Dear Secret Santa,
It's been a rough ride, but I am happy that my health allows me to work out again.
I would really like to get stronger! And get some truly epic and core muscles so I can sing even louder
I am good at ab exercises, except for sit-ups and things that involve lifting my legs at the same time. Loose joints just don't give me any support in those areas.
I hope not to get HIIT as a gift, as it just leaves me tired, but don't mind getting some cardio things if I can take plenty of breaks.
I am terrible at push-ups, but do want to improve on those so I will do them even if I have to use the stairs.
I am still not super good at jumping, but I can actually do some star jumps and jump squats these days ^^
I do also have to be careful with not overextending my joints and high amounts of repetitions make that more likely.
But I am also a smart enough cookie that I can adjust things for accessibility!
My available equipment:
yoga mat & blocks
Adjustable dumbbells & 1kg dumbbells
I will follow the Rainbow Dragon's example and not give your reindeer sweets.
I did recently have a massive purple carrot for dinner, so I will find you some of those!
p.s. I initially found Darebee because I was looking for fitness games, it seems a good story can really motivate me to do difficult things!