Inspiring Adventurer!


Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
Hello! I'm an avid RPG player so found this website as I wondered if there was anything fitness related in RPG and surprise, surprise there was haha!

I wanted to start with Zero Hero RPG workout but could see even on day one it was beyond me as I am super unfit and obese - I was, in my opinion, super fit in my 20s but with years of mental health issues this had gone out of the window a long way! :sadness:

So, I am trying to get myself started again slow and easy - so am going to start with Foundation Light with a random stretching workout beforehand.

Completed Day 1:
* Universal Warmup
* Foundation Light Day 1, 3 sets.

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Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
Thank you for the welcome! :dance:

Completed Day 2:
* Universal Warmup
* Foundation Light Day 2, 3 sets.

Learned that my shoulders didn't like being used so much :confused:. Also, left shin hurt a bit when doing the squats for some reason. Ah well something to keep an eye on I guess.

Planning on swimming at some point today, wonder if I'll will? :imp:


Well-known member
Fae from India
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 460
"New Bee getting fit"
@Sage if your left shin hurts a bit while doing squats its better to go easy and yes keep an eye out on the shins just be careful whatever workout you are doing! Good Luck And Welcome to the Hive!


Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
:yas: Score! I managed to go swimming yesterday, and not only I lasted the estimated 10 minutes, I actually swam for 45 minutes before I made myself get out yay!

Completed Day 3:
* Universal Warmup
* Foundation Light Day 3, 3 sets.


Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
Completed Day 4:
* Universal Warmup
* Foundation Light Day 4, 3 sets. I tried but as this day was going to be on my knees I couldn't do it so I gave up. I thought about mixing up previous days to do for Day 4 instead however my mood was already low, so when I gave up the attempt I struggled to motivate myself to do Plan B. I couldn't manage it.

Completed Day 5:
* Universal Warmup
* Foundation Light Day 5, 3 sets.

* Went swimming and did my version of light aqua aerobic for 30 minutes.


Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
Completed Day 7:
* Universal Warm-up
* Foundation Light Day 7, 3 sets.

I found the lower body exercises much easier compared to arm exercises. Maybe I ought to increase the reps for the lower body part?

Might swim later today, see how I feel.

Swam/aqua aerobic-like for 30 mins. Wow, three times this week already, I sure do enjoy being in water. Though my hair doesn't like it as much sadly!
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Pronouns: They/She
Posts: 15
Completed Day 8:
* Morning Stretch Workout + EC
* Universal Warm-up
* Foundation Light Day 9, 3 sets. (Skipped day 8 as was floor exercises)

Trying out morning stretches as hoped stretching first would help prevent/reduce pain in the left shin when doing side lunges or similar. Seemed to help today.


Mage from Poland
Posts: 19
Low - depressive spell at present resulting in sleeping a lot and not wanting to do anything which meant the daily workout collapsed. Oh well.
Remember that it's okay to have the worse days. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you feel low just let yourself rest and take care of yourself. Being low and worrying about "how I should be doing" never helps. Give yourself some love and patience. Do your workout if you feel like it but not to prove anything even to yourself, because pressure can keep us frozen. And if you don't do it, than accept it as a needed rest.

Maybe instead of doing the planned workout try something else, sth you can even do in your pyjamas? :) If not, that's okay. You're doing great sharing your struggle instead of disappearing. I am waiting here for you and sending good energy.