Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you! My profile is beginning to look a little less empty ^^

November 25
Better Legs, The Guardian (+100 goblins), Epic Arms Day 1
I foresee some issues with The Guardian, as my hips aren't great and trice a full minute of march steps is already effort, eventually they want thrice five :')

Feeling very drained again, so I think this will be all for today, and an early night for me.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
November 29
Better Legs, The Guardian (clear!), Epic Arms Day 6
Foundation Light day 12 & 13
Totals day 9
Fit December day 1 (it's after midnight, so it counts as December already :p)

Struggles of the day: cardio in Fit December (just generally struggle with that), and the Knee-in and Stretch exercise in Foundation Light.
My knee joints keep popping at that one, so I go from neutral to out, not in :')
Wins: The lunges! I did walking lunges and it's just so much better than years ago. Also, the jumping jacks went better than expected :pose:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
Sooo I was hoping to do a nice big workout today, and bravely started with the burpees (ugh) from totals, but things went slightly awry.
I do twice-weekly B12 injections in my legs (my stabbies, as I call them), and usually the pain goes away in half an hour.
But I've been given a new type of fluid, and now I get weird twinges of muscle pain around the injection site even the next day.
But today was a while new level!
I've had stabbies where it just hurt a lot, it can happen. You can get close to a nerve and then it's just very unfun.
This one had me in tears and still really hurts when I lift my leg or something brushes the injections site. It's four hours later!
So no beefy workout for me.
Better Legs day 7 was luckily done beforehand, as were 10 burpees (ugh) from Totals. Which I did not complete.
Better Arms day 7 was fine, and I did The Guardian day 8 instead, in the hope that tomorrow will not hurt as much still. Punched the 50 goblins.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 2
Still having a mid-tier case of the blargh, but I was able to leave the house and walk, and even managed a little exercise. Just taking a whole lot more rest and going slowly :moves:
Better Arms and Better Legs, day 8
The Guardian day 7 with very long breaks in between, as I am not very good at March Steps to begin with. Also punched 100 goblins!
Fit December day 2, shoulder taps and plank on second step of the stairs
And also day 3, so I am caught up!
And for another positive note, I walked past a mirror earlier and concluded my butt looks cute today. It's a win :chuckle:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
Dear Secret Santa,
It's been a rough ride, but I am happy that my health allows me to work out again.
I would really like to get stronger! And get some truly epic and core muscles so I can sing even louder :chuckle:
I am good at ab exercises, except for sit-ups and things that involve lifting my legs at the same time. Loose joints just don't give me any support in those areas.
I hope not to get HIIT as a gift, as it just leaves me tired, but don't mind getting some cardio things if I can take plenty of breaks. :bored:
I am terrible at push-ups, but do want to improve on those so I will do them even if I have to use the stairs.
I am still not super good at jumping, but I can actually do some star jumps and jump squats these days ^^
I do also have to be careful with not overextending my joints and high amounts of repetitions make that more likely.
But I am also a smart enough cookie that I can adjust things for accessibility!:yas:

My available equipment:
yoga mat & blocks
Adjustable dumbbells & 1kg dumbbells

I will follow the Rainbow Dragon's example and not give your reindeer sweets.
I did recently have a massive purple carrot for dinner, so I will find you some of those! :eatall:

p.s. I initially found Darebee because I was looking for fitness games, it seems a good story can really motivate me to do difficult things!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 3
Fit December remains an ironic name, I spent most of the day in bed trying to recover xD Managed day 4 though.
The Guardian (punched 200 Goblins!), Better Arms, Better Legs day 9

And that was enough for the day. Let's see what tomorrow brings!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 6
Three hours of walking through a museum and park. That was a lot of fun!

Unfortunately the rest of the day was a whole lot less fun, and after a bunch of exhausting disappointments, I gave up on the day and just got cozy with some crochet.
I feel a bit better for the rest, but am still trying to shake off the grumpiness.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 7
I am having. a. week.
I guess the upside is that today I am so angry I cranked up the workout music and deftly caught up on yesterday's workouts as well :muahaha:

Fit December days 7 & 8
Better Legs, Better Arms, The Guardian (200 & all clear!) day 12 and 13
Foundation Light day 17 & 18
Totals day 10. Turns out burpees are easier when you're already angry xD
Tried to do them from the floor but my wrist won't allow that yet, so I used the bottom step of the stairs!
And day 11. push-ups: 14 on the third step, 26 on the fourth, and then I was getting pretty tired so I did the final 20 on the double bannisters
I cooled down with some foam rolling and a little mobility work, side bends, standing twists, cross toe touches, and even a bit of bear walking
(I thought it might loosen my shoulders a little but it didn't really do that)

sooo that was 1,5 hours of working out. time to fry up a heckton of potatoes and stuff them in my mouth :eatall:

That final half an hour ended up being mostly old school hard-rock'n'roll :moves:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 10
Better Legs day 16, Epic Arms and The Guardian (200+100 goblins punched!) days 15 & 16
Fit December day 10. Three sets, because this is about showing up for myself, not about perfection.
Fit December day 11. Only four sets, because I realised during set four that the exercises kinda hurt so I should stop them. Good enough =D


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
I didn't plan ahead! :facepalm:
I realised last week I needed to get my birth control implant replaced, and by good fortune I was able to get it done today.
But now I can't really use this arm for a bit and I had not thought of it until last night when trying to sleep
I guess we'll see how good I am at creative modifications. And Epic arms will definitely be on Hiatus. :chuckle:

December 11
Fit December day 12, did the bridges and exchanged the side bridges for standing hip lifts which I learned ages ago at a belly dancing class

So far so good with the arm, keeping things light


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 13
A bunch of walking
I think I may have been overdoing it recently, not because I started doing more but because I had some health stuff come up.
I probably should have scaled back immediately instead of hoping I could push through.
So I will be smart and show myself compassion and leave it at that for today =)
(I may do some kicks or squats, as I do want to nab an ornament, but no pushing myself!)

