Redirecting My Focus on Health and Fitness


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 537
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Party GIF by


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 600
I'm back temporarily... I feel like I've been hit by a truck, but other than that, doin' great! The doctors wanna see me again for a second procedure after I've healed. They want me to lose weight during that time. Anyway, not doing much in the fitness department yet, but my current weight is around 265lbs... No clue how I'm gonna bring it under 250 within a month, but that's what they want...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 600
Well, I'm still not doing much, but I'm healing nicely. Starvation diet has me halfway to my doctor's goal for me. No, I do not recommend it! I am only going through such great lengths because I need to lose the excess weight rapidly for medical reasons, and as I lose the weight, I can understand why. I'm finding a LOT more trouble spots in my body that my fat was hiding. Anyway, I now weigh nearly 255lbs, and while I will still be maintaining a strict calorie deficit, now that I'm close enough to my goal to have the confidence that I will meet it by the allotted time frame, I will increase my calorie intake a little more... can't wait to start moving again! I miss being able to go out on my evening walks, but walking hurts like hell... Still, they say I don't have cancer, and I'm not gonna die... It's just affecting my quality of life. :sadness:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 600
Update: Since increasing my calorie intake, I've remained stagnant at around 255lbs, but I'm confident that I'll be alright. Due to a recent occurrence, two of my appointments are bumped up, while the specialist that I was trying to lose weight for doesn't want to see me til August instead of July, but that just gives me more time to lose even more weight... I can't wait til I'm able to walk again... In the meantime, I'm working on maintaining mobility... I am concerned that I keep drifting in and out of consciousness, though... Of course, that's why two of my appointments have been moved up. HAHAHA! I swear, if I didn't know I was gonna live, I'd think that I'm dying. One thing's clear: There's no better motivator to live, laugh, and love to the fullest! And yes, I still find those "live, laugh, love" signs cliche... HAHAHA!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 600
Why have them as signs? With the way you fight, you're worthy of three handaxes, each one with one of those three words engraved!
Should I grip one of those axes in my teeth like Zoro? :LOL:

Thanks for the encouragement... I know a lot of people have things far worse than I do. Whatever happens, I hope to live a life of least regret and hold nothing back anymore. Life's too short for pomp and circumstance, and the good times are too few and far between to sit on them doing nothing.