Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Busy day!
  • Completely redid my favorite bracelet
  • It was made before I learned how to properly finish off pieces and I worried it would break
  • No more worries there!
  • I'm trying to figure out how to add wire to my creations so I can get more versatility
  • It's... going
  • Watched: Nightmare 2 & 3
  • I liked that there was a semblance of plot in the first one
  • The second dragged and the third was enough for me
  • I'll watch Freddy vs Jason when my brother adds it to his server
  • Rooting for Jason there!
  • I'm getting really tired of 80s horror movie parents, tbh
  • May hold off on the Halloween franchise for a day or two
  • In happier news: Nobu cuddled briefly last night!
  • He's had zoomies a lot lately
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: ribs for supper! The wait was so worth the hours of smelling them cooking 🤤


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Scout from WNY
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In terms of plot, the NoES movies have a slight edge, @GentleOx. I don't want to go further than 3 because the idea bores me. At least with 13, I was curious how Jason was coming back and how inventive his kills would be.


My soft baby! (Though Nox is definitely the softest; Nobu is a bit silkier!)

Horror movies hit so different as an adult, @NancyTree! I dislike the term horror for movies like Nightmare on Elm Street because it's not? I probably would have felt that way years ago, but now? I distinctly remember being terrified by The Shining as a kid. And the Ring as a teen? I slept with a doberman for a few nights!

Now I'm thinking I should rewatch those... 🤔 during the day... and finishing with Tangled...


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 737
"So sleepy!"
I hear you with regards to being easily scared as a kid. Horror and violent movies terrified me completely (I remember the Zuni fetish doll haunting my nightmares), until I watched Friday the 13th, and... they just stopped being unbearably scary. Not sure why.

Shining and Ring are notably scary, so I can't blame you. I thought the Shining deserved extra mention because some of the scenes (the woman in the bathroom and the two men in costumes) were just plain shocking.


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • better core challenge
  • :completed:
  • These particular exercises worked great for me!
  • Hypermobility has many disadvantages to properly feeling stretches
  • I'll definitely keep this challenge in rotation!
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • And I woke up to Casper cuddling!
  • Second attempt adding wire to my designs went better, but I don't think it's going to work out
  • I'll brainstorm some more
  • Watched: The Ring & The Shining
  • I'll make another post about those
  • Good: quiet day
  • Happy: cuddles!


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Scout from WNY
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The Ring (2002) was a disappointment. Why was I frightened by that?? If I hadn't been playing a game while watching, I would have fallen asleep! I think the length was the worst part. If they were trying to increase anxiety at the deadline, they took way too long to get there. I do like how it didn't end when you thought it did. As a psychological movie, it's not bad, but I don't think it's particularly good, either.

The Shining? Oy. If I had gotten to the end in my youth, @GentleOx, those scenes probably would have shocked me greatly. I had the realization that I hadn't yet learned what kind of person my male genetic donor was at 9. So I was probably subconsciously hit by the similarities between him and Jack.

It was a decent movie as a story of the descent into madness. But I like to get the answers to questions from the movie itself. I was left with too many questions in the end. (As usual, the internet helped there!)

