@Laura Rainbow Dragon! Luckily I am still able to move and even use some strength. I take it as a sign I've been building up reasonably well in these last two months ^^
December 29
Totals the rest of day 18, day 19 (somehow managed the push-ups again despite the mild DOMS), day 20, day 21.
And oh no, a lot of burpees loom, so I temporarily avoid by looking at my other programmes.
After yesterday's 200 jumping jacks, I decide to take a hall pass for
Fit December day 29, and day 30 looks no more fun so I also march step my way past that one. Just an ab workout left for tomorrow.
10 burpees.
Foundation Light day 24. 30 more burpees and then dinner and a long rest . Did the other 40 burpees on the bottom step of the stairs to save my wrists. I think last time I couldn't do them on the floor at all, so yay!
Totals day 22 done ^^ relaxed with FL 25
T day 23! I did the reverse angels with bent arms and limited range, but my right shoulder still doesn't want to stay in. Push-ups are getting more difficult now!
FL day 26, and finished the sitting twists for T24 as well.
So tomorrow we start with:
Fit December 31/31
Foundation Light 27/30
Totals 24/30 (will substitute long-shorts for the sit-ups, as they also tackle the long abs but don't mess with my SI joints as much).
I also want to look at my Workout Gift because my Gift-Giver put a lot of work into it and I am a little sad it's taking me so long to get to it. Everything just went a little awry for a bit, and now I am trying to catch up instead of easily having everything done way before newyear's. It's gonna happen though! There are so many cool workouts I want to read them all and try at least a few