A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Wednesday meditation done.
Yesterday / Thursday Leg Day every day challenge D16; moving asanas 3 times, and Recovery D9 and D10. Meditation done.
This morning Leg Day every day challenge D17; moving asanas 3 times, and Recovery D11 and D12. Meditation not yet done.

D243 of consecutive exercise. D240 was February 13th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday's meditation not done. Drat.
Today Leg Day every day challenge D18; moving asanas 3 times, and Recovery D13 and D14. Meditation done, a good 15 mins.

D244 of consecutive exercise. D240 was February 13th.

Heart update : looks like yesterday - day, last night, and so far today, I had no tachycardia. That's the longest I have seen that since the heart started again giving me troubles. Maybe the betablocker is working at last and I may not need to up the dose! Let's cross our fingers.

I put on some book updates in the book reading thread.

Right now, following two series using replay,:
"Life on Mars". It is excellent! Starting season 2 now. The concept is, a Manchester cop in 2003 gets hit by a car, and "seems" (that point is not too clear) to wake up in Manchester 1973, where he feels - rightly - as a fish out of water. The feeling of revisiting those time is great, with some episodes quite heartwrenching since we -like the main character- know how things will turn out long term - factories unions, hooligans... Those who liked that period's music are in for a treat. I have no idea yet if Sam's time travelling, hallucinating in a coma, or plain crazy, but this isn't by far the main interest. It's that blast from the past, and how it also interrogates our present way of doing / living. I hightly recommend it. Another point I highly enjoy - and had already noted on other British series (thinking of Broadchurch for example) , is that people do look like everyday people, people you'd cross at the post office, cop station, bakery - not hollywood versions of the handsome muscled cop or the sexy bakery girl, so to speak ; and that's very refreshing and helps immersing, I think.

"Poker face" with Natasha Lyonne. The concept is an extrovert gal, with an inbuilt "bullshit" detector, is on the run from a mafioso who blames his son's death on her , and in her journey, crosses colorful figures and finds herself to solve murders using her lies-detecting skills, observation skills and good samaritan heart. Mind you, as she's on the run, she can't even call the cops when she finds the culprit, so she also has to be extra creative to find ways to get him/her/ them to justice. It is fun, brings me back in the US, and is quirky without being cutesy about it. They also bring back the Columbo narrative style : you see what led to the murder, the murder itself, then generally go back to see how Charlie got mixed with that crowd, and then only can her investigation begin. Like Columbo, also, we good cool guest-stars, and like Columbo, Charlie is often underestimated by the people around her. I have yet to finish the season, but having lots of fun so far!
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Grins and agrees with @colin ! And the difference in energy level starts to be noticeable.

Yesterday meditation done.
Today Leg Day every day challenge D20; moving asanas 3 times, and 60 Days of HIIT D27 - at level I (I will still be taking it carefully this week, while the ticker-tocker gets used again to a normal rythm). meditation done.

D246 of consecutive exercise. D240 was February 13th.


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
Well... been back in the hospital since Wednesday afternoon, and posting through my mobile so it will be short. Still in tachycardia and fibrillation so if it does not get better until Monday I may get a schock tuesday or Wednesday. I'll keep you all posted.hugs around!
I'll send good vibes to you until we have good news. Take good care. :vibes: :love: :vibes:
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Too many people to thank you all by name, but you're great, bees. Thanks!
So, the ticker didn't get back in normal rythm with only drugs, so yesterday they shocked me, and that worked, I am back in sinusal rythm and at a decent rate.
They released me today ; and early April, they will do a short procedure with 2 days hospitalisations if it works fine
(medical talk) They'll do a new catheterism for ablation of His bundle. It means a week of non-exercise since the groin, where they insert the catheterism has to heal, specially if I find myself receiving those treatments , let's say ... regularly. Oh well.
In that situation in the hospital I can't exercise, well you imagine the floor :angel: , and on the upper body, got all the heart monitoring , and the IV lines prevent even chair yoga or somesuch. I'll start again tomorrow, not sure what I'll do but it will have to be gentle, level I or II, until the second procedure (and then a little recovery time). We'll see tomorrow, today was getting back in my appartment, my belongings, and lots of cuddles with Mademoisellle Luna (spoiled very much by my parents and my neighbor in the meantime, but still she is very cuddly right now).

