The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
722 - Lower abs day 20, some march steps until I got tired of it lmao. I didn't count or keep track of time there, just kinda... Did it. Gotta keep moving.


Good thing - Spent plenty of time with Coop today! And first outdoor farmers market of the year. Got a drink mix thing, white chocolate goats milk fudge that's so creamy and wonderful that I feel like I have committed a grave sin by being able to partake in it without the ability to share with you all, and goats milk cheese!

Cooper status - There was a point when we were hanging out today he had his chin on my wrist and if I tried to move it, he'd actively press down.

He took away my hand privileges, guys. MY DOG TOOK AWAY MY BODY PRIVILEGES.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
723 - feeling lethargic af so just lower abs day 22 and some calf raises lmao

113 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Love me some weather that allows me to open the windows… Ah, fresh air.

Cooper status - remorseless fluff boy stole his dads seat, got pats for it


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
724 - 60 seconds of side to side jumps, some march steps, lower abs day 22, some squats.

114 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - The weather, again, oh my goodness. ... Even though the pollen makes me feel like garbo doodoo feces, I STILL LOVE THE WARMTH DAMN IT

Cooper - He is confirmed to be best boy ever.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
725 - Just took a walk. Basically my sides have been hurting recently, no idea why, going to the doctors tomorrow for that and other issues. My neighborhood is about a half mile ish with some hills to it and whatnot so it wasn't a bad workout ahah. But don't worry, I was supervised.




There's a pond in the middle of our neighborhood, the entrance is about halfway through my walk so I just... Chilled on a bench for like, five? Ten minutes? And looked at memes on Facebook? Dude I did not want to go back inside. But my phone battery was dying so I SUPPOSED I'd go home.

115 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Dat walk was so nice tho

Cooper status - He went to the groomers today! He is now MEGA SOFT.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah His softness is INCOMPREHENSIBLE. If I'm able to do more walks while it's nice out then I'll put more pictures up here with the mighty POTYKA.

726 - Okay! Doctors happened today, I will not get TMI because it is kinda gross but I am okay. I just, ah. Don't think I should do ab exercises due to my current situation with that part of my body really disliking me? I'll do lower abs another time! So I just did some march steps/jogging in place and squats. GOIN' TO BED EARLY.

116 - ten minutes!

Good thing - Well I think we kinda figured out what was wrong with me side/stomach wise without getting into gory details. It’s my iron supplement. So the thing that’s supposed to help me just ain’t. But hey. We can go on a little food adventure together, you and me, to find out what’s best for me to have food wise for iron that I can easily prep. I love you.

Cooper status - He barked at me due to jogging in place. He does not understand. Humans are strange.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
727 - Just did some calf raises and Wizard level 3 with EC!

117 - Gonna do ten minutes before bed.

Good thing - Hung out with dad while on Cooper duty, life is good. Also, Cooper loves you. Are you all aware of this? Also four days in a row of having a nice salad for lunch HELL YEAH

Cooper status - Oh, he is the goodest of boys, gently snooting the things I crochet like a good babby.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
728 - Walking in town. All I did, all I'm gonna do due to beeg headache.

118 - Five minute meditation so I can head to bed earlier.

Good thing - My walking came from doing an errand at work that required me to go into town. It was so nice. Even if I ended up getting kinda lost lmao

Cooper status - Probably happy to know I'm home for a three day weekend!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Posts: 966
@Tileenah It's subsided somewhat today, but I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow. Also, get any good farmers market loot lately? I got myself some more of that goats milk fudge today.

729 - Yeah all I could do was some calf raises and walking at the farmers market but dangit it wasn't not something lmao. My headache was okay until I got home then it was like "OKAY WE GOT OUR FUDGE NOW LET'S DIE"

119 - Ten minutes!

Good thing - At least headache then subsided a little so I could play Stardew with the buddies? Yay!

Cooper status - He was the helper doggo tonight when dad made burgers on the grill. Good job!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah Oooh, doing anything special with em?

730 - Oh hey I think this is the two year mark? Well I didn't do much special today for it, I just walked while I shopped for some stuff and did the 200 punches. We are on day 3 of this headache silliness. I know why it's happening, it's the time of the month lol. But I will say this - I'm proud of myself for at least doing SOMETHING every day. Habits are hard as Hell to form due to my ADHD.

120 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Two years! And my friends called me back into town to walk to the store and get a... Snom card. Yes they saved me a shiny Snom Pokemon card. What Chads.

Cooper status - best boi : )


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
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Posts: 966
Thank you all so much. I couldn't have done it without you all. I don't come into everyone's stuff often, but I see your progress and I love you all.

731 - Just did temple run level 3 and some calf raises. Temple run actually made me sweat tho, so I should keep doing it! I was at least able to do that much due to my head being. Well. My head.

121 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Sleeping in was nice. It didn't help my headache but I mean... I deserve it!

Cooper status - He fwuffy and got steak!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
732 - Temple run level 3, a walk around the neighborhood.

122 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Well at least my headache is mostly gone?



Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966

733 - Just temple run again, level 3. I don't know why it's making me sweat so hard... Let's keep doing this until it becomes EASY AS HELL FOR ME.

123 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Well good and bad, I'm back full time at my job now, I just might go mentally insane more over traffic now lmao. That ish gets my blood pressure so high. Maybe someday they'll have me entirely from home again... Someday... SOMEDAY... Hope they give me a raise since they may train me on more things.

Cooper status - At least I will have money to buy him cheese!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
734 - Just did epic glutes day 1! And some sit ups... I still got it in me, baby! Now let's hope the weather is good for art walk tomorrow... It's unlikely but we can try.

124 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - I got my blood drawn today and I resisted the urge to ask for it back. I mean come on. It would have been hilarious! ... Probably not but come on! I'm glad I didn't tell the best/worst joke ever!

Cooper status - he lov u <3


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
735 - Epic glutes day 2, 2 minutes of high knees, no art walk alas due to storms...

125 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - At least the storms made the frogs happy : ) Or should I say, hoppy?

Cooper status - boof. he boof. why? he can. do not question him, mortal.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
736 - Epic glutes day 3, 1 minute elbow clicks, some farmers market walking.

126 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Stardew night with the buddies

Cooper status - EXTREMELY CONFUSED AT THE PEOPLE TALKING THROUGH THE COMPUTER DURING STARDEW. WHO ARE THEY. WHAT DO THEY WANT. Also he got part of a sugar cookie today but he's sweeter than any cookie.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
737 - Epic glutes day 4, 1 minute elbow clicks, running around replacing doorknobs in the house... Yes, I learned how to do that today! Harder than I thought (the angles, yo) but I did it!

127 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Well, I learned a thing today and I ordered a tshirt for pride so uh. Yay! Yeah I might go into a pride parade in a few weeks Iunno. Never done it before.

Cooper status - Just the goodest little fluffball, who loves you.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
738 - Just did epic glutes day 5 because it was getting late oops

128 - ten minute meditation!

Good thing - So the internet at home is down. Blessing in disguise as it just kinda forced me to frick off and play Arceus on my switch. It just… Look, work sucks right now because I’m back in the office full time and I always feel miserable there due to my anxiety. But tonight, I was forced to just be quiet. To be quiet and play a damn game. Not to look at social media all the time or anything, but to just have fun by myself.

I needed that. And I need to learn to do that without being forced.

Cooper status - baby fluff boi lov u


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
Just still trying to work on that anxiety, man. It'll be... Okay, someday.

739 - Epic glutes day 6, 50 clamshells on each side.

129 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Got a shiny Starly in Arceus! And a shiny Combee yeeted from me. Combee is now my great white whale.

Cooper status - Nothing is cuter than seeing him fall asleep on the couch when me, mom and dad are all in the living room. It's like he knows we're all safe with him.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah We had beeg cuddle time on the couch tonight. He knows. <3 Do you have any pets?

740 - Epic glutes day 7, 1 minute of elbow clicks, two minutes of shoulder taps broken up into 1 minute sets... It hurt too much to go for more than one.

130 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Y'all ever predict a thing happening a show and get a massive high from it? That's me right now.

Cooper status - Fwuffy couch friend.


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@Tileenah We had beeg cuddle time on the couch tonight. He knows. <3 Do you have any pets?
Sadly no. I'm badly allergic to cats though I love them and I don't have the energy to take good care of a dog-friend for now. Maybe when the girls are older though... And other kind of pets I wouldn't want because I don't want to put them in a cage.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah I'm going to translate that to, "F1sh, I'm going to need you to hug Cooper twice as much every single day, so I may also have my own hugs for him. I know this is a heavy burden, but it must be done."

741 - Just epic glutes day 8 and 1 minute elbow clicks.

131 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Left work early for the doctors. Planned visit, don't worry. But hopefully we're gonna have a good solution to my headaches... We'll just find out with next week being period week...

Cooper status - Appreciated the hugs : )


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah It's one of my many tricks.

742 - Epic glutes day 9 and Troll Hunter level 3! Wheee!

132 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Friday... Finally, blessed Friday...

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Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
743 - Walked a little bit at farmers market, epic glutes days 10 and 11.

