Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @NancyTree, @aku-chan, @Anek!
  • Basics
  • Today's song: several as I made supper
  • Well, today didn't go entirely as planned
  • I woke with pained fingers, so no applesauce or crafting
  • They're feeling better after care and medicine, so I'm hoping to get to work tomorrow
  • Supper did happen regardless!
  • Mom and Dad are at the annual church convention overnight, so I'm alone!
  • (That was the biggest happiness of the day)
  • Vindaloo was made and thoroughly enjoyed!
  • The only problem: I forgot naan! 😭🥵
  • The sweating has stopped, at least 😅
  • Nobu cuddled briefly, then left me for Dad's seat
  • At least I can observe the adorableness
  • Fell asleep on the couch night before last, but got to bed last night!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: spicy, flavorful vindaloo!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @LizardFriend95! There are very few designs I've made for those colors, so backgrounds are great!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Today I was held captive by Nobu. The only complaints were for food and the bathroom
  • I lasted a few hours!
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  • I also woke to both Casper and Nox, so my day has been great!
  • Nox scarpered before I could get a picture
  • New beads and clasps finally arrived, so I'm crafting tomorrow
  • Mom and Dad surprised me with supper out, so I had a great evening and have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!
  • It's really been a great day!
  • Good: completed necessary chores
  • Happy: cats! Quiet! Good food in great company!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Addicted to Love
  • It was almost all with my feet solidly on the ground, but I did get good movement in!
  • I was looking up recipes for the birthday party we're throwing for my sister and her boyfriend
  • (They're 10 days apart!)
  • I did a good bit of crafting. Made samples to test colors and finished three designs
  • It was rainy and cold, so we had the fire going for hours!
  • First time this season!
  • Mom put on a series of movies, so I had those playing in my ear while crafting
  • Lost Boys, Ghostbusters (1984), and Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • Dad put on Interview with the Vampire after that, but it's not my favorite so music for me!
  • A sent me pictures of Stormy! I was not ready for the cuteness!!
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  • 🥹🥹🥹
  • He's getting so big!!
  • Productive, great family day!
  • Good: finished all but knitting threads of the new designs
  • Happy: it's been a great day!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • He really is, @NancyTree! Apparently he eats everything in sight, too! His mom says the cuteness saves him 😂
  • Basics
  • Today's song: many as I cooked, Conga!
  • Conga! came on as I wrote this, and that's a very hard song to ignore dancing to!
  • Made applesauce!
  • So. Much. Applesauce.
  • I counted the apples and figured I'd make enough for 6 quart bottles
  • I filled 9. With a large bowlful left over
  • :tired:
  • I used Mom's largest stock pot and it worked great! All but 4 apples from a half bushel filled it to the top!
  • Going by how my hands and arms are feeling, tomorrow isn't going to be much fun
  • But I have enough sauce to share and keep me happy until next year!
  • So I'm okay with that!
  • Found the canning pot and tools downstairs and am so happy
  • I used the stock pot last time and it wasn't quite tall enough
  • The special tongs? Life-saver!
  • It's been a wonderfully productive day!
  • I made it to bed only once in the last 3 days 😞
  • Good: cleaned as I went
  • Happy: it's done! and super yummy!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Lost Boys is so 80s campy cringe it's hysterical, @GentleOx! I was plugging my ears at times to get away from it 😂 I agree on Ghostbusters, too. Great movies, talked about enough
  • Thank you, @WolfDreamer! It's very tasty and even Dad agrees! He doesn't eat applesauce!
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Start Me Up
  • Thankfully, my hands are only a bit sore! My shoulder has been bugging me for a little while, so that's acting up, but I see Tyler tomorrow
  • Got to the store and some crafting done
  • Otherwise it's been a quiet day
  • Fell asleep on the couch again 😞
  • Nobu woke me with aggressive cuddles. Again.
  • At least I get cuddles out of it?
  • Good: got to the store
  • Happy: quiet day!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I moved a bit in the shower, but it's really hard to dance there and not slip 😅
  • My new comforter came in and is the perfect size!
  • It's the exact same that I already have, but my old one is just too short on the sides
  • A size up fixed that!
  • Tyler was able to help with my shoulder and set my back straight
  • I'm feeling much better!
  • Laundry really tired me today
  • I'll be going to bed early (got there last night!) and keeping it easy tomorrow
  • Drafting new designs and crafting something for sure
  • Also maybe baking something
  • I have some apples left and a sugar craving
  • We have a sprawl!!
  • Good: got up early to finish laundry before seeing Tyler
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • As jealous as it can be, @GentleOx, being the one they cuddle with is truly wonderful 🥹
  • Basics
  • Today's song: several
  • I swayed more than anything, but did move!
  • I officially have a cold 😭
  • Could be worse! It's just exhaustion and sinus congestion
  • Nobu, the fire, and cups of tea have helped greatly!
  • I got some drafting done and figured out how I want to change a design
  • The problem with every draft is that my graph paper is 1mm bigger than my beads
  • So the crafted design is longer and thinner
  • Not usually a problem, but when it comes to gonks, rounded it preferred!
  • I'll make one if I have time tomorrow
  • We're going to Letchworth to see the trees!
  • Should be gorgeous!
  • Didn't make anything sweet because Dad bought cookies
  • Oatmeal Raisin! 😋
  • Before I fell asleep on the couch (🥲), Nobu stole my seat
  • When I sat next to him, he started purring so loud
  • Not great lighting, unfortunately
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: lazy, quiet day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I'm feeling much better!
  • Still have some sinus congestion and tiredness, but it's much less today. Fingers crossed it continues to decrease!
  • Letchworth was as lovely as always!
  • Out about half of the trees were changing color, but it was still beautiful!
  • Mom is the only one who took pictures, so enjoy my favorite of them
  • The weather was just perfect and it made for a truly exceptional visit
  • No crafting, as I expected
  • Tomorrow!
  • Casper came in as I was getting up and was upset to learn that
  • It made a great picture, at least 😅
  • I made it to bed last night!
  • It should be an early night for all of us today
  • Good: the journey was as delightful as the destination
  • Happy: excellent day with my parents!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @LizardFriend95!
  • I passed along your compliments and Mom thanks you all, @LizardFriend95, @NancyTree, @Anek!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • No crafting
  • May have an ear infection
  • It's been a very tired day
  • Did get to the grocery shopping, so that's a plus!
  • My left thigh is unhappy with the hike yesterday, but that's the only thing!
  • Technically I fell asleep on the couch last night. BUT it was before Mom and Dad went to bed, and that woke me up. Read a bit before heading to bed after that. I'm counting it as a win!
  • Nobu cuddled
  • And then the tank found the table Mom left out
  • He was moving it! I had to save the supplies on it! 🤦‍♀️
  • Good: got out of the house
  • Happy: watched The Goonies with my parents!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Feeling mostly better than yesterday!
  • Still tired and generally icky, and my ear is certainly tender, but it's not bad overall!
  • Made a new version of the gonk!
  • It came out really well! I'm going to make one more just a bit wider just to see how it comes out tomorrow
  • Also made the cutest baby spider!
  • It's not perfect because I don't have a light shade of brown, but I love it regardless!
  • I finished it only a little bit ago, so pictures need to wait until tomorrow
  • I'm definitely posting that one!
  • (Not that I know what I'm doing with it...)
  • Finally convinced my parents to watch Avatar (Netflix version) and they're loving it as much as I expected
  • Giggling kept me from working at all productively 😅
  • Fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • Good & Happy: great quiet day with my parents!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @MadamMeow!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I sincerely hope I'm at the "worst before it gets better" stage
  • Had to pull out the big guns today (Theraflu)
  • I've not had an ear infection in decades
  • Why does it itch so much???
  • Overall, I'm tired and very icky
  • It did make me get to bed last night, though
  • Silver linings!
  • It's warmer, so only very brief Nobu cuddles (🥲)
  • Baby spider picture!
  • I need a light brown and tan (grey and transparent topaz replaced those), but I'm still super happy with it!
  • So cute!!
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: I've been able to rest and take care of myself


