Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


Active member
Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Posts: 37
Woohoo! Finished things
Napoleon Dynamite Reaction GIF

Hope the housemate is doing better.


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,103
Thanks! @Maegaranthelas @Obsinosterous @NancyTree @MadamMeow @Lady Celerity @HellYeah @VacTom @JCU @TopNotch @WolfDreamer - Feels good to be finishing programs again, it's been too long!

Missed yesterday, overslept, and I'd been doing so well at the whole 'getting up earlier' thing too. :sad:
Managed stuff today though:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Tap Side Lunges (EotD) done (Couldn't get my hands all the way to the floor),
2 Minute Abs (WotD) done,
Day 1 of Total Body attempted (Couldn't manage all 5 sets, also had to do regular Leg Raises instead of Plank ones. This program may be too tough for me, but I'll try for a few days to see how I do),
Day 1 of Epic Cardio done,
Stretched done.

Danged bureaucracy! :stomp:
Trying to get the landlord to fix something, but they won't unless the Housemate requests it. I tried explaining that she's not here and I don't know when she will be, but it didn't help though. No idea what sort of elaborate scam they think I'm trying to pull, at least I can stop it being a problem, would rather have it fixed though.

Things aren't going too great on the Housemate front either:- Physically she's getting better but I've never seen her this bad mentally though. Yesterday she didn't know where she was, I don't think she entirely knew who I was, spent half an hour crying out for her Mum and when I tried to calm her down and explain that her Mum wasn't there (She pasted away quite a few years ago, but I didn't think it was the right time to mention that) she threatened to strangle me. It's got me worried, but the doctors and nurses don't seem too concerned so I dunno.

Another new recipe for dinner, Sausage And Gnocchi Soup, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,026
"Striving to be the change."
:hug: for the problems with your landlord and the ongoing situation with your housemate. I can, unfortunately, relate to both.

Do the medical staff at the hospital discuss with you what is going on with your housemate? If they're not concerned re: her mental state, maybe they know it is a temporary effect. (It could be caused by a medication they have her on. Some infections--like UTIs--can also cause altered mental states that will clear up once the infection clears.)