133 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Stardeeeew

Cooper status - Simply the goodest of boys, ever. You cannot comprehend his level of good.

So uh, little thing that's going on - I'm going to urgent care tomorrow due to an issue I had last month resurfacing in an unfun way. If you're the praying type, if y'all can just... Send some good thoughts my way, that'd be cool. It's not my period, no. It's just, uh. Something excessively gross and TMI I do not want to mention in public because I don't want to interrupt your scrolling with "oh hey what's going on with FiOHGODWHATTHEHELL"

But yeah I'm uh, having a fun one. halp.
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Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
Thank you both. I went to urgent care today. It wasn't exactly conclusive, but I need to change my diet a bit + have some supplements. If said "TMI WHAT THE HELL" issue continues for two more weeks I'll go to a specialist I guess. I... Do not want that, because America and money lol

744 - Walked a bit ish, epic glutes day 12 (doubled up yesterday since I'm going to a con this month), 1 minute elbow clicks.

134 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Well at least I'm uh, knowing what to do now, somewhat? God I just hope I don't need to see someone else lol

Cooper - Widdle buddy got ice cream tonight : ) All is well in floofle land. Also, when I went back upstairs I opened up the windows and said hi to mom... Which confused him, he stared at the window like "HOOMAN WHY ARE YOU THERE"


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@BetaCorvi I still read your name as "BetaCorgi" ... It always makes me smile.

745 - Epic glutes day 13+14, 50 high crunches.

135 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - I have friends like y'all, who I've never even met, being a cheer squad for me. I am truly a lucky woman. I also made a beeg sale today that can cover two of the doctors appointments I've had recently. I could sob.



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Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada
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"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Thank you both. I went to urgent care today. It wasn't exactly conclusive, but I need to change my diet a bit + have some supplements. If said "TMI WHAT THE HELL" issue continues for two more weeks I'll go to a specialist I guess. I... Do not want that, because America and money lol

744 - Walked a bit ish, epic glutes day 12 (doubled up yesterday since I'm going to a con this month), 1 minute elbow clicks.

134 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Well at least I'm uh, knowing what to do now, somewhat? God I just hope I don't need to see someone else lol

Cooper - Widdle buddy got ice cream tonight : ) All is well in floofle land. Also, when I went back upstairs I opened up the windows and said hi to mom... Which confused him, he stared at the window like "HOOMAN WHY ARE YOU THERE"
As someone who had a TMI issue that went undiagnosed for 15 years and turned out to be Celiac Disease, I hope you get diagnosed soon. I didn't realize how sick I was until I started to get healthy.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah Thank you dear <3

@Saffity "I didn't realize how sick I was until I started to get healthy." That's... Really resonating with me right now!

746 - Epic glutes days 15-16.

136 - ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Today was a tomato soup and grilled cheese day.

Cooper status - He made it so hard to leave for work today due to him getting the good ear scritches. It's hard to say no to him.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
748 - Nothing too exciting, just epic glutes days 19-20.

138 - Ten minute meditation!


Cooper status - He isn't jealous of me petting other dogs btw, only if they're males who haven't been fixed so he's good. Males who haven't been fixed probably have a funky smell to him.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
749 - Epic glutes days 21-22.

139 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Ah... Finally Friday.

Cooper status - Fwuffy widdle man wuvs u <3

Alright, small vent ahead - Tomorrow, I will be in a pride parade. I've never been in one before. I mean, I've probably mentioned it somewhere in passing, but I am not exactly straight. I'm asexual, meaning I do not experience sexual attraction, and panromantic, meaning gender matters not to me in terms of romance. I like to describe it as, "I'll order off any menu, just not the dessert part." But without getting too political, it has been dangerous for people like myself. I live in a pretty accepting area but… There have been, ahem, issues? With certain people? And I’m just really hoping they don’t show up at the parade tomorrow. If the rain deters them, I will be happy. Man am I nervous tho.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Montserrat @aku-chan

No baddies were around me that I saw : )

750 - I walked so much today downhill and uphill and in the rain that my legs hurt. I regret nothing.

140 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - So the parade was initially kind of annoying to be in because we had to meet up so early in the rain, and it'd continue to be in the rain lol, but then we got goin' and I high fived so many people. Got gassed up by some awesome LGBT+ elders nearby. And, I had some of the most bomb-ass pizza ever. Buffalo chicken and ranch with some cheese. My God, I'd walk that distance again for that pizza. Sure, I need to eat healthier. But also. I DID walk a few city blocks up and downhill to get said pizza. I can do that.

Cooper status - boofy fwuff : )