So, see you tomorrow to start back that adventure, kiddos!
mr no GIF


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thanks so much for the gift, @Deadoks ! I can feel the positive vibes!
Thank you @Maegaranthelas and @Fremen too.

This morning Leg Day everyday D23, and for the coming month, 30 days of LIIT D1. It's level II, but I can do only three sets and as a IT take it a bit slower/harder depending on how I will feel. Meditation not yet done. I guess 60 days of HIIT will get finished another time.

Day 1 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02). This streak will come to a screeching halt in April, but in the meantime let's still get moving.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Thank you @Nightg0ddess , love that doggo :LOL: And thank you @MadamMeowand , @Anek.
Resting feels good.

Meditation done yesterday.
This morning Leg Day everyday D24, , 30 days of LIIT D2 level 1, balance asanas done, and let's add some 3*10 slow squats for my knees (I will do some stretch on even days), for this month.

Day 2 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Meditation done yesterday.
This morning Leg Day everyday D26, , 30 days of LIIT D4 level 1, balance asanas done, and 3 times 10 squats done, meditation done.

During the WE, I watched "Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny".
Disclaimer, I am a fan of the the original Indies. They're my youth, and Indy one of my very first crushes (along with Han Solo :muahaha:). Then came the sequel so bad, it shall not be named.
So my expectations were low, but I was till curious. So, home videos, here we come.
Well, good thing they were low. But it was way better than the sequel that shall not be named.
Negatives :
HUGE plot holes (OK, this is a pulp action movie, but, ahem... some moments were pretty bad).
Helena, Indy's "goddaughter". Heavens. I wanted to slap her so bad. Such a caricature of "look, here I am, a brilliant, smart, independant woman, fred of nearly all moral shackles - but when push will come to shove, of course I will help my godfather". Kate in Temple of doom was out of place and that was her humor ; Marion was Marion - Indy's equal, and Jones Sr was, well, so delectable. Helena is just a drag the whole movie. Not the actress's fault, but the writing.
Corny, very very corny dialogue. Especially after the giggles of the three original ones.
I won't even mention the waste of Madds Mikkelsen - a really good actor. Oh well, guess I did mention it finally.
A pale copy of Temple of Doom's "short round"
Wasted opportunities of character development. We see at the very beginning the triangle-folded flag of "Mutt''s vietnam casket, and the divorce papers ; then out of the blue Indy gets moody and spells it out of us: Indy wants to stay with Archimedes, and in the end Marion shows up and everything's handy dandy. Nope. A more progressive and nuanced approach, a few more dialogs and it could have been really good, like Indy getting back a relationship with his father in Last crusade, but they missed the opportunity by a large shot.

Salah. His arrival gave me one of the first true chuckles of the movie.
Archimedes and the siege of Syracuse. I was in full history nerd mode!
In the last scene; the call back to the tenderest scene of Raiders of the lost ark was really sweet, still.

So, I don't regret renting it. But, not worth all the special effects, and times of good actors, I am afraid.

Day 4 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
I think of Life on Mars as being very British, though stories cross boundaries of course.
Some of the references are utterly british, though - the IRA bombings (the dialogue in the last scene where the main detective says as Irish love beers, the IRA will never bomb bars was ... very sad), the stadium due to hooligans (same, that was a sad reference)... The episode on the factory and unions also reminded me of "brassed off".


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Didn't live in the UK, @colin , but those were my young years, and as France and England are, well, like quite quarelling siblings who can't do wthout each other :happy:, I saw the news on our French news, and also discussed them in English class at school.

Hope you can book where you want. I just hope it is not gonna be during the olympics - prices are gonna go up everywhere since Parisians will try to flock out of Paris as much as possible.

This morning Leg Day everyday D27, , 30 days of LIIT D5 level 2, balance asanas done, and 3 times let stretches done, meditation not yet done. Starting again work (telecommute), it is quite a mess... But we'll solve it.

Day 5 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).