Full of cold still, tried doing more today but cardio was a poor choice, didn't do too badly though:-
Universal Warmup done,
30 Squat Hold Calf Raises (EotD) done,
Possum (WotD) done,
Day 24 of
Total Body attempted (2 sets, you'd think Seal Jacks would be easier than normal ones because you're not lifting your arms above your head, but they're not.),
Day 24 of
Epic Cardio attempted (3 sets),
Day 17 of
10,000 Punches done,
Day 17 of
1000 Calf Raises done,
Stretched done.
Another week done. Didn't do great on the exercise front, between my cold and all the hectic life stuff, but I did well on cutting back on the snacks, even the two days I barely ate because I was so stressed I didn't touch any snacks.
Plus I found a big bar of chocolate in the fridge, but I could only get through one row before I found it too sickly to eat, which I was really impressed with (Normally it would be three rows minimum).
Some models I pre-ordered ages ago turned up yesterday, so I'm going to have a nice quiet today of putting them together plus leftover Mushroom Stew for dinner, see y'all tomorrow!