Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @NancyTree, @aku-chan, @Anek!
  • Basics
  • Today's song: several as I made supper
  • Well, today didn't go entirely as planned
  • I woke with pained fingers, so no applesauce or crafting
  • They're feeling better after care and medicine, so I'm hoping to get to work tomorrow
  • Supper did happen regardless!
  • Mom and Dad are at the annual church convention overnight, so I'm alone!
  • (That was the biggest happiness of the day)
  • Vindaloo was made and thoroughly enjoyed!
  • The only problem: I forgot naan! 😭🥵
  • The sweating has stopped, at least 😅
  • Nobu cuddled briefly, then left me for Dad's seat
  • At least I can observe the adorableness
  • Fell asleep on the couch night before last, but got to bed last night!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: spicy, flavorful vindaloo!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Thank you, @LizardFriend95! There are very few designs I've made for those colors, so backgrounds are great!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Today I was held captive by Nobu. The only complaints were for food and the bathroom
  • I lasted a few hours!
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  • I also woke to both Casper and Nox, so my day has been great!
  • Nox scarpered before I could get a picture
  • New beads and clasps finally arrived, so I'm crafting tomorrow
  • Mom and Dad surprised me with supper out, so I had a great evening and have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!
  • It's really been a great day!
  • Good: completed necessary chores
  • Happy: cats! Quiet! Good food in great company!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Addicted to Love
  • It was almost all with my feet solidly on the ground, but I did get good movement in!
  • I was looking up recipes for the birthday party we're throwing for my sister and her boyfriend
  • (They're 10 days apart!)
  • I did a good bit of crafting. Made samples to test colors and finished three designs
  • It was rainy and cold, so we had the fire going for hours!
  • First time this season!
  • Mom put on a series of movies, so I had those playing in my ear while crafting
  • Lost Boys, Ghostbusters (1984), and Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • Dad put on Interview with the Vampire after that, but it's not my favorite so music for me!
  • A sent me pictures of Stormy! I was not ready for the cuteness!!
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  • 🥹🥹🥹
  • He's getting so big!!
  • Productive, great family day!
  • Good: finished all but knitting threads of the new designs
  • Happy: it's been a great day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • He really is, @NancyTree! Apparently he eats everything in sight, too! His mom says the cuteness saves him 😂
  • Basics
  • Today's song: many as I cooked, Conga!
  • Conga! came on as I wrote this, and that's a very hard song to ignore dancing to!
  • Made applesauce!
  • So. Much. Applesauce.
  • I counted the apples and figured I'd make enough for 6 quart bottles
  • I filled 9. With a large bowlful left over
  • :tired:
  • I used Mom's largest stock pot and it worked great! All but 4 apples from a half bushel filled it to the top!
  • Going by how my hands and arms are feeling, tomorrow isn't going to be much fun
  • But I have enough sauce to share and keep me happy until next year!
  • So I'm okay with that!
  • Found the canning pot and tools downstairs and am so happy
  • I used the stock pot last time and it wasn't quite tall enough
  • The special tongs? Life-saver!
  • It's been a wonderfully productive day!
  • I made it to bed only once in the last 3 days 😞
  • Good: cleaned as I went
  • Happy: it's done! and super yummy!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Lost Boys is so 80s campy cringe it's hysterical, @GentleOx! I was plugging my ears at times to get away from it 😂 I agree on Ghostbusters, too. Great movies, talked about enough
  • Thank you, @WolfDreamer! It's very tasty and even Dad agrees! He doesn't eat applesauce!
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Start Me Up
  • Thankfully, my hands are only a bit sore! My shoulder has been bugging me for a little while, so that's acting up, but I see Tyler tomorrow
  • Got to the store and some crafting done
  • Otherwise it's been a quiet day
  • Fell asleep on the couch again 😞
  • Nobu woke me with aggressive cuddles. Again.
  • At least I get cuddles out of it?
  • Good: got to the store
  • Happy: quiet day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I moved a bit in the shower, but it's really hard to dance there and not slip 😅
  • My new comforter came in and is the perfect size!
  • It's the exact same that I already have, but my old one is just too short on the sides
  • A size up fixed that!
  • Tyler was able to help with my shoulder and set my back straight
  • I'm feeling much better!
  • Laundry really tired me today
  • I'll be going to bed early (got there last night!) and keeping it easy tomorrow
  • Drafting new designs and crafting something for sure
  • Also maybe baking something
  • I have some apples left and a sugar craving
  • We have a sprawl!!
  • Good: got up early to finish laundry before seeing Tyler
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,422
  • As jealous as it can be, @GentleOx, being the one they cuddle with is truly wonderful 🥹
  • Basics
  • Today's song: several
  • I swayed more than anything, but did move!
  • I officially have a cold 😭
  • Could be worse! It's just exhaustion and sinus congestion
  • Nobu, the fire, and cups of tea have helped greatly!
  • I got some drafting done and figured out how I want to change a design
  • The problem with every draft is that my graph paper is 1mm bigger than my beads
  • So the crafted design is longer and thinner
  • Not usually a problem, but when it comes to gonks, rounded it preferred!
  • I'll make one if I have time tomorrow
  • We're going to Letchworth to see the trees!
  • Should be gorgeous!
  • Didn't make anything sweet because Dad bought cookies
  • Oatmeal Raisin! 😋
  • Before I fell asleep on the couch (🥲), Nobu stole my seat
  • When I sat next to him, he started purring so loud
  • Not great lighting, unfortunately
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: lazy, quiet day