Shadebound Day 13
Daily Push-ups Day 28
Epic Glutes Day 13
Destress Day 28


So it's all over bar the shouting - or rather, all the tidying away and clearing up.
The morning dawned relatively fine:

but it wasn't to last. I set off for the nearby Nature Reserve where koalas had been reintroduced back in the 70s. Supposed to be 200 of the things - didn't see even one! The track was the worst I've been on - and I've been on some pretty hairy ones this last month! Patches of dark mud, churned up by other tyres, and puddles. A couple of times the car was moving sideways through the mud, even though I was driving slowly and very carefully. The track was narrow and the trees were close! Still, made it out unscathed! I couldn't drive all the way to the trail head though. I think there are times with a 2WD vehicle when discretion is the better part of valour!

Still, the view along the Murrumbidgee River was great.
Rain was forecast so I headed off. I didn't manage to keep ahead of it, though, and worse - it didn't even clean my car!

It was with a strange sense of comfort that I returned to my part of the country, with hills and mountains. No shore, being inland, but I don't really like the sea. No real lakes (our only lake here is a man-made one) but there are a couple of rivers around. Most importantly, for me, there are hills and mountains to climb!
All up, on this 27-day journey (oops, originally intended it to be only 3 weeks!), my little car travelled a total of 3988km. Mum did most of the driving when I was in Adelaide so that I could admire the scenery, and that would have been an additional couple of hundred k.
I had a really good time. Only two of my proposed campsites were busts, requiring me once to get a room in a motel and once (yesterday) I was able to find another campsite. A few of the trails I had wanted to walk were closed/unavailable, and with mum, I couldn't do some of the harder tracks that I would have liked to have done. Over all, though, it was very good, and I have taken some excellent photos. Hope you have enjoyed a few of them.
Now here I am, back with a purry cat drooling on my lap,