The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Fri, Apr 5, 2024

AM- awake at 5:30am (PDT), already feeling anxious about the trip and getting Canoe to the kennel. Hopefully, the CBD kicks in soon for both me & Canoodles😵‍💫
Outside it is raining, 45 (F)degrees, with MED-Hi pollen🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Quilting: x40 mins✅
  • ❌Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing…husb did in the rain
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • Town errands for travel items✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Day 6✅
  • Fighting Cancer:100 sidekicks ✅
  • Reading: 15 mins (Kindle)The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD✅
  • Elliptical: x15 mins✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Park for doggo play time/ball throwing✅
  • MORE quilting: x1 hour✅
  • ❌MORE ball throwing: husb did
  • Doggo to kennel with his overnight bags, to stay the 5 nights, (for our trip to Texas to see the Eclipse)✅
  • Trip packing✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sat, Apr 6, 2024

AM- awake shortly after 5am (PDT) to high clouds, 45 (F)degrees and HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Day 6✅
All packed up and ready to drive 90 mins to Spokane airport for flight to San Antonio, Texas
  • Walking: 2.5 miles✅…all over airports in Salt Lake City and San Antonio, and to/from restaurant and hotel in San Antonio


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sun, Apr 7, 2024

AM- awake at 5:30am (CDT) to clouds, 66 (F)degrees and HIGH pollen.
  • Walking: 5+ miles✅… + lunch at San Antonio Riverwalk with cousin and his family and another cousin and his sweet doggo🥰
Back at the hotel, we were too tired for further outings, even for dinner, today. Both cousins took off. We will drive ~2 hours northwest toward the middle of the eclipse totality path in the morning, for the eclipse at around 1:30ish pm.😎


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Mon, Apr 8, 2024

🌕🌖🌗—-ECLIPSE 🌑 DAY—-🌓🌔🌕

AM- awake at 3:30am hearing a puppy crying someplace in the building. But, stayed in bed and rested. and then out of bed at 4:30am (CDT) when husb woke up.

Drive northwest x2 hours to my cousin’s campsite…

Watched the sun be eclipsed by the moon with clouds wisping over it. Once it was covered, the area got DARK, the birds stopped chirping, the crickets started chirping and the doggos went to bed. It was dark for 4.5 mins where we were! Then, as it lightened up, the roosters were crowing, and the birds started flying around again. It stayed cloudy. But, we had a great time with my cousin and his doggo, Lucy🥰

PM- dinner in the nearby town with my cousin, then drove 2+ hours back to SanAntonio. My eyes are burning and gravelly, but I am happy we came down here.😎🥳🥰
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 7✅, 8✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Wed, Apr 10, 2024

—-Travel Day—-

AM- slept poorly, mostly due to anticipatory anxiety and stomach turbulence. Ate my leftovers from lunch before bed, and that is never a good idea. There were thunder storms around midnight, also, contributing. I used meditation and breathing techniques, but my brain was hyped up on caffeine from late lunch ice tea🙄

Early AM flight home today, so up and packing by 4am (CDT)
  • Walking: ~2+ miles✅… airports✈️
Noonish- maintenance delay for take off from Dalles amounting to a 2 hour period, ON THE PLANE, and then another half hour after they had us deplane, then get back on. The flight crew was not happy either, because by the time we RE-planed, they were off the clock, and had 3.5 hours of unpaid time in the air!

PM- finally landed in Spokane, and driving to home town to pick up my doggo🥰


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
That's so cool! Glad you got to see it in totality! :cool:
During totality, the sun was covered with a big solid black cloud, so we couldn’t see the corona. Just the eclipsing before and after when the wispy clouds blew across it. But, being out away from the city, and seeing nature respond was something we had not experienced at the 2017 one when it WAS visible! So, this was a different time and also worthwhile! 😅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Thurs, Apr 11, 2024

—-unplanned rest day—-

AM- didn’t wake up until I had slept for 9+ hours! Last night, I was in bed and asleep before 9pm🥴 Outside is mostly cloudy, 45 (F)degrees, with HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Laundry✅
  • Desk work✅
  • ❌Journaling
  • ❌Quilting
  • Nap✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Park for ball throwing✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337

Tues, Apr 9, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30am (CDT) to rain/wind, 70+ (F)degrees and MEDium pollen, yay! My eyes feel better today, yay, again!

