TRbrat: Rise from the ashes...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Trbrat75 here...
Attempted to log on to find my profile gone :( created a new profile to see what happened and well... here we are. Now to find my little hive of bee friends...

Laura Rainbow Dragon

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Bard from Canada
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"Striving to be the change."


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome to the New Hive :)


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Welcome to the new Hive, Trbrat!

You can find your old profile here:
and your old check-in thread here:

The URLs got changed, and you cannot interact with the old content anymore. But it's still there (for now).
I see they said the old content could be copied, how would I do that so I dont lose it? Its almost like a diary of sorts to me...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Hello everyone! Glad to read ya'll again!
I am pondering another obstacle race (Rugged Maniac) next year (Aug 23')

A lot has happened...i cant seem to catch a breath before I'm underwater again...
But, I'm still 'rising'...or, at the least, hovering lol


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
The easiest way is to 'select all' the entire page and copy it into a document program. Edit it from there. It's all manual, unfortunately, but possible. I hope that helps.
I assume that's for each page, right? Not that I would copy all 148 pages, but that still sounds daunting lol


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Made it to the gym, got a trainer. Now I have someone to hold me accountable until I get back in the swing of things, and hopefully learn a lot too! On the other hand, I am afraid this wont be what I was expecting. Only way to find out is do it though, right?


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
11/21 - Leg Day
10 min on tread to warm up plus various squats and high knees
1A) Box step ups 3x8e(this was super intimidating)
1B) Lateral Lunges 3x10e
2A) Narrow stance leg press 3x12
2B) Leg press calf presses 3x12
3A) glute focused back lunge 2x8e

My trainer sent me workouts to do, I dont know the moves yet, but hey...i gave it my best shot. I have 1 day a week sessions with her.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
11/22 -Upper Body
1A- Dumb bell chest press 3 x 15 10lb weight
1B- DB OH triceps extension 3 x 15 10lb
2A- DB Chest Fly 5lb
2B- DB Single Arm triceps kickback 3 x 12 10lb 1st set, 5 lb last 2 sets

I had workouts for weds, thurs and friday but due to other obligations I didnt get to do them.
Just as well, I had(have) some serious soreness going on!

Hope everyone had a good Holiday!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
My first session with my trainer was last Sat(11/17). Unfortunately I had a bout of food poisoning a few days prior so I was still pretty wiped out from that. (I just realized I never logged that workout...oops). But I still went and put in the work. The workout consisted of arms and abs training. I dont remember much about the arm portion(I remember working my shoulders and using dumbbells lol), but the abs consisted of mountain climbers on an unsteady surface(im sure I'll learn the terminology eventually lmao) some sort of cross body crunches. and twists with weight...idk, that seems like a month ago now when its only been a week. :smash:

11/26 - Leg day: Started on the treadmill, just a walk, until time for my appt, so 8 mins to get the heartrate up.
learned how to stretch by using foam far, not a fan. It hurt some areas around my hip flexors. I will probably have bruises.
1A - Hamstring Curls 3x12 (not sure of the weight as she set it but i believe it was somewhere around 35-40lbs)
2A - Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8e
2B - DB Hip Thrust 3x12 -20lb
3A - DB Single Leg RDL 2x12 - 10lb
3B - Bodyweight Curtsy Lunge 2x12

Cut the sets short on the last 2 as she could tell i was pretty well done.

Getting started again is always the hardest. Especially going into a new place with workouts I am not familiar with and using equipment I dont know how to use. She has given me some options on home workouts in case the gym is too much for me


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
All the DOMS, I hope I'm not overdoing it...too much too soon...but, that is why I got a professional . Trust the process...I guess


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
I was tired and my trainer forgot to bring me my w/o sheet, or text me it(and she never responded to my message about it). I did legs with her on sat, sun was a free day. I ran into her at the gym...she says do legs again...uh ok I got to make my own so:

Leg Extensions - 45lb 3x12 ( I was straining a bit)
Leg Press -100Lb 3x15 (almost too light, almost...)
Seated Leg Curl - 45lb 3x15 (feel strain behind the knees)
Inner Thigh machine - 70lb 3x12 (weird lol)

ah geez..why didnt i log the weights last time gah


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Tues 11/29 - Upper Body(Back, Bicep, Shoulders, Abs)
1A) Cable Lat Pull Downs 3x10 - 55lb/70lb/60lb (kind of like goldilocks and the three bears lol)
2A) Cable Seated Underhand Rows 3x10 55lb
3A) Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 3x12 5lb (shoulders are weak spots)
3B) Dumbbell Curls 3x15 10lb (embarrassed to say that was almost 2 heavy)
4A) Cable Face Pulls 3x10 40lb (finally figured out the right grip on the last set, I now have bruises on my hands from that thing)
2 rounds:
Dead Bug 8e
1B) Medicine Ball Crunch 10reps - 10lb
1C) Kettlebell Russian twist 16reps -15lb
1D) Plank - 30 sec (oof)

11/30 - Lower Body (Glutes and Hamstring)
1A) Barbell RDLs 3x10 30lb ( i totally did these wrong. I did one legged, so 10 on each wonder my balance was off)
2A) Lying Hamstring Curls 3x10 40lb
2B) Banded Kickbacks 3x10e
3A) Single Leg Bridge 3x10e (I had to do this a bit different as keeping my leg straight out makes my thigh cramp)
3B) Dumbbell Sumo Squat 3x10 15lb


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Alright...things have been a little hectic so lets see...
Sat 12/3: Upper Body (chest, tris, abs)
1A) Chest Press Machine 3x10 no added weight
1B) DB Skull Crushers 3x10 (5lb)
2A) Cable Low to Hi chest fly 3x10 (10lb, i think)
2B) Cable single arm tricep pulldown 3x10e (5lb)
3A) Elevated Push-ups 3X8(I struggled a lot, which made me mad)
4A) Bench Dips 3X8
Abs-2 Rounds
Plank Toe Taps-10 (like slow mountain climbers)
Assisted Shotguns-10 (dont even remember what this is)
Medicine Ball Slam-10 (10lbs)
Med Ball Torso Rotation Partner Throw 10e (5lbs) (FUN)

Sun, rest day: Walk Stubby

Mon 12/5: Lower Body (Glutes and Quads)
1A) Hack Squat Machine 1x10, 2x8 (no added weight, I mean damn, how heavy was that anyway?!)
1B) Walking Lunges 3x8e (oof)
2A) Body Weight Elevated Split Squat 3x8e
2B) Banded Side Steps 3x10e
3A) Leg Extensions 3x10 (idk what i did but the bold wont turn off...also me and this machine dont get along...lots of strain behind the knees no matter how I adjust it)


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Tues 12/6: Upper Body (Back, Bicep, Shoulders, abs)
1A) Barbell Bent Underhand Row 3x12 (40)
1B) Barbell Upright Row 3x12 (30)
2A) DB Front Raise w Horizontal Abduction 3x8 (7.5)
2B) DB Hammer Curl 3x12 (7.5)
3A) Cable Seated OH Grip Row 3x12 (55)
Abs-2 Rounds
High Plank Pull Through (5lb)
Crossbody Mountain Climber
Kettlebell Russian Twist (10lb)

Weds : I was apprehensive about the workout given so I skipped it. I got out of work late and had to chase after my pooch so I didnt go to the gym. She told me we would do it on Saturday so she could help me make adjustments as needed

Thurs 12/8: Upper Body (Chest, tri, abs)
1A) DB together Lying Chest Press 3x10 (8)
1B) DB single Arm Tricep Kickbacks 3x8e (8)
2A) Plated Sven Press 3x8 (10) (i did these wrong, i lifted up instead of pushing out from my chest)
2B) Plated OH Tricep Extension 3x10 (10)
3A) Cable Single Arm Crossbody Tricep Extension 3x8 (10, 12.5, 12.5)
OOPS i didnt see the Abs moves until just now, so they didnt get done...oh well

Fri - Rest Day


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Saturday we did weds workout. I dont have the changes that she made yet
But I know I did:
barbell box squats - I had to adjust to a higher box/heavier weight
barbell banded hip thrusts
smith machine lunge w knee drive
made an adjustment to lying(on belly) leg extensions(this way theres no strain) instead of smith machine good mornings
seated KB toe flexion (to hopefully help with my feet cramping)
Then she showed me some things to do to help strengthen my knees, which is the reason I was so apprehensive about this workout...adding weight to my knees could lead up to my knees buckling and me falling on my ass
i now have bruises on the back of my neck from the barbell, ugh


