3rd time is the charm


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Day 18 is complete.

My diet is REALLY suffering of late, however I am glad that I am continuing my training no matter what.

This is the last week I am morning shift, so it will be a change doing my exercises at home again... and I will miss the more active break in the middle of the day.


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I was confused twice today. The first time it was when I saw that I only posted up to day 17 but then saw that I am already on page 2.... and then I saw day 18, but then realised that I didnt post anything yesterday and I posted day 18 twice...

So with error correction

Day 21 is done

It is the last day for the year that I will be training at work and I am hoping I can take the momentum over to when I train at home.

I was contemplating of trying to change my diet, but with christmas and new years coming up soon it might be a bad idea.

So I am going to concentrate of actually doing my exercises, even when i am 2 weeks on leave... I think that would already be a good accomplishment.


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I started on day 22 but had to stop half way as I was completely exhausted.

Had a bit of a run in with a dog the previous night so my energy levels where a bit low so will redo the day tomorrow.

I am building a small cupboard tomorrow though so might not get the time, but that in itself will be a good workout


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So I have FINALLY managed to do day 23.

The last few days have been a tad crazy. I finished building the cupboard on Tuesday and was busy utilizing it yesterday.

For those of you wondering (cause I know I would want to know) I bought a sewing machine in order to make a costume for my partners cosplay costume. As I dont have enough space I made a cupboard whose door functions as a work area. So yes. I was busy getting started yesterday on that.


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Hello everyone again.

Friday was a bit of a chaotic day as I was wrapping all the Christmas presents and completely lost track of time. I did however finish day 24 today.

The side leg raises pulled my muscle stiff a bit though.

Also @neilarey is there a specific place for posting hobbies? I would love to post the progress on my costume for me partner :cutter:


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Today was a bit of a lazy day.
Went to the hair dresser for my end of year function on Saturday and had to be at work earlier for a meeting.

But I did manage to do 30 pushups (once again on the counter), however I can feel that I did some yesterday as well.

80 pushups down


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Hi @Aldethar !

mind if I ask what (kind of) OCR you are looking forward to? I've done 2 different types in the past and the challenge between both was VASTLY different, even if both were the same distance.

If you say day... done, that refers to all the challenges and the baseline program you started together, right? If so, well done! You are making good progress, it doesn't matter so much if you need a few more days than planned, as long as you advance


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Hi @Flash_Fire

I have competed in 2 different ones. The longer one is called the Impi obstacle course. 18KM with I believe 27 obstacles. But it was more running up and downhill

The other one was the same distance but more of a tough mudder.

For now I just want to try to get my body moving and weight down. 115 KGs running OK a trail will cause earthquakes 😁

In regards to the days done, currently I am only doing the Baseline program.

My mind has a bad tendency of wanting to run away, think I can do more, add to much and then end in injury or disappointment.

And sadly this is a circle that has been running for a long while. So I order to break it I tool a step back and first get used to actually exercising.

With me working 1 month morning and 1 month evening it really throws me a curveball.

During the morning I started working out at work... when I work evening I think I need to create myself a schedule of all the things I need to do. Not sure I like to be stuck in a strict routine, but it is something that helps me... even when it comes to food.

I am still not 100% sure what program I will do next but I might go for some more body weight orientated one


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I have finished day 30 and got myself a shiny badge.

That with the dodges from the snowball fight were a great matchup.

The next 2 programs I want to tackle are
and Unbound

Those should work on my 2 biggest weaknesses and that is flexibility and core strength.

Can anyone recommend another workout or program for general strength training?


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Thank you everybody :D

So. I need some advice.

I am still pretty much overweight, but have gotten a tad fitter.

Currently I am looking at new progams but would also love to challenge myself and would like to incorporate strength training.

As such I am actually looking at the Hard Reset Cardio and Hard Reset Strength.

I am on leave for the next 2 weeks and I think it would be a massive challenge, but also fun.

Question is should I just from a level 1 to a level 3 program or rather go to 2 first?


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Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
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"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Keep in mind that exercise only does so much for the weight. Cardio will help, but it's gotta be most a diet thing unfortunately. Though I approve and agree with doing exercise and the diet stuff. That was previously my approach and one I plan to go back to. I know you said above you weren't going to worry about it too much with the holidays (which, same here), but you may want to do a starting step of just recording what you eat without making changes. That way, when you do want to adjust it, you have information to pull from. :)

Hmmm ... If I'm understanding right, I think it depends on how difficult the level 1 is for you. If it's sorta easy, I'd go to level 2. If it's super easy, then it's okay to make a couple of jumps to level 3. My understanding is you want a smooth incline in progress as best you can, but it needs to be at least mildly challenging.


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The exercise routine this festive season went as well as I expected and that is not at all.

However, unlike previous years, I got up, brushed the dust of and did my first exercises today.

I started with the TEN program as well as the Unbound one.

Day 1 went OK with me being able to do around 6 circuits (-2 exercises) in the allocated 10 minutes.

The Unbound was sadly a tad of an eye opener as I could not touch the ground in the runner stretch due to my stomach being in the way.

My goal is to lose around 15-20 Kgs in the next 4 months... and I know it will be a lot of hard work and sacrifices, if I stay away from all the junk food and sweets I am sure I can do it.

I am also starting my intermittent fasting again for the weekdays with having a break over the weekend.


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Day 2 of the TEN program as well as Unbound done.

On the TEN program I only did 10 backward lunges total while all other exercises I did 10 per leg. I also did not do the lunges on the last set.

Overall a great workout packed into 12-13 minutes.

Yesterday I did stick to my fasting having only drank black coffee till around 10h30 and eating supper around 18h00.
Till now (10h30 today) I also only had black coffee and breaking my fast with a shake after my exercises.... and a coffee with sugar and milk :D


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Day 3 of the TEN program as well as Unbound done.

