Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I was able to make another segment before my brother's favor came by
  • Stormy is getting better and better about moving!
  • He can now climb over the small fence they got to contain him
  • He's also learning to run which is adorable
  • Unfortunately, Mom's doing the majority of the watching and doesn't take pictures!
  • I'll see what she's taken tomorrow and try to get some myself the next time we watch him
  • It's been a quiet day otherwise!
  • (Though I am so glad I took Saturday as a lazy day)
  • Nobu insisted on cuddles just before I started crafting
  • I asked my sister if that looked comfy and she said it did 😂
  • Haven't wanted to watch anything new, so the last two days have been reruns: The Mummy and Top Gun: Maverick
  • I made it to bed!
  • Though Nox leaves shortly before I get into bed, it does mean my feet have a warm spot, so it's a silver lining!
  • Good: 1/3 of the way through the big project!
  • Happy: I'm making progress!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • No song
  • Another segment done!
  • I'm getting really worried about connecting these together, though
  • I'll figure it out eventually!
  • I'm hoping to make another segment tomorrow, but it's also laundry day, so we'll see
  • Planned a supper for the Autumnal Equinox and there are several new recipes I'm looking forward to making!
  • Weather changes have my head aching, which is fun 🙄
  • It's been a really quiet day
  • Good: got to bed!
  • Happy: quiet and productive day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I managed a new segment and a revision of my favorite bracelet!
  • Between Nobu*, laundry, and sundry chores that segment took twice as long to complete
  • But it's done and that means I'm halfway there!
  • I'm taking tomorrow to draft and maybe try attaching a segment or two
  • My back needs the break
  • *Cuddles!
  • Then I had to do laundry, found one of his favorite balls, and couldn't craft until he wasn't being a maniac
  • He got his revenge! 😂
  • I didn't mention yesterday that I watched Death Becomes Her
  • Been a while on that one!
  • I'd actually love a remake that's not campy. A full on horror movie. That'd be fun!
  • Today I just listened to my own thoughts
  • I think that's part of what took so long 🤷‍♀️
  • Fell asleep on the couch 🥲
  • Good: finally remade my bracelet
  • Happy: halfway done with my project!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
You know, it's not your usual style of music, but every time this band pops up in my mix, I think of you! :ss:

Ice Nine Kills, all of there songs are basically horror movie themed.

I love INK! I've been listening to older music right now, but I had an entire year where I only listened to Christmas music, so this too will pass eventually 😅

INK is one of the things that actually led me to horror movies again. I watched a few some years back and fellow Bees gave me a list to watch (@NancyTree was so helpful!) but then I lost both any desire to watch movies AND the list. Thanks, brain 🤦‍♀️

Thanks so much for sharing! If I didn't know them, this definitely would have made me curious!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • Today's song: nothing specific
  • Moved to several songs, but most were slower. One was by The Jackson 5 that I did dance to
  • I said no crafting. Then I noticed a mistake in my bracelet (😭). Then I drafted a new design. Then I made the new design. Then I made the new design with matte colors.
  • I love the new design, at least?
  • The matte colors are so subtle!
  • I also got to a few stores and had lunch with Dad
  • So it's been a productive day!
  • Stormy is so mobile! He still stumbles a bit, but he's so fast!
  • He's teething, so gentle chewing is happening. It's so cute 🥹
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  • As cute as he is, my 3 day reprieve is a delightful thought
  • My boys are getting bolder in approaching Stormy
  • It's tense, but not bad
  • A good day overall!
  • Good: feline interactions were gentle
  • Happy: silent weekend in two days!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • We're all super curious to see how his markings grow, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • No song
  • It's been a busy day!
  • Got supplies to make apple butter!
  • A large greenhouse nearby sells apples this time of year
  • Did I know I could buy a half bushel?
  • Nope!
  • (I'm giddy)
  • Nine apples have been used so far!
  • (The apple sauce isn't my best, but that's because I didn't use Jonagold; otherwise it's 🤤)
  • Apple butter tomorrow will use some more. I think I'm going to be making several batches 😅
  • I had several very quiet hours today!
  • And A, my brother's girlfriend, sent me pictures!
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  • And! I woke to this!
  • It's been a very good day!
  • Good: productive day!
  • Happy: applesauce turned out really well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I put on music as I washed dishes in the hope it would get me to move
  • No go. I did shuffle a bit?
  • Apple butter is done!
  • That was a process!
  • I want to try it cold (I definitely made more than the recipe said and canned only half of it 😶) to really get a feel for the texture
  • I blended the peels, too, and hot the fiber is definitely noticeable
  • If I don't love it, I have plenty of apples to try again!
  • Other than that adventure, it's been a lovely, quiet day
  • All my crafting was food related, though I have a few designs I will be working on after this
  • I don't know what caused it, but Nox surprised me today
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  • I was speechless with happiness!!
  • I've had 12 hours of quiet today and they've been perfection
  • Tomorrow will have a few less, but still be wonderful!
  • Good: from start to finish, the apple butter took less than 11 hours
  • Happy: NOX!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Basics
  • No song
  • I crafted most of my new designs
  • Took my mini loom into the back room and enjoyed the warmth and fresh air
  • It did wonders for my sinuses!
  • I also organized all of my excess thread
  • That took a while!
  • Watched: Ouija: Origin of Evil, Doctor Who
  • Quija was pretty boring. Acting was quite well done and the story wasn't bad, but it was so slow! I had it on 1.5x speed and couldn't tell!
  • Decided to go back to DW for the rest of my organizing
  • Mom and Dad are home safe. Festival season is officially finished.
  • I made it to bed night before last and very much did not last night
  • Mostly silent day was wonderful!
  • Brunch and Tyler tomorrow!
  • Good: looking forward to my large product after this detour
  • Happy: everyone is home safe after a delightful day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song
  • Lazy day!
  • We all slept in/lazed about in bed long enough brunch became lunch
  • I didn't get to my last design yesterday because I wanted to see where a change would lead me
  • Drafted that last night and made both today
  • I don't dislike either, but I think I'm going a slightly different direction
  • Some designs are perfect busy, others need a bit of simplicity
  • (This one is the latter)
  • I'm feeling the lack of shades in my beads with some new designs 😭
  • All the more reason to focus on my big project!
  • Watched: As Above, So Below
  • Meh. I was just waiting for how the characters would die. Of all the stupid things to do...
  • Brother sent me this:
  • The differences! 🥹
  • He's using the litterbox entirely and eating the wet food unprompted!
  • Hopes for tomorrow: cookies, segment, new design
  • I have nothing on, so I should be able to do it all!
  • Good: took a lazy family day
  • Happy: Tyler worked me over quite well!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • No song
  • My day got away from me a bit!
  • Completed everything I set out to do!
  • The cookies are puddles, but they taste good!
  • I have so much apple butter I'll make another batch soon
  • I waffled between 2 recipes and obviously chose the wrong one!
  • New segment done!
  • Also finished the new design with two different color backgrounds
  • Then asked my sister for help 😅
  • She's my artistic support!
  • Watched: Annabelle: Creation, World War Z, Doctor Who
  • I think I would have liked Annabelle more if it was visible
  • Why are horror movies so dark??
  • Are they afraid the story won't hold up to light??
  • I yawned several times 🤷‍♀️
  • World War Z was not bad! I'm not the biggest fan of zombie movies, so this one surprised me
  • I recommended it to my mom, actually, which shows the level of horror it doesn't have
  • Fell asleep on the couch two nights ago, did not last night, and just woke from a nap (at 8:30???)
  • I'll get there 😬
  • Good: finished my list
  • Happy: the back room table is a great height for crafting!