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Sounds like you're doing pretty well! How do you like the barbell?
I'm still getting used to using them, so still a bit apprehensive about them, as I always am with new things. My hands are starting to get calloused already lol. Might need to get some gloves...or suck it up and get tough! :yas:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Monday 12/12: Lower Body (Glutes & Quads)
Reverse Box Step-Up (why do they call it confusing!)
1B) Banded Lateral Leg Raise 3x10e
2A) DB Banded Glute Bridge 3x12 (20lb) ow...the dumbbell was sitting squarely on my hip bones and that hurt
3A) Wide Stance Leg Press 3x12 (80)
4A) Leg Extensions (AKA seated leg curl) 3x10 (50) I think I better ask her and make sure I'm doing the right machine on this...something tells me I'm not. (update...yes ive been using the wrong machine:break:)
5A) Abductors 3x12 (75)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Heres Saturdays Official Line Up (12/10)

1A) barbell box squats 3x10 (20lb on 20in box, 20lb on 24in box, 30lb on 24in box)
1B) Barbell banded hip thrust 3x12 (30)
2A) Smith Machine back lunge w knee drive 1x8e (just a trial run)
3A) Lying Hamstring Curl 3x12 (50)
4A) Barbell RDL 3x10 (40)
5A) Seated Kettlebell toe flexion 3x8ea


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Ya'll, Im really struggling with the new darebee site. Either I dont have time to properly figure it out or theres things that just arent as easy to do...idk. Like, I have a harder time keeping up with friends threads because its not listed in my notifications when they post something new. I have to either click on my 'following' then click on the person then scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the last page...or go to check in thread and search there. Please tell me I am overcomplicating this lol!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Tues 12/13: Upper Body (Back, Bicep, Shoulder, Abs)
1A) Lat pull down 3x10 (70, 55, 55 the weights on the machine I was at werent numbered, so i had to guess, I checked another machine after to see what I did)
2A) DB Seated Arnold Press 3x10 (10lb)found out i did these wrong...almost had it right
2B) DB Eccentric Curls 3x10 (10lb)
3A) Cable Face Pulls 3x12 (30lb)
3B) DB Around the Worlds 3x10 (8, 5, 5)
Due to going to a different gym, I skipped abs. Too small/crowded and they didnt have the equipment I needed.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 53
"Our Greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Weds 12/14: Lower Body (Glutes, &Hamstrings, calves) with trainer
1A) High Stance Leg Press w/band 3x10 -no added weight(it is rumored that the weight is167lbs with nothing's heavy, but idk if its that heavy)
2A) Hamstring Focused Glute Bridge 3x10 with 3 sec hold (legs extended more, only heels on ground, a substitute due to my thighs cramping on single leg bridges)
2B) Banded Squat w Side Kick 3x10 (awkward)
3A) Leg Extensions 3x12 (62.5lb) she was impressed at the definitely pushed my limits! She said I did 40lb last time, but I'm not sure if it was the same machine as I got them mixed up before
4A) Standing Calf Raise Machine 3x10 - no added weight
15 mins on treadmill-
Slow start- picked up the pace every couple of minutes walk, brisk walk, brisker walk(lol), jog, then steady slow down. The jog was for 2 minutes @4.5 and that was pushing. Starting over blows :sad:

Today we discussed adding cardio, so minimum of 15 mins 3 times a week. I can do that. We also discussed my fear of bulking up because i tend to try the heaviest weight I can do. She put my mind at ease there, no worries, do the weight. It takes a lot to bulk up.
I'm not gonna lie, this is tough, and its a good thing I got a trainer! Not that she has necessarily held me accountable(I mean, I havent missed much, so really havent given her a reason), but the cost sure has lmao. I am tired, I am stressed and I have to keep reminding myself this is not something I am doing for anyone else, I am doing this for me, for my betterment. So I have to keep my head in the game even if it is hard right now.

I have so much i would like to share, so much has happened...maybe someday soon I will have the time/energy to do so.
For those who followed me on the other Darebee site, the divorce was finally finalized last week


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Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,366
First: your trainer is absolutely correct about needing a great deal of work to bulk up. Bee, my massage therapist, is a professional body builder and the effort she has to put in? Yikes!

It sucks now (and may even continue to) but you have the support you need. Both from your trainer and here.

Second: you're here! You're alive! Share what you can, when you can. We'll be here when you're ready.

Finally: have you had cake? Champagne? Something special? The divorce may be hard, might be bittersweet, may be good? Celebrate it as the final ending it is and how you can finally move on.