Glad I watched both, but I'll not return. Silver lining: no cute animated movie to get over them!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @MadamMeow, @Fremen!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I found a pattern for a crochet afghan that I love
  • The difficulty: it's HUGE
  • It'll take me several weeks to work on and only be the size of a sheet of paper in the end
  • Excited to gather supplies tomorrow!
  • I'm going to have to practice knitting pieces together, too
  • It's much too big to make on my loom
  • (For reference: my biggest before this was 37x37 beads; this one is 160x140)
  • I'm taking it in chunks, so it'll be 16 pieces to connect 😬
  • If it works, though, it'll open so many avenues
  • Also worked on Mom's birthday gift
  • Watched: Shaun of the Dead, Haunted Mansion
  • I may have seen SotD before, but it was ages ago if I did; Haunted Mansion because it was recommended and I love it!
  • The cats have been demanding attention!
  • Had Casper again this morning AND NOX!!
  • Then Nobu joined me just before my last load of laundry
  • I was happily late by 20 minutes
  • Good: figured out the design
  • Happy: cats!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Anek!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Stomach Vacuums Challenge
  • This month's cycle is killing me
  • It's mostly mental exhaustion and lethargy
  • I'm being plenty productive, but if I try to focus on anything but crafting it's full lassitude
  • Pushed through the absolute basics
  • I'll hopefully start a new schedule tomorrow
  • In good news: got my supplies!
  • Finished the first 16th of the big project!
  • It's tedious when it's so much background right now, but it's also easy
  • Watched: 28 Days
  • It was very interesting how, in a zombie movie, they showed the human side
  • The zombies felt like an afterthought!
  • I'll craft something small yet and call it a good day
  • Good: got supplies
  • Happy: even if I don't get cuddles, Nobu does insist on attention if he sees me


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @MadamMeow! I'm very lucky with them!
  • Basics
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Stomach Vacuum Challenge
  • Dance to a song
  • Splits Exercises
  • Another simple month, but I'm trying to add more activity with basic dance
  • Today's song: My Sharona
  • It's not been a great day, unfortunately
  • Overslept and I've had a headache most of the day
  • The only reason I even danced (as much as it was more foot tapping and swaying) was because it was the first song that came up
  • I just cannot stay still when My Sharona plays!
  • No work, I've kept it very relaxed
  • Good news is my headache has abated greatly!
  • I fell asleep on the couch again and Nobu took advantage
  • Could you have moved??
  • Then woke up in bed to these 2
  • They've really been spoiling me!
  • Nox wanted to stretch, but also wanted to keep an eye on me
  • It's a great photo 😂
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: cat affection


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
Thanks, @NancyTree!

Yeah, I think the scene in the beginning is what got me. It was the only real jump scare in the whole movie and it stuck!

I don't know if I've ever seen Final Destination? I was thinking about it during one of the other movies and now you've mentioned it, so I think I need to find it and see!

Tangled is so underrated! I giggle so much!

My babies are adorable when they want to be! It's why we put up with the bratty behavior!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Basics
  • Song: My Sharona
  • Nothing came on that made me want to move, so I went with the best standby!
  • More movement today!
  • Still have a headache, but it's all in my sinuses because of the weather
  • (Tons of rain!)
  • No progress on my big project
  • I'm going to reprint the draft and fill in the boxes by hand
  • How I have it printed just makes it hard to count squares
  • Did make several small designs and finished Mom's birthday present!
  • Watched: Freddy vs Jason
  • I laughed way too much at that 🤣
  • Didn't love how much Freddy beat Jason, but mostly satisfied with the ending
  • We had an excellent cuddle last night
  • And my sister just sent me this 😍😍
  • It's been a pretty good day!
  • Good: worked on new designs
  • Happy: it's been a quiet day


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Scout from WNY
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  • So cute, @NancyTree! My sister says if he continues to let them, they're going to get all the costumes 😂
  • Basics
  • Today's song: My Sharona
  • In my defense, Amazon Music is definitely learning!
  • I turned on My Mix while making dinner and it was the first song that came on!
  • I have no complaints!
  • Moved a lot more, too
  • I woke up feeling very unwell, but that's gotten much better as the day progressed, thankfully
  • Crafted four variations on a new design and am awaiting my sister's opinion
  • Watched: Final Destination, Night in the Museum
  • Final Destination was so disappointing
  • I kept yelling at my screen and ranting to an empty room
  • Not quite as pleasant as ranting to a real person 😂
  • I will not be watching any more in the series
  • Thinking of zombies brought the idea of NitM
  • Much more enjoyable!
  • Brief cuddles last night (he cleaned himself on my lap and then left 😔)
  • Casper has demanded attention today, though!
  • Good: crafted
  • Happy: feeling much better!


