Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Congrats on being a double-teenager dad! What an adventure! :LOL::LOL:
What makes you think I'm their father? I have nothing to do with these peculiar people! I don't know where they came from. Why are they even living in my house? And why do they have some vague resemblance to me...? I had some small people around a while ago but they disappeared...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 35 - I know I've missed a couple of days of this but I really don't want to quit this programme. I'm halfway through! If the knee co-operates, I'll have to tack my missed Days on at the end because there's really no way to slot them back in. Today's runs were two 10min runs, with 2min between. I took it very carefully and the knee started to complain a few minutes into the second run, which was okay. Apart from that, I felt pretty good. Reckon I could even have carried on for a bit longer if I had needed to.
:x: Push Pull Legs Day 12 - I'm going to have to give really knee-centric exercises a miss for a bit. Perhaps I'll have to restart this programme later. Good thing I was enjoying it! :)
:v: Unbound Day 4

:x: Indoor Cardio Day 15 - yeah, those butt kicks just weren't going to happen. Think I'll be dropping this as well.
:v: Warrior Abs Day 12
:v: Plank Hero Day 16
:v: Dead Hang Day 26
:v: Iron Core Day 16
:v: Re-focus Day 16
:v: Posture Day 16

⌨ While I was doing my running, a message came through on the Discord inviting people to another write-in at the Library. So once I got rid of the sweat, off I trotted. Today there were four of us and I stayed for a shade over 2 hours. Didn't get much written, but got a lot thought. :LOL: Another meeting is scheduled for next Saturday.
📖 Continued with Bird by Bird for about an hour.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,100
"Striving to be the change."
⌨ While I was doing my running, a message came through on the Discord inviting people to another write-in at the Library. So once I got rid of the sweat, off I trotted. Today there were four of us and I stayed for a shade over 2 hours. Didn't get much written, but got a lot thought. :LOL: Another meeting is scheduled for next Saturday.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 36
:v: Unbound Day 5

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 1 - Decided to do this one again, but close-grip (thumbs touching and body sliding past my elbows) and slowly. Did them in two sets today because I thought it was 3 sets and not 5, so I ended doing one set of 36 and one of 24. Felt that burn!
:v: Warrior Abs Day 13
:v: Plank Hero Day 17
:v: Dead Hang Day 27
:v: Iron Core Day 17
:v: Re-focus Day 17
:v: Posture Day 17

I was full of enthusiasm when I started my run this morning, thinking that those butt kicks might be okay after all, but after only a couple of minutes, I had to revise my thinking :(, so I dropped the challenge. The knee was good enough to let me keep running but not a lot else. At least I'm still keeping up with the programme! :welcome:

⌨ Mostly just some brain dumps. They're the fun things.
📖 Another hours with those birds.
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:x: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 37 - Let's just acknowledge here and now that if it's not a running day and anything like squats or lunges are involved, it's just not going to happen yet.
:v: Unbound Day 6

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 2
:v: Warrior Abs Day 14
:v: Plank Hero Day 18
:v: Dead Hang Day 28
:v: Iron Core Day 18
:v: Re-focus Day 18
:v: Posture Day 18

:v: Exercise bike. One hour, 28.3k. Knee totally fine with this.

:v: Taekwondo training. When I started at this new club, I was very conflicted. Now I'm quite glad I've moved. I'm learning new things and definitely getting pushed out of my comfort zone! Kind of wish I could put on a yellow belt, though... First thing today, the coach handed me a plain black belt so I took off my old belt, embroidered with not only my name but that of my previous club. I'm incognito now. :LOL:
We did some fun circuit warm-ups - facing a partner, jump up onto a step, jump on step, jump down, let partner do it. Then agility ladder work, and then punching to a body shield, focusing on speed. Wow, surely that's 30 seconds by now! Single-leg hops in a chained loop (I didn't alternate legs but only hopped on my left). Leg warm-ups against the wall - holding side kick up for 20 seconds, then ditto with slight bounce, then ditto while making small infinity signs. Really works that bum! Side-kick training on the floor, kicking to paddle, then standing up but kicking with front leg - something I am not accustomed to doing! A really fun bit when a paddle was held at sternum height and we had to hit it with an inner block. I really loves blocks and strikes. :loveit: We learnt the first self-defence - well, I guess the white belt and I learnt it because everyone else already knew it! As usual, we finished with some sparring, initially just in lines, but then the kids sit and the adults go for it, then we swap, and then we swap again. To start with, I found this a little intimidating, doing it with other people watching, but I'm over that self-consciousness now and I'm working more on improving my sparring. We don't seem to do much technical work, which is what I'm used to, so what I'm doing now is really stretching me. I am happy I changed clubs! :nod:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 38 - I think I'm channelling the Little Engine that Could!
:v: Unbound Day 7

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 3
:v: Warrior Abs Day 15
:v: Plank Hero Day 19
:v: Dead Hang Day 29
:v: Iron Core Day 19
:v: Re-focus Day 19
:v: Posture Day 19

:v: Exercise bike. 36min, 17.7k. Wasn't going to go on the bike again today, not on a running day, but realised that the Strava challenge I selected was not for 100k in this (short) month, but 200k!!
shocked dean GIF


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 317
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
What makes you think I'm their father? I have nothing to do with these peculiar people! I don't know where they came from. Why are they even living in my house? And why do they have some vague resemblance to me...? I had some small people around a while ago but they disappeared...
yes, but some times.... just some times, even if they get taller then you, those small people reappear in those other people and want to be cuddled
and want to be carried and all those things.... trust me....
I mean.... telling my oldest one, that when he was a baby, he always slept on my chest after lunch, led him to do this again nowadays...
I mean, there are only like 3 centimeters missing and he is my height... but that couldn't stop him from doing so...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 39
:v: Unbound Day 8

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 4
:v: Warrior Abs Day 16
:v: Plank Hero Day 20
:v: Dead Hang Day 16 - This challenge has been going all right but it's still a bit of a struggle, so I'll go half-way back and go again. :)
:v: Iron Core Day 20
:v: Re-focus Day 20
:v: Posture Day 20

:v: Exercise bike. 1 hour, 29.45k. Only 95k to go! :applause:

:v: Taekwondo training. Different warm-up - with a partner, meet in the middle of the mat, do one of the following, then partner does ditto, then back to the side of the mat and repeat: 6 tuck jumps, 10 high knees, 10 plank ankle taps on partner, 6 push-ups with ankle taps, 3 burpees. For a finale, the coach had us do a super-set - one partner did all of the exercises, one after the other, and then the other partner did. Phew. Following that, we did wheelbarrow. I was surprised that I didn't trip over my own hands! The second time around, one decline push-up at the beginning, in the middle, and one at the end. Cool. Up against the wall again, and hit that bum with more side kick holds and raises, like last time. On to strikes against the paddle. Reverse knife hand strike (reverse because it uses the hand that is opposite to the leg in front), 5 es and then swap. Keep going until the coach stopped us. The next one was back knife strike, which started by the side of the jaw (i.e. right hand by left side of jaw) and shot out. I've got to focus on hitting the paddle a little lower on my hand because I've managed to bruise the top knuckle of my ring fingers! I think that must have been when my little fingers hit them. Who knows? Anyway, obviously hitting incorrectly. Finally, we did some turning kicks to paddles. I was corrected which was great because I haven't actually had any correction for ages and I don't think it's because I'm so brilliant! Just a little reminder of something I had been failing to do. I started the training by talking to the coach about my absolutely woeful sparring, and asking him what would be the best and easiest thing for me to focus on at home to improve. I've never liked sparring; I've never been good at sparring; but I'm in a sparring club now so I've got to improve. Besides, who wants to stay rubbish at something forever?

⌨ Bits and pieces. I started another jigsaw a few days ago and I'm going super slow on this one because I'm more looking inside my head than at the puzzle, and that means it's a good puzzle for writing. :)Importantly, though, the bits and pieces were related to Book 2 which, now that I'm stepping away from Book 1 for a bit, is the one I should be focusing on, so I'm pleased.

📖 And I even got some reading done today.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 43
:v: Unbound Day 12

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 8
:v: Warrior Abs Day 20
:v: Plank Hero Day 24
:v: Dead Hang Day 20
:v: Iron Core Day 24
:v: Re-focus Day 24
:v: Posture Day 24

Felt lazy today so I didn't go on the bike. Besides, I'm sure I can cover those last 80k in the next week. I did some tidying up instead. Then later in the afternoon:
:v: Boxing. On Saturday, I took #2 to the PCYC to check out a different Aikido class (she liked it so now she's going there on Saturdays) and there were lots of other classes on offer (I won't be going to training tomorrow because I'll be taking #1 to try out the rock wall climbing class). So I decided I'd give boxing a go, and went to my first class today. 3min skipping, 10 push-ups, x 3. Phew. My skipping wasn't too bad. :p #2 decided that she wanted to give this a go too, and we were taken aside by J who taught us the basic stance and how to jab and punch and step and twist. Then we practised this on a bag. Using smaller round pads (I forget what they were called), we practised the same but with more stepping. Finally, had just to try to touch the other person's shoulder. Fun. It's on for 1 hour, three days a week, but I can only make Mondays so that's what I've paid for. Something different. :LOL:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:x: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 44 - squats.
:v: Unbound Day 13

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 9
:v: Warrior Abs Day 21
:v: Plank Hero Day 25
:v: Dead Hang Day 21
:v: Iron Core Day 25
:v: Re-focus Day 25
:v: Posture Day 25

:v: Exercise bike. 1 hour, 29.6k. It was very difficult today. It was still and oppressive and the sweat was pouring after only 20 minutes and I wanted to quit but I kept going because this isn't optional. I'm sure that all the people who go out to work every day don't love it all the time, perhaps even none of the time (I've had a job like that!) but every day they get up, do the commute, sit in an airless, windowless cubicle, and dream of knock-off time and their holidays. Why do they go in if they dislike it so much? Because there's a commitment and a need - generally for money to pay the bills or the mortgage or to buy a fancy new bit of tech. Why should I demonstrate a lesser commitment to myself, to my own health and well-being and future self? So I kept going and sweating and after 25 or so minutes it seemed easier.

As foreshadowed yesterday, I didn't go to training tonight but rather took my eldest off to rock-wall climbing. I was asked if I wanted to have a go (which I really did) but daughter had earlier said that she wanted something that was just hers, so I sat back with a book instead. She enjoyed it so she'll be going again next week but I shan't have to take her so I can go to training instead.
Here's her early attempt to get up the wall:

And here's the boxing area on the other side of the room:
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Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Congrats on all that biking 😉
I like to listen to podcasts while I train with a home trainer, it takes my mind off the redundancy of it (I'm sorry if these are not the right words I lack the right vocabulary). Of course if you're training outside it won't work, you should be able to hear the car traffic 😅
Maybe you already do that anyway. I used to listen to music but it just doesn't fill me as much as a good podcast 😄


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 45
:v: Unbound Day 14
:v: Code of Abs Day 1 - heel taps look so deceptively simple but boy, are they effective!

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 10
:v: Warrior Abs Day 22
:v: Plank Hero Day 26
:v: Dead Hang Day 22
:v: Iron Core Day 26
:v: Re-focus Day 26
:v: Posture Day 26

:v: Exercise bike. 30 minutes, 14k, slower pace: 3'26" - perhaps I should have left a bit more time between the running and cycling. No matter; completed both. :LOL:

@Lady Celerity @Mianevem @HellYeah Thanks. It did look like fun and I'm sure she'll have a good time with it.
@Tileenah perhaps 'tedium' is the word you've looking for. I've tried podcasts but if they're too interesting, I slow down and focus on what's being said, and if they're not very interesting, why would I want to listen to them?! I listen to music and something like Zombies, Run! with virtual cycle rides that are off-road (like this one). Today, however, as it was only a half-hour ride, I listened to motivational speeches because they can often speed me up and keep me going if I slow. :)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 46
:v: Unbound Day 15
:v: Code of Abs Day 2 - I tried to do the hanging leg raises but my left thigh immediately cramps and I don't know why. The physio gave numerous suggestions... Anyway, did the knee-ups from the bar but the other two on the floor.

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 11
:v: Warrior Abs Day 23
:v: Plank Hero Day 27
:v: Dead Hang Day 23
:v: Iron Core Day 27
:v: Re-focus Day 27
:v: Posture Day 27

:v: Taekwondo training. Different and fun warm-ups. I'm a total demon in bear crawl position (on hands and toes, with knees just off the ground) - we had to be like that and try to touch partner's shoulders, moving around. I was like a four-legged spider! Then spent a fair bit of time in a squat hold which tested the knee! Back kick to paddles. The black belts went through Koryo a couple of times (goodness, I screwed up a few times because I had forgotten it!), and then we all worked on spinning back hook kick, with four progressions that I found very useful. I am not good at this kick. Yet. :LOL:
Grow Room For Improvement GIF by ABC Network

Finally got myself to the physio today. I have great difficulty activating my right VMO (and that means my kneecap doesn't track properly, hence ouch), so he's taped my knee (and I videoed him so I might have a chance of doing it correctly myself!) and given me some exercises that I have to do a 40-50 times each day! That better do something, let me tell you! I'm going to recommence squats and lunges, only not so low.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 47
:v: Unbound Day 16
:v: Code of Abs Day 3 - Ah, a rest day. Feeling my abs after yesterday, which is excellent!

