A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Nevetharine , @Haleth , @Mamatigerj , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Mianevem !
I started this new year with Power Hold Challenge D1 (PHC, we'll call it, for short), a 15 mins yoga video from Adrienne (her January challenge really starts tomorrow, today was an introductory video), and 10 minutes meditation. Good way to start.

D197 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree , same to you, the best for 2024!

Tuesday evening Yoga class.
Wednesday PHC D3, Yoga with Adriene's Flow January challenge D2, and 8 mins meditation.
Today PHC D4, Yoga with Adriene's Flow January challenge D3, and 8 mins mantra meditation. Tonight just did a yoga class.

D200 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.
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Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Congratulations on all your amazing achievements this past year. I hope 2024 will be even better for you and Luna :wand:


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @aku-chan and @Anek !
@Gandhalfit , thank you, and hugs. Thinking of you and your country still very regularly. And Luna gives purrs, the right kitty will appear in your life at the right time ;)

Yesterday PHC D5, Yoga with Adriene's Flow January challenge D4, meditation.
Today PHC D6, Yoga with Adriene's Flow January challenge D5, and meditation.

I baked thumbprint cookies tonight, a receipe from "vegan with a vengance" but using a gluten-free flour mix ; not sure yet about the taste (they're finishing to cool off, and they are for the office party Tuesday), but their consistency seems fine, specialluy since I haven't baked cookies in a very loooong while, and never in this oven. Tuesday will be the crash test ;)
Funny thing is that I got for Christmas a Dyson air purifier / cooler / heater ; right now I have it on the automatic setting, so basically it starts on if it feels the air getting out of its cleanliness criteria. Well, with the oven working (I have an open kitchen and the purifier is in the living room), it detected fumes / small particles and started working like a madman, LOL! I had it react to a few things, generally very gently, couldn't even hear it, but there it was crazy busy.

D202 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


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Alchemist from France
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I love that book! How did you like the cookies?
Delicious, really! It was plum preserve in the thumbprints because that's what I had in my pantry (made by a friend) ; and the cocoa power had a few cocoa chips ; the gluten-free flour worked pretty well! I just had to put a bit more flour than in the recipe (mixture was too moist), and baked at 190°C instead of 180°C, but they are nice, a good firmness / moisture ratio. Hope my coworkers will like too.

Sunday PHC D7, Yoga with Adriene's Flow January challenge D6, and meditation.
This morning PHC D8, YWA's Flow January challenge D7, meditation not yet done.
I am wondering a bit if YWA is not too easy for my goals, but she's sweet, and Benji's a doll, so... ;)

D204 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

ETA : it's quite cold here, below freezing, which does not happen too often in Paris ; when I walked outside at lunchtime, I had snowflakes dancing around me. So pretty! But when I came home, I decided dessert would be a cup of hot cocoa . Yum!
For the power hold challenge, I manage to do 3*10 pumps cleanly, should try to increase a bit as long as they stay clean. For the squat days, afterwards I can feel my right knee - not pain, but it's working, so I may not go above repeats of 12 to keep it the whole month and have the muscle effect but no bad knee effect. Adaptation, and listening to your body!
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @NancyTree and @Deadoks !

Monday evening 7 mins meditation
Yesterday had to go to the office. So did Power Hold Challenge D9, and in the evening yoga class - nope, no YWA. 5 mins meditation.
Today I did PHCD10, and Day 1 of 60 Days of HIIT. YWA was leaving me a bit unstatisfied with time vs. workout ratio, so that's what I decided. No meditation yet.

Ah, for our little gourmand Bunny @Anek , the cookies flew off the tables. Texture was good, they were not very sweet - but the dollop of jam provided the appropriate amount of sweetness so it is a well-balanced recipe (and the chocolate chips were a nice, unintended, additional touch). Next time I will try with orange marmalade as jam, should be nice. And I am pleased the gluten-free flour behaved pretty similarly to regular flour, will have to test it more.

D206 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


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Alchemist from France
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Missed two weeks, but still, let's keep this up.
For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym only last Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday - three days off, so that's not good. It is the temperature - and gonna be as bad this week. Besides, this week will be very tough work-wise, so not sure I can go to the gym for walking... we'll see .
I went twice to the gym, tYoga and body balance. So yay.
Fruits every day , fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 good. Let's keep up working on it
Meditation average, done but with several times only breathin exercise so below expectation.

Let's go through next week, may be a tough one with lots of deadlines, but we shall overcome!


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None from France
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"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
I do agree on weather in France, i was out yesterday maybe for 30 minutes, a nightmare.... we are not used to these temperatures, it is awfull. But thinking to canadian bees as an example, living to really cold place i don't know how they can do it, expecially running outside.


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Alchemist from France
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Ha, @graoumia , I lived 7 years in the States , including 1.5 y near Chicago - so darn cold!, and 4.5 years in Buffalo NY - just south of Toronto and the Canadian border, not that cold, but known to be snow-heavy :snowball::muahaha: (and in Buffalo, I had to walk a fair deal, for the workplace and the university).

The thing is, here, we are ill-equipped. Right now, I am defintly missing some undersocks to keep those footsies warm. And snow boots / very warm shoes. I don't have snow boots anymore.

However, the idea of running outside with so cold a weather... @Laura Rainbow Dragon and others have my utmost respect!!!

Today PHC D15, 60 days of HIIT D6, 14 mins meditation.

D211 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,097
"Striving to be the change."
@graoumia @PetiteSheWolf it is true that one's tolerance of the weather has a lot to do with what one has adapted to. By Canadian standards, I am a wimp! I live about 45 km north of the southernmost point in mainland Canada (about 70 km north of the southernmost point on our southernmost island). I'm further south than where @PetiteSheWolf lived in Buffalo.

