Good Morning Log


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,146
Could be me this morning, I swear (except we don't have an openspace). It is my weekly presential day so I came, but I am litteraly the only one on my floor. Should've worked from home, no one would have noticed, LOL! At least the subway was decent, I managed to sit.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Only now they're starting to come back so this was a good run.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Some unimportant updates:
I haven't finished fit December yet. Migraines, too much work, yesterday my knee swelled up and it still hurts (but less) so... not yet but I'm close so I'll download it and keep going.
Did my Christmas present twice. It's a really good workout.
I'm unfired because they decided they can make cuts elsewhere and I'm doing too many things helping others with their regular work.
They've let me know a few days ago and today I got the letter canceling my termination 🙃
So I went to an interview with another company and they'll let me know in about two weeks.
My neck is cramped and hurts.
I hadn't had time to catch up with your threads...
The war is still on but lost momentum...

Happy New Year everyone ✨


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,814
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Happy New Year! Hoping for the best for your work situation for this year.

Happy New Year Frohes Neues Jahr GIF


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Thanks everyone for the new year wishes.

On top of being non fired, a replacement for the accounts position came in two days ago. She's still learning the job and it will take time but it takes a lot of pressure off of me.
I was able to get home by 18:30 last night and did Piece of Cake on level 2 and my Goodnight Gandhalfit

I'm not feeling comfortable saying how much I weigh but it's 20.5 Kg above my goal weight and 16 Kg above my previous average weight...
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Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I got back a bit late today but did
Knee strength
4 sets of Abs on the Beach
and Goodnight Gandhalfit

I found out today what was cut to keep me on the job. Who was cut rather. A guy they hired two months ago. I like him, he's nice but cynical and he was getting the hang of it. He does most of the work outside the office so his salary is larger than mine... wtf though? :(


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I planned to wake up early and do a few minutes of cardio but, yeah, nah. It didn't work. Maybe I should try another Scarecrow Dance approach since making up stories around workouts always worked best for me.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Just a short session this evening:
Warm up (about 10 minutes)
days 2 and 3 of 60Days HIIT both on level 2
A bit of stretching.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"

Since I wasn't fired after all I'm doing all the stuff I did as usual but with a few extras. The accounts lady was transferred to a different project and they found a replacement but she quit after a week so there's no slowing down in that department, not for me anyway. Another person I'm helping out to regularly has had surgery last Thursday and will be absent for another 10 days at least - shame because I really like her. That means more work. There's my actual job but it's not as intense. The last weeks however were really busy and I usually got home after 9pm. That didn't leave enough time to workout... or to even think about it.

This brings me to tonight. I planned to do a specific workout two nights ago but really didn't find the time so tonight was it+2:
100 Push Ups +2 so 102 push ups.
I'm really out of shape and it was incredibly difficult but the point was to suffer for a little bit, which in the greater context is not really suffering at all.

1🎗🎗 and 2 days


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
And now I'm sick... I guess I over did it with that workout because I woke yesterday morning feeling a bit off and after a few hours in the office I was completely out of it. Aches and shivers and fever. I feel way better now but I stayed in bed.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I feel a lot better physically, back in the office, it's actually 8pm and I'm just getting ready to go home.
Emotionally speaking I could do better.
Hopefully I could get back to training tomorrow. Since I wasn't at work for a few days and they still haven't found a replacement for the accounts position and a lot of people ate home sick... there are mountains of the stuff, work I mean.
It's the people who are sick right now that I like, combine that with everything else and you getba wrack. That's me, wrack, nice to meet you.
