A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @Mamatigerj , @Maegaranthelas , @Fremen , @Deadoks , @Calebear , @Nevetharine , @Anek and @MadamMeow !

Meditation done yesterday.
This morning 30 days of LIIT D9, balance asanas, 3 times legs stretches, meditation not yet done.

Got confirmation that we can leave for Bretagne Sunday, so I get three weeks of telecommuting fully and good air before the intervention, yay!
Got also the hospital convocation for the catheterism in April, so that's settled. Got to check in the hospital the day before.
My neighbor had an old bread machine to give away , I tried it - despite it not having gluten-free programs. First try yesterday was a failure, but today I got a nice loaf, yay! Still points to make better (find out when I remove the kneader so that it doesn't make a hole at the bottom of the bread, and try to make the loaf smaller so that it's easier to cut, and when to add salt without interference to yeast). By the way, if some of you use bread machines and have an advice for this salt question, I am taking advices! I read that salt should not touch the yeast, so when I made my second loaf I did not put any salt at all - and it rose up very very nicely. I don't miss it (I think my tastebuds ignore salt alltogether), but I'd rather put a little bit, if other people want to share my bread.

Day 9 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).
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Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Put the salt on the bottom, then the flour and the yeast on top of the flour (this way the salt and yeast are separated from the flour) then the water, this way you shouldn't have any problems :)
This is what I do with the planetary mixer, the bread machine (which I have had and used before) works more or less in the same way.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @Fremen and @Maegaranthelas ! Salt first, then the different ingredients, and yeast on top, seems to make sense.

Friday meditation done.
Saturday 30 days of LIIT D10, balance asanas, 3 times 10 squats, meditation done.
This morning 30 days of LIIT D11, balance asanas, 3 times legs stretches, meditation done.

We are in Bretagne since late afternoon, so happy to be in this house. Hugs to you all, enjoy the end of the WE!

Day 11 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).

Movie review: saw "Internal affairs", the Hong Kong (paging @GentleOx ) movie that inspired Scorcese's "the departed". I had liked "the departed" (except Jack Nicholson's one note portrayal of the mafia boss. C'mon Jack, you are better than that). so I thought it'd be interesting. Well...
It is /leagues/ ahead of "the departed". Wow. The deep unease of both infiltrated men with their lives is much better played out, and for Luau (the man groomed by the mafia from childhood to infiltrate the police), the portrayal was way more nuanced, and in a way, the end much more devastating - an eternity of pain. Excellent, excellent movie. I highly recommend it.
(And Scorcese lost a lot of esteem in my book, with such a great material, what he did feels now subpar).


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 674
"So sleepy!"
You saw Infernal Affairs? Cool! You can tell when a Hong Kong movie is world class (many aren't), and this was one of the best. I've never actually watched The Departed, but I believe it's a great movie. Sad to know that Nicholson's performance isn't worth the price of admission.
I remember when Scorsese got the Oscar for The Departed, and the announcer said the movie was Japanese :teary:


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Yesterday evening meditation done.
This morning 30 days of LIIT D14, balance asanas, 3 times 10 squats, meditation not yet done.

Day 14 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).

For the moment the plan is follow this program, the last few days before the ablation use some difficulty 2 workouts (alternate muscle / cardio I guess) ; after the hospital there are some upper-body only workouts, without twists - and without kicks (you still need to step forward and lean, which may not be the best for my groin to heal) that could work for about a week, and then we can start again on a difficulty 2 program, for the heart to fully heal before we go back difficulty 3. The difficulty 2 programs I haven't done yet are all HIIT/cardio which makes me a bit wary because of my knee, so it may be Foundation, or 10, we will see.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Week-end flew by!
Friday evening meditation done.
Saturday morning 30 days of LIIT D17, balance asanas, 3 times leg stretches, meditation. A nice long walk by the seaside - Pointe de la Varde (older Vauban fortifications, and recent blockhaus from WWII being rehabilitated, large natural protected area where birds are nesting like crazy, and rabbits doing their rabbitty thingy like crazy too).
Sunday morning 30 days of LIIT D18, balance asanas, 3 times 10 squats, meditation, and a walk along the banks of the Rance (the river coming from DInant and separating St Malo and Dinard if you know the area) - it's actually brackish water, still very much under the effect of the Rance tidal barrage. We were kind of hoping to see the seal and the 2 dolphins who seem to have sneaked in this area, but nope, they stayed put, LOL.
This morning 30 days of LIIT D19, balance asanas, 3 times leg stretches, meditation not yet done.

