 2
:v: Destress Day 17

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Had a lazy day today. Very grey out. Helped mum do some kitchen re-organising so was moving but not really clocking up those steps. Went for a walk late afternoon to make up for it. 5.3k in 1hr 6min - Henley Jetty to Grange Jetty along the beach. Chose a good time for it.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 3

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 27
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 18
:v: Epic Glutes Day 3
:v: Destress Day 18

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Went for a walk today. It's been a bit hard for mum, so we're taking it easy. Walked along the river, quite pleasant. A shade over 6k (though mum's GPS said 6.9k and I was the one who took little detours!).
Started working out my route back eastward. Can't stay here much longer. Don't want to wear out my welcome!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 5

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 29
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 20
:v: Epic Glutes Day 5
:v: Destress Day 20

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Better leave here soon! Think mum's trying to fatten me up. :LOL: She's also been happily exclaiming about how easy it is to put things away in her kitchen since I sorted it out for her. :welcome:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 6

:v: One-Minute Meditation Day 30
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 21
:v: Epic Glutes Day 6
:v: Destress Day 21

:v: Writing
:v: Reading - mum had given me a book of 545 pages a couple of days ago and I wasn't even half-way through this morning so I spent a good part of the day reading. The story wasn't bad but there was so much that was totally superfluous.

Mum has a Pilates Body Toner Gym machine and she showed me how it worked - by getting me onto it. Then I showed her how it worked, by fixing the hand pulleys, telling her how to attach the leg cables, and demonstrating that it had three incline levels. No, I don't have one of these - I just looked at it. She's very happy again. And what with the sorting out we did today,
Snl My Work Here Is Done GIF by Saturday Night Live

Had thought I'd leave tomorrow but the forecast is for a deluge here and where I'm heading so I'll wait until Thursday. It's just started with some rain and thunder now tonight.
My brother came over for dinner. Apart from this trip, the last time I saw him was, I think, before my son was born. As usual, when we said goodbye, we did not touch. That's just how we are. :LOL: I did take a couple of photos of him alone and with mum, though.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 7

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 22
:v: Epic Glutes Day 7
:v: Destress Day 22

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Spent much of the day out. Went to get mum a dog from the RSPCA but the one she wanted wasn't available so she got a cat. She's a total demanding sook! Lovely. :)
Heading off tomorrow. There's going to be rain...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 8

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 23
:v: Epic Glutes Day 8
:v: Destress Day 23

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Road Trip Car GIF by giphystudios2021

I think today's trip is my planned longest because I hadn't particularly wanted to stop anywhere. Only about 400km, though. It's a bit windy, drizzled when I wanted to make dinner (had a cheese sandwich instead), and I can see my breath in my tent. A bloke from a nearby caravan invited me to share his fire but you know me - I'm not a joiner. :LOL: When I saw the name of this place on the map, I so absolutely had to go here, which is why tonight I'm camped at Lake Ratzcastle.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 9

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 24
:v: Epic Glutes Day 9
:v: Destress Day 24

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

It was sunny this morning!

Moving away from swamp lands and lakes, I headed towards mountains and waterfalls.

I can walk backwards with my eyes closed on a balance beam, but put me on a 1m wide metal walkway over water and I'm sure I'm gonna fall!

I think there is a mosquito in my tent...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 10

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 25
:v: Epic Glutes Day 10
:v: Destress Day 25

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

When I snuggled down into my sleeping bag, there was just me and two campervans a bit away. Then there was a lot of noise. I woke up to this (that's me on the right). Bloody long weekend.

Took a bit of a walk through the Little Desert - didn't look desert-like to me!

Had to drive on some fairly narrow roads. At least they were bitumen! This bloke pulled over so I could pass on the road. Fun when meeting another car coming the other way, both doing 100kph!

Stopped off at Melville Caves, the purported lair of the bushranger, Captain Melville. Not real caves, just boulders and slabs of rock (I don't reckon the steps are original...)



Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
(This'll be Sunday now - no phone connection where I camped)
:v: Shadebound Day 11

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 26
:v: Epic Glutes Day 11
:v: Destress Day 26

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Right, so I camped at Whroo (pronounced Roo), which is a no-longer existing town in the Goldfields. Realising that, with the long weekend I might have a problem getting a campsite at my next stop, I decided to stay 2 nights at Whroo - no connection notwithstanding!
As a result, morning found me taking a leisurely 8.68k wander through the forest.
First port of call was the old cemetery.

Imagine having 8 children, only 2 of whom got to have a birthday!
On to Balaklava Mine - so called because the first gold nugget was picked up on the day of the Battle of Balaklava in Russia.
Unfortunately, the steps were closed off. I was tempted to jump the barrier but there were people around...
This was also fenced off - the mine tunnels.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 12

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 27
:v: Epic Glutes Day 12
:v: Destress Day 27

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

Rather a boring day on the road today which was a shame as it was actually sunny! I stopped for tea and a chocolate eclairs (okay, earlier I'd also stopped at a bakery :LOL: ) and took this picture to prove the sun. Yesterday had been resolutely grey all day but at least no rain.

At my last campsite now. Not where I had hoped to be but that site (now?) appears to be no camping. So I'm in town, with car noises around, and caravans near me. Oh well.
Lots of traffic today, fortunately all of it going the other way!
Back home tomorrow.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 13

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 28
:v: Epic Glutes Day 13
:v: Destress Day 28

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

So it's all over bar the shouting - or rather, all the tidying away and clearing up.
The morning dawned relatively fine:
but it wasn't to last. I set off for the nearby Nature Reserve where koalas had been reintroduced back in the 70s. Supposed to be 200 of the things - didn't see even one! The track was the worst I've been on - and I've been on some pretty hairy ones this last month! Patches of dark mud, churned up by other tyres, and puddles. A couple of times the car was moving sideways through the mud, even though I was driving slowly and very carefully. The track was narrow and the trees were close! Still, made it out unscathed! I couldn't drive all the way to the trail head though. I think there are times with a 2WD vehicle when discretion is the better part of valour!
Still, the view along the Murrumbidgee River was great.

Rain was forecast so I headed off. I didn't manage to keep ahead of it, though, and worse - it didn't even clean my car!
It was with a strange sense of comfort that I returned to my part of the country, with hills and mountains. No shore, being inland, but I don't really like the sea. No real lakes (our only lake here is a man-made one) but there are a couple of rivers around. Most importantly, for me, there are hills and mountains to climb!
All up, on this 27-day journey (oops, originally intended it to be only 3 weeks!), my little car travelled a total of 3988km. Mum did most of the driving when I was in Adelaide so that I could admire the scenery, and that would have been an additional couple of hundred k.
I had a really good time. Only two of my proposed campsites were busts, requiring me once to get a room in a motel and once (yesterday) I was able to find another campsite. A few of the trails I had wanted to walk were closed/unavailable, and with mum, I couldn't do some of the harder tracks that I would have liked to have done. Over all, though, it was very good, and I have taken some excellent photos. Hope you have enjoyed a few of them.
Now here I am, back with a purry cat drooling on my lap,
Im Home GIF
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 14

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 29
:v: Epic Glutes Day 14
:v: Destress Day 29

:v: Writing
:v: Reading

What a surprise - spent much of the day tidying up! Set up my tent in the training room, hanging the fly over the pull-up bar, and gave it a good washing. I'll pack it up tomorrow once it's nice and dry.
When I went downstairs to the laundry, I saw a sulphur-crested cockatoo sitting on the ground, eating the seeds I'd thrown for the chicken. It flapped up into a tree when I got too near so I grabbed some wild bird seed that I happened to have and:
And then the bugger had the effrontery to bite me! Humph.
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 15

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 30
:v: Epic Glutes Day 15
:v: Destress Day 30