Since it’s rainy here in San Antonio, and we have finished with all of our family and event stuff, we are using today to rest and recoup, have a nice lunch, turn in the rental car, then, rest some more…🥴😅
  • Walking: ✅…several blocks to the mall and inside the mall for air conditioning, then back to the hotel for 4.5 miles😅🥳
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Fri, Apr 12, 2024

Today is our 22nd anniversary😎🥰
AM- awake at 6:30ish with Canoe oozing up onto the bed between us, and nestling his head in the crook of my arm😍. He’s such a love bug🥹. However, because he is SO big, and legs are SO long, as he stretches them out sideways, even in our king sized bed, we are both clinging to the sides at the edges! We got up close to 7am (PDT) after so many doggo feet pushing his back threatening to dump us off onto the floor🤪😅
Outside is partly sunny, 47 (F)degrees, with HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x30 mins✅…the trip has derailed my routine. While I know this happens, it’s been a while since I’ve had a trip of any distance, so my experience of this has faded to a distant memory…until this last week😵‍💫..
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Park for more ball throwing & doggo playtime: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 9✅, 10✅, 11✅, & 12✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 sidekicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Quilt: x1 hour✅
  • ❌House chore
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
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Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 739
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Happy Anniversary Love GIF


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sat, Apr 13, 2024

AM- awake and up at nearly 7am (PDT) to mostly sunny skies, 44 (F) degrees, and HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • ❌Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing…husb did
Husb left for the 5 hour drive to mom’s😵‍💫
  • House chores✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 13✅, 14✅, 15✅, 16✅, 17✅, 18✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sun, Apr 14, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30ish but snuggled with Canoe til 7am (PDT), then got up. He’s laying out on the front porch in the sun🥰
Outside is mostly sunny, 47 (F) degrees with HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Reading: 40 mins (Kindle)The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up✅
Planned REST DAY
  • House chores: 2.) scrape ice out of chest freezers✅ 3.) vacuum lower levels✅
  • House chores: clean rain barrel screens✅, hose off big garage door✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Park for ball throwing and play time: 30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min Yin practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Mon, Apr 15, 2024

AM- awake before 7am (PDT) with Canoe oozing onto the bed to lay in husb’s spot, head on pillow and everything🥰. As soon as I got my camera ready, he moved😤
Outside is partly cloudy, 53 (F) degrees, with really HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧🤧No wonder I feel puffy😵‍💫
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x60 min✅…. Next door were men and trucks and machines for tree trimming, so we practiced tolerating all that in the front yard with scatter feeding and ball play🥳
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • ❌Doggo walk… enough activity in yard earlier
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Bored Easily Challenge, Day 1: Bored Easily Lower, Upper, and Core Body Strength, 45 mins✅
  • ❌Journaling
  • MORE quilting: x2 hours✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Dog walk/ ball play: x20 mins ✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 15 min Yin practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Tues, Apr 16, 2024

AM- awake and up at 6:45am (PDT) to partly cloudy skies, 50 (F)degrees feels like 45, with HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • House chore✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Bored Easily Challenge, Day 2: Body-weight HIIT Tri-Sets, 35 min✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Yin practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Wed, Apr 17, 2024

AM- awake just after 6:30am (PDT) to mostly clear skies, 4( (F)degrees feels like 41, and only MED-HIGH pollen😂🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
SafeLite guy here to repair the car windshield= an opportunity to work on stranger training with Canoodles😎😵‍💫
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x29 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • MORE quilting: x1+ hour✅
Stepson & gf here to mow etc

  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Bored Easily Challenge, Day 3: Arms & Chest Strength & Endurance with Regular Tempo, Slow Eccentric, Alternating, and Isometrics, 38 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo play/ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min restorative practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Thurs, Apr 18, 2024

AM- woke up late at nearly 7am (PDT) to blue skies, a little haze, 39 (F)degrees feels like 35, and HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅

  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x15 mins😵‍💫
  • In-town errands with doggo🥰😎
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Bored Easily Challenge, Day 4: Lower Body Dumbbell Strength + Body weight Power Training Supersets, 40 mins✅
Long FT convo with widowed bro-i-law, which was nice🥰

  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Fri, Apr 19, 2024

AM- awake before 6:30am (PDT) to blue skies, 37 (F)degrees feels like 29, and HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧

  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo to daycare for kennel practice✅

  • To stepmom’s to help sort a phone to computer issue✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Bored Easily Challenge, Day 5: Low-Impact Total Body Balance Toning with a Functional Core Finisher, 40 mins✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Fetch doggo from Daycare✅
  • Park for ball throwing/walk: x30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 18 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sat, Apr 20, 2024

AM- awake around 6:30am (PDT) to sun and blue sky, 40 (F)degrees feels like 34, & HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Canoe ball throwing: husb did
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 19✅, 20✅
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 60 sec back fists✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • ❌Yard Clean up: husb did
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Nap✅… sorta checked-out for the day🥴
  • ❌House chore
  • ❌Dinner prep
  • Ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sun, Apr 21, 2024

AM- awake at 7am (PDT) to partly cloudy skies, high winds all night, 46 (F)degrees feels like 41, and HIGH pollen🤧🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: husb did
  • House chore: x2 hour✅
Noonish- planned REST DAY
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 21✅, 22✅, 23✅, 24✅
  • Park for play time: x30 mins✅
  • MORE quilting: x1 hour✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga:


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Mon, Apr 22, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30am (PDT) to blue sky and sun, 33 (F)degrees feels like 31, and lower HIGH pollen, due to frost🥴🥳
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Quilting: 1+ hour✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Park for doggo playtime/ball throwing: x25 mins✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Stronger Challenge, Day 1: Upper Body Circuits Focusing on Chest, Back, and Shoulders with AMRAP Arm Finisher, 40 mins✅
  • Desk work: x2 hours✅
  • Assemble new dining room chairs: x1 hour✅
  • ❌Dinner prep…husb did
  • Doggo walk/ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min Gentle pranctice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Tues, Apr 23, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30, but not up until 7am (PDT) due to being woke up 3 times in the night with Canoe pacing and shaking his head (anxiety). He had a couple pork bones at dinner, so I worried about him needing to vomit and kept getting up to let him outside. Eventually, I gave him some additional CBD, and he settled down.
Outside this morning, it is sunny with high clouds, 48 (F)degrees feels like 45, with MEDIUM-HIGH pollen🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Doggo Trainer here to check in with us and Canoodles✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Stronger Challenge, Day 2: Building Strong Legs & Core Stability with Lower Body Supersets, 38 mins✅
  • Clean inside both vehicles: x2.5 hours✅
Stepson & gf here to mow, etc
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Wed, Apr 24, 2024

AM- awake just before 7am (PDT). Yesterday’s workout really tired me out and made me sore. Cleaning out the cars amplified that. So, sleeping nearly 9 hours felt necessary….
Outside is hazy/cloudy with some blue sky above, 39 (F)degrees feels like 32, with MED-HIGH pollen.🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1+ hour✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x 15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅

  • Run both cars thru car wash; finish cleaning jambs, windows ✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Stronger Challenge, Day 3: Rejuvenate & Strengthen with Joint-Friendly Low-Impact Bodyweight Exercises, 38 mins ✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min restorative practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Thurs, Apr 25, 2024

AM- awake just before 7am (PDT), but it was barely 8 hours this time.🥴
Outside is mostly sunny, 44 (F) degrees with MEDium pollen🥳🤧
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • MORE quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x15 mins✅
  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Stronger Challenge, Day 4: Total Body Strength/Conditioning, using Athletic-Inspired Circuits plus a Cardio Burst, 40 mins✅
  • MORE quilting: x45 mins✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Fri, Apr 26, 2024

AM- awake after 6:30am (PDT) to partly sunny skies, 45 (F)degrees with MEDium pollen🤧🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo to daycare for Spa Day & kennel practice✅
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Quilting: x2+ hours✅
  • Reading: 60 mins (Kindle)The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD✅

  • FitnessBlender FB 5-Day Stronger Challenge, Day 5: Build Functional Strength & Endurance with Full Body Strength EMOM, 30 mins✅…and, DONE!😎🥳
  • House chore✅
  • Fetch doggo from Spa/daycare ✅
  • Park for ball throwing: x30 mins ✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 15 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sat, Apr 27, 2024

AM- awake just before 7am (PDT). I had too much dark chocolate yesterday, so my mind was going all night, even though I was asleep. I was conscious and very busy. Ugh; I’m so tired, already….gonna cut that choc dosing down today😵‍💫
Outside is partly sunny with high clouds, 43 (F)degrees feels like 39, and MEDium-HIgh pollen🤧🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • House chore✅
  • ❌Dinner prep…husb did
  • Park for doggo play time & ball throwing: 30 mins✅
  • Grocery shop✅
  • Assemble 2 more dining room chairs✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge: Days 26✅, 27✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Sun, Apr 28, 2024

AM- woke up really late, just before 8am (PDT) to high clouds, little sun, moderate south wind, 50 (F)degrees and MEDium-HIgh pollen🤧🤧

Planned REST DAY
  • Journaling: X5 mins✅
  • ❌Yard Clean up…husb did
  • Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • House chore✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • Ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga…have just felt less than perky today…more “inflamed,” (all the symptoms of anxiety that are possible), and tired. Husb leaves for his mom’s tomorrow, so…there’s that….


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Mon, Apr 29, 2024

AM- woke up late at nearly 7am (PDT), tkk on mostly cloudy skies, 40 (F)degrees and MEDium pollen🤧🥳
Husb driving 5 hours to see my daughter in Portland then to see his mom for 4 days
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 side kicks✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 27✅, 28✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅

  • Reading: 20 mins (Kindle)The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD✅.and, DONE🥳😎…. Wow this took me a long time to read, which makes it challenging to adequately review. Although, it explained SO much about my own physical and emotional issues that it somehow made me feel *heard.*
  • Quilting: x2+ hours✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Park for ball throwing: x25 mins ✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min Hatha practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,337
Tues, Apr 30, 2024

AM- wake at 6:30am (PDT) but waited til nearly 7 to get up. Snuggled with Canoe a bit, since he had slithered up to lay on husb’s side of the bed, and prolly misses husb more than I do🤭…..🥰
  • Quilting: x2+ hours✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
Noonish- unplanned sorta rest day

Stepson & gf here to mow etc✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • DareBee UpperBody Blast Challenge, Days 29✅, 30✅… and, DONE😎🥳. Badge day donation made to DareBee❣️. Thank you DareBee Team!!🥰
  • MORE quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga