8 Weeks to 5K Day 39
Unbound Day 8
Wall Push-ups Day 4
Warrior Abs Day 16
Plank Hero Day 20
Dead Hang Day 16 - This challenge has been going all right but it's still a bit of a struggle, so I'll go half-way back and go again.
Iron Core Day 20
Re-focus Day 20
Posture Day 20
Exercise bike. 1 hour, 29.45k. Only 95k to go!
Taekwondo training. Different warm-up - with a partner, meet in the middle of the mat, do one of the following, then partner does ditto, then back to the side of the mat and repeat: 6 tuck jumps, 10 high knees, 10 plank ankle taps on partner, 6 push-ups with ankle taps, 3 burpees. For a finale, the coach had us do a super-set - one partner did
all of the exercises, one after the other, and then the other partner did. Phew. Following that, we did wheelbarrow. I was surprised that I didn't trip over my own hands! The second time around, one decline push-up at the beginning, in the middle, and one at the end. Cool. Up against the wall again, and hit that bum with more side kick holds and raises, like last time. On to strikes against the paddle. Reverse knife hand strike (reverse because it uses the hand that is opposite to the leg in front), 5 es and then swap. Keep going until the coach stopped us. The next one was back knife strike, which started by the side of the jaw (i.e. right hand by left side of jaw) and shot out. I've got to focus on hitting the paddle a little lower on my hand because I've managed to bruise the top knuckle of my ring fingers! I think that must have been when my little fingers hit them. Who knows? Anyway, obviously hitting incorrectly. Finally, we did some turning kicks to paddles. I was corrected which was great because I haven't actually had any correction for
ages and I don't think it's because I'm so brilliant! Just a little reminder of something I had been failing to do. I started the training by talking to the coach about my absolutely woeful sparring, and asking him what would be the best and easiest thing for me to focus on at home to improve. I've never liked sparring; I've never been good at sparring; but I'm in a sparring club now so I've got to improve. Besides, who wants to stay rubbish at something forever?
⌨ Bits and pieces. I started another jigsaw a few days ago and I'm going super slow on this one because I'm more looking inside my head than at the puzzle, and that means it's a good puzzle for writing.
Importantly, though, the bits and pieces were related to Book 2 which, now that I'm stepping away from Book 1 for a bit, is the one I should be focusing on, so I'm pleased.
And I even got some reading done today.