Here is the current weather where I live:


and the current weather in Canada's northernmost permanently inhabited location:


I won't run today (I have trained in windchills down to -17C in the past, but these days -10 is pretty much my limit) and I will wrap Shelby up in a blanket to take her for her walk.

Here is a video that was shot on my birthday (not by me) on the shore of Lake Erie: https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/video/Xkg0vEHh
That video was shot at the east end of Lake Erie. I live about 7km north of Lake Erie, but over the western half of the lake. The weather was much the same here. (I did NOT run on the lakeshore that day! I stayed in my subdivision where the houses at least gave me some protection from the wind!)


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I know I would probably sound (read?) crazy but that weather looks sooooo awesome :D
I hope there weren't too many damages


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Alchemist from France
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Today PHC D18, 60 days of HIIT D9, meditation not yet done.
I was supposed to go to the office. However, we had a bit of snow here in Paris, and well... They really don't know to deal with it. Big sigh.
I made sure to check the transportation news before leaving, and it seemed OK. Got my first subway fine, but after a few stations I head an announcement that my second subway line was stopped (and I don't have a lot of options for the second part of the trip...). So I had to come back home, and am telecommuting. Luna is glad to see me ;), and I only mind the lost time. Oh well, I am lucky to have the possibility to telecommute.
For the fun, that second subway line has not started again yet. Glad I turned back ASAP.
And I decided I'd try one of the darebeets recipes, Sweet potatoes slices with chickpeas and avocado. I will comment on it !
I inteed to try the Darebeets chickpeas curry Sunday, for my parents - we will have my heartversary lunch, yeah! The program so far is foie gras, chickpea curry with cheese naans, cheese, and some cake from the nearby bakery (not feeling having time enough to do a cake from scratch this WE). And champagne, of course.
(for the newer bees here, it is the anniversary of my open heart surgery :heart: , gotta celebrate that new lease on life! And a way to thank my parents for all their help during that time too).

D214 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @TopNotch , @Gandhalfit , @Nevetharine , @Anek , @graoumia (c'est mon coeurverssaire ;) ) and @MadamMeow (it was in 2020 - and the hive was a real support in the time waiting for the surgery, and for the recovery path after).

Yesterday 15 mins meditation done.
Today PHC D19, 60 days of HIIT D10, meditation not yet done.

D215 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Grins @graoumia , thank you @NancyTree , and thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon :heart: 4 mins! That's an impressive gift! Reminds me I said I should start again practice my balance, LOL.

Friday afternoon meditation and body balance class.
Saturday PHC D20, 60 days of HIIT D11, meditation.
Sunday PHC D21, 60 days of HIIT D12, meditation.
Today monday PHC D22, 60 days of HIIT D13, meditation not yet done.

Sunday was great, had a great time with my parents, and Darebeets's chickpea curry recipe is excellent, not a thing to change!

D218 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day but one, so I am happy :) Not sure how this week is gonna work (lots of work + doc appointmént) but we will see. .
I went twice to the gym, Yoga and body balance. So yay.
Fruits every day , fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 good.
Meditation well done this week.
Well, health habits-wise, this was a productive week!


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @Deadoks ! And grins to @Laura Rainbow Dragon , it did, and I always feel quite silly during the balance section (same in yoga when we come to several balance poses) ; but heck, no improvment without going through this awkwardness.

Yesterday meditation done.
Today PHC D23, 60 days of HIIT D14, meditation done. Got an ophtalmologist appointment after work (the yearly check-up, no worry), so won't be able to make it to my usual yoga class.

D219 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.

Edited to check the Hive's new features:

yum! (just cook the potatoes longer)

double-yum, nothing to change!



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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thanks @Deadoks , I do not hold that streak too important - it can be fairly easy for life to throw a curved ball at you and you miss a / a few days for excellent reasons; but I do it as encouragement. I have been there quite regularly for 6 years (except for the break because of the ticker-tocker, LOL) , and I think I nearly reached a 2 years strike, but not quite.

Thursday PHC D25, 60 days of HIIT D16, meditation done.
Today PHC D26, 60 days of HIIT D17, meditation done.

Step by step those are progressing ;) And two big deadlines at work were reached, so, relief.

D222 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Saturday PHC D27, 60 days of HIIT D18, meditation done.
Sunday PHC D28, 60 days of HIIT D19, meditation done.

Very nice WE, I met one of my best friends at a gluten-free cafe, saw my parents, sang for church, and wrote down for a trip this summer (more information incoming, LOL). Very excited about it, when I was not expecting to travel this year, LOL.

D224 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day but Monday - despite my misgivings, so yay me! .
I went only once to the gym, because of the ophtalmologist Tuesday night. Drat.
Fruits every day , fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 good.
Meditation well done this week.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Today PHC D29, 60 days of HIIT D20 (abs days are painful!), meditation done.

@graoumia , it is a possibility of doing a concert abroad with another choir + full orchestra (former choir and orchestra of our present choir leader, who is basically inviting us). That's an unusual (at least for me) opportunity! More when it is confirmed.

D225 of consecutive exercise. D210 was January 14th.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,097
"Striving to be the change."
@graoumia , it is a possibility of doing a concert abroad with another choir + full orchestra (former choir and orchestra of our present choir leader, who is basically inviting us). That's an unusual (at least for me) opportunity! More when it is confirmed.
Fingers crossed this will happen for you! That would be an amazing opportunity!