Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @MadamMeow! Nobu has joined me several times!
  • Basics
  • Workout: stiff neck, sore neck, Rotator Cuff, neck & shoulders
  • Nobu cuddled with me last night and today!
  • It wasn't helpful at all today (he stole my hand, grabbed it when I pulled away, and tried to keep my arm in place with his teeth. Kitten did not want me to do anything!) but I will never turn down cuddles!
  • That's the face of an unapologetic attention hog
  • If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I should be able to fit in a bike ride!
  • We're gathering everything for our first festival on Saturday, which may take longer than anticipated
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Double fingers crossed that it doesn't storm on Saturday!
  • Good: completed 4 designs
  • Happy: Casper brushed against my arm and burst my blister!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Workout: hand tendons, hand mobility, eye rest
  • No bike ride
  • But! The car is tetris-ed to the gills!
  • I will be sitting with crossed legs on top of the cooler again, but last year was fine, so I'm not worried
  • It's so much easier when I don't join them at the festivals 😅
  • The weather has shifted, happily
  • Hot, probably humid, but no rain!
  • Much like today, really
  • Nobu joined me on the couch and helped me fall asleep there
  • Casper woke me with his caterwauling
  • It was an interesting morning 😂
  • I removed my blister, mostly by accident
  • Remember to keep blisters covered, Bees!
  • The skin underneath looks great, at least
  • Good: packed the car
  • Happy: tomorrow is the start of a short vacation and it will be so quiet!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The museum was delightful!
  • The employees are always so kind and eager to share their knowledge
  • I also saw a cow
  • He (?) was not impressed 😂
  • I took 3 pictures. All were cows. My priorities 😅
  • Realized about ten minutes before arriving that I forgot my hat 🤦‍♀️
  • Sunscreen was applied every 2 hours exactly
  • No burning and my nose is only a little pink
  • (The heat exhaustion at the end wasn't fun, but I'm all better now!)
  • I walked 15,978 steps and if my feet and legs wanted to move at all, I'd try to make than an even 16,000
  • I planned on catching up tomorrow on today's schedule, but they both may be pushed to Monday
  • In closing:
  • I got cuddles last night!
  • Good: had enough water
  • Happy: excellent day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Caught up with yesterday, but skipped any workouts
  • I thought I'd be much more tired and am very happy I'm not!
  • Today is the start of my vacation, which means the house is mine and everything is quiet
  • (Mom and Dad are in Canada celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary until Thursday)
  • I get 3 full days of glorious silence, cooking only what I want, and all the feline attention!
  • Truly, the best sort of vacation!
  • Nobu cuddled with me earlier and we had an excellent sprawl
  • If not tonight, I should have at least one companion as I sleep in the coming days!
  • If the weather clears up (heavy wind and threat of hail if it rains), I'll try to ride tomorrow
  • Good: supper was quick, easy, and delicious!
  • Happy: it's so quiet 😁


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Workout: upperbody press, eye workout
  • It cleared up so well there was a sun advisory!
  • I don't need heat exhaustion again, so I stayed in
  • I'm hoping for a less clear day so I can weed tomorrow
  • My peppers are getting some very tall neighbors 👀
  • The cats have been good
  • Nobu cuddled last night and I woke a bit diagonal
  • I refuse to complain when I woke to these 2 🥰
  • I knew I wanted to get more shades of beads, but I'm understanding today that I need more shades
  • Instead of trying to make things fit exactly, I think I'm going to go absurd
  • Think neon colors
  • Ladybugs can be bright pink! 😂
  • Mom and Dad are having fun, which is all I can ask for
  • Good: silence
  • Happy: I'm growing calmer by the hour with how quiet it is


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • Decided on a lazy day and skipped any workouts
  • The weather cooperated and I was able to weed
  • That was more than enough time in the sun, so I also skipped a bike ride
  • Nobu cuddled last night, which meant I fell asleep on the couch
  • He also insisted on attention when I was trying to draw
  • That's a face that shows disinterest and contempt 😂
  • Casper and Nox joined me when I got upstairs, but weren't there when I woke up 🤷‍♀️
  • I'm apparently not the only one who thinks my neighbor has a great yard
  • They were a sight to see this morning! And afternoon! And while weeding! And making supper!
  • They've been here all day 😂
  • Being alone means I get to play with recipes I don't think at least one person will like
  • Lunch and supper have been excellent today!
  • Good: weeded
  • Happy: yet more exceptional recipes from Eleanor!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • ❤️ @NancyTree
  • Basics
  • Been tired all day
  • Since it's laundry day, I didn't feel too bad about skipping workouts
  • I'm low enough on thread that an unworkable design was cut off the loom to save the loom thread
  • But I managed a new design that I can make tomorrow, so that's good!
  • And I think I can salvage the first design with some different colored beads
  • Tomorrow, hopefully!
  • It rained most of the day, but I got some thunder as well, so no complaints!
  • (And the plants needed the water)
  • If the weather holds, we should be going to Shakespeare in the Park tomorrow!
  • Mom and Dad are home in the morning
  • Goodbye, sweet silence 😭
  • Cats have been catting
  • Surprise Casper cuddle!
  • (I was covered in fur after)
  • My baby stayed through my shower in there 🥹
  • Good: saved the loom thread
  • Happy: Tyler tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Well, they're back
  • My silence has been broken, but it is good to see them
  • No Shakespeare in the Park today because the weather is looking great for tomorrow
  • Instead we went to Old Fort Niagara so Mom could get a photo from New York that's opposite the one she got from Canada
  • I'll see if she can send me those
  • It was clear enough I could get a picture of Toronto, which is rare!
  • I'll get to the store in the next few days for more supplies
  • I'm trying to figure out new designs and they're certainly being difficult
  • I'll get there eventually!
  • Good: Mom and Dad are home safe and had a great time
  • Happy: Theo was in and gave me all the kisses!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Neither Mom nor I are feeling great today
  • Hopefully it's just a small stomach bug
  • We did get out to a few craft stores
  • Still need the bead store further away for certain colors
  • Some of the new designs have come along; others most certainly have not
  • I think I need more experience
  • No Shakespeare in the Park
  • It runs for the next few months, so we'll go eventually!
  • It's been a quiet, tired day
  • Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better!
  • Good: got outside
  • Happy: good family day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @graoumia! We're both much better!
  • Basics (caught up)
  • Didn't exercise yesterday beyond the daily exercise
  • Got much too caught up in things!
  • Epic Legs Challenge
  • Total Body Program
  • Epic Legs was nice and easy, but I'm glad it's done
  • I like how Total Body is structured; the cardio days pushed me and the yoga was a wonderful counterbalance
  • I quite like the various workouts I completed, too!
  • A good month overall!
  • Got all the colors I need for various designs
  • So, of course, I created my most audacious design yet and need one more color 🤦‍♀️
  • I got cuddles today!
  • Now to figure out next month...
  • Good: got to the store
  • Happy: cuddles!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • :thanku: @MadamMeow, @graoumia, @Fremen, @Obsinosterous, @Anek, @Haleth
  • Basics
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • better core challenge
  • Various Workouts
  • Workout: morning upperbody stretch
  • Downsized rather massively this month
  • I need to focus on stretching and mobility, specifically regarding my back
  • I'm keeping things light until I see Bee and get her opinion on things
  • Off schedule there: I'll be seeing her at 5 weeks instead of 4
  • Thankfully not too uncomfortable right now!
  • Had a great stretch with Nobu last night
  • He wanted to cuddle today, but it didn't quite work
  • Hopefully later!
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Workout: Rearward, Expanse
  • Rearward definitely showed where I need Bee to work!
  • Unplanned rest day
  • Just felt tired and drawn
  • Since it's at the end of my cycle, I'll take it!
  • It's been a very light cycle this time and I'm very glad for it!
  • Hopefully some designing will still happen tonight
  • If it doesn't, I have excellent feedback from my sister, so I have plenty to do tomorrow
  • Fingers crossed I get some cuddles yet today!
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: 4 more days until Bee


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Thanks, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • Workout: duck & swing
  • Definitely starting to feel the extra days from Bee 😭
  • 3 more!
  • I got my wish last night!
1000004784.jpg 1000004785.jpg
  • He fully said I was not using that hand for anything but him! 😂
  • I fixed a design, but haven't worked out the bugs in another
  • The truly vexing part?
  • Nymo thread is the worst
  • I had some strong words earlier
  • I'm just thankful the design didn't work out the way I hoped, because if I lost the finished product at the end? 😬
  • Here's to hoping my new loom works at least decently
  • I can adjust if necessary!
  • Good: tried the new design
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Family day got away from me a bit!
  • We all slept in and had a great brunch, and then we chatted and watched movies
  • There's a parade for the 4th and the church gives away hot dogs along the route
  • I'm hiding inside with the air conditioning, thank you very much!
  • Pretty sure I've figured out the design that's been eluding me
  • And my new loom works well!
  • It's a little tricky getting the tension right, but I have ideas
  • Since I'm not going to be working after seeing Bee, I think I'm going to really knuckle down and figure out some new designs
  • Fingers crossed!
  • I had Nobu cuddles last night. After I fell asleep on the couch. It kept me there until 6. In the morning.
  • Why won't he join me in bed?? 😭 😭
  • Good: family day
  • Happy: it's been a calm, happy day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Caught up!
  • Realized with how easy I'm taking it, I allowed a mental block on the workouts
  • I'll try to do some tomorrow
  • Tried a new Mexican restaurant for lunch
  • It wasn't bad, we'll definitely go back, but I'm learning that some places do not take making birria a priority
  • It's not hard! If you're going to offer it, make it well!
  • I was consoled with pizza for supper
  • Managed to not take a nap, but it's been a tired day
  • Tomorrow will be better!
  • Both of my siblings stopped by yesterday with their significant others?
  • First time meeting both of them!
  • We're especially happy with my sister's boyfriend; he seems really great!
  • (Poor thing has had terrible experiences so far with dating. Fingers crossed!)
  • Good: tried a new restaurant
  • Happy: BEE TOMORROW!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • No workout, but I fit grocery shopping in before seeing Bee!
  • She was... not happy with my back...
  • I will be taking care to stretch and shift more when I work
  • She was more than happy to talk coffee while setting me right, though!
  • I have a new shop to try that sells beans!
  • Other than that, it's been a very lazy day
  • Good: back is no longer knotted up!
  • Happy: found garlic scapes at the greenhouse!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • This afternoon has been chaotic
  • I figured out an important detail in finishing loom work I was very hesitant on
  • Much easier than I was afraid of!
  • Then Dad let us know the tortoise wasn't put outside and upset about that
  • He made a way outside and ALL THREE CATS FOLLOWED
  • My heart was saved by the twins immediately coming in
  • Casper took a few hours, but he's safe now, too
  • Thanks, boys 🙄
  • Liam really stopped these things from happening 😭
  • Good: everyone is home safe
  • Happy: Nobu cuddled last night even when my legs weren't flat!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • I may have a cold
  • Sincerely hope not, but time will tell
  • Also did some thinking and realized my lack of desire to do any more exercising is one of my slumps
  • No more feeling guilty!
  • I will keep the month as simple as it is and focus on mental health
  • It's great progress that I can look and see these things instead of wallowing!
  • Now if my Nobu could cuddle more, that'd be perfect
  • (He left me for Dad last night! The betrayal!)
  • Good: mental progress
  • Happy: it's been an okay day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • It's been a good day!
  • Slept in, worked with the new loom, and am eating a "clean the fridge" bowl
  • Strangest yet, but plenty tasty!
  • I'm trying not to watch Dr Who with Mom
  • It's the end of Clara's run and I don't need the emotion 😅
  • I'll search through the movies and chose something to distract me
  • I got cuddles last night!!
  • He also joined me after I fell asleep and kept me on the couch until Mom came down
  • I have a bed! He could cuddle there!
  • Cats!
  • Good: designs are working on the small loom
  • Happy: good day!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @NancyTree! I'm glad it's appreciated instead of being annoying!
  • Basics
  • Laundry was interrupted by cuddles from Nobu and a tornado warning
  • Yay! 🙄
  • There were a few touch downs, but nothing immediately near us
  • We had about 20 minutes of heavy rain followed by sun
  • That was literally a minute after the rain stopped
  • It's been raining off and on all day and is expected to continue tomorrow
  • Everyone is safe and that's the most important!
  • Tyler tomorrow!
  • Good: survived the weather
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Tyler set me right!
  • He also found a stretch that I actually feel!
  • That doesn't usually happen 😅
  • Theo was in!
  • I got a magnificent PUPPY sprawl 😁
  • So many kisses!!
  • I have spent all afternoon working on new designs
  • First attempt on my small loom, second on my big
  • And more work tomorrow to finalize things 😭
  • I have to use a different color for my background because I'm almost out of black!
  • Thankfully, once I have the designs where I want them, I'm undoing all of the prototypes
  • Waste not, want not!
  • Good: productive day!
  • Happy: Theo!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Unplanned rest day
  • Stayed in bed reading until 1
  • Figured I'd better eat something more than just dinner
  • I think I finally have my latest designs worked out!
  • I'll make the final adjustments tomorrow
  • Mom and sister were both huge helps!
  • Nobu cuddled last night!!
  • He stayed for hours until I got so warm I was sweating
  • Still tried to get closer after that, too 🥹
  • Finished the first, second, and fourth Alien movies
  • I have no need of the third 😤
  • Moving on to the Predator series before I watch Alien vs Predator
  • They make great background noise while crafting!
  • Good: lovely mental rest day
  • Happy: I had puppy and kitten cuddles yesterday!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • It's officially a cold now
  • Slept 10.5 hours and went shopping in flannel (it was 21°)
  • At least I only feel a bit rundown
  • I've whittled down the new designs to just a few more little changes
  • Thankfully!
  • Also worked on another design I put aside a while ago
  • Awaiting my sister's feedback on that one
  • Finished the first Predator!
  • Why did movies in the 80s have such loud music and quiet talking? 😭
  • No cuddles last night
  • We had a fly and Nobu insisted on tracking it
  • Amusingly, Nox is the one who got it
  • Our little hunter!
  • Good: grocery shopping
  • Happy: designs are moving along!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Much better day!
  • Slept a normal amount and actually felt the heat!
  • I had Nobu briefly last night
  • Turns out there were FOUR flies in the house
  • I think we finally got all of them!
  • Will be crafting and watching the second Predator in a bit
  • Should finally be done with the designs
  • Good: quiet day
  • Happy: progress on designs!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Finalized the designs, unmade everything previous, and loomed the new ones!
  • Almost done!
  • I will finish them and draft new things only tomorrow
  • My back is not happy with me
  • It was rainy for a bit
  • Mom came home a little late because it was so hard there it looked like snow
  • And we had some showers 🤷‍♀️
  • Cuddles last night!
  • He joined me briefly today, but then Mom opened cheese and I was abandoned 😅
  • It's been an incredibly productive day!
  • Good: nearly finished!
  • Happy: Nox kneaded the back of the couch behind Mom and Dad!! Didn't stay, but that's huge!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Overslept and took a rest day
  • That's a load off!
  • Nobu helped today be a rest day
  • This was his final pose after an hour or so 😂
  • It was so humid I think the back room was uncomfortable for him
  • All the better for me!
  • Two days in a row!! 🤯
  • And I'm still not allowed to look at him 😔
  • Cats!
  • Ghost peppers are flowering for a second time; I'm letting them go this time
  • Those plants are looking amazing
  • I may have put the habaneros in too much sunlight
  • They're... sad
  • Fingers crossed on them!
  • I have several designs I haven't loomed yet, so that may be my focus tomorrow
  • Good: fully finished the designs!
  • Happy: cuddles!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Laundry has my back hurting, unfortunately
  • I worked on a new design for my sister, but need further opinions before crafting that
  • Did make one of my drafts!
  • Just trying to relax my back for the rest of the day
  • Nobu cuddled briefly
  • He joined me a literal minute before a load was done
  • I offended him with a kiss and he left 😂
  • Need to scroll through my brother's server and choose a new crafting movie
  • Alien 1, 2 & 4, Predator 1&2, both AvP, and a rewatch of Moana have been seen so far
  • Maybe a rewatch of Rambo? 🤔
  • Good: finished a design
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • It's been a good day!
  • Chinese buffet for lunch and crafting in the afternoon
  • Still don't have a shade for my biggest design, so I changed the main color!
  • Need to finish off the ends, but I'm super happy right now!
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • And groomed me, of course!
  • Watched: Scream
  • I'll watch the sequel and see if I want anything more
  • Not a bad movie, just easily ignorable
  • The biggest happiness:
  • IT CAME!!!
  • Expected delivery was the 25th, so I'm SUPER happy today!
  • I can make several recipes with things in my cupboard and fridge, so I'm all set for meals tomorrow!!
  • Good: minor change to make design possible
  • Happy: this cookbook is even better than I hoped!
  • (Also: watching my parents play cribbage is always fun 😂)


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Scout from WNY
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  • It's spectacular, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • Sister stopped by before work!!
  • Now have specifics for her design!
  • (I'll work on it tomorrow)
  • So great to see her!
  • New cookbook is as wonderful as I hoped
  • Made the vegetable pancake; I am still horrible at flipping food, but it tasted spectacular!
  • Planned on several things I don't eat for supper next week so I can make more new recipes!!
  • (Mom and Dad are pleased 😂)
  • Nobu did not want me to go to bed last night
  • Claws were involved
  • And he's ignored me today
  • Can you blame him?
  • Fingers crossed I can go to the new coffee shop tomorrow!
  • Good & Happy: great food!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Insomnia, why?? 😭
  • Didn't fall asleep until 4:30 and threw my day entirely off
  • Coffee shop closes early on Saturdays, so no go there 😢
  • Did get grocery shopping done, though!
  • And great progress was made on my project!
  • No cuddles from Nobu
  • He did cry when I closed the bathroom door, though 🤷‍♀️
  • Just had a cup of coffee, so I should go to bed soon
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good: project progress!
  • Happy: lots of supplies for new recipes!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • It really does, @CODawn 😭
  • Basics
  • Thankfully, insomnia happens rarely
  • Got to bed at a much more reasonable time!
  • Had Nobu briefly, too
  • Found the color I've been looking for!
  • Started the design, realized I switched two colors (🤦‍♀️), decided to leave it, and ended up stopping halfway through
  • Second attempt tomorrow!
  • Also have everything for my sister, so that'll happen tomorrow before anything else
  • Watched: Scream 2, Scream 3-1/2
  • Liked the second enough to watch the third
  • I definitely talked to the screen more than once 😂
  • I may just finish this series!
  • Already looking at the next series; Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street are standing out
  • Dessert!
  • Need to buy a smaller cast iron skillet; mine is too big for this and that dish was too small for this application
  • Still great! Just took a lot longer and the center is soft
  • Good: found supplies
  • Happy: progress is being made!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Quiet day
  • Didn't get to the coffee shop
  • It'll happen soon, because I have 2 days worth of coffee left
  • Finished my sister's project!
  • Timing kept me from my project's next attempt
  • Tomorrow!
  • Watched: Scream 3-2/2, Scream 4
  • I'm slightly worried for 5 with Craven being gone, but I'll catch it tomorrow
  • Actually loving the series the more it goes on!
  • My sister is ecstatic right now
  • Cat distribution system is in full effect!
  • The Bean is itsy bitsy and SUPER cuddly!!
  • (I have squealed multiple times)
  • Supper was exceedingly successful
  • Courgette Carpaccio with Crispy Capers and Butter Beans*
  • *Cannellini beans, since I had a can already
  • I repeated "trust the process" numerous times! 😂
  • Being lactose intolerant, I don't eat many cheeses, I loathe lemon in savory dishes, and capers? They were definitely a miss!
  • I got through half of this plate before remembering the bread 😂
  • Pizza tomorrow! 🤤
  • Good: a second cat has been my sister's hope for a while
  • Happy: project completed! Bean! Supper!
**Let me know if you want the recipe. Since the base is ricotta, I could see using a soft tofu in its place; otherwise, this dish is vegan!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Project ✅
  • This one came out very well!
  • Need to make a few tweaks, but Mom thinks other colors would look good, so that's a future project
  • Watched: Scream (2022)
  • I thought this one was a great finale for the original series
  • To that end, I'm not going to watch any more
  • I will most probably rewatch these, though!
  • Friday the 13th is next!
  • Nobu was very upset I got up to make lunch
  • So was I 😭
  • Pizza for supper!
  • I still have great trouble moving the dough from the counter to the pan (cooked in cast iron)
  • Other than being too thick, it was lovely!
  • I'll be making her focaccia in the next bit!
  • Good: finished project
  • Happy: pizza was very yummy! And my sister is ecstatic with her new cuddle bean!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,422
  • Basics Yesterday and Today
  • Yesterday was good!
  • It was the local Taste of and that's always fun
  • Today was better
  • Theo was in and gave me all the love
  • We tried a new restaurant that was quite good!
  • Finally got to the coffee shop!
  • SO glad we did!
  • Excellent coffee, and even better customer service!
  • We will definitely be returning
  • Made a third attempt at my biggest design
  • I'm getting faster at the large size!
  • Made a mistake that I only noticed in the picture I sent my sister 😭
  • Watched: Friday the 13th 1&2
  • They were... underwhelming
  • There was only one character, of both movies, that I wanted to survive
  • (Muffin; thank you, Jason!)
  • I'll give the next a go, just to see the progression of Jason
  • I want to see Freddy vs Jason, so I'll watch both to get there
  • Minimal Nobu cuddles, but I was blessed this morning
  • Ahem
  • I wish I knew what I did, who I honored, what offering I made, to get NOX
  • Good: a very good day
  • Happy: this coffee really is exceptional


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Sister and her boyfriend are over!!
  • He's really great!
  • Worked on designs and remade my first ever project
  • It was Mom's Christmas present
  • My skill has definitely grown
  • Watched: 13th 3-5
  • I'm just rooting for Jason at this point
  • I thought he got his just desserts in 4, though
  • You never go after the animals! 😤
  • Nobu cuddles last night!
  • I shifted after getting too warm and so did he
  • My baby!
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: sister!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Productive day!
  • Finished Mom's necklace and it's so much more the original design I wanted it!
  • Only worked on one other design
  • Lunch and dessert were new recipes from Eleanor
  • Neither were particularly pretty, but both very tasty!
  • Also went grocery shopping, which went very quickly this time!
  • No cuddles last night 😭
  • Watched: 13: 6-8
  • Reading the summaries of 9 & 10, I'm happy to skip them
  • I thought they gave Jason a fitting send off
  • (And Toby survived!)
  • 8 made me laugh the most, which was fun
  • Onto Nightmare on Elm St!
  • Good: new massage therapist found
  • Happy: though it felt like they were really searching for story lines the further into the series they went, I did enjoy the movies enough to continue


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • It's been a quiet, lazy day
  • Went to a new restaurant (for me)
  • It's an incredibly limited menu and I will not be returning
  • Good food, just not much for me
  • No crafting today
  • Just started Nightmare on Elm Street, despite that
  • I'm already liking it more than Friday the 13th
  • (Not to say I'll like Freddy more, that's TBD)
  • I need to finish this before I give a running commentary 😅
  • No cuddles last night 😭
  • Good: finalizing plan for Mom's birthday
  • Happy: it's been a good day!