Graoumia's journal


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
To start my journal, i will present myself.
My name is Audrey, here Graoumia. I am 47 and live near Paris in France. I am married and have 2 sons at home, 20 and 16, such a cute age :LOL:.
I workout since i am a teenager, and need it. Actually i have some knee and back issues so i chhose low impact options. Some i use weights, sometimes I don't. Ialso like yoga ans streching, and i have a treadmill, a stepper and an indoor bike.


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
I just started reboot program, did day 3 today.
I am also working on challenge "power squat" and "the miner", because i am trying to focus on my legs, needing more strength, and on my abs. I hate push ups but try to do somes each day with daily pushup challenge.
After dinner i sometimes use my indoor bike for cardio.

My last program was 30 days of LIIT, which was nice with my knees and my back (i'm feeling so old to have to say that :LOL: )

On side of food, trying to reduce sugar to the minimum amount, to loose a bit of weight and for health, and i am feeling better, the only suger intake actually is 1 or 2 pieces of dark chocolate. It helps with digestion, and with reduction of cravings.


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None from France
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"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Dear Santa

As a have been a nice girl this year:D I hope you will bring me a nice workout. It would be very nice to have a low impact one.

At home i have these equipements :
Yoga mat
Yoga brick
jump rope (not very low impact)
a stepper
a lot of weights and kettlebells
ankles weights


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
With vacations and christmas, made a long time without filling my journal. I stayed active during vacation, but hurted my back in the last day, and it stopped me a few days. Now i'm back, i started again with my secret santa workout, very lovely, and with yoga workout...
Actually doing at home marathon challenge, and 1 minute meditation challenges, and need to figure out which program or activity to choose now that my back is completely ok.

Happy new year to all of you :doit:


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Good evening/morning/night
Actually i am doing At home marathon and 1 min Meditation, Day 9 done today. Also started First thing water 2 days ago
I also decide to try to add Exercise of the day and Wod if possible, done today

Also as usual i am thinking about what to do to increase my health and my strengh, a lot of reflection to do, and motivation to find. I am trying to read checking logs to find ideas. Now i will do some indoor bike and streching before bed.


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
hello Bees
Still working on At home marathon / 1 min Meditation (Day 18 to do today for both) / First thing water, day 12.
I am tired because of digestive issues. I know i need to change things in my life, but don't know where to start. I know a few things can help, but it never last, so i am lost. Food, workout, walk, drugs ...????
I am also thinking a lot about what to do, what my objectives should be, @Laura Rainbow Dragon post yesterday about hers help me to understand that me too i need to focus, each time i search for something new i finish with 2or 3 challenges, 2 programs, and i often don't go to the end.
As i never finished Fighter Codex, i started it again yesterday. My harmstring were not happy, don't know why.
And i added Epic Five, need to work more on focus, but as i would like to do 45 minute each day, i was thinking it was a good way to workout more. And now day 2 , push up, i am already regretting.


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Oh and i am preparing my birthsday workout, inspired by Laura again, but I choosed my exercices, and i am thinking about doing on over the week-end, instead of just the sunday. Because i would like to add some treadmill, some waling plus running, but to do 4.8 km, i would need almost an hour, and after this i would still have 47 exercices left. So again a lot of things to think about, but good things. The fact is that at work, (finance things) i have to think a lot and outside, i don't wish to be thinking all the time, i love simple things...


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 712
hello Bees
Still working on At home marathon / 1 min Meditation (Day 18 to do today for both) / First thing water, day 12.
I am tired because of digestive issues. I know i need to change things in my life, but don't know where to start. I know a few things can help, but it never last, so i am lost. Food, workout, walk, drugs ...????
I am also thinking a lot about what to do, what my objectives should be, @Laura Rainbow Dragon post yesterday about hers help me to understand that me too i need to focus, each time i search for something new i finish with 2or 3 challenges, 2 programs, and i often don't go to the end.
As i never finished Fighter Codex, i started it again yesterday. My harmstring were not happy, don't know why.
And i added Epic Five, need to work more on focus, but as i would like to do 45 minute each day, i was thinking it was a good way to workout more. And now day 2 , push up, i am already regretting.
Definitely stick to something and don't put too much at the beginning.
Even with a big fitness/muscle past, but also a big time with nothing done, I myself begin with very small and I already feel it.
The temptation to put more and more is big, but if you begin small and complete the challenge it'll be a small victory and after you can put another challenge and maybe slowly make it harder... Take your time it's not a race.


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Hello Bees
I did what i had to do today on fitness side : At home marathon, FC Day 2, Epic Five Day 2, and added 30 minutes of stepper to have a 45 min workout, and 10 minutes indoor bike after lunch.
Still finalizing my Birthday workout list, still have some exercices to find. and trying to have something quite balanced.
I will try to add some streching in the evening.
Have a nice day / evening / Night bees


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
But how did you guess :LOL: .... I know i should, and i know burpees don't like me too.

But if i want to challenge myself, i should do some, and as i still miss one exercise, i will include burpees, maybe just 4,8 instead of 48 ??? Not possible ? OK. But i think i will choose basic ones, or maybe switch between basic and full because i think i won't do them in a row.

Here is my list :
48 second hollow hold
48 butterfly sit-ups
48 second side plank (each side)
48 seated twists
48 knee taps in elbow plank
48 second table top plank
48 seconds twisted chair (each side)
48 knee-to-elbows
48 reverse crunches
48 sec plank
48 dead bugs
48 crunches
48 sec elbow plank
48 sitting twists
4.8 km indoor bike
4,8 km indoor bike
48 step jacks
4.8 KM on treadmill
48 side jacks
48 jab + cross
48 front kicks
48 side kicks
48 knee strikes
48 hooks
48 uppercuts
48 backfists
48 sumo squats
48 second squat hold
48 lunges
48 calf raises
48 squats
48 front leg raises
48 side leg raises
48 rear leg raises
48 glute bridges
48 side lunges
48 reverse lunges
48 cursty lunges
48 Min streching / yoga
48 second tree pose (each leg)
48 dumbbell overhead presses
48 push-ups
48 biceps curl
48 triceps dips
48 dumbbell lateral raises
48 donkey kicks
48 dead lift
48 burpees

A lot of lower body and abs.

This morning, i did At home marathon Day 19 ( with 1 minutes meditation just after each time), still on first thing water. And Day 3 of Epic Five is done, just have Fighter codex Day 3, exercise of the day because i like bear plank, and another program with Decat club, leg day.... If possible a bit of bike or stepper, and streching in the evening.

Have a lovely day everybody


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Yesterday, i didn't complete day 3 of Fighter codex, really exhausted in the evening. So i did it today, with day 4 as it is streching, and i like JCVD :LOL:
I noticed that i have an issue with push ups (not that i don't like them, another issue) i am not able to contract my abs enough, like i can in abs exercices. That is maybe why it is so hard. I am doing push up on the knees, my husband give it a try and think it is related to the knee position, but even with regular push ups, no way to contract abs correctly. It is weird .... Maybe i can try to do them very slowly to be able to contract more.....


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Hello bees

Today I did Day 23 of At home Marathon, Day 8 and 9 of Epic five and day 7 of Fighter Codex (i switched with day 8 yesterday), after a break on sunday and monday, sunday because i was out, and on monday because my neck and shoulders were blocked. Now i'm completely fine.

Have a nice day/evening/night


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None from France
Posts: 630
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Many thanks @Gandhalfit @Maegaranthelas @Laura Rainbow Dragon @NancyTree @Anek @Fremen @Deadoks @Elocin

It was a very nice day, but i had to change my plan because of a painfull knee since yesterday (who said it is the age ??? OK it' me ) so i change some of my 48 exercices to keep on abs, upper body, combat and some gentle moves like leg raises. I was also able to do some indoor bike. So finally i was happy to be able to do this workout, and so sad having to skip the burpees. I could complete Laura's gift, but not Deadoks's one, but i wil keep it for later. I only did it low impact with march steps for the moment. I just completed streching.
This workout let me think a bit more about fitness, i was used to by during the sales some fitness equipment, but this time i didn't and after completing this workout, i realised that what i was needing was me and hard work, and equipment without strong motivation was not enough.
I will pause at home marathon as it is maybe what is causing this knee pain, especially as i am not using my shoes enough for this :vsad:
have a nice day/night, take care.


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Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,835
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Happy belated birthday!

Excited Happy Birthday GIF by Kiki

Hoping your knee calms down for you soon. I know that is not fun! :vibes: