The Comeback (Take 2!)

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Finally getting around to moving my stuff over from the old website. I miss it!

Day 29 - 1 more days to reach my next milestone!

Day 7 of no RE. Feeling good (RE is looking at houses....just as a reminder).

Done DD ( 30 pushups with shoulder taps). This was a tough one!

Done the monthly challenge (18 basic burpees x 3 sets). I split each one into 9 and took a little longer to get there but I got there! Love mods!

Blasted away Day 16 of arms of steel (more than half-way through the program...woot woot!).

See you tomorrow fellow movers!
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Good Enough!

Well-known member
Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
It's day 30! Wow---I've never made it this far. No turning back now. I'm proud of myself. Day 60 is next....a little further! Here I come!

Still day 7 of RE - I had a little slip yesterday so I am taking back a step. I'll try to ignore that stuff for the next two weeks.

Done DD (50 reverse angels). This one doesn't look hard but had to break it up to get through it. Looks easy but it's tough!

Done the monthly challenge (75 jumping jacks x 3 sets). Wow definitely getting my cardio (not so much before breakfast, but certainly after. I hope I can keep up until the end of the month!

Done day 17 of arms of steel. Broke it up into 6 sets rather than 3 to make it more manageable!

Another good day today. See you tomorrow folks!
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Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905

Happy Big Lebowski GIF

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Thank you @Froud @Fremen and @BetaCorvi The support is much appreciated! Feels great to be on a roll!

Day 31 (wow...31!) Feelings awesome as I work towards the next milestone.

Day 8 of no RE. Staying strong and focused!

Done DD (Superwoman hold - 1 min) with EC! Much more fun and doable than I thought.

Happy to report that the monthly challenge has been completed (19 basic burpees x 3 sets). I had to break this one up into six sets of 9 or 10 to push through and it got done!

With an hour left before midnight, I've completed the arms of steel day 18 (o the pain). Fighting till the end.

Good night my friends and see you tomorrow (not so) bright and early.
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 32...woot woot! Also Day 9 of no RE. I got really tempted this morning but somehow walked away. Go figure!

Onto the good and important stuff. Done DD (30 scorpion twists) with EC! I love this one since it opens up the back and cracks the spine a bit. What a treat! Also good for mobility and range of motion.

So many jumping jacks! Done the monthly challenge for today (80 jumping jacks x 3 sets). Phew....I think I'm getting a cramp!

Day 19 of arms of steel done (5 sets). Can't believe I'm done all my stuff early in the day. Going out to enjoy the sunshine.

See you Tuesday bees!
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Good Enough!

Well-known member
Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Morning Friends!

Day 33.....Fun fact, my favourite number is 3! Also still day 9 of RE, I had a bit of a 'cheat' yesterday and I'm just saying it out loud. No big happens.

Done DD (100 side leg raises). This was a tough one and had to break it up into 2 sets. All good.

Onto trying to do the monthly challenge now of 20 burpees x 3 (or 10 x 6) ! wish me luck!

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
@Anek thank you! I'm proud to say I'm on Day 34. This isa also day 10 of RE - always a bit tempted but never quite go there since I have this motivation and accountability.

Done DD (40 bridges) with EC! Nice easy way to ease into the routine for the week.

Just finished monthly challenge (24 side kicks x 3 sets) - broke each set up into 6+6+6+6 (12 on each side to balance out). Feeling excited to be kicking it this month!

Done my Arms of Steel program for today (day 20). 2/3 of the way there....can't believe I might just finish my first program before the end of October!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 35...feeling alive! This is still day 10 of tempted and had a look yesterday. My goal with this is just like with Darebee (15 and 30 days).

Done DD (2 min raised leg circles). Very challenging to keep your legs up and moving for such a long period of time! Broke it into 2 and got it done!

Kicking it! Done the monthly challenge of 3 sets of 24 front kicks. Feeling awesome!

Up next, day 21 of arms of steel! - that didn't happen....I mean I started but ya.....not finished. Try again tomorrow!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day the mix! cheesy rhymes, I know! Still on day 10 for RE.....I think I'm dealing with my stress by looking at this stuff and trying to think my way out of my problem, which I promised myself not to do since its wastes everyone's time. I have to be patient and focus on what I CAN control rather than trying to outthink this issue that can't be controlled. Here's to a new day of trying and knowing we can do it!

Done DD (80 back leg raises standing) with EC! Butt burner for sure!

Onto kicking it!

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
So nothing got kicked yesterday......o well!

Day 37....keeping my eyes on the prize. Also day 11 of RE....staying strong is hard, so many temptations and reasons to veer off. Must stay focused and remember the big picture but also the fact that small detours are ok. Happy to 'pull myself back on track'.

Done DD (40 plank rolls) with EC! A nice start to the series!

It took two days to break back through but I did it! I kicked it Jackie Chan style!

Arms of Steel day 21 is done...pushing forward to day 22! - A bit if a fail with RE later in the day. We will try for day 11 and break to day 12 soon! I know I can do it!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 38....I had no idea I felt so great! Still day 11 of RE.....this week I'm going to try to get to 15. Maybe having a goal will push me along. Today's is gone so it will start tomorrow.

Done DD (100 elbow strikes) with EC! I never knew I liked elbow strikes so much!

Done today's monthly challenge (28 side kicks x 3 sets). Felt good breaking it up into 14x2 each set (for each side) and combining to get the grand total.

Done Arms of Steel day 22. Feeling good!

See you tomorrow friends....hope to keep this up!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 39......getting it done! Day 12 of we go!

Done DD ( 20 staggered pushups) - I did regular pushups...hard enough! With EC of course, but not the same workout so I'll still count it.

Done my kicks for today's monthly challenge (Day 11) and it feels great. Turning kicks are so much fun, I had forgotten!

Day 23 of Arms of Steel is in the books. Yes! Day 24- here I come for more (tomorrow). lol

Any recommendations for the next program folks? Anything you REALLY enjoyed?
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 40 is here....I'm full of cheer! Day 13 of RE....I've made some modifications (can look for a few minutes at RE through my wife's phone in the evening as an option) but I would like to get back to just having one cheat day a week (deciding on it) since again this is not something I want taking up mental space or focus in my mind.

Anyway, now that we are done that rant....Done DD (2 minute balance hold) with EC! Great start to the day.

All done my monthly challenge of 28 front kicks x 3 sets. Love the kicks this month!

Day 24 of Arms of Steel is done like dinner! ....gotta start searching for a new program soon. Any recommendations?
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Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
That depends on what you want to achieve! I really really enjoy Total Burn, imo it's the best cardio program. For strength I liked both Ironborn and Ironheart more than Express Tone, although this was good too.
If you're enjoying the kicks how about Fireheart? So many options...

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
@Anek thank you for your advice....there are so many programs to choose from so it's nice to have a recommendation from someone who has done a few. Your guidance is much appreciated!

Day 41....crazyness! Also day 14 of RE. I kept to my 'diet' version and only look at it for a few minutes in the evening time when it doesn't impact anything else. Slowly working away from it if I need to.

Done DD (50 lunge step ups) with EC! Feels nice to get the ball rolling (a bit later in the day but that's still ok!).

Done today's monthly challenge (30 side kicks x 3). I love kicking!

Done day 25 of Arms of Steel! Feeling strong and might do a cardio program next....feel like I need more high intensity movement. Thanks again for the idea @Anek!
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Good Enough!

Well-known member
Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day do you do? (my rhyming with the days is just getting worst and least it's consistent!). Also day 15 of RE (got to my goal). My plan seems to be working...yes!

Done the DD (20 scapula shrugs) with EC. I've never done this movement before and it was quite interesting!

Done today's monthly challenge (30 turning kicks x 3 sets). We are only half-way through the month and already at 30 kicks x 3 sets....will be really fun to get through October!

Finishing it off with day 26 of Arms of Steel. An epic win as day 26 is actually pretty challenging. Happy to say I didn't cut any corners and did push myself hard. I should announce my next program in the next few days so I can roll right into it. Maybe even have a 'backup' in case I need it. What do you think?

See you Monday friends!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 43 - unexpected! I don't usually log activity here on a Sunday and today is special. I've got some work to do this morning and I always pair my work with movement in order to boost my productivity and focus. So here we go! Starting 16 of RE (yesterday was my binge day) and going strong.

Done DD (100 knee to elbow) with EC. I was thinking, " I should break this up" but somehow I got carried away. I well!

Done the monthly challenge for today of 32 sidekicks x 3 sets. I gotta say it's getting spicy but still manageable!

Let's finish strong - Day 27 of Arms of Steel - 3 days left to select a new cardio program. (This wasn't finished and will be attempted again tomorrow).

Good night and enjoy the outdoors folks!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 44 - Foty Fo! Still at day 16 of RE...had a bit of a slip off today and I'll attempt again tomorrow. Try to get to day 19 by end of the week...usually things move along a little better when I set a clear goal. I can do 3 days in a week....maybe even blast past it.

Done DD (50 side-to-side lunges) with EC! It's been a very unproductive day today and completing this small thing well has felt like a big win.

Let's try to keep the momentum going by kicking it! Not sure there will be time today but I'll try. 32 turning kicks...o boy.

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 45 - feeling stressed (and so alive). Still at day 16 of RE....let's get those wheels spinning the right way. I'm still eyeing 19 days (3 more) by the end of the week....I can do it.

Done DD ( 60 second leg raise hold) with EC! 30 seconds on each side for balance. Seems simple but definitely challenging to keep things up!

Done with 32 front kicks x 3 sets. Seems to be an uphill battle today for some reason...

Final finish with day 28 of arms of steel...let's see what we have ----didn't do it. Shoot!
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Good Enough!

Well-known member
Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Good morning and welcome to Day 46! Day 17 of RE (pushing through). Maybe there is hope that I will get to 19 by the end of the week? 2 more.

I came upon a quote I liked the other day, "patience is not the same as waiting. Patience is WHAT you DO while you wait." - I struggle with this part in my life, I'm a pretty impulsive person sometimes and waiting for things is hard (although I often consider myself 'patient'). I'd like to practice this skill better as well. In any way, enough about my life.

Done DD (40 knee-to-elbow) with EC! Quick a dirty start to the routine.

Done Monthly challenge with 34 side kicks x 3 sets. Feeling good about it!

Finish strong with day 28 of Arms of Steel! Almost done my first program (in a long, long time).
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 47 .....digging myself out of a bit of a hole. Do you ever get inside your own head? I's not great. Still on day 17 of RE....I'm still aiming for that goal of 19 (maybe even 20) by the end of the week. You can do it!

Done DD (20 burpees). I had to break them up into 2 sets of 10 and I got it done. No shame in that. Getting it done more important than HOW.

Now onto kicks! 36 front kicks (2 sets of 9 twice). Here I come! (It didn't sad).
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 48. I'm getting close to 60...can't believe it! Seems that there is no shortage of obstacles over the past week. Somehow, using my supports I've pulled through. Sometimes not making a bad choice and maybe not achieving all you want is the best choice you can make. Who knows?

In any case, I'm going to take a break with the RE. Still on day 17. I need to face it head on, not hide from it or relegate it to the background. It is a matter of impulse control. Thanks for listening folks!

Done DD (40 Deadlif and twist) with EC! Very interesting daily dare. Never heard of this one before.

Onto kicks now! 38 turning kicks. That should be fun (didn't get done....sigh...)
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 49...this week has been a crawl! Sometimes those weeks happen and you just keep moving, slow or fast, as long as you're moving. I'm on day 18 of RE. Might even get to 19 next week? We'll get there....someday!

Done DD (40 W extensions) with EC.

Working on 40 side kicks x 3 times. Already done one set!

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 50...not sure what is happening lately but I'm not recording and tracking. That needs to get back on! Day 19 of RE! Woot Woot I reached my milestone.

Done DD (3 min high knees) with EC. I did modify with a walk rather than a run but my right hip is being difficult so I'm working with what I have.

Done the first day of the monthly challenge - 60 punches x 3 sets for power bounce. Nice!

Onto day 28 of arms of steel- done and done! Wow....moving onto 29. Yes!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 52....feeling positive about getting back to a more consistent routine. Here's hoping! Day 21 of RE....getting closer to 30

Done DD (80 climbers) with EC!

Done my monthly challenge for today (90 punches x 3). Woot!

Done Day 29 of Arms of Steel. So close to being done and a new beginning! YES!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day only 7 days away from my next milestone. Feeling excited! Also day 22 of is less interesting now (always in the back of my mind) but it is a long waiting game now so just have to wait for a good moment to strike.

Done DD (100 elbow strikes) in two parts.

Done 2 mins of punches x 3 times ( 1 min of punches x 6 times)
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 54...the streak continues. Day 23 of RE....getting close to that 30 mark.

Done DD (50 leg raises)...breaking it up into 5 sets of 10.

Done the monthly challenges now ( 100 punches) - divide into 6 sets of 50!

And I am officially done Day 30 of Arms of Steel (and got my badge!) Yay!

Next up is cardio - drum roll ------ 1 Minute HIIT!
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Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Happy badge day! :star: :star: :star:


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Not sure what happened yesterday...sort of a blur.

Back to work! Day 56 is here ....4 away from my goal.

Done DD (2 min banana hallow hold) - broken up into 4 chances of 30 seconds each.

Done the monthly challenge ( 130 punches - 65 x 6)!

Onto the 2...and no.
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 57....3 days away. I've done away with RE since I think It's under control. Now it's the CH (Car Hunting) that is causing the biggest distraction. I'm really dragging my feet this week......must be the car hunt that we are on that is causing major distractions for getting things done. That has to stop...or be taken care of somehow.

Done DD (60 seconds of lunge steps) with EC!

Done 2 mins of punching! Yes!

Now finish strong with Day 2 of 1 min HIIT - done 2'll have to do for today!
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Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Day 59....crazy close to my goal!

The Rhythm is sets the pace for everything else. All I need is, a rhythm divine...lost in the music your heart will be mine! (anyone?)

Done DD (1 min Balance hold) with EC! o ya!

Done monthly challenge for today! Over two days but it was worth it (finished the final 4 sets today).

Finish strong with day 3 of 1 min HIIT! (I did 3 sets...wish I could do more but better that then nothing).
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Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Thank you for a new earworm... :LOL:

Good Enough!

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Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
@Anek Anytime.....I just needed a catchy reminder of how important this is.

Day 60....woot! I made it. Wow.....what a view. Got my badge of looking to my next goal....100 days. Wow....hard to believe I will reach it!

Done DD (20 jumping squats) with a mod (regular squats) not EC I guess....although all done in one go.

Done monthly challenge of 2 mins (4x30 sec) of punching. O ya!

Onto day 3 of 1 min HIIT....then my badge of honour for 60 days!
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Good Enough!

Well-known member
Fighter from Canada
Posts: 53
Thank you for your kind support!

Day 61...first step to the longest road I've been day 100!

Done DD (60 second leg hold) in 2 sets of 30 seconds.

Done Monthly challenge (170 punches x 3 sets = 85 punches x 6 sets) - that was really tough to be consistent with since I broke it up into so many pieces. Not bad!

Onto the final piece of the program 1 Min HIIT Day 5! How did I get to day 5? - I got to it but I didn't complete it!
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