Day 19 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Indeed, @Mamatigerj - advantage of being in Bretagne and not in Paris, LOL.

Yesterday evening meditation
This morning 30 days of LIIT D20, balance asanas, 3 times 10 squats, meditation not yet.

This whole afternoon (and finishing probably late) huge meeting (teleconference) for work, including one subject where no group seems to agree, that should be ... intense. Sigh.

Day 20 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Yesterday evening meditation.

This morning 30 days of LIIT D23, balance asanas, Lower Body Blast Challenge D1 (shall we shorten it to LBB Challenge?), meditation not yet done.
I decided to start this challenge now so that it is good for my legs and knees, but can be stopped next month for the days of hospitalisaiton and the time my groin will need to heal from the catheterisation. I may not go all the way to 3*30 split lunges, but we'll see.
ETA if I should not also add some abs challenge, because it all has been light on my abs. Still pondering that.

Day 23 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
This morning 30 days of LIIT D26, LBB Challenge D4, Easy Abs challenge D4, meditation not yet done.

This WE, Saturday was a downright miserable day weather-wise, so we went into town (more protected, but still soooo cold and humid!) and I stocked up on good quality fish tin cans, and buckwheat-products (noodles - love soba noodles!, aperitive crisps, and buckwheat flour for my bread experiments).
Yesterday - palm Sunday was still cold, but sunny and quite nice, after the church service, we did a good long walk at Cité d'Alet and Solidor, promontories from which you have great views of St Malo and Dinard.

Day 26 of consecutive exercise, (D1 29/02).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Yesterday meditation.
This morning 30 days of LIIT D30 :chocolate:, LBB Challenge D8, Easy Abs challenge D8, meditation not yet done.

Day 30 of consecutive exercise, (D30 29/03). :bigyes:

So there we are. The streak will be broken next week, but that's life. Next few days I will use some difficulty 2 workouts in addition to the two challenges.
Wishing all Catholic or protestant Christians here a blessed Good Friday, a very special day indeed (for our Orthodox friends, it is one week later this year, I see). And for everyone a good Friday, and good long WE if your country gives you Friday or Monday ! We'll drive back to Paris on Sunday - not ideal, but that way we will avoid traffic. Monday is off, Tuesday I wrap things up for work. It is gonna fly by.
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @Fremen , @NancyTree ,@Anek , @Mamatigerj , @CODawn !

Yesterday meditation.
This morning LBB Challenge D9 Easy Abs challenge D9, meditation , and for worrkout at level I (because time):

So, yeah,
sylvester stallone GIF

We are preparing to drive back tomorrow to Paris, so lots of house cleaning, and a walk on the seaside, and buying some Easter chocolate for tomorrow for my parents ;)

Day 31 of consecutive exercise, (D30 29/03).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you @MadamMeow , @Maegaranthelas and @Deadoks ; it was a good Easter, and we drove safe to Paris. Tomorrow's a bank holiday, so long WE!
Still managed to do LBB Challenge D10 Easy Abs challenge D10, meditation , and for workout

All tired after the drive home, and daylight saving time changes! See ya tomorrow.

Day 32 of consecutive exercise, (D30 29/03).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Today LBB Challenge D13 Easy Abs challenge D13, meditation , and for workout

Yeah, feeling in a combattive mood. The backpack for the hospital is done, ready to go. It is fairly good timing as the last days my ticker decided again to speed up. Oh well, that's gonna get fixed! See you in a few days!

Day 35 of consecutive exercise, (D30 29/03).


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,887
Thank you all for your thoughts and good vibes. It went well, they decided to keep me two days instead of one after the intervention, and it's crazy how tiring it is, but it went well. I came back yesterday, back to my home, and mademoiselle Luna.
(may be a bit too medical for some)
When I went in, I was - again - in tachycardia, but they used that to focus even more on some parts to be burned down, so it may be even more efficient. So that's an unexpected plus. The little minus, the anaesthesia was slightly different, and I experienced distortions and hallucinations I haven't felt before. Weirdest were the auditory hallucinations at wake up - I swear I was hearing detonations like firarms or fireworks, in fact like those when we had the riot down my street in June last year. I was told it is probably the ketamine).

Anyhow, had to be a disciplined and focused wolvie ;) So no adds (the insertion site still tugs strongly and has quite the bruise), but at level II
, meditation not yet done.

Back to work - day 1 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 07/04).