Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe


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Duelist Posts: 205
@Gandhalfit I have also tried making a fitness RPG once or twice. I stopped the project because it was too time-consuming to write the story. ChatGPT is a great help to write a draft based on my ideas for the chapter and also my actions as the roleplayer. Also, I find it interesting to interact with the ChatGPT to understand better how to prompt it and its limits.

@Tileenah You are welcome, and feel free to ask if you or your husband have any questions on how I interact with ChatGPT :)


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Duelist Posts: 205

Wednesday, July 5, 2023​

My fitness RPG

"Chapter 3: The Quest for Information

After discovering the worn diary and the secret entrance to the sacred place of the Eldars, you feel a burning curiosity to find more information about the former librarian and her fate. You know that to continue your journey into darkness and uncover the truth behind the Eldars, it is crucial to find clues and traces of her connection to this mysterious world.

You decide to start your investigation at City Hall. Here, you hope to find information about the former librarian's employment at the library and any leads that could bring you closer to the truth.

You arrive at City Hall and begin your search. Utilizing your persuasion skills, you convince the staff to grant you access to the former librarian's personnel file. Here, you will find details about her previous employment, her colleagues, and any remarks about her disappearance.

However, even with some leads in hand, you feel that there is more information to uncover. You explore the church records, which may contain crucial information about the former librarian's connection to the church and the Eldars. You approach the priest and use your persuasion skills to gain access to the old church records and dig for clues.

But be on guard! While delving into history and exploring these ancient records, you may encounter resistance from cult members who want to halt your investigation. Be prepared to defend yourself and use your combat skills to overcome these obstacles if necessary."

Based on the recommendations for today’s workout, I chose So Good It Hurts as my WOD.

Workout of the day​


2210m indoor rowing (11:34; /500m 2:36; 126 watt)

Functional strength and tone​

So Good It Hurts lv I with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Strength program​

1 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

1 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 30/110/820 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 846,3 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars earned (FRPG): 1/9 (earned today/total)

Training: (3/3) counter started July 3 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes (Removing broken window panes from our greenhouse.)

Reading: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”)

Writing: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”)

Diet: Yes



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205
My fitness RPG


"I am still curious to know what happened to the former librarian. After gathering information at City Hall and the church, I return to the guesthouse where I am staying. As I enter my room, I sit at my desk and review my notes from today's investigations. I examine the diary closely for clues about what may have happened to the librarian. Based on my notes from City Hall and the church, I also try to understand what might have occurred.

Do my notes contain any leads on where to go or whom to approach to obtain information about the whereabouts of the librarian or what may have happened to her?"

"Reviewing your notes from today's investigations, you find several intriguing leads and clues that can guide you in searching for the former librarian and her fate.

Notes from City Hall:

You discover that the former librarian was employed at the library several decades ago and was known for her extensive knowledge of the town's history and ancient myths.
A colleague mentioned in the personnel records that the librarian had become increasingly fascinated with the Eldars and their mysterious world leading up to her disappearance.
Another note indicates that the librarian was seen discussing and exchanging information with a local historian named Professor Hamilton, who specialized in archaeology and ancient mythology.

Notes from the Church:

In the old church records, you find information about a ceremony at the cemetery outside the town where the former librarian participated shortly before her disappearance.
A former priest employed at the church mentions that the former librarian was highly interested in exploring the Eldars' mythology and was searching for clues about their secret location.
The priest recommends seeking out Professor Hamilton as he may have additional information about the former librarian's fascination with the Eldars and her possible connection to their mysterious world.

Based on these leads, you may consider approaching Professor Hamilton for further information about the former librarian and the Eldars. He may have insights into her research and be able to point you in the right direction.

Remember, your combat skills and persuasion abilities can help you navigate any obstacles or resistance you may encounter along the way. Proceed with caution in your investigation and remain vigilant against cult members who seek to hinder your discovery of the truth about the former librarian and the mysteries of the Eldars."


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Thursday, July 6, 2023​

My fitness RPG

" Chapter 4: The Secret of Darkness

You have decided to seek out Professor Hamilton, a local historian known for his knowledge of archaeology and ancient mythology. With curiosity and a strengthened body, you set out on a dark, foggy evening toward Professor Hamilton's home outside Arkham.

The path leads you through mist-shrouded landscapes and mysterious forests where the silence grows deeper and more oppressive. You sense a trembling feeling that something more lurks in the darkness. The cult members, whose faith and devotion are rooted in the unknown, are still a threatening presence, and you know you must remain vigilant to protect yourself and the information you seek.

Finally, you arrive at Professor Hamilton's house, a neglected and seemingly forgotten building. The door ominously creaks as you enter the dimly lit cabin, filled with books and artefacts from bygone eras. The atmosphere is dense and heavy, and you feel the presence of ancient powers.

You search for Professor Hamilton and find him in a dusty study, surrounded by stacks of books and parchment scrolls. He appears deeply absorbed in his studies and looks up as you enter the room. His eyes light up with curiosity as if fate has brought you together.

You introduce yourself and share your discoveries about the former librarian and your quest for the Eldars. Professor Hamilton attentively listens as you recount the diary, the information from City Hall, and your investigations at the church. He nods in understanding and begins to speak with a voice filled with insight and caution.

"My young friend," says Professor Hamilton, "what you have stumbled upon is not something to be trifled with unprepared. The Eldars and their dark powers are deeply intertwined with the ancient legends of this land and the destiny that has rested upon these lands for centuries."

He shares his knowledge and research about the Eldars and ancient mythology. You hear about the ancient ruins that hold the secrets of forbidden knowledge and access to the Eldars' sacred place. Professor Hamilton warns you about the cult members' dangerous loyalty and ability to manipulate and pull people into darkness.

As Professor Hamilton speaks, you understand what may have happened to the former librarian. It seems she may have been trapped by the cult's clutches or fallen victim to the hidden forces in this area. You can't help but think of the lurking dangers and the resistance you will encounter on your path.

Professor Hamilton offers further guidance and advice to aid you on your journey into the darkness. He shares his own experiences and emphasizes the importance of understanding the ancient legends and the mysterious forces that threaten to reshape the world as we know it.

"Be cautious, my young friend," Professor Hamilton says gravely. "This is no ordinary journey, and the darkness will test you in ways you never imagined. But if you manage to maintain your strength, curiosity, and determination, there is a chance that you can uncover the secrets and find the former librarian."

Your willpower and determination are strengthened with Professor Hamilton's advice and guidance. You know that the path ahead will be dangerous. Still, you are resolved to continue your journey and solve the mystery of the Eldars and the disappearance of the former librarian.

Your next task will be to explore the ancient ruins and find the way to the Eldars' sacred place. You know that you will encounter more challenges and resistance on your path, both from cult members and the hidden forces that threaten to turn your mission into a nightmare.

But you are not alone. You are ready to face the challenges with your strengthened body and mind, combat skills, and persuasion abilities. Your adventure in Arkham and this dark world continues, and you are determined to find answers and bring the truth to light.

Prepare for the next phase of your fitness adventure, where you will face challenges, mystery, and danger. May your abilities and strength guide you toward your goals, and may the truth about the former librarian and the Eldars be revealed.

Good luck, and beware of the secrets of darkness in Chapter 4 of your fitness adventure!"

Based on the recommendations for today's workout, I chose The Pit as my WOD.

Workout of the day​


2207m indoor rowing (11:01; /500m 2:28; 135 watt)

Functional strength and tone​

The Pits lv I

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D1

50 Push-Ups: D1

Strength program​

1 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

1 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


3 * 10 push-ups with a 10-count rest between sets


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 38/148/858 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 856,4 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars earned (FRPG): 1/10 (earned today/total)

Training: (4/4) counter started July 3 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Installation of window panes in our greenhouse.
- Development of the curriculum for the teaching subject of Commerce and Innovation.

Reading: Yes (project "Fitness RPG" and a book about commerce)

Writing: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Diet: No



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Friday, July 7, 2023​

My fitness RPG

Chapter 5: Secrets of Darkness

After thanking Professor Hamilton for his guidance and advice, you ask him about traps, recognizing cult members, and their signs and signals. He looks at you gravely, carefully considering your questions.

“The ancient ruins you seek are filled with dangers,” says Professor Hamilton. “There are cunning traps and curses laid by those who wish to protect the secrets. Be vigilant and use your strength and resourcefulness to avoid or disable them.”

Professor Hamilton continues regarding the recognition of cult members, “The cult members are known to bear symbols and marks that identify them as belonging to the cult. Look for signs like a discreet tattoo, specific jewellery, or even a secret hand gesture. Be cautious, as they often operate in the shadows and are difficult to recognize for outsiders.”

Having received Professor Hamilton’s crucial information, you bid him farewell and return to your guesthouse. On the journey back, you notice an eerie feeling, and darkness surrounds you. You get an unsettling sense of being watched, but you see no visible signs of the cult members.

Just as you approach the guesthouse, you encounter a mysterious individual who appears to be waiting for you. Emerging from the shadows, he comes to you with a serious expression. He seems concerned and eager to speak with you.

“May I urge you to reconsider your path,” the person says calmly. “The ancient ruins and their secrets are far more dangerous than you imagine. You risk not only your own life but also unleashing the dark forces that have lain dormant for centuries. Be cautious of what you seek.”

The person’s words stir a sense of doubt and concern within you. They seem sincere in warning, but you remain steadfast in your mission and determination to uncover the truth. You thank the person for his concern but reject his attempt to persuade you to give up.

After this encounter, you continue toward the guesthouse and arrive without further obstacles. However, you realize that you must be extra cautious and thoroughly prepare before searching for the ruins.

Back at the guesthouse, you spend the evening studying the information you have gathered so far and devise a plan for how you will tackle the dangers and challenges that await you. You secure your weapons and equipment, double-check your map and notes, and ready yourself for the exciting and dangerous task.”

Based on the recommendations for today’s workout, I chose Hyperion as my WOD.

Workout of the day​


2208m indoor rowing (11:03; /500m 2:29; 137 watt)

Functional strength and tone​

Hyperion lv I with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D2

50 Push-Ups: D2

Strength program​

1 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

1 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


8 push-ups


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 30/178/888 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 866,8 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars earned (FRPG): 3/13 (earned today/total)

Training: (5/5) counter started July 3 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
- Installation of window panes in our greenhouse.
- Development of the curriculum for the teaching subject of Commerce and Innovation.

Reading: Yes (project “Fitness RPG” and a book about commerce)

Writing: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”)

Diet: Yes



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Saturday, July 8, 2023​

I didn’t have time for my training program today because I used most of the day to install a new computer for my aunt.

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/178/888 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 876,5 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars earned (FRPG): - 10/3 (earned today/total)

Training: (5/6) counter started July 3 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
- Installation of computer for my aunt.
- Cleaned and lubricated my road bike.

Reading: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”)

Writing: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”)

Diet: No


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Duelist Posts: 205

Sunday, July 10, 2023​

Today I changed the broken chain on my road bike. It was my first time changing a chain, so it took all my spare time, and consequently, I didn’t have time for my training program. I succeeded in changing the chain, but the front derailleur needed some adjustments. I didn’t have the right hex key. So I had to order one online before proceeding with adjustments.

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/178/888 (weekly/total goal 200/8000) :eheart:

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250) :eheart:

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 884,1 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3) :eheart:

Stars earned (FRPG): - 10/- 7 (earned today/total) :eheart:

Training: (5/7) counter started July 3 2023. :eheart:

Today’s projects reached: Yes. :star:
- Changed the chain on my road bike.

Reading: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”) :star:

Writing: Yes (project “Fitness RPG”) :star:

Diet: No :gstar:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Monday, July 10, 2023​

My fitness RPG

Chapter 6: The Path to Arkham's Old Cemetery

The morning sun casts a pale, ghostly light over the streets of Arkham, which lie quiet and sleepy. You grab your backpack and step determinedly onto the streets. The town's colonial-era architecture creates an atmosphere of history and mystery around you. The streets are narrow and cobblestoned, and you can almost hear the echo of footsteps from the past in every stone. Thoughts of the ancient ruins and the Eldars' ancient cult site propel your steps forward, and you feel a sense of relief and confidence in your journey.

As you move through the town, you notice the characteristic storefronts. Colourful signs adorn the windows, and you catch the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting out from the cafes. People pass by, and you catch glimpses of curious glances resting upon you.

You are filled with anticipation and unease about what awaits you at the old cemetery. But you are also prepared for the challenges that undoubtedly lie ahead on your path.

You know your journey to the cemetery will be filled with challenges and obstacles. You sense that the cult members have spread throughout the area, always ready to attack or sabotage your progress. You must remain vigilant and use your skills to overcome these obstacles.

However, you have not stood alone in your mission. Members of the merchant guild in Arkham, who share your concerns about the cult's influence, approach you and offer their help and support.

You face a crucial choice: Will you trust these townspeople and allies to overcome the cult members' resistance, or would you prefer to continue your journey alone? Every decision has consequences, and it is up to you to make the right choice based on your intuition and experience.

The choice is yours, adventurer. Proceed with caution and determination, and let nothing stand in the way of your mission.

Continue your journey, adventurer, and let your choices shape your path in Chapter 7 of your fitness adventure. Good luck!

Workout of the day​


2208m indoor rowing (10:54; /500m 2:27; 140 watt)

Functional strength and tone​

Bane lv I with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D3

50 Push-Ups: D3

Strength program​

2 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

2 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 36/36/924 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 889,2 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): 5/- 2 (earned today/total)

Training: (6/8) counter started July 3 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Working on my fitness RPG

Reading: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Writing: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Diet: Yes (1/1) counter started July 10 2023



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205


My fitness RPG

In Chapter 6, one of the merchant guild members offered their help. The person was willing to assist me on my journey to the cemetery. I chose to accept this help. My daughter decided to train with me Monday and Tuesday and participate in my fitness RPG. In the RPG, my daughter is a merchant guild member and willing to aid me on my quest. Therefore, we are now two players in the fitness RPG.

After speaking with the merchant guild members, we continue toward Arkham's old cemetery to find the entrance to the Eldars' cult site and the ancient ruins.


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Duelist Posts: 205

Tuesday, July 11, 2023​

My fitness RPG

Chapter 7: The Battle Against Darkness

A heavy silence hangs over the streets of Arkham as you continue your journey toward the old cemetery. The sun hides behind the clouds, and the town seems shrouded in a hazy greyness that only intensifies the feeling of unease and mystery.

But it is not without challenges that you enter this next chapter of your adventure. You feel the weight of an important trial on your shoulders, a trial that demands your absolute best. At the same time, you feel a deep gratitude toward the member of the merchant guild who has chosen to support you on your difficult journey.

You continue your journey, passing through the same narrow streets and storefronts characteristic of Arkham. You have a sense that the town's fate rests upon your shoulders.

Soon, you face the first signs of resistance from the cult. The shadows around you deepen, and you can feel the malevolent eyes watching you from hidden places. The cult members will stop at nothing to prevent you from reaching the cult site, and you must remain vigilant and rely on your skills and determination. The cult members try to sow chaos and doubt in your minds, but you have gained some experience and strength through your previous exploits. It is now up to you to make the right choices to overcome these obstacles and continue your mission.

Suddenly, the path diverges, and you are faced with a pivotal choice. On one side, a narrow and dimly lit alley leads you through a labyrinth of narrow passages and dangerous traps. This route is known to be the fastest way to the cemetery but also the riskiest. Conversely, there is a longer detour through the wider and well-lit streets where you can avoid the most obvious dangers, but reaching your destination will take longer.

Each decision has consequences, and you must assess which path best suits your skills and resilience. Will you take the chance and choose the dangerous but quick route through the alley, or will you opt for the more cautious path through the well-lit streets?

Continue your journey, brave adventurer, and let your decisions shape your destiny in Chapter 8 of your fitness adventure. Good luck!

Workout of the day​


2209m indoor rowing (10:55; /500m 2:27; 137 watt)

Functional strength and tone​

Outrider lv I with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D4
50 Push-Ups: D4

Strength program​

1 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

1 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 36/66/954 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 898,7 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): 4/2 (earned today/total)

Training: (7/9) counter started July 3 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Began painting our hobby room.

Reading: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Writing: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Diet: Yes (2/2) counter started July 10 2023



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Wednesday, July 12, 2023​

Today, I adjusted the front and rear derailleurs on my road bike. After fine-tuning the gear shifts, I just had to go for a ride and feel how the bike performed after my repairs. It was great to be back on the road again. I had a smooth ride, and it felt amazing to experience how smoothly the chain rotated. It had a great sound! I experienced no major issues climbing the hills, even with a 9-12% gradient. There were minor issues with shifting the chain onto the largest rear cog. It tended to jump onto the second-largest-cog. I experienced this issue even before my repairs. I'll have to see if I can further fine-tune the shifting on the rear derailleur so that it doesn't drop onto the second-largest cog.

My fitness RPG

Chapter 8: Into the Labyrinthine Heart of Shadows

As desolate and intangible as the chill of the grave, the spectral coldness enshrouds the ominous streets of Arkham as you submerge further into the stygian heart of the city. The golden orb of daylight is but an echo, a lingering nostalgia, as the city's ravenous shadows seem to pulsate in a haunting rhythm with your heart, echoing in your chest like a lament on a crypt-bound coffin.

The glory from your conquest in the seventh chapter resounds as a muted cadence, nonetheless infusing you with an indomitable resolve to forge ahead. The reassuring words and invaluable aid from the guild member hang spectrally in the air, an ethereal beacon indicating you are not the lone wanderer in this perilous quest.

Arkham sprawls before you as a cryptic labyrinth, leading you through its claustrophobic alleyways and constricting passages. You feel an uncanny allure to this elaborate network, a sense of disturbing kinship that ties your destiny to that of the doomed city.

However, the abundant invisible snares waiting in the shadows send a shiver of dread down your spine. You can almost feel the presence of the cult members, wriggling in the darkness like serpents in the abyss. They would leave no stone unturned to trap you, yet you stand committed to continue—their schemes of discord and uncertainty ricochet off your tempered armour like hollow threats. Your past ordeals and decisions are now your allies, providing insights into their insidious methods and preparing you to face their trials.

Suddenly, the alleyway reveals an ominous vista, thrusting you into an even more dangerous trial. Lurking in the abyss of the shadows is a vicious trap, the cult members' final desperate gambit to halt your progression.

Two choices unveil themselves: Will you engage in battle? Despite the loneliness and the overwhelming odds, the unquenchable fire of courage within you may be enough to overcome them. Or will you opt for evasion? Turning back, seeking an alternative route, and avoiding conflict might seem safer. However, it also prolongs your journey, drawing you closer to hidden perils.

This momentous decision will shape the narrative of your adventure. Yet, always remember, only you hold the key to your destiny in Arkham's labyrinthine streets. Brace yourself to make your choice in chapter 8 of your fitness odyssey. Fortune favours the bold!

Workout of the day​


Bike (road/hills) - Total time 1:45:07; 39,71 km; 22,7 km/t; HR 149 bpm; 163 watt

Route: Odsherred 40 km

Functional strength and tone​



2206m indoor rowing (11:17; /500m 2:32; 127 watt)

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D5

50 Push-Ups: D5

Strength program​

1 * 5 reps of my kettlebell program

Each rep consists of the following exercises done in a single movement sequence.

Kettlebell Full Squat

Kettlebell Upright row

Kettlebell Straight-leg Deadlift

1 * 10 reps per side of resistance band one arm curls


12 stacked push-ups

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 30/96/984 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 907,3 km (2023)

Cycling: Yes (weekly total 1/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): 3/5 (earned today/total)

Training: (8/10) counter started July 3 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Continued with the painting of our hobby room.
- Fixed the front and rear derailleurs on my race bike

Reading: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Writing: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Diet: Yes (3/3) counter started July 10 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Thursday, July 13, 2023​

My fitness RPG

Chapter 8: Continuation of the Struggle in the Darkness

As cold and merciless as Arkham itself, you find yourself standing on the precipice of the hidden dangers that lurk within the city's shadows. The decision has been etched in stone - you will fight. Your resolution burns brighter than the fear attempting to engulf you, your courage a solitary lighthouse amidst the engulfing darkness.

In the expanse where the alleyway unfolds, you face the diabolical trap meticulously crafted by the cult members. They have manipulated the shadows to their advantage, but you are no longer a puppet to their whims. You have witnessed the challenges Arkham offers and are prepared to meet them head-on.

Like offspring of the night, they materialize from the gloom, their eyes flickering ominously in the scant illumination. Their numbers are daunting, yet your will to continue is unwavering, more potent than any threat they present.

Your courage counters their onslaught with firm determination, refined by your past tribulations. Every blow you deflect, every move you make, is a testament to the rigorous training you have undergone. The workouts you've completed have endowed you with the strength, stamina, and agility necessary to withstand this formidable enemy.

But this challenge is unlike any other. With each adversary you fell, another arises to take its place. The cult members are relentless and numerous, but your resolve is mightier. You battle with all your might, each action and decision made with a complete understanding of the stakes.

With determination ablaze in your eyes, you hurl yourself into the heart of the battle. Each adversary you encounter, each snare you evade, is a victory. But the war is far from won. You must continue to battle until you have vanquished every challenge the cult members pose.

‘You are Arkham's last beacon of hope and refuse to falter here. Regardless of what may come, you will face it with your head held high and sword at the ready. Steel yourself, brave adventurer, for this ordeal, requires three stars to overcome. Onwards, to victory!

Based on the recommendations for today's workout, I chose the 3-minute Warrior workout as my WOD.

Functional strength and tone​

3-Minute Warrior lv I with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Push-ups: 10/10/15

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D6

50 Push-Ups: D6

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 55/151/1039 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 921,9 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total 1/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): 3/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (9/11) counter started July 3 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Packing for a weekend trip to France.

Reading: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Writing: Yes (project "Fitness RPG")

Diet: Yes (4/4) counter started July 10 2023



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205
Over the weekend, I attended a wedding in France. The wedding took place in Normandy, more precisely in Caen and Falaise. It was a cousin of my wife who got married to his French girlfriend. It was a great and exciting experience, as I had never attended a French Catholic wedding. Both the ceremony and the reception afterwards differed from Danish weddings, as the traditions vary.

We left for France on Friday morning. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed by two hours, so we missed our train to Argentan from where we were supposed to take a taxi to Falaise. Therefore, we only arrived in Argentan at 10 PM. Getting a cab further at that time was impossible, as all the drivers were off duty. Luckily, we managed to get one of the last available hotel rooms in Argentan. On Saturday, we finally got a taxi to Falaise. We just had enough time to check in at our Airbnb and change before heading to the wedding. We travelled to Paris on Sunday, staying overnight until Monday, when we flew back to Denmark. It was a fantastic weekend.

The marriage and the travel time combined meant that I didn't get a chance to work out. Currently, I'm dealing with a cold, so I used Tuesday and Wednesday this week to recover after the weekend's travels.


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Duelist Posts: 205
Thanks @Gandhalfit - I'm still battling with a cold and a lot of coughing and sneezing. So I have had to take a break from training to recover. Even though it's summer here in Denmark, the temperatures are below 20C, and we have a lot of rain. It doesn't help with my summer cold. On the bright side, it has given me plenty of time to work on our house and garden. :happy:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205
Thank you @Mamatigerj @Tileenah @BlackButler and @Gandhalfit

It took me two weeks to recover from my cold and sore throat. Although I didn't stay in bed, I decided to take a break from training to allow myself to recover fully. Only last Sunday, I felt well enough to start exercising again. It was great to be back on the bike and do Darebee workouts. I adjusted the gearing on my bike, so it now shifts smoothly from the second-largest cog to the largest cog. Due to my break, I restarted the 50-Push-up and Five-Minute-Plank challenges. Additionally, I decided to reset my counters and put my FRPG on pause.

In other major news,
June was a significant month as I completed my merit teacher training and secured a teaching position for a 10th-grade class. I will be working alongside a colleague, taking on the responsibility of the commerce and innovation program. I have been fortunate to be welcomed by a supportive group of colleagues who have made me feel at home.

After three years of studying, the reality of this transition from being a jurist to becoming an educator is slowly sinking in. It's a peculiar feeling, a mix of excitement and introspection. After three years of evening classes and study commitments multiple evenings a week and on weekends, it feels great to be done with my studies.

I am looking forward to having more time with my family and friends. Additionally, I am excited to be able to do my training in the afternoons again after work.

I look forward to developing the commerce and innovation program and crafting engaging and inspiring lessons for the students. I start my new job on Monday and am eager to see what lies ahead.


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from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,171
I completed my merit teacher training and secured a teaching position for a 10th-grade class. I will be working alongside a colleague, taking on the responsibility of the commerce and innovation program. I have been fortunate to be welcomed by a supportive group of colleagues who have made me feel at home.
Congratulations! :perfect:
I look forward to developing the commerce and innovation program and crafting engaging and inspiring lessons for the students. I start my new job on Monday and am eager to see what lies ahead.
and good luck!:pose:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Sunday, July 30, 2023​


Bike (road/hills) - Total time 3:46:26; 84,5 km; 22,4 km/t; HR 143 bpm; 139 watt

Route: Odsherred - København

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1039 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 931,4 km (2023)

Cycling: Yes (weekly total 1/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (1/1) counter started July 30 2023.

Today's projects reached: Yes.
- Cleaning and tidying up the summer house/Packing for the journey back home.

Reading: No

Writing: No

Diet: Yes (1/1) counter started July 30 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Monday, July 31, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Standing Core with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

I also did ten push-ups after each set.

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D1

50 Push-Ups: D1


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 38/38/1077 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 939,1 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (2/2) counter started July 30 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
Household chores.

Reading: No

Writing: No

Diet: No (1/2) counter started July 30 2023



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Tuesday, August 1, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Hero’s Playbook with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Darebee Challenges​

Five Minute Plank: D2

50 Push-Ups: D2


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 40/78/1117 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 951,7 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (3/3) counter started July 30 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
Making preparations for the commerce and innovation program.

Reading: No

Writing: No

Diet: No (2/3) counter started July 30 2023



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Wednesday, August 2, 2023​

I took a rest day.

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/78/1117 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 954,4 km (2023)

Cycling: No (weekly total -/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (3/4) counter started July 30 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
Household chores.

Reading: No

Writing: No

Diet: No (3/4) counter started July 30 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Thursday, August 3, 2023​

The location of my new job is 7 km from our apartment if I choose the direct route. Therefore, I plan to cycle to and from work. The route follows a major highway and is not particularly exciting. So, I have found an alternative way where I first cycle along Kalvebod Fælled and the Harbour waterfront. This part of the route is a bike-and-walk path system with no cars. The remaining portion of the course follows an old Danish fortification from the late 1800s and early 1900s. It is also a bike-and-walk path system without vehicles. This route is 20 km and fits nicely into my cycling training. I plan to take this route to or from work on days with plenty of time.

Today, I test-rode the route for the first time. It was a breathtaking ride. I am looking forward to cycling it again.

Workout of the day​


Bike (road)

Total time 58:01; 23,39 km; 24,2 km/t; HR 141 bpm; 162 watt
Route: Enghave Plads - UCN10

Total time 47:43; 20,58 km; 25,9 km/t; HR 145 bpm; 165 watt
Route: UCN10 - Enghave Plads


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/78/1117 (weekly/total goal 200/8000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 10/250)

A Virtual Trip Around The World 1890: 961,3 km (2023)

Cycling: Yes (weekly total 1/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: (4/5) counter started July 30 2023.

Today’s projects reached: Yes.
Household chores.

Reading: No

Writing: No

Diet: Yes (4/5) counter started July 30 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205
Hello, everyone. Wow, the time has flown by! I realize it's been a while since my last update back in August, but life has been anything but idle.

Activity and significant changes have filled the last two months. My new job has gotten off to a perfect start, and it's been two busy months preparing lessons in mathematics, commerce and innovation, as well as social studies. I have built the entire curriculum from scratch, which has been exciting and time-consuming.

My colleagues are terrific, and the young people I teach are genuinely engaging. Along with my team partner, I've spent time getting to know the young people better and creating a focused learning environment.

My eldest daughter has also moved out, so many personal changes have occurred.

This week, I'm enjoying a week's vacation. I spent the first few days finding a slower pace, and it wasn't until the middle of the week that I felt I could relax.

After the vacation, I plan to adjust my work pace. Several colleagues have told me that the workload typically eases up after the autumn break, which I'm looking forward to. I've also been working on systematizing my teaching materials, making it easier for me, especially for the next school year.

Besides the job, I cycle almost every day. It's an excellent way to maintain my fitness but complicates finding time for other training forms. My next challenge, therefore, is to incorporate '90 Days of Action' into my daily routine while continuing my cycling.

Let's see how it works out. :happy:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Friday, October 20, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

90 Days of Action Day 1 lv 1 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 30/30/1192 (weekly/total goal 90/3000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/50)

Cycling: :x: (weekly total 2/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: :v: (1/1) counter started October 20 2023.

Re-focus: :v:

Today’s projects reached: :v:

Reading: :x:

Writing: :v:

Diet: :v: (1/1) counter started October 20 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Saturday, October 21, 2023​

Workout of the day​


Bike (road) - Total time 4:11:10; 84,51 km; 20,2 km/t; HR 141 bpm; 168 watt

Route: Odsherred - København

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/30/1192 (weekly/total goal 90/3000)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/50)

Cycling: :v: (weekly total 3/weekly goal 3)

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: :v: (2/2) counter started October 20 2023.

Re-focus: :v:

Today’s projects reached: :v:

Reading: :x:

Writing: :v:

Diet: :v: (2/2) counter started October 20 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Sunday, October 22, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

90 Days of Action Day 2 modified lv 1 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Each set consisted of 5 rounds of 10 march steps, 4 climbers, 10 hops for the Haunted Hive event, 5 push-ups


200 hops for the Haunted Hive event


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 75/105/1267 (weekly/total goal 90/3000) :star:

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/50)

Cycling: :x: (weekly total 3/weekly goal 3) :star:

Stars (FRPG): -/8 (earned today/total)

Training: :v: (3/3) counter started October 20 2023.

