Fitness & Health Continues


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
MO AU 05:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Dinner:
- Skipping - 3 minutes
- Run - 30 minutes, 3.59 km. Today’s goal was to beat my previous 30 minute run - 3.31 km
- Combat - Pack a Punch
- Yoga for Runners
- Walk - cool down; 0.61 km
- Stomach Vacuum Challenge - day 7

Before Bed:
- Stretch upper body
- Qigong - foot & leg massage
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
TU AU 06:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Meditation
- Hip Stretch
- Stomach Vacuum Challenge - day 8
- Warm-up - Fighter’s Warm-up
- Combat - Rebel - level 1. This workout is rated as Hard, and it is hard. But I enjoyed the challenge. No EC, I needed 1 minute rest between sets.
- DD - no EC. Lost balance on left side 3 times.
- Inversion table
- Inverted crunches

Before Bed:
- Qigong - Foot & Leg massage
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
TU AU 13:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Walk - 1.6 km (carry groceries home)
- Meditation
- Hip Stretch
- Stomach Vacuum Challenge - day 15
- Combat HIIT - day 7
- Rest & Rec Workout
- DD + EC

Before Dinner:
- Walk - 1.3 km

Before Bed:
- Qigong - foot & leg massage
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
TH AU 15:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Walk - 1.4 km to a social event
- Walk - 1.4 km back home
- Meditation
- Stomach Vacuum Challenge - day 17
- Combat HIIT - day 9
- Yoga - For Flexibility

Before Dinner:
- Walk - 1.74 km. Smoke from wild fires curtailed this walk; not good for the lungs

Before Bed:
- Back Pain Chair Edition
- Counting Victory Challenge
Last edited:


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
SU AU 18:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Stomach Vacuum Challenge - day 20
- Meditation
- Yard Work
- Combat HIIT - day 12
- DD + EC

Before Dinner:
- Walk - 2.23 km. The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra did an outdoor performance at the south end of our City
- Walk - 2,22 km, walk home

Before Bed:
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
SU SE 01:
Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Walk - 1.8 km

Before Dinner:
- DD + EC
- 30 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge - day 1 - 15 X 20 lb
- Combat HIIT - day 26
- 21 Day Stretching Challenge - day 1 - Butterfly & Wall Pike - 30 second each
- Meditation

Before Bed:
- Stretching
- Qigong - Foot & Leg Massage
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Scout from Alberta Canada
Posts: 952
MO SE 23:
I’ve been sick for a bit. Over the last three weeks I’ve done some yoga or some stretching, not much more. Today I felt up to doing a “real” workout.

Before Breakfast:
- Daily Gratitude
- Water First

Before Lunch:
- Meditation

Before Dinner:
- Warm-up
- Strength Workout - 20 two handed Kettlebell Swings + 10 push-ups. Repeated the KB swings & counted the push-ups down 9-8- down to 1.
- Cool down - full body stretching
- Yard Work - over an hour

Before Bed:
- Counting Victory Challenge


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 486
@Fitato Every day I pick something at the end of the day to be happy about. We recently completed a trans-Atlantic cruise. Even though the Captain skirted storms, we encountered enough rough seas that some of the crew got sea sick. I didn’t. So that was a victory. Yesterday my victory was running 5 km, which I hadn’t done is 6 weeks.

Congratulations on your strong stomach and strong legs! :LOL: