Witty Name Goes Here


Posts: 17
I've tried to cement a regular excercise routine several times before but it always seems to crumble after the novelty wears off. Maybe this is the accountability I need to stick with it after the 3-month wall and finally reap all those benefits and gottdamn serotonin I keep hearing about. This will mainly be written as a journal for myself, but I am well aware this is a public forum. I am publically committing to admitting to and logging any missed days or self defeating cycles.

Fix my brain goals:
  • Keep cooking and eating well.
  • Practice self compassion and celebrate your achievements regularly. (Important).
  • Absolutely no(!!) alcohol for coping or on bad days. Log all your drinking here.
  • No negative motivation. No degrading yourself. No self-loathing. Focus on who you want to be and how you're getting there.
  • Try not to bite your nails?
Excercise goals:
  • Establish and **stick with** a daily dedicated block of excercise. If you're too sore, do some stretching. 5 minutes is better than zero minutes. "No zero days".
  • Do a full push-up. This will happen relatively soon.
  • Do a full pull-up. This will take a while. It will be worth it.

The immediate, "do it today" goal:

30 Day Knee Push-Up Challenge
The reward for a consecutive 30 days is a box of cookies from Crumbl. Think about the mint one whenever you don't think it's worth it. If you're having trouble any particular day, start the post anyway and physically write down some positive self talk, gratitude journal style.

Day 1 was yesterday. Day 2 will be done later today. Let's do it to it.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,377
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)


Posts: 17
Thank you
Day 3 done

Rough day today tbh. Almost started slipping into some self destructive patterns, but ended up distracting myself with a nice brisk walk and some music. I'm mostly proud I stuck out through it and finished the day regardless.


Posts: 17
Day 2 of the move, and day 5 of the challenge is completed! I was very tempted to take a rest day considering I moved a couch today, but I'm feeling very satisfied and proud of myself that I pushed through. It's a very rewarding feeling.


Posts: 17
Okay, full disclosure, I just forgot yesterday. Day 7 is done today. I'm thinking doing day 8 tomorrow morning and 9 in the evening to catch up? I'm not sure if that'll be pushing myself too much though. I think I'm going to go for it and see how I feel the next day.


Posts: 17
Day 10 :v:

Sheesh, I felt this one. Idk if it's because of the increase or the double days done yesterday or the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm doing my holds lower than is reasonable for someone starting out (probably all three), but I'm feeling VERY proud that I'm improving and that I've stuck with it through the 30% mark despite the soreness (if we ignore the missed day). Especially because I was very super sleepy today and wanted nothing more than to drop into bed. I like the version of me that this is cultivating so far, I hope I can keep it going after the newness wears off.


Posts: 17
Day 11 :v:

The soreness continues 😭 I'm not sure if I can handle another increase so soon after this one tbh; I'm really struggling just to reach my last set at the moment. Maybe I need a rest/stretching day? I was able to push through the full hold yesterday so if I can't do it tomorrow I'm officially calling a rest day to see if my muscles need some extra time to repair.