90 Days


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Thank you everyone! They are lovely smiles! I've found out that where I live now is quite close to a lot of places where my ancestors lived, so I hope to do some travelling around to take pictures.

I'm carrying on much the same.

Yesterday was:

3km-ish run.
Yoga Intermediate Heart-Opening Yoga with Affirmations, 20 minutes, by Black Yogi Nico Marie
Micro Hiit Challenge Day 1 - high knees and climbers

All fine. "Intermediate" is sometimes too much for my still old limbs, but I enjoyed the class.

I went swimming early this morning and today is Full Body Strength Day in my Fighter training plan. I usually use a YouTube video of some sort for that.

Have lovely days. Sunshine here again, which makes such a difference! :)


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 650
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Dancing GIF by Just  Dance


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"

I see I wasn't posting when I got these birthday wishes.

My "birthday" here isn't my real birthday, it's my first day of sobriety, and this year was the 10-year anniversary of that.

So thank you very much everyone, and that's a really lovely positive to come back to.

I'm going to try logging here again.

I've been doing OK with my fitness while not recording it.

I'm still following the Fighter training plan and next weekend I'll do my third 10k race of the summer.

I've struggled a bit in the past couple of weeks though so I'm hoping to find some community support here (and to offer some!).


11km run.

On we go. x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Thank you @Maegaranthelas @Fremen @aku-chan @PetiteSheWolf and @NancyTree!

And for all the likes.

It's lovely to be back.

I'm quite quiet for excercise at the moment.

I'm doing my last 10k of the year on Sunday so I'm just doing a couple of runs before that.

Yesterday was the mid-length one, about 4 - 5km, and tomorrow I'll do a short one (about 3km).

But it gives me a time to think what I want to do.

I'll probably stay with my Fighter programme as that's worked pretty well.

I've been following all Darebee's new activity on YouTube and so on and that's been interesting, so I might go back to look at why I want to exercise and so on.

I've started some counselling this week and as I got on well with the counsellor and I can attend quite conveniently I'll probably continue with that.

The weather is definitely starting to change though.

Today I did the 30 balance kicks.


It's good to have a break as well as I have a slight shoulder injury. Shoulders get injured a lot I know, but I have a couple of specifics around how I sleep (I curl up and my shoulder gets over stretched I think), and - this relates to counselling and me discovering I have ADHD - I have uncontrollable temper fits and hit things (never people or living beings) to the extent that I hurt my shoulder... That needs working on I think.

On we go!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
I am so far behind... we were there in July!

We had a lovely time thank you. I went for one run, along a coastal path, and fell over very spectacularly so I returned to my partner covered in blood! (Really, no serious injury luckily.) We walked a lot around that area, did quite a lot of swimming and had trips to St Brieuc and then Dinan on the way back to the ferry. We loved it and will go back! I hope you're enjoying your trip.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,818
Dinan is a lovely city, truly. And yeah, our coastal paths can be, ahem ...tricky! Last time I had a fairly good fall too, no bleeding externally but a huge bruise all around my knee (the right knee, the sensitive one, of course). And I always enjoy being in Bretagne ; being able to telecommute all summer and avoid the olympic games + the heat is a real treat.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Thank you Laura!

10k day.

49:00 exactly. A new personal best.

My partner has covid. I don't, yet. But we're sort of isolating in the house and I'm testing before I do anything among people.

This week I want to start back into jogging along with the Fighter Plan.

And, I've decided next year I can do 4 10k races and I'm going to try to do a half marathon.


On we go.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Thank you everyone!

I haven't got my notifications sorted properly see your new posts... I need to work on that!

Still COVID free. My partner hasn't been very unwell at all - a runny nose really.

Today in my FIGHTER rotation I'm:

Rest day.

Yoga - Day 1 of Yoga Every Damn Day by Black Yogi Nico Marie. I've done this programme before and I like it. It's got lots of variety and is about the right level for me.

Darebee exercise of the day. I crunched!

And I'll play football this evening.

On we go! x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Thank you Fremen!

Still winding up to full speed I think.


I did: https://darebee.com/workouts/heavyweight-workout.html#sets

That was just right for me.

Exercise of the day. Balance swings. I can't complete this without a rest. My balance is a struggle.

Yoga Every Damn Day, day 2, root chakra. Jolly good!

A bit of walking. We're picking blackberries here (I don't know any international names, apologies), and have done very well. Lots in the freezer and some cooked into sauces.

On we go. x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 179
"Starting again"
Casual training day:

Exercise of the day. Plank leg raises (how does Neila smile through every video!? - I did it, but I didn't smile :happy:)

Short run. This is about 3 - 4km. I must get the exact distance noted.

Yoga Every Damn Day - Day 3. Sun Salutations.

I've started meditation again. I'm doing 5 minute breath count to get started. I've done that for three days now.

I've managed to injure the shoulder that isn't usually injured. I'm not sure how. Oh well. I need to find a relatively easy HIIT for today then.

This is what I'm listening to most. I'm obsessed by this song. I think Dua is better at yoga than me.
