Author of a Thousand Fails


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
#5 to well-check appointment :v:
finish ALL of the laundry by the afternoon :cry: :x:
cook vegetable sides for dinner at a friend's house (I'm thinking sweet carrots and savory lima beans to go with her applesauce pork loins) :x:
reading with my kids :x:
do my evening walk BEFORE bedtime :x:
Get to bed no later than 10:30 :v:


Breakfast: clementine and cheese :x: clementine and peanut butter due to a lack of cheese

*snacks: carrots and celery, tortilla chips w/sour cream dip :v: and bell peppers
Dinner: pork loin (without applesauce because I'm allergic, but apparently, it's really good), honey carrots, and lima beans :x:


Morning stretch :v:
Morning walk :v:
Evening walk :x:
Evening stretch :v:

I'm trying to not use up too much of my time being online and such... so, I've decided to simply write out my expectations for the day, and :v: or :x: them the next day... That way, I can clear up my evenings when tech time is most distracting for me... So, what you see right now is expectations.
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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
OKAY!!! I am still not back in the groove...

Breakfast: Clementine and sardines (which I did not have until 3pm
Dinner: eggy rice... which is exactly what it sounds like it is
*no snacks

No fitness this morning... Walk after dinner and will do my evening stretches right before bed.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
BREAKFAST: Clementine and peanut butter
DINNER: creamy chicken and veggie soup (an early dinner)
*Lunch: tuna salad wraps, croissant, strawberries and colby jack bites, meatballs in the best sauce I've ever tasted!!!

OK... I don't usually eat lunch, nor do I usually pig out mid-day, but the school was offering, it wasn't cafeteria food, and I was starving!

FITNESS - No official workouts today... I spent the entire day moving around and on my feet, and I will continue to do so this evening... My feet will be crying at me by the day's end (as if they aren't now... HAHAHA!)

#6 has a glow dance party at her school tonight! WHOOT!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Suffering for my actions yesterday... And running errands today that had me on my feet for 2hrs this morning, and will have me on my feet 2 more hours this afternoon, before another 4hrs this evening... Looking forward to it... HAHAHA!

Breakfast: clementine and peanut butter
Dinner: Unknown

FITNESS - No official workouts today, either, as I am continuously on my feet... In fact, tomorrow will also be busy... I will have no real rest until Sunday evening... And I accept that challenge!

This Saturday is Trunk or Treat (trick or treating in a parking lot car-to-car rather than door-to-door for safety reasons)... Starts with yard games, followed by the chili cook-off, and ends with trunk or treat... I'm teaming up with a friend to park our cars super close and decorate each trunk as one half to a cat's face so that when it gets darker, it just looks like a giant pair of glowing cat eyes. :LOL:

UPDATE: dinner was soup that one of my daughters made... tomato, beans, and mixed veggies.
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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Suffering for my actions again today...

Breakfast: a tootsie roll and mini cheeseballs
Dinner: chili on hushpuppies
*desserts: pumpkin spice bar, pumpkin spice pie (the cold dessert pie with a crumble crust that tasted more like perfection than anything pumpkin spice that has ever been brought into existence), pumpkin nut chocolate chip bread

Fitness: Does riding around on my broomstick casting "curses" and chanting "spells" that kids shouldn't hear count? I was the very definition of a (w)itch today, that's for sure... Lesson learned: Do not plan for more than you have time in a day to accomplish.

On top of everything else, my oldest got impatient, drove half of my kids to church without a means of contact in case of emergency, and when I asked the remaining people if #4 was with the others, they said yes, so we ended up leaving him at home... He was really disappointed because by the time we got him, trunk or treat was nearly over... I was a nervous wreck and totally pissed... nervous about my oldest driving her younger siblings (her third time driving with an official license, and it had to be with precious cargo in the back and no means of contact!!!), a wreck about leaving my son at home, and pissed at myself and my husband for not using our big brains to double check before leaving! (end vent)

At least my hair looked good... I had cat ears, but I ditched them before taking the picture... What was supposed to start out as a cat family became three cats, two no-costumes, a witch, the grim reaper, and Guy, from "Free Guy"... I am pleased that some my kids who didn't want to be cats still chose to take a creative route around it... also, face decals and I are in a strained relationship...


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Thanks for the compliments... my makeup was mostly face decals...

Today was much less stressful, though still a little busy... Went to church, followed by a picnic with a family friend.

Breakfast: Leftover pumpkin spice bread with chocolate chips and nuts (so good), and a cup of citrus tea
Lunch: Leftover chili on cornbread with a little shredded cheese and sour cream (added some beef to the chili)
Picnic dinner: Finally had those pork loins and applesauce... I DID NOT HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO THE APPLESAUCE, AND IT WAD BEYOND GREAT!!! (Best dern homemade applesauce in the world!)... I made my sweet baby carrots and savory lima beans to go with it, and had it with a cup of white grape juice.
*snackstuffs: cashews, sesame sticks, and banana chips

FITNESS: None... I'm recovering from the past couple of super hectic days, and I did have my picnic at the park, if that means anything to anyone...

I hope to be able to get back to Vitality and regular cardio once more. I've taken enough of a break from that, methinks... Feet aren't bruising, they've had a week to get used to walking around once more, all of the household sicknesses seem to be over for a space of time... and I'm dying to get back to completing my first official Darebee challenge (15 consecutive days of exercise).


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Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Suffering for my actions again today...

Breakfast: a tootsie roll and mini cheeseballs
Dinner: chili on hushpuppies

*desserts: pumpkin spice bar, pumpkin spice pie (the cold dessert pie with a crumble crust that tasted more like perfection than anything pumpkin spice that has ever been brought into existence), pumpkin nut chocolate chip bread

Fitness: Does riding around on my broomstick casting "curses" and chanting "spells" that kids shouldn't hear count? I was the very definition of a (w)itch today, that's for sure... Lesson learned: Do not plan for more than you have time in a day to accomplish.

On top of everything else, my oldest got impatient, drove half of my kids to church without a means of contact in case of emergency, and when I asked the remaining people if #4 was with the others, they said yes, so we ended up leaving him at home... He was really disappointed because by the time we got him, trunk or treat was nearly over... I was a nervous wreck and totally pissed... nervous about my oldest driving her younger siblings (her third time driving with an official license, and it had to be with precious cargo in the back and no means of contact!!!), a wreck about leaving my son at home, and pissed at myself and my husband for not using our big brains to double check before leaving! (end vent)

At least my hair looked good... I had cat ears, but I ditched them before taking the picture... What was supposed to start out as a cat family became three cats, two no-costumes, a witch, the grim reaper, and Guy, from "Free Guy"... I am pleased that some my kids who didn't want to be cats still chose to take a creative route around it... also, face decals and I are in a strained relationship...
View attachment 330
This is excellent!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Peaceful morning today... I turned on some music for the kids to wake up to and set up a breakfast and their lunch stuffs on the buffet counter. It's nothin' fancy, but neither are we... HAHAHA! I don't know if I'll be able to get back to the hive this evening... So, I'm writing my hopes and dreams for today with intent to edit later.

BREAKFAST: Clementine, peanut butter on celery, ginger-lemon tea :v:
DINNER: Leftovers

AM Walk
Vitality Day 1
PM Walk

GET MY YOUNGEST TO STOP USING MY KITCHEN KNIVES IN HER (VERY REAL) PITFALLS AND BOOBY TRAPS... Is it odd that I wish she'd go back to trying to fly off the roof with homemade wings and glider suits? least the rest of us wouldn't be in danger anymore.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Too lazy to edit above check-in. Yesterday was super busy. My husband and I went up to Raleigh to visit the LDS temple there. His brother was there with his wife, too! HAHA! Great minds... Anyway, my morning was relaxing, and the rest of the day was busy. So, I don't really have much to report for that day.

Breakfast - banana oat pancakes, clementine, Perrier (why is lime so much gentler on the stomach than original?)
Dinner: Leftovers... I actually made something that lasted THREE DAYS in my house!!! YAY!!!
*NO SNACKS (the pancakes and chili are super filling)

FITNESS - Rest today. For some reason, my legs are cramping a lot more than usual today. So, I'm focusing primarily on keeping limber.

For anyone who's curious about what it looks like (I encourage anybody into architecture to check out the Salt Lake Temple... It's like a castle!)


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Breakfast: Clementine and peanut butter
Dinner: chicken and vegetables

*snackstuffs: carrots, celery, peanut butter

It's time to start prepping my cabinets and deep freezer for the Holiday season. So, I get to be extra creative for the next few weeks with whatever I've got to make space!

My leg cramp is worse today. I don't think I'll be doing any official workouts this time, either... I believe I pinched a nerve on top of that... got a lovely "charlie horse" sensation from my butt to my foot along the back of my leg... looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it's sciatica...

GOOD NEWS! My scale is no longer giving me grief... I can weigh myself again! :D Weight: 296lbs (somehow, I magically stayed under 300lbs this time!!!)

UPDATE: Dinner was white chili on rice, cooked by a dear friend of mine. It's crunch time in her moving process. So, our meals will be had together for a while... The rest of this week, she's feeding us, and next week, I start feeding her... Tomorrow's going to be another busy day in which I likely won't have time to report...

FRIDAY: Helping her with trash and packing in the a.m., then introducing her to a painter, shopping for #1's birthday party (she's an adult, YAY!), followed by a guest in the afternoon picking up some breeder rats, followed by my husband and I dropping off the rest of our breeder rats and enjoying a casual date on the way home... early bedtime will follow due to how busy SATURDAY will be, too! HAHA!

SATURDAY: visiting my friend in the morning to help her pack and clean and move all morning, 2 hrs to prepare for the party, a 2hr party for #1, another party for my neighbor that my kids are invited to, #1 taking #4 to trunk or treat with her friend at his church (redemption for #4's mistreatment last weekend!), visiting with another friend in the evening while they're trunk or treating, and only THEN can I breathe... and enjoy a relatively early bedtime... *sighs* I hope my body can keep up.
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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
So... I helped, got sick, and am back to helping with the packing... This time, I volunteered for babysitting duties every morning as well, which I'm super excited about... her kids hate me. HAHAHA! Ok... maybe, I'm a little masochistic... BAHAHAHA! Seriously, though, I love her kids... They hate me, and babysitting them is a challenge because her parenting style is very different from mine. I'm very passionate about adopting others' parenting styles when dealing with their kids, rather than implementing my own... Parents know their kids best, after all. <3 Anyway, been super busy, super sick, and then super both! HAHA!

Breakfast: pineapple juice, tea
mid-morning snacks: romaine heart with olive oil, chips with homemade salsa verde (I have fallen in love with Late July brand tortilla chips!)
Dinner: chicken and veggie soup over rice, tea
*expected afternoon snack options: clementine, another romaine heart, celery, cucumber, carrot, banana, pineapple chunks (I'm feeling super hungry today and will likely veg out the moment I have a break to do so... better veggies than the alternative!)

Fitness: Still no working out... though, hefting heaping bags of trash and 5gal buckets of paint and spending countless hours on my feet counts, right?

I believe in a God... only divine intervention can give my body the strength to keep up with the services that I am providing for my friend! Seriously, not even my feet hurt while I am helping her. It's as though God is saying, "Here, let me strengthen you through this... you'll feel it later tonight, btw..." HAHAHA! But seriously... this has been an amazing experience! From the moment I decide to stand up and go serve to the moment I return home safely from my service, my body has been strong and capable, with minimum discomfort. It's truly been a blessing!

I wish I had time for more updates, but I'm probably going to be waaaay too busy over the next month or two to do anything other than a quick pop into the hive.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Ok... I get a restful morning today... SO GRATEFUL for it, too!!! Maybe, I can get over my illness a little bit before taking the little ones out for ice cream this afternoon... The plan is to rest and prepare while my friend's house is getting painted, and when the painting is moved to the downstairs portion of her house, I will kidnap her babies and take them for ice cream. I have her permission to hold them for ransom... I'm thinking of asking for some warm bone broth in return... Anyway, resting this morning, watching her kids this afternoon, helping with the packing this evening, and crying myself to sleep tonight... Sounds like a plan, right?

Breakfast: clementine, pecans, tea
Dinner: brothy soup over rice, side romaine salad with a basic oil-vinegar dressing
*Frankly, I don't know what to do about snacks... I'll likely just veg out again on fruits and veggies throughout the day and drink a LOT of warm tea

Still no set workouts for me at the moment. I've been so busy helping prepare for the move that I really haven't even had time to take care of my own home. Even now, I'm simply planning out a decent routine that my friend's kids can follow to reintroduce structure into their lives during this tumultuous time... I did this with six, though, so what's four more? HAHAHA! And the best part is that I have my six to help me with the four... and her four LOVE my six, which makes up for the fact that they absolutely despise me... BAHAHAHAHA! I still think that's hilarious, btw...

I cry for the day when my friend is moved into her new home, and I can once more find my own structure... I thank God for all of the adaptability that I've acquired over the years because autism and adaptability are NOT friends, and I am dying on the inside. However, this is something that I know I can do, and I have been strengthened to do, and I feel a guiding hand in doing. So, I will do it. This experience has not only taught me my limits, but how to breach them and go a little farther. Needless to say, I am so very excited to see what comes next in my journey! :ss:


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
I probably won't have time tomorrow for an update. So, here's what I've got going for me:

Breakfast and dinner are both leftovers from tonight's cook-off (my friend's kids wanted to do that instead of what was on the menu, but since there were 10 (technically 9 and a wandering 2yr old) kids cooking, we ended up with three HUGE dishes of fruit pudding, veggies and eggs in chicken ramen, and chocolate orange oat brownies. I will be vegging out for snacks again tomorrow, plus some corn crisps with yogurt dip, which my husband bought for me.

I don't know if I'll be working out tomorrow because of how busy I will be, but likely not. In the morning, I will be helping with packing, clearing the lawn, taking out trash, unloading a moving trailer, and maybe painting. In the afternoon, I will be taking the kids for a picnic at the park, followed by bringing them home for some creative play til dinnertime, and possibly even staying til bedtime. My husband's offered to stay behind while my friend enjoys a break at the park with us. At some point, he and I will have to run some errands, too... Frankly, I'm somewhat disappointed in myself today. I wasn't able to create a concrete game plan to knock them out tonight... They did handle being exhausted better tonight than they usually do, though... So, I did something right, methinks... Still got that one kid who absolutely hates me, though... It turns out she had some really bad daycare experiences when she was very young... She probably sees me in the same light as a daycare provider.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
UPDATE: I am maintaining a weight barely under 300lbs, but it's nice to see that 2 where a 3 used to be. So, I'll take it... However, what I had to DO to get myself to maintain this weight... let's just say that I have random bruises all over my body... Today, I thought to myself, "So, this is how I go... My heart will give just like my dad's." Good news, I was able to rest today, which is great because I twisted my ankle this morning. I'll be back up on my feet tomorrow, though. I am happier now than I've been in a while, and I believe it's because I am serving a good friend. However, I have been in constant pain and sick for over a week now. We're in push mode right now... Wednesday, her house goes on the market, Saturday is #3's sweet 16 party, and then I will rest... or die... Likely the latter...

Today I snacked on a handful of pecans and ate a bowl of spaghetti for dinner... that's all I had

No workouts, major rest day... I made my kids babysit my friend's kids for me

Weight: 297

TOMORROW: I will be babysitting all day for my friend. I have no clue what I will be eating tomorrow, but the kids will get cold cereal, PBJs, and leftovers throughout the day until dinnertime. For dinner, my friend and I will be getting pizza to share with the people who are helping her out with last-minute stuffs on her house in the evening... Chances are, I'll grab some pizza, but I'm gonna try to stick to just leftovers.

SO FREAKIN' TIRED! Funny story: Another blood vessel just popped in my hand while I was typing this... it'll make a lovely addition to the rest of my broken body... *cries* At least there's joy in the journey! I'm so happy to be helping a friend and so grateful for the rest that I was able to receive today. I only wish there was something I could do so that she can rest as well, but that's out of my hands for the next couple of days... my purple and yellow and green and blue hands... Lord, give me strength!!!


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Ranger from South Africa
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 198
Stumbled on your journey while reading others and I have to admit you really gave me inspiration.

Through all your trials and tribulations you never give up hope and always try to see the positive things in your life.

And CONGRATS on getting under 300


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656

VENT: So, I'm not voting today... I didn't have the time to check out any of the candidates, and I don't want to go into it blindly... What do my loved ones say about it? "Oh, just vote straight Republican!" This from the same people who complain that all Democrats are sheep who follow media blindly... *sighs* Politics... Know your people or stay out of the voting circle! Voting straight Democrat or Republican is the stupidest idea on the planet! You're not voting for "team red" or "team blue"! You're voting for competent representatives first and foremost! If I find that the people who love our Nation and what She stands for most of all at this time are Democrat, I'll vote Democrat, even if I am "Republican", whatever that means nowadays (Politics has changed so much that it's become confusing... where a new left was introduced, the old left is the new right, and the old right doesn't even exist on the map anymore because kids are being taught that's what the new left means, which it isn't). Remember when a Republican stood for a Republic and a Democrat stood for a Democracy, and that was all it meant? Anyway, I am politically confused and frustrated and a bit upset at myself for not taking the time to learn about the people who hold the future of our nation in their hands this term... END VENT. I will step down from my soap box.

Anyway... Today's plan has been set:

At 10am, I will be dragging my kids kicking and screaming back to my friend's house to help out until 1pm. Then, I will drag her kids kicking and screaming to the park and then back to my house until 4pm, then I will drag ALL of the kids kicking and screaming (and pick up some pizza on the way) back to my friend's house for a major service project at 5pm.

This morning, I will make some banana nut bread for breakfast
For lunch, I'll make a casserole with the leftover cabbage, corned beef, and plain pasta noodles that may or may not be eaten or thrown out after growing mold in the back of my fridge
I will resist snacking today, and likely eat a couple slices of pizza for dinner

No workouts.

There are two legacies that I have learned from my parents. My father's legacy was one of continual improvement in the face of challenges. I get spectrum disorder from him, and through him, I learned to continue to maintain a growth mindset. There is no "I cannot". There is only, "I have not let learned how". My mother's legacy is, "Do your best, and God will take care of the rest." I have 10 siblings. You bet my mom had a rough time raising us! It's like she brought the "wild west" to the Chicagoland region when she raised us there! (It's true, my grandpa was one of the last true cowboys, and my mom grew up a cowgirl). She did her best, and God compensated for her shortcomings. I want to carry on those legacies to my children, and them for theirs. Just a thought...

POINT OF CONCERN: I reached up to scratch my head and couldn't even touch it... I have two massive bruises on my head, which I do not recall hitting, but very well might have... I cried, because I know deep down inside what is going on. It's starting for me, the same thing that took my dad. It's only a matter of time before I get ruptures in my digestive tract, then around my heart. Needless to say, my heart is heavy right now. However, I have strength sufficient for my needs, I will be preserved for however long I am needed, and even if I do go, it's not like I haven't died before. Some may say that it was just neurological misfires, but I cannot deny my experience, and I am not afraid... Just sad... and strangely at peace with it all. Pray for me, guys.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656

NO NEW BRUISES TODAY!!! I have discovered varicose veins, but I call that improvement from yesterday's trials! My friend's house is coming along nicely, thanks to all the wonderful people who came and helped us out! By the evening service project, though, I was pretty useless.

Tomorrow, I will be back at her house in the morning, then I will be taking her children to the park, but freedom comes mid-afternoon! YAY! I will rest well tonight, and I will recover well tomorrow afternoon.

Breakfast: Egg salad sandwiches
Dinner: Pasta and romaine salad in oil-vinegar dressing
*snackstuffs: charcuterie board

Still no working out, for obvious reasons... I am confident, though, that I will be able to FINALLY start working out again after the stress of the week has abated... or at least hopeful...

I am so relieved that my bruising didn't worsen today... I really thought that my feet would give out, and they actually nearly did a couple of times! My gratitude for another great day has increased!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
My day is not going as planned... My friend finally had her breakdown... She's been running herself ragged. So, it was only a matter of time... I wish I was able to do more for her, but I don't think I have the capacity to do any more than what I'm doing as a sitter...

Anyway... pasta and salad tonight. No clue what I'm doing tomorrow anymore, and Friday and Saturday is more chaos, this time at my house preparatory to my daughter's sweet 16... I don't know how I'll get it all accomplished, but I'm hopeful... Mentally exhausted, but hopeful... Not sure if I'll be able to do any more check-ins til after the chaos is over... good news: I may be losing more weight... I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost about 4lbs... may have been a fluke, so I won't mark it as a definite thing just yet...


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Ok... Another day not as planned... I slept in unintentionally and woke up feeling sore and stiff and sick and tired to my friend's call. She said that she didn't need my help today because she was taking a break from the crazies... Something she had no choice on because her purse was in her husband's car, and he was at work 2.5hrs away... So, little blessings from Heaven... I slept til noon, will be watching her kids only long enough for her to attend her preggers appointment, and then she will be coming back here to help me out with my chaos... though, I may just send her on her way to enjoy some much-needed loving time with her babies... They need each other right now, and I need to finish sleeping off my illness... How many relapses has it been now?

Breakfast (their lunch): PBJs with cut carrots and celery
Dinner: Unknown with a side salad... All of her food is in my house, and I am sorting out my pantry like crazy with no clue what's even available anymore!

*snackstuffs: charcuterie again

No workouts for me today... and my scale lied to me. 298lbs

On a brighter side, I'm definitely building muscle... My kids were all flexing and showing off their muscles to each other. My daughters insisted that I join in... My 17yr old's eyes got HUGE and he was like... "No way... I refuse to acknowledge this." Then he challenged me to a game of Mercy and lost (barely)... So, yeah... Win for me, I guess? Moral of the story: Never judge a book by it's cover... you may just find a brick house underneath all that fat and flabby... Still debating whether or not it's worth the pain I'm in...


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
The day went well, and half of my work room was cleared out today. My friend did assist me, and I surprisingly felt no guilt over it. In fact, she was just as happy to help me as I have been to help her!

Funny thing: Her husband told her about how guilty he felt with me having to watch their kids because he thinks we have nice things now that our kids are older... I laughed so hard! IN WHAT UNIVERSE CAN A FAMILY OF 8 SPECIAL NEEDS INDIVIDUALS HAVE "NICE THINGS"!?! I think he forgot that we have six kids or somethin'... So, I took a picture of my bedrooms and said, "Tell him that this is a room that none of his children have been in. May it give him peace of mind." HAHAHA! Sad fact: Whenever I'm at a social gathering where the parents are all talking about what stinkers their little ones are, I am hard-pressed to remain tight-lipped about my kids' adventures... Don't wanna "outshine" the rest of those little angels. BAHAHAHA!

Tomorrow: I will be resting in the morning, taking two kids to the dentist a little before lunchtime, kidnapping my friend for a low-budget shopping spree in the afternoon, and getting back to my pre-party preparations in the evening... I'm not sure how much I can possibly accomplish before the party, but I'm hopeful...

Breakfast: Clementines and pecans (got more from my trees than I have the energy to do with)
Dinner: Baked potatoes and leafy salad

*snackstuffs: cut veggies and creme brulee

Fitness: There won't be any workouts tomorrow... I'm still spazzing aimlessly like a cat with Tourettes Syndrome!

I'm attaching the image for my daughter's birthday invite... It's a sweet 16 angels/fallen angels masquerade theme (her choice). So, I found this neat image online and added a little poem to it. It's not easy to read, though... Still, looks neat.
It reads:
Fallen angels, hear us sing.
Dawn thine mask and blackest wing.
For on the morrow, we'll invade
Heaven's own masquerade.
O, Heaven, hear the song we sing
Of lovers, outcasts, and broken wing.
For on the morrow, you will fade
Within our Grande Masquerade.
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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Today was not a work day... I was gone all afternoon. Tomorrow's crunch time.

Party foodstuffs: puff pastries, half black half white dipped cookies, white chip macadamia nut cookies and triple chocolate chunk cookies, deviled eggs (some slightly sweet and some super spicy), sweet and spicy Doritos, finger sandwiches (cucumber, cream cheese, and turkey on white vs pickle, cream cheese, and ham on wheat), charcuterie board, water, flavored ginger ale, capri sun

I sincerely hope the food matches well with the theme... I have a white table cover with a black runner and some black, white, clear, and neutral wood platters, as well as some blue and red ones should I need them... I have fairy lights to string across my workroom and (hopefully newly leveled) herb garden, and my daughters have been working on a good party playlist. Just gotta get the place cleaned up by noon for the kids to decorate while I prepare the food!

No workouts tomorrow, Sunday will be a day of rest... If I'm lucky, I'll be ready to get back to the Vitality program come Monday, however... *fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc...*

PS: I'm totally freaking out... I don't see how I will be able to get my home ready for guests in just half a day. Today's been a day of deep breathes, panicking, twitching, repeat. Needless to say, I want y'all to pray for me again! My autism is showing so much from the stress that I'm practically in Rain Man mode!

On a good note: even though I'm not exactly droppin' lbs... My clothes are fitting me a little more loosely, and people are starting to ask if I'm losing weight... Well, I'm not, but it's nice to see that I'm getting noticeably healthier. It might be worth the pain after all!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Ah... I just gotta take a moment to brag on my husband, too, before I get to bed... My friend's been struggling with her painter. He's a good guy, but has been very unprofessional. He comes late, leaves late, and has to clean up after his crew, all the while, instead of sticking to the job at hand, keeps saying that he found a maintenance issue and goes off to do some handywork (which we're grateful for, but due to his inability to keep on task, it's cost her time, money, and a chance to list her home in a timely manner due to her home not being picture-ready)... Well, in one day, my husband scraped all the paint that his men sprayed on the windows, scrubbed the baseboards, sanded and painted all the windowsills, and wiped down all of her cabinets... All this while her painter was struggling with a door that he didn't even fit properly to the frame (meaning my husband has to go back and redo that as well)... The man should seriously have just stuck with painting the walls like she asked. So, *applause* for my husband who gave my friend a little peace of mind today while her painter's "good intentions" kept screwing her over. She even said that she wished in hindsight that she had asked my husband to do the job, as he alone seems capable of doing in one day what it took her painter and crew to do in two... Needless to say, I'm very pleased that my husband's one-man job and work ethic was enough to impress my friend into considering hiring him next time she needs work done on a house.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,311
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
On a good note: even though I'm not exactly droppin' lbs... My clothes are fitting me a little more loosely, and people are starting to ask if I'm losing weight... Well, I'm not, but it's nice to see that I'm getting noticeably healthier. It might be worth the pain after all!
Don't forget that scales only tell a little bit of the story. If your clothes are fitting more loosely, that's a sign of body recomposition, and that's what you'd be wanting. So - kudos!
And best of luck with the party. Sounds like you've put an awful lot of effort into it! :perfect:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
PARTY UPDATE: Workroom and library were cleaned and cleared on time, kids enjoyed the food, danced to the playlist, and were highly interactive with each other and #3. Nobody but the birthday girl dressed for the masquerade, but she would have dressed up no matter what anyway... She's just that kinda confident. ;)

Tomorrow starts a relaxing week for me, where my friend and her kids will be staying at my house until bedtime on Sunday, and the rest of the days of the week, I'll be babysitting in the morning while she schools, then she'll be staying in the evening until bedtime. My house is their home, and their house is merely a sleeping shelter until they move... This for the sake of keeping it in good shape until it can be put on the market with pictures. I am so happy to have my workroom cleared out for the party because until the kids have their own space once more, it's being converted into a playroom and homeschool classroom. I plan to convert the library into a formal dining room/tabletop game room as well... I'm hoping that between that and my 4.5 acres of orchard, vineyard, and barnyard that they'll be well-occupied... Helps that I live across from an elementary school, too... It means they have a playground and field to run and play in after snack time.

Now, some of you may wonder what's so relaxing about nurturing ten kids (her 4 and my 6) all day long... And to that I say, we all have our strengths and weaknesses... HAHAHA!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 656
Life got busy, but I officially have a day to myself tomorrow! Will I have the time to work out? Nope... I will be scrubbing and rearranging everything in my house instead! I need to make it more child-friendly. Today, my friend's #4, who happens to only be 2 years old, found some wet brushes in a bucket and proceeded to try scrubbing her NEWLY PAINTED walls... Mommy's little helper... HAHAHA! She also ate my daughter's mascara and spent the day with a thick, black Hitler stache... BAHAHAHA!

Today's menu
Breakfast: Peanut butter and banana
Dinner: leafy green salad, macaroni and tomato soup, cheese stuffed croissants, bell peppers
*snackstuffs: miniature chocolate chip cookies, string cheese

Tomorrow's menu
Breakfast: Clementine and pecans
Dinner: macaroni and chicken in cheese sauce (from scratch) and a romaine salad
*snackstuffs: celery and yogurt dip

So, funny story... I actually woke up with the stomach flu... I called to tell my friend that I couldn't help her today, and she said that she was coming over to pick up her instant pot, then, so that she could cook for her kids (a task she does NOT want to do in her newly painted home)... So, I went to scrub her instant pot, and I said, "Heavenly Father, I want to help her." Next thing I know, *ding* WISH GRANTED! Fever gone, stomach issues gone, body aches gone. And then I had a thought come to my mind that said, "The atonement covers this." Well, at the same time that I said my prayer, she said hers, asking for help because I was out of commission... So, *ding* WISH GRANTED! I was no longer out of commission! BAHAHAHA!

That being said, with my task for the day complete, I almost half expect God to say, "Good job, now go be sick again." HAHAHA!