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Scout from WNY
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I don't blame you at all, @NancyTree! It was the little things that just rubbed me the wrong way: 17 year old questioned by the FBI without parents present? paranoid woman not noticing a leaking cup?? complaining that death has a plan for them and they're going to fight it???

Knowing the rest of the series is just following the pattern is what's keeping me away.

I'll be happy to check out any suggestions you offer! After I finally watch Halloween...


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Black Betty
  • Moved a fair bit!
  • My shoulders are feeling 5 weeks again
  • Grocery shopping probably didn't help there...
  • Thursday!
  • It's been an overslept, lazy day
  • Tons of cuddles last night!
  • Every time I shifted, he did too 🥰
  • He took my arm hostage and I was not at all upset
  • We should be getting thunderstorms in a bit
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good: grocery shopping
  • Happy: naan pizza for supper!


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Berserker Posts: 159
Cats are too good for us



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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Walking on Sunshine
  • That song has a great beat to dance to!
  • I moved more than I thought I would!
  • Made chocolate muffins that were rather meh
  • Dad can take them across the street, at least
  • Another weather headache has kept me couch bound
  • I've read and relaxed and it's been good!
  • Nobu gave me EXCELLENT cuddles last night!!
  • He took my arm hostage multiple times 😂
  • But this morning was the best. thing. EVER
  • Ahem. He's in a mood that I am taking advantage of
  • Fingers crossed the weather is better tomorrow and I can craft again!
  • Good: relaxed
  • Happy: NOX!!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Just What I Needed
  • I will be removing this one from my dance list. I was finding ways to move to the beat, rather than dancing. Still moved well, at least!
  • Good day!
  • Headache has been at a minimum, and got out of the house!
  • Found a new bakery very close by (Mom passes it on her way to work!) and got wrapping paper
  • Tried the bakery specifically for the sfogliatella and was very much not disappointed!
  • The ends were a bit tough, but the filling? 🤤🤤🤤
  • And the cinnamon roll was spectacular!
  • Many cat shenanigans today!
  • Woke to this:
  • And Nobu has been both cuddly and zoomy all day
1000005303.jpg 1000005304.jpg
  • He was trying to balance on the broken screen door behind him. It didn't go well 😂
  • He also cuddled with me last night!
  • Tyler, Kayla (new massage therapist) and siblings tomorrow!!
  • No crafting, but hopefully tomorrow will see the death of these headaches!
  • Good: got out of the house
  • Happy: yummy food, adorable cats, and a great day tomorrow!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song
  • Skipped the song as we had some running around to do between my appointments
  • Theo was in, but Tyler messaged me earlier with unhappy news!
  • Theo had a cyst that he scratched open and they had to shave away his fur to clean out! They're watching him to make sure he doesn't scratch the stitches 😭
  • Poor puppy! 😭
  • Tyler says he's doing okay, though
  • Kayla was interesting. She uses no tools, but really managed to dig into my muscles
  • I always give 2 days to see how I feel before deciding anything, so now we wait!
  • 2 thoughts: she didn't rub my temples much, but she started there and really built pressure as she continued; my tendonitis was massively exacerbated by the rubbing instead of soothed. I'll be keeping an eye on that
  • Both things I can talk to her about if I go again!
  • My headache is much relieved, at least
  • Siblings visited!
  • Met my brother's girlfriend!
  • She's lovely
  • Mom had a wonderful birthday!
  • No cuddles last night and the cats have been hiding from the stranger 😞
  • Good: it was a very good day for Mom
  • Happy: a whole lot of tension has been relieved!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Manic Monday
  • I like this one at the end of exercising. It's slower, but I flow with it, and my heart rate is already up. Great one for days I don't want to jump around a lot!
  • I got some crafting done!
  • Headache went away while I was focused, came back with a vengeance when I was done
  • I'll take it!
  • I'm going to take another stab at the big project tomorrow
  • Fingers crossed!
  • I'm feeling very tender in my shoulders, which is a good thing!
  • I always feel tender after seeing Bee and then things settle and I'm in a much better place
  • Already I can tell that Michael (the mountain in my right trapezius) has mellowed into Mike
  • And Laurence, Michael's cousin in my left, was a Larry yesterday and downright calm today!
  • Kayla was amused by the names Bee and I came up with 😂
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • He didn't care that he almost fell off the couch
  • And Nox was all over the place when I tried to get a picture this morning
  • Tons of purring and scritches!
  • Good: so. much. rain!
  • Happy: it's been a good day!


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Scout from WNY
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Rant incoming:




The ONLY reason Laurie survives is to make a sequel. Any other movie and the DUMB things she does would have her dead almost instantly.

If I wasn't ranting at it, I was so focused on my crafting, I ignored the movie. What is this "building intensity" the seventies and eighties do so badly??



He uses a knife TWICE!!

Ahem. I have thoughts and they aren't pleasant. I will not be continuing this series.


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Scout from WNY
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Saw, yes, @NancyTree. I agree that the first wasn't bad, but the rest went downhill in terms of plot very quickly.

I feel like I may have seen Se7en at some point? If I did, it was long enough ago to see again!

Hide and Seek is new to me! That's 2 more for the list, thank you!

I'm also checking out MST3K at the suggestion of my mom. Apparently I remind her of them 🤣


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Take a Chance on Me
  • Interesting song: I danced more sedately to the lyrics, but another day I'll listen again and dance more vigorously to the harmony
  • Mom and Dad went to a festival, so I had most of the day to myself!
  • Read, crafted, and got very frustrated with my printer!
  • Found a site that'll convert pictures into crochet patterns
  • Great! My printer got through 14 pages before losing ink. Those 14 pages were blank??
  • I'll either get ink tomorrow or get Dad's help across the street
  • Since that precluded me from working on my big project, I made a new, smaller one, instead!
  • Finished product is thinner than the draft, so I may not keep it
  • Fun little project regardless!
  • I am thinking up ways to shrink it, too. I'm having loads of fun making mini designs!
  • Listened to several podcasts instead of watching anything new
  • Learned a lot about the history of Scottish Kings!
  • Nobu cuddled!
  • He even stayed after I moved my legs!
  • He joined me on the back of the couch as I crafted, too 🥰
  • Good: worked through the frustration
  • Happy: good day!
Last edited:


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough, Highway to Hell
  • Two songs! I was bopping along while making a snack!
  • Stairs help add cardio, as my watch informed me 😅
  • It's been a quiet, lazy day
  • Didn't get much of anything but relaxing done
  • It's been lovely!
  • No resolution on my printing frustrations. I did take a look at the full design and I think I can read the pieces from my phone
  • If it comes to it, I'll hand draw it
  • (I really don't want to hand draft this monster 😭)
  • No cuddles, though Nobu's aggressive affection woke me from the couch and got me to bed
  • One of these days I'll fall asleep in my bed first thing
  • (please? 😭)
  • Good: I've found myself smiling when I start dancing
  • Happy: a quiet family day was very much needed