:v: Taekwondo. Not many people here tonight, and I was welcomed back which is always nice. After warm-up, in lines we did various fitness activities - three push-ups then jog to the other end; three burpees; get up from lying prone and supine; leg raises; instep kick - fun stuff like that. Then we did some stretching. Grading is coming up soon (not for me, though), so people were split off into pattern groups. There were two teen black belts and two adult black belts "left over", so the coach told us to go do Koryo and/or Keumgang. We did Koryo two or three times. The other adult had forgotten Keumgang so he stepped out for it, and the girl teen didn't know it, so the boy and I did it after Koryo. Finally, we were all together again and group by group, people showed their skills. Surprisingly, the coach called on the black belts. He doesn't normally do this because we're not grading. So the two teens and I got up and we did Koryo. I thought that would be it, but the coach insisted that we do Keumgang. Now, I haven't done any poomsae for over a month, and I can't remember the last time I actually did Keumgang, but I didn't screw up too much. I was wobbly as all get-out, though! Bambi on ice had nothing on me! It didn't help that I had done some jumping kicks up the line and my knee violently objected (case of too much, too soon, I think), so that didn't help. Still, I didn't put my foot down (wobbles would only get a .1 deduction, but if you put your foot down, that's a .3 deduction). Only when I was driving home did I realise how appallingly I had done one part of the pattern, when I had been focusing on getting one hand to do an inner block and the other to do a back-fist while turning 90°. I have always had trouble with this bit and I was so focused on my hands that I completely forgot to do the feet properly! Fortunately, when you're doing a higher pattern, not many people watching know exactly what it's supposed to look like! :LOL: I really have to drill that section.

:v: Writing
:v: Reading - I'm not sure if I can continue with the book I'm currently reading. There are just cringe-worthy parts, and the hero twice smelt cordite after a gun was fired, but cordite hasn't been used in firearms since about 1945, and I don't think the SAS would be packing old guns! I hate it when people don't do their research.

A month or so ago, it was Walk To School Day, and the Lad quite liked that, so he's asked me if I will walk him to school every day now. We start tomorrow (I'd forgotten and was still in bed this morning!).

Mum gave me dad's pocket-watch collection when I was over there. Just ones that he'd picked up secondhand from various places, nothing totally cool. Only one out of the five was working, but yesterday I got another one working, a rather nice 14K gold, lever-set watch which dates between 1910 and (possibly) 1917. Nothing flashy but it's a nice piece and I'm rather happy with it - and it's perfectly acceptable now to wear a pocket watch with a pair of jeans! :)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Thanks, @Fremen @BetaCorvi @Tileenah @Montserrat @Mamatigerj (long time, no see!)

:v: Shadebound Day 16

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 1 - gotta keep working those pushups!
:v: Walk and Run Day 1 - now I'm not doing such long daily walks, got to get that cardio somehow. You know how I love cardio...
:v: Epic Glutes Day 16
:v: Lower Abs Day 1 - Keeping those abs in check. I have a goal...
:v: Destress Day 1 - who needs stress? :LOL:

:v: Walk. 2.6k x 2. The Lad wants me not only to walk him to school, but also back. So that'll get me a daily 5k and him half of that.

:v: Writing. Got quite a lot done today.
:v: Reading. Tried a bit more of that book, but really it was just too bad to continue. There's only so much time left in my life - do I really want to waste it reading stuff like that? Started another book. When I was in Adelaide, mum and I went to a charity shop and I picked up a heap of books (all in excellent condition). Today I sorted them out and I have 17 new-to-me authors. Cool. :cool:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,327
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 19

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 4
:v: Walk and Run Day 4
:v: Epic Glutes Day 19
:v: Lower Abs Day 4
:v: Destress Day 4

:v: Walk. 2.6k x 2. It was cold today. I forgot to put on my coat when I went out to the shops today. :facepalm: Thought it would be okay because I'd be inside in shops, right? Except that I'd forgotten I needed to get petrol. And, of course, going to the shops and back to the car - brr. The temp was almost 8° but it was grey with a brisk wind and felt about 0. But when I was getting ready to pick up the Lad later in the afternoon, the sun came out and I cheered up. Two minutes into my walk, it began to drizzle. By the time we were on the way back, there was a decent but not drenching drizzling happening. And cold with it. Again, the "feel" temp was around the 0° degree mark. Well, it's winter.

:v: Writing
:v: Reading