A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Anek an @Fremen :) Enjoying a few free days since we have a "bridge" here in France : yesterday celebration of end of WWII for France, today Ascencion, so tomorrow is off, for me a and lots of people. Visited my parents yesterday, today resting and probaby doing some genealogy, Friday getting my hair cut and colored, Saturday long choir rehearsal - and Sunday we have a special service that's gonna get recorded and broadcast, for the olympic games.

(note : yesterday 5,000 steps, and meditation done)
Today 60 days of HIIT D40, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D9. Meditation done.

D33 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree , @MadamMeow and @Maegaranthelas !

Boy, those past days flew by!

Friday Morning did a body pump class, yay! With just an empty bar and the lightest weight (besides my cardio don't want me to do more than that in weight lifting). It felt good! 60 days of HIIT D41, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D10. Meditation done. I had a good color and haircut done, and went shopping for presents for a friend's birthday and for mother's day, so 5,000 steps largely done.
Saturday 60 days of HIIT D42, 3*balance asanas, and abs and core blast challenge D11. Meditation done. Very long day, as there was a choir rehearsal + fress rehearsal / preparation for Sunday. Step count reached.
Sunday 60 days of HIIT D43, 3* balance asanas, and abs and core blast challenge D12. Meditation done..So, at church (and I'm part of the choir) we had a very special service : it was recorded to be on French TV - France 2, the sunday right before the starts of the olympics, as a welcome from the French protestants. We're an international church, that's why we had the privilege to host. It was very tiring, and sometimes even frustrating (so many movement rehearsals...), to prepare, but I think we did good and will help people praise ;) 5,000 steps done.

This morning 60 days of HIIT D44, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D13. Meditation not yet done.

So, overall, last week (Sunday to Friday)
Meditation done every day, great.
5,000 steps or gym class done all days but thursday, so that's good.

D37 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday meditation not done, 5,000 steps done.
This morning 60 days of HIIT D45, 3*balance asanas, and abs and core blast challenge D14. Meditation not yet done.

I cooked a darebees recipe yesterday for lunch, just great!

I did only one eggplant, and 100g of lentils (Lentilles vertes du puy). Could easily eat the eggplant, I have lentils leftovers. I cooked the lentils in my pressure cooker to go faster, and with broth (herbs and olive oil vegetarian broth), as per my habit.
I did the called-on quantity for the dressing, and that's definitly a dressing I will use again, very tasty, creamy, and with the interesting sesame taste of the tahini.
Five forks out of five!

Oh, continuation of the "olympics" adventure of your friendly neighborhood wolf ;) Yesterday, at 8 PM, my cellphone started wailing - loud, scary ringtone I had never heard before. And here we had a message, I am quoting the most relevant parts:
"extremely grave alert. Message relating to the safety perimeter of the opening ceremony for the olympic games [...] connect to the following website to gety your QR code to circulate around".
Yeah. Anxiety-inducing alarm, and very dire beginning, to tell us we gotta take those &é"'(- QR codes! I shall refrain from saying more about this organisation, or I may get rude and uncharitable.
One of the talk-shows on TV got interrupted by these alerts same way, they were torn between wondering if they had to worry, and annoyance at the disruption. In our national assembly too, the phones rang, creating some (more) chaos.
Yes, we know, we know, we'll all get your damn QR codes.
Rant off !
mad little girl GIF

D38 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday evening meditation, and yoga class counting for the 5,000 steps. Our regular ashtanga teacher is back, that was fun!

This morning 60 days of HIIT D46, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D15. Meditation not yet done.

D39 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday 5,000 steps and meditation done.
This morning 60 days of HIIT D47, 3*balance asanas a,d "thread the needle" with opposing up arm and just slightly behind, and abs and core blast challenge D16. Meditation not yet done.

ETA : continuing my gluten-free bread making experiments, I had tried last week another box mix, from a health store in St Malo, more of a buckwheat bread (mix of corn, rice and buckwheat flours plus some other stuff to keep the texture nice), and it was exactly what I am looking for :) However, that mix may be harder to find here in Paris, so yesterday I tried the box mix I had already used, replacing part of that flour mix with buckwheat flour - also perfect. So now I have two ways to do exactly the bread I like, yay!

D40 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)
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Alchemist from France
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Meal looks absolutely yummy!

Is that organization drumming up donations or something? Or trying to steal your personal info?
That organisation is our own government, more precisely ministry of interior / interior security (? Not sure how that'd translate), and police prefecture. It is kind of like the alert that's available some places where volcano / hurricane / typhoon can mess up with. However, it's completely disproportionate...
And the QR code will be to prove you do live inside a geographic zone where security is tightened for the olympics - but as it's where you live, they're still gonna have to let you access your appartment (let's hope) :LOL:.
So, not much dirt on me that they probably do not already have, LOL, but this was unexpected, and unsettling, even if trivial.


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Alchemist from France
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So, Friday did my 5,000 steps, and meditation
Yesterday below step count, meditation not done.
60 days of HIIT D49, 3*balance asanas, 3*thread the needle, and abs and core blast challenge D18.
Lots of fun at my friends's birthday!

So, for the week
  • 6 days out of 7 either 5,000 steps or gym class, so goal reached.
  • 2 days missed meditation, goal failed.
Today 60 days of HIIT D50, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D19. I did my 5,000 steps, but meditation not done, gotta do it now!

D43 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Meditation and 5,000 steps done yesterday.
Today 60 days of HIIT D52, 3*10squats, 3* thread the needle, and abs and core blast challenge D21. Meditation not yet done.

This will be a strange week. Yesterday was a bank holiday for me (not everyone in France) for Pentacost Monday. Thursday lunchtime I go out with a girl I met in the hospital and sympathised with, she works very close to where I live. Friday I should get my double-glazing windows installedat long last (crossing my fingers!!!), they'll probably have touch-ups to do Saturday morning. And Sunday will be mother's day so taking mom to a very posh restaurant nearby - honestly I wouldn't have dared go there (and it is more expensive than I planned!), but she was kind of fixated on it, so, let's do a little crazy. She's been under a lot of stress with my illness in February - March-April, and deserves some special pampering.

D45 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Meditation and yoga class done yesterday afternoon/evening.
Today 60 days of HIIT D53, 3*balance asanas, 3* fish pose, and abs and core blast challenge D22. Meditation not yet done - eeps, should hurry before time flies and I gotta run to choir rehearsal!

D46 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
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Meditation done, 5,000 steps done yesterday.
Today 60 days of HIIT D54, 3*balance asanas, 3* thread the needle, and abs and core blast challenge D23. Meditation done.

Just got the phone call that the new window had NOT arrived, so no installing it tomorrow. Waiting for tomorrow's phone call to get to know if/when it will be done! This home modification is cursed, looks like, LOL! Stay tuned for more developments... Now, where is the parish priest to get that renovation project blessed (or exorcised), LOL?!

D47 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday Meditation done, 5,000 steps done.
Today 60 days of HIIT D56, 3*balance asanas, 3* thread the needle, and abs and core blast challenge D25. Meditation done.

And ... the windows did not arrive yesterday :mad:! So, we are crossing our collective fingers that they arrive Monday, my worker can install them Tuesday and finish Wednesday. But we will know only for sure Monday. As my builder has a plane ticket to fly to Egypt (where he's from) next Friday and he has some porjects to finish, poor guy is getting quite despaired! Tuesday is not ideal for me, as I got to go to my office for our deparment meeting /and/ Tuesday afternoon/early evening there is a large international meeting I am to be a part of... But I understand his situation, and we know each other well enough that I will leave him my keys for Tuesday, and Wednesday validate the project and pay him. Assuming of course the windows will be ready Monday! Suspense suspense...:sus:

D49 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
Yesterday Meditation done, 5,000 steps done.

So, last week (Sunday to Saturday), meditation 7 days and 5000 steps or gym 7 days, so I am a happy camper.
(little weight rant so avoid if you avoid the topic)
I gained steadily a good kilo and a half (or 3 pounds) over my sickness in February march april, and seem to have trouble shedding it. This annoys me as I know July and August, being with my parents, definitly will be more stability / weight gain than weight loss... Agh. We will see what June brings, but maybe I should hold on some tighter alimentary rules in June. Got to think about it.

Today 60 days of HIIT D57, 3*balance asanas, 3*fish pose, and abs and core blast challenge D26. Meditation done. And yep, walked more than 5,000 steps.

Mother's day was good, the restaurant chose by mom turned out a little bit less expensive - and tastier - than I feared ; we had long wait time but that is not surprising. It was also my SIL's birthday 10 days ago, and Darling Nephew's birthday today, and of course it was mother's day for my SIL too. Mom seems to have had a good time so that's great!

D50 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05). D60, we are approaching!


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
So, for memory, yesterday meditation and 5,000 steps done.

Today 60 days of HIIT D58, 3*balance asanas, 3*thread the needle, and abs and core blast challenge D27. Meditation not yet done.

ETA little commentary on the program - there are lots of burpees, that second month! Not a fan of them, but over 15 secs I can deal with it. The lunge jumps I still avoid, doing regular lunges, to be nice to my right knee.

What next, since 60 days of HIIT is very close to completion? Well, the new abs+cardio program looks interesting, but, abs every other days... I am kind of not very enthusiastic about it, LOL. So, may be starting a re-run of Pandora which will get a break for the Italy trip, and then start again once in Bretagne. I was thinking that may really motivate me for the daily 5,000 steps - or equivalents - during summer, even during telecommute in Bretagne, using my mom's stationary bike to fill in the days where going out to walk is harder.
Unless the katana program is released before I restart pandora.
Or unless I change my mind. This is a place to have fun, LOL! We'll see!

Pandora may not need abs / knees add-ons if my meory serves, so maybe no challenge during Pandora, but still balance asanas alternated with either the shoulders / heart openers or with some little additional squats, I will think about it.

D51 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).


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Alchemist from France
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Monday, meditation and 5,000 steps done.

Tuesday 60 days of HIIT D59, 3*10 squats, and abs and core blast challenge D28.
Meditation done, and yoga class so I am good for stepcount for Tuesday.

Today 60 days of HIIT D60 :completed:, 3*balance asanas, and abs and core blast challenge D29. Meditation not yet done.

So, Monday evening they brought in the windows and started unloading my bedroom / covering everything else, so my appartment was a mess. Luna was wondering what was going on all night... my mastress was the only thing in place.
Yesterday windows were installed, but with more damage to the inside wall that expected. So he continued quite late to start cleaning that. I slept at my parents, because the mastress is not even more in place. I am wondering how Luna's faring...
He should be finishing work today, but I am awaiting confirmation ; anyhow I will have to pass by, if only to soothe and feed Mademoiselle Luna. So, things are still in the air, but we should be doing better soon!

D53 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).


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Alchemist from France
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@graoumia , @Fremen , @HellYeah , @Obsinosterous , @Anek , @MadamMeow , @CODawn , thanks a lot, merci!
The windows are installed, and we were at it until 8:30 PM to put heavy furnitures back into place (and I until 10 PM to dress again the bed, clean the floor, and dust off the worst places - though there's still a fair lot of dusting to do). Difference in sound proofing is very clear! And Mademoiselle Luna was happy to get her kingdom back, this night she was particularly close to me, LOL.

5,000 steps and meditation done yesterday.

This morning Abs and core blast challenge D30 :star:, and re(started) Pandora D1. Meditation not yet done.

D54 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Fremen , @CODawn , @Anek , @MadamMeow and @NancyTree ! Weight may not be great but at least I am moving regularly!

5,000 steps done, and meditation NOT done yesterday.

This morning Pandora chapter 2. Meditation not yet done. But I went to a bodybalance class at lunchtime.

D55 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).

(ETA : corrected re. meditation)
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Alchemist from France
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Did meditation yesterday, no walking though it was a lazy day.

So, for week Sunday to Saturday : Meditation all but one day, walking 5,000 steps or gym class all but one day, so success on both :)

Today Pandora ch4, meditation not yet done. Walked equivalent of 56 travel points (decided I'd stard counting it today, LOL), so Travel count +56.

D57 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,118
So, yesterday Sunday meditation and 5,000 steps done.

This morning Pandora ch 5 done, travel count used 18, so balance +38. Meditation done (at that hour? Incredible, LOL!).

Tomorrow is "day hospital" day ; basically they bleed me nearly dry to test many things
spongebob squarepants vampire GIF

, I will get osteodensitometry, a few echographies and other tests, to get a global idea of my present health. That's in the setting of my Turner syndrome (wiki summary), I get that roughly every three years. It's not painful or whatever, just boring and nauseating (I hate the insuline sensitivity test....) but an additional day in the hospital aien't my idea of a day off. Oh well, means I am well followed, so guess I can't complain too much, just a little 'cause I am French! :muahaha:

ETA, for fun - I cooked paprika carrots with my trusty pressure cooker in preparation for lunch, smells so good in my appartment now: (carrots, onion, normally a bellpepper which I did not have, with a little broth, paprika, cumin, and tomato concentrate (I use ketchup to avoid having also to stock tomato concentrate). Always on the lookout for ways to eat my veggies, LOL! The bite I took is very tasty, should be a nice lunch!

D58 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).
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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @MadamMeow , @Obsinosterous , @graoumia , @Anek, thank you. Grins for @Obsinosterous , I think you've understood how I play it, LOL. Sometimes it surprises the medical personel, but that's how I roll to live through - thrive through - these moments.
I will have the full picture in a few weeks, when they got the results of some of the longer biological analysis - and the osteodensitometry. Again, patience.

Monday over 5,000 steps done, and meditation done.

And despite the hospital, before going, this morning Pandora ch 6 done, balance yesterday +38, walked 41+54 points (Monday and Tuesday), travel count used 97, so balance +36. Meditation not yet done.

D59 of consecutive exercise (D30 on 06/05).