Sadly I cheated on my fasting yesterday as I had a leftover cider from the weekend. All my gas cooldrink is also up, so now comes the biggest challenge of drinking water.

Seeing that flexibility is one of my bigger weaknesses I am thinking of incorporating a stretch routine to the mix.


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I want to incorporate the following stretches to my routine. Each stretch is held for 30 seconds and repeated twice.

The top row is done Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
The bottom row is all other days.

I found this on a website a while back and cant seem to find it again. However whenever I had a injury and needed to do stretches for therapy, that stretch was included in here in one or other fashion.

The only thing I would need is ankle and wrist movements



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I tried the challenge put out to me by @Maegaranthelas . Sadly I was only able to each level 2 due my stomach already burning. Due to this I realised that the programs I am doing at the moment are things I am comfortable with, which in the long run wont help... but I also dont want to overdo it so that I stop.

I am thinking of doing 90 days of action now already as that will challenge me and replace any of the more heavy core ones with exercises that are more core building ones like planks


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To be 100% honest this is the time where I overthink things, am unhappy with my results, want to change things up, realize that with my goals I want to try to many things and then stop training altogether because I feel overwhelmed. I WILL continue to train but not sure yet what program.


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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
When my brilliant plans fail it's because I've made my life too complicated and it's not sustainable.
So the first thing I do is cut out everything that isn't absolutely essential and start from there, if I keep things simple it works.
It's just how I try to do it, maybe it can be useful to you :)


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So I took a step back and thought that if I only do exercises I enjoy I cant progress.

However I also realized that the programs I am doing are actually things that I struggle with, and that is also when I over analyze things.

My biggest weakness at the moment is cardio, flexibility and core

As such I will continue to do the 2 programs, but I will add the stretches of above as well as the standing abs challenge and seeing that I am still in the beginning I will skip to day 5 with that program.

With me getting disheartened quickly and losing interest, it will be difficult to really stick to a program, hence the 90 days would be nice as it is always different... but I know I am not at that level yet. So for now I will do those 4 segments each day and see where it takes me.

Perhaps to keep things interesting I must do the exercise of the day.

I will redo that Adventurer workout once I am through with this exercise plan.


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Berserker from Nashville, TN, USA
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"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~Carl Rogers"
Due to this I realised that the programs I am doing at the moment are things I am comfortable with, which in the long run wont help... but I also dont want to overdo it so that I stop.

No advice. Just note that you're not alone as I'm struggling figuring out that balance as well. Especially since I don't seem to be evenly fit.


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Yeah @NightWolf714 . The worst part is that I am fully aware what my reasons are for stopping and I keep on doing it. So I decided you know what..... I got my body through numerous years of inactivity so I should give it at least a year to recover.

I am busy looking at a way to test various aspects of fitness such as upper and lower body strength, cardio, core, speed, etc. And then I will take a overall program as well as a monthly challenge that targets my weakest Stat.

I am also trying to make a game with either cards or dice so that if I do not feel like working out due to being bored I can change it up.


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Good morning everyone,|

On Saturday I did manage to do the Checked In workout.

Today I did the following. TEN day 5 is done... but only 7 minutes instead of the 10. My side of the legs started to burn a tad to much
Unbound day 5 is also done except one exercise that I felt uncomfortable doing as gravity hates me to much.

I also did the exercise of the day and the new stretching that I wanted to do.

All in all the routine took me 15 minutes but I am exhausted now.

@NightWolf714 in regards to the game: I am thinking of printing a few of the darebee workouts out in the size of playing cards, then have something like cardio as hearts, core → spades, Upper body → Diamonds and Lower body as clubs.. then draw one from each pile.

Or have basic exercises like 10 jumping jacks printed on all cards, draw 5 and that becomes a 10 minutes circuit.


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My fasting went a bit lob sided today as I was pretty hungry in the morning. Chances are it was due to me not eating enough protein the previous day. I will however try to stay below intended calorie intake.

I finished day 6 of TEN and Unbound today. TEN I only managed to minute 8 as my legs were burning from the previous day.

I also did the exercise of the day... sort off... I managed 13 seconds on the one armed plank, but then did 30 on 2 arms.

Stretching was interesting as it once again highlighted how inflexible I am and once again showed me exactly where my leg was paining :D

All in all a good 20 minute workout


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day 7 done and dusted. Today was an AWESOME day as I found a nice mix on my music app. So had my heart rate really nice and high.

Did the exercise of the day, however in 10 reps, switch legs, 10 reps, rest 10 seconds... but all 30 are done... and my triceps are killing me.

Also did the stretching routine again... all in all 18 minutes


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Thank you for all the support once again.

I finally got around to do day 9 of TEN and Unbound.

One of the main reason I was putting it of is the exercises done in TEN.

The core is one of my weakest parts and looking at the day I knew that it would not be fun in the slightest. But decided to just get up and do them. Only got to minute 9 though.


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Good morning everyone,

So the last 4 days were so blazing hot (36-38 C) that I just could not get myself to work out as I was at home for those days.

However the good news is that I weighted myself and I am down to 113 KGs from 115.

Today I wanted to add the Workout of the day Spotlight but that ended up to be my full workout. I did 10 on each side and took my just around 20 minutes with 228kcal burned. it was a absolute lovely workout... but it killed me.


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So I started with the workout of the day as I thought that doing that every day would completely throw me out of my comfort zone.

I did the first set, but as I was doing my core exercises I noticed that there is a small bulge half way between my solar plexus and naval. It doesnt hurt but it was raised around 2cm high and 2-3 cm wide.

Unsure what it is I decided to stop and just do some research and maybe see a physio if needed.