Fighting now for a better tomorrow


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I have missed a lot of work days this month so now I'm trying to catch up. It means that last week I worked about 11 hours a day and this week is going to be similar. That doesn't leave a lot of spare time to exercise but I am trying to walk a bit more. Getting off a bus stop or two ahead.. better than nothing.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Oh, and also I'm worried about sweating too much with the new tattoo... it's my first so I'm not sure what I shouldn't do..



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Scout from WNY
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According to my brother, who has many: you'll be fine with sweating. Make sure you wash it with fragrance free soap, once or twice a day. When it starts to itch, apply fragrance free lotion. Don't go swimming or sunbathing for at least 3 weeks to a month. Try to keep it out of direct sunlight: covering and sunblock if needed.

It's a beautiful tattoo and perfect remembrance for Chelsea!


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Morning: No Burpees (trust me) 3 sets.
Rest of the day: 6000+steps, going up and down the stairs 4 times because cleaning... and also cleaning.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I looked at cats for adoption in my city's website... I want all of them. Well I want Chelsea back but you know.
I thought about getting an older cat who needs adoption and a young cat (not kitten) so they'll have each other because I'm away from home most of the day. Maybe this is too soon.


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Alchemist from France
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There is no too soon, or late, and the timing doesn't have any relationship with your affection for Chelsea, who will be forever a part of you. If you feel that call now, yep, what Fremen says ;)
Always heard that two cats were better than one, but it also means more efforts, and more money. For example for me - without a car, taking two cats at the same time to a vet, or taking two cats in the train for Bretagne, would be problematic - so one cat it is. You do what you can.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I was too tired last night so no workout but I did LIIT days 3 and 4 just now.
I forgot we have yet another department fun night out today but my phone reminded me. What is with these people and the want to spend more time with each other outside the office???

Read you all tomorrow
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
At least my watch counted over 30 minutes of activity today but I still haven't made my goal of 7k steps or 400 calories burned, or even 200...
I did have this one guy to talk to who seemed to feel he made a mistake by agreeing to come and turns out he's a bigger geek than I am, just as cynical and prefers cats and dogs to humans. We had a nice long conversation about loads of things.
The weather was still too hot and yucky.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
It doesn't look like anyone was enjoying themselves...
Well, actually that's a picture from the preparations.. not much was different though, we just ate and talked.
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I'm taking advantage that my direct manager had his 4th child a few days ago and won't be back until next week... no one else knows much about what I'm doing so I have been using down time at work to further my education (mainly duolingo and free sql courses) and to do stupid fun things
and glue them to the side of my cubicle


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I caught up with LIIT.
Cat sitting for my sister's cat at my parent's house tonight - my sister doesn't live here anymore but couldn't take her cat, Lizzy, with her.
Watching old black and white movies which I don't have available at home.
That's it for now.
Have a normal weekend everyone, please, as much as you can.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Lizzy, my sister's cat has dropped a ton of extra weight since my parents are responsible for feeding her..
I think this was two years ago

And this is from now

Maybe it doesn't really show but she used to be 10kg and now she's probably around 5kg


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Workout for today: LIIT day 8 l 1. LIIT day 9 l 3.
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
What a mess. I had a killer headache yesterday so I got back from work and went to sleep. Woke up after 4.5 hours which were very helpful but couldn't fall asleep again until 3am.
For the past few hours I'm sitting with headphones and loud music because all our TV channels are streaming live reports from the arguments between the government and the Supreme Court as to what is democracy and why the government can't do whatever it wants just because it has a majority... I heard 2 minutes of it and gave up.

I'll try to workout tonight


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Again no workout today because I fell asleep right after work. I couldn't help myself, I had a minor headache and I didn't sleep enough last night. Also, we had a going away party to one of the employees so even more people making more noise than usual. I did however manage to: 1. Not get dragged into pointless arguments. 2. Not eat sweets, pastries or junk food which were abundant.
So I have decided to officially start some nutrition challenges:
No Sugar challenge day 1- my main problem.
No junk food challenge day 1- not many vegetarian/vegan junk foods out there but those that are, are a problem. Chips, hummus with white flour pitas are my two main problems.
No Salt challenge day 4 - I never actually add salt but I realized that lately I have been using unhealthy dressings.
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
We just got back from a family Rosh Hashanah dinner. We took my mom's car because my dad's car broke down last week and though repaired, we didn't want to take the risk. Up the mountains, down the mountains. I'm not sure my mom's Suzuki swift handled it better. The back sit is a nightmare but at least I was driving us back. All the way down from my aunt and uncle's village the road is two lanes going in opposite directions. Dangerous curves and absolutely no lamps until the next town at the foot of the mountain. That tiny car does not feel safe and it wasn't helpful that I'm not used to driving it.
On top of everything, my sister caught some virus and started feeling bad on the way there. We figured it was just car sickness but when we got there she started shivering and her temperature went up. She spent the rest of the evening in the guest room and had some soup. We had to leave early.
I'll spend the night at my parent's, I didn't want to trouble anyone by making them drive me back to my flat. Besides, it's not like I've got Chelsea waiting for me there anymore.

No Sugar challenge day 2
No junk food challenge day 2
No Salt challenge day 5.