Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Another night of not much sleep, I tried with the exercises but I'm just too tired:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Side Jacks (EotD) done,
Chapter 1 (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 5 of Soma 40+ attempted (1 set),
Day 5 of Epic Legs attempted (1 set),
Stretched done.

Housemate is very poorly at the moment, hopefully she'll be okay until tomorrow, trying to get a Doctor on a weekend is a nightmare, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Housemate is doing a bit better, so I got a decent nights sleep:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 High Crunches (EotD) done,
Obstacle Run (WotD) attempted (Only 1 set, but I'm pleased that I did manage to do the whole set),
Day 6 of Soma 40+ done,
Day 6 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Going to try and get the Housemate out the house later, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Thanks! @colin

Bit headachey today (Gotta remember not to oversleep!), but I did what I could:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Balance Leg Swings (EotD) done (Took a while, just got no balance today),
The Boulder (WotD) attempted (Got most of one set done, Planking was too tough on my feet today),
Day 7 of Soma 40+ done (Wasn't bendy enough for a couple of the poses but I tried),
Day 7 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Housemate isn't doing too great today, thought she was getting better but apparently not :sad:, going to be another quiet day at home, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Housemate still isn't doing too great and I've been too tired and frazzled to exercise. Tried a bit today, did better than I thought I would but didn't manage to finish everything:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Squat Hops On The Spot (EotD) done,
Titania (WotD) attempted (2 sets with regular Lunges, Punch Crunches and Knee Push-Ups),
Day 8 of Soma 40+ attempted (2 sets, too many Lunges! :crawl: ),
Day 8 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Gotta figure out what to do with myself today, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Got very lightheaded and dizzy doing Jumping Jacks, I think I'm just not drinking enough at the moment, so I'm going to make sure I'm hydrated and try again tomorrow:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Side-To-Side Backfists (EotD) done,
Ninja attempted (1 set, this is a fun one but the timer doesn't work properly, I ended up doing about 2 minutes of Knife Hand Strikes before I realised :sadness: )
Day 9 of Soma 40+ attempted (Half a set).

See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Woke up rather headachey and blah (Despite my best intentions all I had to drink yesterday was a can of soda), so no bouncy exercises today:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Plank Crunches (EotD) attempted (I could Plank but not move my legs, so I did regular Crunches instead),
Spotlight done (3 sets),
Second Spring done (3 sets),
Day 9 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Gotta do better looking after myself today, drink more and have something decent and healthy-ish for dinner, I might make soup.
See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Finally managed to get past Day 9 of Soma 40+, yay! :yas:

Universal Warmup done,
Upperbody Tendon Strength (WotD) done (Glad this was just the one set, had very noodlely arms afterwards.),
Day 9 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 10 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Doing better with the drinking (I'm trying to make sure I have a glass or mug of something every couple of hours) and eating (Last nights Fishcakes may not have worked, but the Tuna-Filled Mashed Potatoes I ended up with were surprisingly tasty!).
See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Another day done!

Universal Warmup done,
30 Toe Taps (EotD) done,
Star Master (WotD) done (Must admit I got bored and didn't do 3 minutes with either leg),
Day 10 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, those Deadlifts are tough on the old spine),
Day 11 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Housemate is feeling a bit better so I'm going to take her for a walk downtown, see y'all Sunday!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Good thing I'd already planned to take yesterday off, Housemate has really gone downhill again, hopefully she's feeling a bit better when she wakes up this morning but I definitely gotta get her to the Doctors on Monday.

At least I managed my exercises today:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Balance Hold (EotD) done (Balance still isn't great, but better than usual),
Serenity (WotD) done (I can't do that sitting pose, can't work out where my legs are supposed to go, but I did what I could),
Day 11 of Soma 40+ done (Again with the sitting pose, I bet it's actually really simple to do but it's just not clicking in my brain),
Day 12 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Going to be another day of trying to keep myself quietly occupied so I don't get all worried and stressed, see y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,066
Angry exercises today :mad::-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Seconds Raised Leg Plank Hold (EotD) done (Could only raise one leg though),
Chop-Chop (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, had to switch to normal Lunges after the first set, have balance issues doing the Split kind),
Day 13 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Really annoyed with the Housemate this morning. Couldn't get a home visit from the Doctors so I made a regular appointment, but the Housemate won't get out of bed or anything because she's "Fine" and doesn't need a Doctor, even though she's been asleep pretty much all weekend and the house stinks of pee because shes not even waking up to go to the toilet. So I've had to cancel the appointment for today, I'll keep trying to make a home visit one, but otherwise I'm washing my hands of the whole business, if she wants to get really ill that's on her, I'm fed up of being worried all the time.

Going to have a quiet day of painting the model I put together yesterday, see y'all tomorrow!