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @aku-chan!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (caught up)
  • I'm feeling both better and worse 🥴
  • Ear was feeling better this morning, it's since swelled again
  • My throat went from sharp to dull pain, which is much preferred!
  • The joint pain? Ick.
  • I was unable to finish my shower with cold water, which is disappointing
  • I've found the correct medicine, though, so things are getting better!
  • Mom has now joined myself and Dad, though 😬
  • We're all a mess here!
  • We tried a new Chinese place for supper and are quite happy with it!
  • Soup makes things so much better when sick!
  • Nobu cuddled when all I wanted was to curl into a ball
  • No surprise on who won there 😅
  • It was a magnificent sprawl!
  • If my sister is willing to help, I may be doing something (temporarily) completely crazy with my hair
  • More on that if it happens 🤞
  • Good: medicine is working!
  • Happy: things are getting better!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • Both yesterday and today
  • The illness is progressing
  • Mom had to take today off
  • Dad has been pushing through, but he's had minimal symptoms
  • I'm down to mucus
  • (So. Much. Mucus. 😭)
  • Also a sandpaper throat and some lingering fatigue and body pain
  • Overall, it's not too bad!
  • (Though, why my body is fighting more sleep?? I tossed more than a little last night!)
  • Had a black cat on my bed last night. It was at 4, so there was no light. But he didn't move at all, so I think it was Nobu!!
  • Then I got this picture this morning
  • That's Nox!
  • I've been taking it easy and drinking so much liquid
  • Things are progressing, and that's all I can ask for
  • Good: managed laundry and a trip to the store
  • Happy: all the cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • Thank you, @NancyTree, @GentleOx!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • So glad the monthly challenge is so easy
  • Lethargy hit hard yesterday
  • Saw Kayla today and it's been much better!
  • My throat is only sore; no more sandpaper!!
  • I've had bursts of energy that I've used on chores I've been putting off
  • Also remembered spices help!
  • Habanero hot sauce numbs everything that hurts! 😂
  • The worst new symptom is the one giving me the least difficulty: stuffy ears
  • Why?? 😭😭
  • I can usually ignore my tinnitus 😭
  • Overall, I'm taking it one day at a time and being thankful for the bursts of health and energy
  • Numerous cuddles from Nobu (he was on my bed last night!!)
  • Theo was in today! I got all the attention!
  • And my brother sent me new pictures of Stormy
  • This is my favorite 🥹
  • Good: saw Kayla
  • Happy: Theo! Cuddles! Spice!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,712
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • I voted!!
  • Now I get to be doubly annoyed by political ads! 😂
  • Other than the stuffy ears and lingering mucus at the back of my throat, I'm feeling loads better!
  • The fatigue seems to finally be gone!!
  • Multiple exclamation points on everything because we had the joint birthday party tonight!
  • Saw all my siblings and had a blast!
  • A gave me some great advice on some design ideas (she's super crafty!)
  • And gave me the idea for her Christmas gift!
  • (That's been bugging me for a little while now)
  • Nobu gave me some excellent cuddles
  • I didn't think he'd stay with my leg curled; pretty sure the blanket supported him 😅
  • Fell asleep on the couch last night
  • Actually kind of happy about it! Being sick put me in bed all but one day 🤷‍♀️
  • Good: saw everyone and planned Thanksgiving!
  • Happy: siblings! Craft ideas! Cuddles!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,712
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • Still taking one day at a time
  • Feeling much better as the days progress, and the only discomfort in the morning is excess mucus
  • All very manageable!
  • Sleeping all through the night, too!
  • Showers have been such a help
  • I'm hoping to finish cold again tomorrow!
  • Never knew I'd take that as a health indicator 🤷‍♀️
  • Back to falling asleep on the couch every other day again 🤦‍♀️
  • My baby has been cuddling every day
  • He just settled as I write this 🥹
  • Good: healing!
  • Happy: Tyler tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,712
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 1,000 Calf Raises
  • :completed:
  • That was so nice and easy!
  • It was exactly what I needed while being sick
  • I'll be starting Recovery on the first to get back into exercising
  • Today has been my best day so far!
  • (Finished my shower cold!!)
  • I'm really looking forward to moving more
  • There will be drafting and crafting tomorrow!
  • Had to push through the laundry before seeing Tyler or else I'd have done some today
  • Tyler realigned me well!
  • It's been warm, so no cuddles
  • But Nox demanded attention after my shower??
  • He was purring 🥹
  • And A sent me a picture last night
  • I just can't with these cats 🥹
  • Good: saw Tyler
  • Happy: NOX!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,712
  • :thanku: @Obsinosterous, @NancyTree, @Fremen, @Anek, @MadamMeow, @Laura Rainbow Dragon!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I got some work done!
  • I had FOUR false starts, but pushed through them all!
  • My sister came by to give out candy since none come to her place
  • (That surprise is definitely what got me through!)
  • We had surprisingly few trick or treaters considering it was the warmest Halloween day on record
  • We watched Practical Magic, which was a first for her!
  • Then Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, since L hadn't seen that one
  • Great movies to end the season with!
  • Today's been a good day!
  • Still have lingering mucus, but decongestant in the morning helps me the rest of the day
  • I even bounced around a bit to some music!
  • Fell asleep on the couch 2 days in a row now 😭
  • Good: got out to several stores
  • Happy: COFFEE!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,712
Hello, Bees!

In an effort to keep my mental health healthy, I've narrowed my focus to family and self after this month's disaster. That's gone rather well!

Exercised daily and finished both Recovery and 10,000 Punches :completed:

I've long hated circular breathing and realized through Recovery that if I push it a few seconds longer, it's no longer uncomfortable or frustrating! So that's helpful and productive!

Started to get bored of punches about 3 weeks in, but pushed through! Kayla wasn't best pleased 😅

Family is doing well! Cats are catting as expected. Thanksgiving was excellent and it was wonderful seeing my siblings. We're going to my brother's house next Sunday for Dad's birthday and I'll see all of them again then! Today was the first snow of the season and we had a lovely family day.

I'll be completing Fit December, One & Done, Daily Exercise and I'll try to stretch daily* next month. *Faltered a bit on that this month

I may not post daily, but I'm still around and moving! I'll leave you with my favorite kitten pics of the month:

My seat stealer gave me the best side eye 😂 My sister's Bean is getting so big! And look how big Stormy is getting!! AND THOSE SPOTS!!! 🥹🥹

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