Ah, you didn't get it! It was just so that I didn't have to do all this again. You know I'm lazy.

But since you all have done it, it would be churlish of me not to. So...
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @Nevetharine @Mianevem @Anek @Haleth @PetiteSheWolf @Silent Wolf @Lady Celerity @MadamMeow @Mamatigerj @Baryl @NancyTree
Power Hold Challenge - Day 5
Plank Hero Challenge - Day 4. Yeah, I know, this should have been day 2, but for certain reasons which will be revealed below, this wasn't possible...
Daily Kicks Challenge - Day 2
De-stress Challenge - Day 2
Powerbuilder - Day 4
Bike ride - 3.88km. The Lad wanted to go out with me. He's on a littler bike so he's slower. And he also almost crashed into me twice so I have to stay far behind him!
This afternoon and into the evening I was feeling cross. With myself and with the universe in general, and then again with myself because I knew that being cross wasn't going to change anything or make me feel any better. But I'm not so cross anymore and that's a Good Thing. I think there's this thing called Acceptance. Anyway. So why?
I finally got me to the physio this afternoon because my foot is still giving me grief. Good news - my tendons and ligaments are in great nick and my balance on that foot is absolutely perfect. Bad news - I hadn't sprain my foot. I'd broken it. Got x-rays that revealed a non-union 5th metatarsal fracture. Bugger. Further investigation scheduled for next week but the fix for this is surgery, getting the bones screwed back together. At least I know why it really hurts to run, and I suppose all those jumping jacks during the Snowball Fight were probably not a very good idea... Oh well, it was fun.

Good thing I've got decent pain tolerance! It's just that this messes up my proposed training plans and that's why I was cross. But plans can be changed. The physio said (at the moment, before I've seen any surgeon or whomever) to stick to exercises where my foot is flat on the floor - so things like yesterday's weighted calf raises aren't things I'm supposed to do. Oops... Hence the change in the plank variation for today. He said I could do push-ups and planks but I have to keep both feet on the ground. Well, at least I know something now, why things weren't going as well as I had thought they would be, and I can move (alright, perhaps hobble!) forward.
Been thinking further about Big Questions. I'd asked one earlier and now I've got more for you (with music that is either a prompt or my answer where I can). Here's this week's question:
In one sentence, who are you?