Hbomb's Check-in Thread


Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."
9/23/22: 164.6lbs! I’m a yoyo.
Went out for a run, was actually feeling good, then at .62 mi I corrected my form and started to push it a little going up a hill. I had a “let’s do this!” attitude. Then I felt a small pop in my right hip followed by sharp pain. So I limped the rest of the way home. So…
1.07mi 15:45 😔 new total: 36.82/50.
I felt the pain in my hip worsen over the past couple of weeks. In fact last night I tried to really stretch the area and I even tried to foam roll the area with my kleen canteen, but hard to get in the right spot. And today I think it’s now no longer just a sore muscle, it’s injured. So am I going to be able to reach my 50 mile goal this month? I’m not sure.
Also… I found out via Facebook today, that my cousin died from liver failure. She’s been sick for three weeks. No one told me anything. I read someone’s post saying RIP. I am shocked and heartbroken. So heartbroken.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."
New month, new format. And excited to be done with the running challenge and to be working on something new.
  • Weight: 164lbs
  • EOD w/ec ✅
  • WOD 5 sets ✅
  • October Challenge Daily Kicks Day 1 ✅
  • Hard Reset Strength Day 1 5 sets✅
  • Rosetta Stone 2 Spanish lessons ✅
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Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."
I dislike lunges. My legs are killing me right now, but hopefully it’ll be worth it down the road.

  • Weight: 164lbs
  • EOD w/ec ✅
  • WOD ❌
  • October Challenge Daily Kicks Day 2 ✅
  • Hard Reset Strength Day 2, 5 sets✅
  • Rosetta Stone 2 Spanish lessons ✅
  • Better sleep yoga ✅
I hope y’all are well. 🐝
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Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."
  • Weight: ❌
  • EOD ❌
  • WOD❌
  • October Challenge Daily Kicks Day 4 ✅
  • Hard Reset Strength Day 4 ✅
  • Yoga for Better Sleep ✅
  • Rosetta Stone 2 Spanish lessons ❌
I’m tired today. There’s something going around. Thankfully I don’t have the array of symptoms my family have. I’m just really, really tired. I see many of my fellow bees are under the weather lately too. I suspect the more we all reemerge into life outside of our bubbles, the more sickness we’ll experience until we’ve reacclimated to the germs we used to be so familiar with.
And… a minute is never longer than the one spent trying to hold a pose like a plank or a splits hold. Lol!

Hope y’all are well.


Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."

  • Weight: 164lbs
  • EOD w/ec ✅
  • WOD❌
  • October Challenge Daily Kicks Day 6 ✅
  • Hard Reset Strength Day 6 lvl 1 ✅
  • Yoga for Better Sleep ✅
  • Rosetta Stone 2 Spanish lessons ❌
Lost another friend today. That’s three in less than two months. I didn’t want to work out today. I don’t want to do anything. I don’t understand what all this is for. If the outcome is written, and the battle is won, why put all of us through this. So much of life is a struggle. For some the word struggle is insult to injury (I think of the Ukrainian civilians suffering at the hands of Russian soldiers, and so many others). And my own struggle is relentless. What’s it all for.


Well-known member
Ninja from AZ, USA
Posts: 55
"Trying to get back in shape after baby #4."
Hi. Not much has changed for me physically except that I haven't been working out. My weight is the same. With my 5yo in pre-k we are constantly battling some sickness, but so far nothing too serious. I am still dealing with Behcets, which basically just means that I have flares that come and go, resulting in aches and pains - it won't be enough to stop me from working out when I have time and get back into the habit. Finding time is my biggest issue right now. And it may go on this way for sometime. My husband works, I cook, clean and try to keep children safe and healthy - it's a full time job with unpaid OT. I'll start checking in again, whether I have something to report or not. I look forward to seeing how you all are doing. :)