Re-focus: :v:

Today’s projects reached: :v:

Reading: :x:

Writing: :v:

Diet: :v: (3/3) counter started October 20 2023


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Monday, December 11, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Fit December Day 1 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

I did ten push-ups as part of every set.

World Breaker lv 1 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)*
* 480 punches for the Bear

Fit December Day 2 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 50/50/1317 (weekly/total goal 90/1500)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/20)

Training: :v: (1/1) counter started December 11 2023.

Re-focus: :v:

Today’s projects reached: :v:

Reading: :v:

Writing: :v:

Diet: :v:



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Tuesday, December 12, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

World Breaker lv 1 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)*

Fit December Day 3 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Fit December Day 4 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)


2 sets with 45 seconds rest: 10 push-ups/20 punches*

* 520 punches for the Bear


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -50/100/1367 (weekly/total goal 90/1500)

Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/20)

Training: :v: (2/2) counter started December 11 2023.

Re-focus: :v:

Today’s projects reached: :v:

Reading: :v:

Writing: :x:

Diet: :v:



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Wednesday, December 13, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Fit December Day 5 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

I did ten push-ups as part of every set.

Fit December Day 6 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

World Breaker lv 1 with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)*

* 480 punches for the Bear


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): -50/150/1417 (weekly/total goal 90/1500)
Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/20)
Training: :v: (3/3) counter started December 11 2023.
Re-focus: :v:
Today’s projects reached: :v:
Reading: :v:
Writing: :x:
Diet: :v:



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Thursday, December 14, 2023​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

World Breaker lv 1 with ec (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)*
I did ten push-ups as part of every set.

Fit December Day 7 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)

Fit December Day 8 (rest <45 seconds rest between sets)


2 sets with 45 seconds rest: 10 push-ups/20 jab+cross*

* 520 punches for the Bear


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach

Goals 2023

Push-ups (day/week/total): 50/200/1467 (weekly/total goal 90/1500)
Total pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1 (weekly/total goal 5/20)
Training: :v: (4/4) counter started December 11 2023.
Re-focus: :v:
Today’s projects reached: :v:
Reading: :x:
Writing: :x:
Diet: :v:



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 205

Goals for 2024​

Happy New Year! Reflecting on 2023, I realise it wasn't a standout year for my fitness journey for various reasons. Completing my teacher's program was a significant milestone. Still, it also meant navigating a hectic schedule and adapting to a new job. These commitments inevitably impacted my training consistency and overall fitness goals. During the holiday break, I took the opportunity to review the past year, assessing what strategies worked for me and what didn't.

Based on this reflection, I've set clear goals for 2024 and crafted a detailed training plan for January. My primary aim is consistent, sustainable training and a focused diet plan. This year, I'm streamlining my objectives to two key areas:
1. Achieve 24,000 push-ups.
2. Target a weight range of 80-82 kg with a body fat percentage of 16-18%.

To hit these yearly targets, I plan to establish monthly goals that will serve as stepping stones. My regimen will include functional training through Darebee's workout programs and cycling training.

For January, I emphasise integrating a feasible cycling schedule alongside Darebee workouts. The program I've designed is time-efficient, balancing my daily responsibilities and avoiding the pitfall of overtraining – an issue I faced in 2023 due to excessive high-intensity training days. Therefore, I'm incorporating more low-intensity days in January, with the flexibility to adjust as needed.

I have outlined a daily training plan for the entire month, which I intend to adapt based on ongoing evaluation. My adaption will include the potential for 'rest days' or substituting full workouts with micro-workouts, like a quick set of 3*10 push-ups, to maintain momentum without overexerting myself.

Diet-wise, I'm starting with a modified version of the NIP diet, which has proven effective for me in the past as a catalyst for healthier eating habits, increasing greens and reducing fast carbs like white bread and pasta. I'm also taking up Darebee's No Sugar Challenge this month.

My specific goals for January are:
- Complete 20 days of training.
- Finish the Fit Christmas and Spellbound programs.
- Stick to the No Sugar Challenge and the NIP diet.

These steps are designed for physical fitness and as a holistic approach to well-being. I'm eager to see the positive changes these adjustments bring in 2024. Let's see how this journey unfolds!


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