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Footloose
  • I had to stop cleaning up supper to dance to this 😅
  • It's definitely staying on my list!
  • Finally got naproxen sodium, so my headache is finally gone!!
  • It's been doing better the last few days, but the relief!
  • I took the day to just relax with it
  • I'm going to really press into my big project tomorrow
  • Nobu cuddled after he woke me up on the couch (🥲) and again earlier today
  • Bought new coffee: dark Columbian roast
  • I'm not a fan of original Columbian, so I was skeptical.
  • Pleasant surprise: Yum
  • It's definitely going to be my sipping coffee!
  • Let's see if I make it to bed tonight 🤞
  • Good: new coffee (and restocked my usual)
  • Happy: headache relief!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Footloose
  • Wanted an easy song that wasn't My Sharona 😅
  • Progress on big project!!
  • Only finished one section, but had to undo the original part and that took some time
  • Managed to save a good bit of thread, though!
  • Also tried a new position to close my warps and it works so well!
  • No more shoulder strain!
  • Watched: documentaries on Disney
  • Casper decided he wanted attention when I was doing the stomach vacuums
  • Trying not to laugh while in that position is an experience!
  • Nobu didn't cuddle last night until I fell asleep (again 🥲), but did this afternoon!
  • I didn't move for a while!
  • Good & Happy: new design is wonderful


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Basics
  • Today's song: nothing noteworthy
  • I was moving to a few different songs while doing laundry, but didn't focus on a single one to dance to
  • Still got movement in!
  • I had an idea last night that I planned on hammering out today before working on the big project
  • I spent hours on it and it's still not done
  • The back and forth with my sister 🤪
  • She's my artistic support and desperately needed in times like these
  • I'll figure it out eventually!
  • On the plus side, the big one is simply tedious compared to this insanity!
  • (Cursive script in miniature beads. Why, mind? Why??)
  • If it works, though? 👀
  • Nobu wanted to cuddle, but I was crafting
  • Neither of us was happy 😭
  • I made it to bed last night, though!!
  • I'm calling it a good, if frustrating, day
  • Good: worked out most of the design
  • Happy: my sister is the best help!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Today's song: Should I Stay or Should I Go
  • That definitely got my heart rate up!
  • Today has definitely been better, @GentleOx, thank you!
  • We went to a new restaurant for lunch that, according to Mom's coworker's husband, is as close to a Parisian bistro as he's visited since Paris
  • Very lovely atmosphere and wonderful food!
  • We'll definitely return!
  • Then we wandered around the village a bit, visiting some old favorites and new wonders
  • Then I came home and figured out that darned design!
  • Just finished drafting it and I'll craft it tomorrow!
  • I didn't work on the big project both to finish this one, and to give my back a break
  • I'm hoping to make two segments tomorrow, but I will settle for one
  • We'll see!
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • But I fell asleep on the couch 😞
  • Good: new restaurant!
  • Happy: design in finally done!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Basics
  • Today's song: Rebel Yell
  • Bees, today I overcame a difficulty that I'm very proud of!
  • It disturbed me enough I only made one segment of my big project, but I'm okay with that!
  • Nobu was playing while I was crafting and found my weft string
  • He got caught up in it, panicked, and broke it
  • I nearly cried
  • (He then curled up on Dad's lap, the betrayer 😭)
  • I was able to fix the string in such a way I could reuse it and not restart the entire segment
  • But I had to push myself to finish and didn't have the mental wherewithal to do anything else
  • I'm proud of myself for overcoming the issue and keeping calm!
  • Nobu did cuddle with me briefly, but has decided the armchair is his favorite place recently
  • He was watching Arya be Arya here 😂
  • (Mom and Dad are rewatching GoT)
  • Fell asleep on the couch again 😔
  • Overall, it's been a pretty decent day!
  • Good & Happy: fixed the string and completed the segment!
In the past few days I've rewatched a few favorites: Dracula: Dead and a Loving It, Down Periscope, the last episode of Wednesday; I also watched something new: The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Bees. Fellow movie watchers. Fellow horror enthusiasts! Why? How? I yawned. Multiple times! I am still outraged! They took a story that could have been really interesting and made it so. damn. boring!

Apparently I'm incredibly picky about horror movies. And, yes, I did rewatch comedies to overcome my disappointment.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,670
Oh no, cats are sometimes so.. impossible! It's great that you stayed calm!

About horror movies: it is a hard genre with only little good script writers, directors and actors. Most of the movies are just going for the messy and quick scare stuff, which makes them predictable and dull. But for a lot of people that works. For me there should be a story in it, likeable characters, some build up tension, to be actually interested.
Some friends made it a personal mission to find a horror movie that actually scared me, and they failed big time 😅. They were hiding under the blankets (literally) while I was just unmoved.

I don't remember much of those movies, it's already >5 years ago, but according to my IMDB ratings I liked:
  • Split (2016) (although I'm not sure if this was a real horror?)
  • Ouija: origin of evil (2016)
  • As above, so below (2014)
  • Annabelle: creation (2017)
  • World war Z (2013) (I have no recollection at all about this movie, dont even recognise the title 😅)
  • The Meg (2018) (My memory now says that it wasn't that good, but apparently at the moment I thought so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Maybe because I saw it in the cinema?)
  • The Skeleton Key (2005)


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Scout from WNY
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I have a spray bottle for Casper, @NancyTree, but Nobu surprised me! That's also probably what kept me calmer; Casper gets into things regularly, while Nobu tends to only do it for attention.

I'm beginning to understand the realities of the horror genre, unfortunately. My sister's boyfriend is a huge horror buff and he was willing to talk things through with me 😅 I agree entirely that there should be an engaging plot. Conversely, a complete lack of plot intentionally can actually be good. Either make it great, or something that does not at all take itself seriously, please!

I will add all of your movies to a list! Amusingly enough, I was just talking about Split to my dad, I just couldn't remember what it was titled 😂

Thank you so much!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • My body decided it doesn't like today
  • Headaches from the weather, tendonitis acting up, finger joints joining the party, and my intestines just unhappy
  • I did some chores and relaxed
  • Medicines have helped
  • A very bright spot:
  • THAT'S NOX!!!
  • He stayed until Dad got up. He was so disgruntled whenever Dad stopped petting him 😂
  • Nox is the epitome of 'the void has eyes' 😂
  • And though the weather brought headaches, we needed the rain and the thunder was lovely!
  • Nobu joined me briefly last night before moving to the end of the couch
  • At least he stayed near me!
  • Did fall asleep on the couch 🥲
  • Good: got outside despite not feeling great
  • Happy: it's not been a bad day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,699
  • Basics
  • No song; I didn't get to it before crafting and my back needs a rest now
  • Finished another segment! And the design that kicked my behind!
  • I may be making slight changes to that one, but at least I have a physical copy now!
  • Watched: Se7en, Hide and Seek, Hereditary
  • I'll make another post about my reviews
  • I got birria tacos for lunch!!
  • So yummy 🤤
  • I may not craft anything tomorrow, I'll have to see how my back feels after rest
  • Nobu cuddled with me after I fell asleep on the couch 😔
  • At least I got cuddles?
  • It's been a great day!
  • Good: successful crafting
  • Happy: lunch was really good


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Scout from WNY
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Have you seen any episode of Criminal Minds? Congratulations! You've seen Se7en! I had to watch it at 2x speed and called the ending almost from the beginning. It's not a bad movie, and I probably would have liked it much more if I haven't seen most of the police procedurals out there, but it did drag. 7/10

Hide and Seek:

My brother doesn't have many horror movies on his server ☹️ I found this on Disney+ and it does not offer a change in playback speed. I got a quarter of the way through and had uttered multiple variations of, "get your daughter out of that house!" That was enough for me. If I could have sped it up, I would have watched more. No stars


@JohnStrong: THANK YOU!!! THIS is my kind of horror movie! They definitely feed you a narrative that makes you question EVERYTHING! The twists! The turns! The ACTING! Bees, this one is EXCEPTIONAL. Even the ending has you scratching your head a bit. This one'll live in my head for a while! 15/10!!

I need to look into psychological horror, apparently! I'm going to find all the other movies on my list first, though. THANK YOU, @NancyTree, @aku-chan, @JohnStrong, @GentleOx!!