Don't shoot! You're the one who said you dislike the entire genre:
I can only go by what you tell me!
my suggestions above.
I'm not shooting. I was just answering your question. Alright so maybe me saying it was the whole genre was hyperbole. But it sure is a lot of it. I feel "like it's everything!", from all the stuff I've had to delete.
So many stop and go's. Get to chapter 3, nope I can see it sucks. Delete. Start another. Repeat. I'm off it for a while now. Maybe I'd rather go for straight-up contemporary fiction.
And thanks for the reminder of that group. I posted there too now. =)
Side side note: does anyone else think Goodreads reviews are mean? I mean some of the best books I've read, that have been translated into multiple languages over the world, have received 1-star reviews where people slam, spam, and blow them apart.
And these reviews may only be 3% of the whole, but a lot of them appear at the top and then there are a bunch of people who comment on them slamming the author further. Nobody seems to comment on the good reviews.
I fell into the rabbit hole this morning of searching for all my favorite books there, only to read how flat the characters were, how unbelievable the story. Sheesh.
I had three ideas about that. One, I felt for a moment that if a word I've written ever crosses the Goodreads threshold, my heart and soul will get ripped apart, stomped on, and eaten by vultures.
Two, after that I figured, well hell, if the great authors get slammed like that, I might as well throw my stuff out there too and hope I live passed three stars.
And three, maybe Goodreads is just mean. There was one comment of an author, who said he'd worked on and researched his work for
fifteen years. He'd meticulously edited out every spelling error, and worked through numerous drafts. Then he posted it and had a good following. Until one faceless username came on Goodreads and threw his work to the wolves with a review, after which he lost his readership.
I felt so sorry for the person. All that time, all that work. Sure he can build it up again, but still.
I don't think I can ever give someone a one or even a two star review. Everyone puts a lot of hours and work into their books. A three-star is okay. It wasn't great, and wasn't too bad. At least it rewards the effort put in.