Hold Myself Accountable


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
I started using Darebee in 2019 after trying other workouts. My goal was to exercise more often so I kept track of my workout frequency along with other daily activities and how I was feeling at the end of the day. If you're interested in doing something similar, I use the Daylio app and thoroughly enjoy it. I noticed that my mood is generally positive for the rest of the day when I work out in the morning based on the Daylio data.

In 2019, I worked out 114 out of 365 days, equating to 31% of 2019.

In 2020, I worked out 129 days equating to 35% of 2020. Due to the chaos of 2020, I also started meditating because I needed a way to center myself while also determining if meditation would help my workouts and daily life. I only meditated 21 times in 2020 but I started to find what worked well for me.

In 2021, I worked out 158 days equating to 43%! I also meditated for 98 days an increase of 367% from the year prior.

But in 2022 life got in the way. I only worked out 63 days equating to 17%. A huge drop in workout productivity. I also noticed that in 2022, my mood was much more downtrodden and I felt less motivated to do much of anything. It was also one of the hardest years of my life personally and professionally.

So when 2023 started, I decided to rebuild healthy habits and take small steps to live a better life. That means more exercise, meditation, healthy eating, creating better focus, and being present in the moment. I've decided to consciously focus on bettering my personal life and professional life which I've never truly focused on.

So far this year I've worked out 4 days. In fact, I'm on a 3-day workout streak and a 14-day meditation streak! While I don't always use Darebee for workouts, I do plan to use this to keep track of my workouts.

The last 4 workouts have been HIIT. Today's workout was 3-sets of The Chopper Workout without any rest for 10 minutes.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Hello and welcome!


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
5/9 - Full body kettlebell workout

Today 5/10 = Push Pull Legs program Day 5 (3 sets) + Hard HIIT Workout (3 sets) = COMPLETE
Used 15-pound dumbbells immediately followed by the HIIT workout. Weighed myself this morning and weighed 170 lbs. Thats the heaviest I've ever weighed! Decided to set a goal of getting in shape by September with no breaks in between.


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
60 Day Bootcamp Day 1 5 sets = DONE

I've been working out on and off the last few weeks but today I decided to start the BootCamp program with the intention of completing it. I also added in some kettlebell exercises at the end of the workout. Added in a cooldown, meditation, and cold bath to end it. Remember that EVERY SECOND COUNTS.
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Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
60-Day Bootcamp Day 2 5 sets = DONE

Woke up at 5 am to do this workout. Also completed 15 V-side crunches (each side) and 25 situps. After the cooldown stretch, I hopped into a cold bath and did some meditation. Feeling good.


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
After a VERY LONG hiatus, I finally got back to morning workouts! Warmup, stretch 2-sets of Maximum HIIT which lasted 10-minutes, 5-minute cooldown, 5-minute morning meditation. Just remember to start slow and build back my tolerance.


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
I gotta stop falling off and get more consistent. Weighed 169 lbs this morning which at 5'7" is the most I've ever weighed. Determined to lose 10 pounds by Friday.

Cardio Cross+ 3-sets. Substitute side step jacks with 20-seconds of jump rope, 20 seconds of jumprope & 20 seconds of burpee at end of each set. 30 second rest between each set. Finished with one minute of jumprope at the end. Cooldown. Wore a hoodie and sweatpants to get the most sweat possible.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Animation GIF by Tyler Resty


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy Birthday :fireworks:


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 515
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Happy Birthday to you! 🎉🎉🎉


Spartan from NYC
Posts: 24
"Getting better day by day"
moved to a new apartment so fell off for a while. Fortunately my new apartment has a home gym! Been doing daily morning workouts for the last few weeks!

Today completed: Daily workout (50 jumping jacks) + up downs with 12 pound dumbbells + assisted pull ups = DONE!

Haven’t started a workout program yet because I want to make sure I’m in the routine of making a morning workout part of my daily routine.