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 12
:v: Warrior Abs Day 24
:v: Plank Hero Day 28
:v: Dead Hang Day 24
:v: Iron Core Day 28
:v: Re-focus Day 28
:v: Posture Day 28

Tried to copy my physio's taping technique and got it wrong so I ran without this morning. Perhaps it was because my knee had been taped up yesterday and now wasn't, but it hurt, so I'll definitely have to work out that taping!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:x: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 48 - with my taping still not quite working and tomorrow's challenge run looming, not doing this today.
:v: Unbound Day 17
:v: Code of Abs Day 4 - or is today the rest day? Ah, doesn't matter. Hey, planks! :LOL: Have I ever mentioned that I like planks?

:v: Wall Push-ups Day 13
:v: Warrior Abs Day 25
:v: Plank Hero Day 29
:v: Dead Hang Day 25
:v: Iron Core Day 29
:v: Re-focus Day 29
:v: Posture Day 29

:v: Exercise bike. Could just squeeze in a quick one today. 15 minutes, about 7k.

Had to take #2 to her new Aikido lesson this morning, and there wasn't ennough time between coming back home and leaving again to pick her up to do much. Then when I got back home, I discovered that people had already been gathering for the Write-In so I threw stuff together and legged it. Forgot my ear-pods which was a bugger. Not so many people there today, and after I'd been there about 45 minutes, more had gone, leaving only two people I didn't know. I finished the chapter I was working on and decided that I was done so I left, having been there just over an hour. But I got some decent writing done so that's good. Got home to do stuff and work out.
The magpies are getting really cheeky. Now, whenever I step out the door onto the back deck, they gang up on me, and if I'm carryng a bowl of scraps for the chook, they'll eat out of the bowl as I'm holding it. Wild birds, yeah, right. Generally there're about 7 of them, and they are quite bold, coming so close to me that if I stretched out my arm, I could stroke them. They haven't let me do that yet, unlike the chicken who seems to love it. Still, my daughter commented that we now appear to have more 'pets'.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
@Fremen @Tileenah @HellYeah @TortoiseVibe @CODawn @Anek @Lady Celerity @Mianevem @Silent Wolf Much obliged, as always. :thanks:

:x: 8 Weeks to 5K Day 50 - so close to the end, in the last week, but I'm pausing this because simply no way I've got the speed yet. I'm pretty sure I could do the time - I've done 25 minutes without dying, so I'm fairly sure I'd manage to dig out another 5 (not sure about 10...), but I won't make 5k. So I'm doing something else again and will resume this last week (I figure as long as I keep running, I won't have to restart this programme!) and do the knee days that I've missed, a little later.
:v: Unbound Day 19
:v: Code of Abs Day 6 - ow, my poor back! Extension are always hard for me.

:v: Upperbody Light Day 1 - It's a killer but I'm going to do it anyway.
:v: Wall Push-ups Day 15
:v: Walk and Run Day 1
:v: Warrior Abs Day 27
:v: Dead Hang Day 27
:v: No Sugar Day 1 - sneak this one in before Easter! :chocolate:

:v: ZR 5k training. W4D1. 5min walk, 5min run, knee lifts and walking drills, walking and running drills, 15min run. Oops, didn't check that last one! I should have probably started at Week 3 which is what I'll probably slip back to on Wednesday and try to increase my speed. These are longer workouts, today's being 49 minutes.

:v: Exercise bike. 13min, 5.97k. Only two days of the month left, only two days to finish my 200k! Only 23k to go now which I'll easy crush tomorrow. I really must keep an eye on the challenges I've elected to do - I only remembered this one halfway through a short month!
:v: Boxing. Doing push-ups while wearing boxing gloves is really kind on the hands. :) I don't know why nobody else was sweating as much as I was! The air-conditioning had broken down and we were working hard (certainly I was!). So, you hear that unfit and overweight people sweat a lot when they exercise - surely that wasn't my reason! I was pleased to read this in an article: How much you sweat is also determined by how much fitness experience you have, particularly with endurance training, according to Baker. That's because the body learns to anticipate an impending workout as soon as you start warming up, and springs into action to start cooling you down by producing sweat. "If you've become adapted to exercise, your body responds by becoming better able to regulate your body temperature by starting to sweat sooner and more so you can dissipate heat and keep your core temperature at a safe level," Baker said. Well-trained athletes are also able to sustain higher levels of intensity during their workout, which also generates more sweat, she said.
Okay, I'll accept that! :LOL:

⌨ Got a bit written, just brain-drain stuff, but I liked it and I think it will fit nicely into book 2 (which is very skeletal, being the one I knocked off in just over a fortnight!).

And the Chinese pistachio is in fruit, very sappy and the parrots love it! Here is a gang-gang which just sat there and ignored me - until I reached out and stroked his back. He didn't much appreciate that!

These boys decided to have a bit of a fight.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Unbound Day 20
:v: Code of Abs Day 7

:v: Upperbody Light Day 2
:v: Wall Push-ups Day 16
:v: Walk and Run Day 2
:v: Warrior Abs Day 28
:v: Dead Hang Day 28
:v: No Sugar Day 2

:v: Exercise bike. One hour, 29.13k. And that's my 200k for this month's challenge completed! After about 25 minutes, the sweat started to drip from my hair and the riding became easier for the next 20 or so minutes. I have a whole new appreciation for my sweating now. :LOL:

:v: Taekwondo training. I'd taped my knee but it still wasn't quite right. The knee held up for everything (I did the jumping jacks but only squats - upright with hands touching floor - instead of jump squats because, too much). We had to do 15 seconds es of side plank with arm up and, if you could manage it, leg up (aka star plank). So I shone. :gstar: I think I've mentioned I like planks. Today we did drills which I always enjoy, but there was one hand movement that I simply could not get (er, co-ordination needed here!) and by the time I finally did get it, we had to stop. Rats. I opted out of the many short bouts of sparring at the end today. The knee was not feeling good. I'll keep practicing with that darned tape...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
February Round-up

# of runs: 15
Longest distance: 5.29k (inc walking)
Longest time: 25 minutes (49 minutes inc walking)
# of bike rides: 8
Total distance: 206km (totally crushed that goal of 100k!!)
Hikes: 0 but that changes in March now that the cycling is over.
Push-ups: no longer such a focus and I tend simply to do them when I come across them. Perhaps one day I'll get that 30 consecutive but not a priority.
Strength work: again only some sporadic Marcy work, challenges and workouts. Oh, and I started boxing.
Upperbody work: Challenges, such as Dead Hang and the newly-begun Upperbody Light and I suppose I can also include boxing here.
Writing: got a fair bit done this month. Finished the second draft of book 1, completed the second draft of chapter 1 of book 2, and did a fair bit of brain-draining for books 3 and 4. Also a good bit of research for book 3.
Reading: not so much this month. I only finished 3 books and have started another three (one fiction, two on writing).
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,356
I am thinking about your running plan, cause you are mixing it a lot lately. Plus you rode the bike a lot last month.

And as a fellow overthinker, I want to offer some ideas/questions, that might help to focus:

- What is your current distance max in one go?
- What is your current PR for 5k?

These two factors help a lot to define your plan and especially your goal.
Running a 5k in 30min usually takes a dedicated training, if you are not a "natural born runner" 😉


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,294
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I am thinking about your running plan, cause you are mixing it a lot lately. Plus you rode the bike a lot last month.

And as a fellow overthinker, I want to offer some ideas/questions, that might help to focus:

- What is your current distance max in one go?
- What is your current PR for 5k?

These two factors help a lot to define your plan and especially your goal.
Running a 5k in 30min usually takes a dedicated training, if you are not a "natural born runner" 😉
You want me to tell you all my dirty little secrets? I'm like so blushing!
Okay, my recent/current distance max was 3k in 25 minutes. (Don't tell anyone!)
The last time I did 5k was Nov 2021 and it took something like 45 minutes.
Pathetic really. My tendons are really loose which doesn't make things easy; there's no rebound so running takes a lot of energy.
I can breathe pretty okay, I just can't seem to speed up.
And, of course, this is all strictly entre nous. :LOL:
At least the cycling's over for this month - but there's a lot of walking planned with various charity challenges...