Edit: I see that I did 90 squats in Fit December 10, so I have decided to be a true gamer and go for the squats. Even though I don't know how to use a controller. It's the most gluteus time of the year :yas:

Edit +: did 30 squats while making myself a nice hot chocolate. 120/500.
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Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 14
Felt a lot better than the past few days. Still taking it easy on exercise but doing a little bit more stuff today ^^
Better Legs day 19 and 20
Squats: +60 180/500
I have quite a few squats left to go, but if I remember to actually do them throughout the day, I think I can get quite a lot of them tomorrow.
I was able to do three sets of 20 without feeling too strained. :moves:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 17
Walkies! Multiple times into and through town. It was nice, the weather isn't particularly cold but it has that crisp wintry feeling.
Better Legs day 23, yay I am actually caught up on this one to where I would have been without the pause!
The Guardian day 19 and 20, with 200 goblins punched! very light punches on my left arm, but it went okay =D
Yeah, not catching up on that in a hurry, those are so many minutes of march steps every other day! How is this a level 1 challenge? xD
Might brave the Epic Arms tomorrow, see how I feel after these punches and jumping jacks ^^

:snowball: 'Tis the Season of Jumping Jacks :snowball:
Dodged so far: 10


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 18
Better Legs day 24
Epic Arms day 17, 18, 19, and 20
The Guardian day 20 and 21 (all clear!)
Fit December day 13. Hall Pass for day 14 and 15 because I dislike most of those exercises xD

yay I am catching up on some things ^^
I have looked ahead and there will be a few upcoming days of Fit December that I want to skip, it will be glorious

:snowball: 'Tis the Season of Jumping Jacks :snowball:
Dodged Today: 27
Total: 37

Some friends of mine stream on twitch twice a week, and just added the option to trade channel tokens for a squat. I've been joining in.
Squats: 8

p.s. I apparently forgot to post
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Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 19
Fit December day 16 and 17, the latter 3 only sets because I think my body isn't responding super well to cardio at the moment.

:snowball: 'Tis the Season of Jumping Jacks :snowball:
Dodged Today: 20+35
Total: 92

I was planning to do a little more, but a friend in need of distracting takes priority of an extended workout :mhearts:
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Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
Rough health days!

December 21
Walked to the farm store and back, but there was a storm and it was the only dry spell foreseen all day so I pushed myself way too hard to get back on time.
Did get in before the worst rain picked up again, but 40 minutes with rough winds and half with a heavy backpack was not sustainable :') Also couldn't do the arm workouts because the suture-bandaids came off and the incision was not quite healed enough to hold up under strain.
Also did about 35 squats during the stream.
I was really hoping to start my Gift Workout, but that was no longer an option. I guess I succeeded at the walking portion xD

December 22
As expected, a very very rough day. But I did some side bends and twists to keep myself limber. Didn't go on Darebee to prevent myself from getting a big sad over not being able to exercise more.

December 23
A rough start but eventually managed to do Better Legs days 27 and 28 (almost done!) and Better Arms days 21 and 22. Had a delicious veggie roast, with the biggest carrot I have ever come across. It was as wide as the big potatoes!!! Made a little sauce with mayo (a kinda salty one), ginger syrup, a mild sambal, and raw garlic. YUM!

Hopefully tomorrow will give me a little more health again, I was feeling antsy from not doing enough stuff.
Lots of gaming helped keep me resting though. I picked up Valheim recently :ohyes:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 24
A loooooong and late sleep, but I'm feeling quite a bit better ^^
Better Legs days 29 and 30 :completed:
Epic Arms days 23 and 24
The Guardian day 23 and 24 (300 punches!)
Fit December day 20 and 21, and 25 three sets. Did the hall passes for day 23 and 24. Almost caught up as I apparently skipped 22 xD
Foundation Light day 20, 21, and 22

Feels so good to do some catching up:moves:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
Felt like moving about a little after a big cheeseboard, so I did The Guardian day 25 (all clear).
I went to put away some garbage and realised the weather was surprisingly nice! 13C and almost dry (it's been so rainy here)
So my partner and I decided to go on a 2 am walk and look at the big nativity scene. Well, specifically to look at the bunnies, chickens, and sheep. :lovely:
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Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 559
"I sing and I know things"
December 25
The day of cooking and baking! I made sundried-tomato bread and a chocolate mudcake, and there was a whole tray of oven-roasted veggies again :eatall:
Epic Arms days 25 and 26
The Guardian days 26, 27, and 28 (250 punches!)
A miscellany of core stretches and foam rolling, as my muscles are rather locked and it makes my insides uncomfortable. Which is a bit of a shame after all the yummy food :p

Edit: also I just noticed I have over two months of consecutive exercise, thanks Darebee and Hive:hooray: