Good luck! And healing vibes...
ThanksCourage for the no-sugar challenge, it sounds like trying to do it at Easter or Christmas!
ThanksGood luck with your sugar battle, Gandhalfit!
I looked it up to check the active susbtance (you can take this wolf out of the pharmacy but can't take the pharmacy out of this wolf@PetiteSheWolf I forgot to look what kind of spray it is. Does Otrivin sound familiar?
I probably made it seem worse than it is. I can ask my parents for more help, it's not like I don't have a financial back but I don't want to unless I have absolutely no other choice. I did spend more than I should have lately and sort of forgot that I don't only have rent but a new apartment that needs paying tenants. The mortgage is not horrible hut still substantial. And between Chelsea and my grandad passing away I let myself wollow for too long.I'm sorry to hear about your financial difficulties.When I worked in the office, there were food entire table of snacks right outside my cube!
This is just a form of shortcut to the links.