N7 Training - Post Recovery Log


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Tonight my wife and I did the A.I. portrait art generator Lensa (does cost a couple bucks fyi) and omg you guys, this healed some broken piece inside of me that I've struggled with my whole life, and was definitely a contributing factor in my eating disorder, where I never felt good enough in my own skin (past tense, I'm so much better now). The pictures I got are beyond breathtaking; I bawled my eyes out with joyous tears when the first batch came in and I saw them. I did not expect such catharsis when we decided to do this, just thought it would be for fun. Highly recommend to anyone that's ever felt bad about how they look, seeing yourself transformed into works of art does wonders for the confidence.

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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Today I had an unplanned leg day workout thanks to my instagram reels putting me in the mood to skate :LOL: so fun! First time skating in my kitchen since we went out last week, and I noticed a lot of improvement today! I guess skating outside successfully was a good confidence boost because I felt a lot looser and my turns are getting cleaner. It made my legs feel really strong, which I am loving.

Chill Wednesday overall, it's pretty grey here today, and all week it looks like, but it's surprisingly light outside for it, and warm too. It's gonna be in the 40s for awhile (4-9 C), pretty warm here for December.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
@lofivelcro I wouldn't call it big- it's decent sized but not anything extravagant. Skating in smaller spaces is a good fallback option if you have limited areas to skate in and/or the weather isn't good for outdoor skating, it's not ideal but it's better than nothing and it's still fun. It works when you're new because it helps you practice fundamentals like balance and control. Also dance skating doesn't require a lot of space so kitchens or garages or whatever work well for that too.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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@lofivelcro lol I don't really know if I'm skilled enough to claim that I am, but I do enjoy dancing and music, and it's much more fun to skate with music anyway. My instagram literally only exists so I can follow skaters and watch vids, and I find it really inspiring. Mostly I just wanted skates for cruising but I am also into dance. I would even like to try pits or ramps some day if I felt like I wouldn't fall on my ass but I'm not really wanting to try doing tricks or anything. We live in the us and healthcare is too expensive lol :LOL::sad:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Today I did Day 13 of the Wall Push-Up Challenge and Day 3 of 1 Min HIIT- normally dislike climbers and side planks but it's definitely not bad in this form. Got a nice heart rate spike for this very sleepy grey afternoon. Day 2 of at least 10 days without sunshine, we might need to refill our vitamin D supply :LOL:

Last night wife and I finished watching Wednesday, and it was so good! Really wish it would have come out in October when the vibes would have been so perfect, but it was enjoyable all the same. I loved all the aerial shots of the school amidst the autumn landscape, and the lead actress totally killed it. Will definitely be watching for season 2.


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Scout from WNY
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We loved Wednesday, too! I agree about October, but without Halloween falling on Wednesday this year, I get why they pushed it back; the lineup of new material was involved, to say the least. At least we got it on a Wednesday!

Super curious where they're going to go with Season 2!


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Today I did Day 14 of Wall Push-Ups Challenge and Day 4 of 1 Min HIIT- very nice and easy day. I've really started enjoying squats more since I started skating, it's wild. Feels good. Also when I was doing 5x5s, my squats got way stronger in that time.

Got a bit of sunlight peaking through this morning before the rain's supposed to come! Enjoying it very much; I feel way less sleepy today. Also slept great last night and didn't wake up sore at all for the first time in awhile. I'm feeling so good lately and it's so nice after oct/nov being sick and then feeling meh for a long time.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Oh yeah! I forgot I wanted to mention wife and I watched the game awards last night and I'm excited for Hades II, the Cyberpunk dlc, and Diablo 4. I was hoping we'd get a little somethin about Starfield or Dragon Age: Dreadwolf but ah well. Anyone else watch it? Lots of good games coming out next year!


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Hunter from the sticks
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"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I gave a bit up on mainstream gaming in the last years and even lost my enthusiasm about Starfield when Bethesda got bought by Microsoft. I mostly play small or old games nowadays. Still getting excitied about every Terraria update, though.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Today I did Day 5 of 1 Min HIIT and the Digger workout with a 20lb/9kg dumbbell and cooldown stretches- that was an intense workout, I like it! Feels good to use dumbbells again after a little while.

Making one of our favorite soup recipes today, and one of my favorite uses for tempeh. So good and comforting. Trying a new soup recipe either tomorrow or the next day, Zuppa Toscana, and I can't wait to try it, it looks so delicious! And finally I have a homemade pizza recipe for this weekend that I want to do if I'm not too sick of cooking by that point.

Also no one tell my wife :LOL: but I got her xmas presents today and I'm actually pretty excited about this one- we got a vinyl record delivered today and it inspired me because we don't have anything to keep our vinyls in so I bought her a really cool record holder for the living room. She's gonna love it and I can't wait to give it to her! :ss:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
For the pozole soup recipe there is a little mistake fyi, if any of you want to try it yourselves, they forgot to include when you add the tempeh. I add it in step 4 with the onions, and vegan butter or a neutral cooking oil as well to cook it all in. We also steam the tempeh beforehand for 10 minutes because we always do that when cooking with tempeh.

(It was very yummy btw!)


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Today was a nice and peaceful day; we put on some holiday jazz, got the tree out, I put it up and wrapped it with garland while wife did the Christmas shopping for her side of the family, then we did the ornaments together, and then we did the rest of the shopping for my side of the family, so now we're all done!

Now we're making pizza and currently waiting for the dough to proof :happy: We still have a bottle of this mioko's liquid mozz that my parents sent us and this is the first time I'm trying it on homemade pizza so I can't wait!


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Of course @JCU!

Using this recipe for the pizza dough- it also has a recipe for the liquid vegan mozz that some people say is comparable so I'll probably try it sometime! We did a plain cheese pizza to see how it tastes, and next time I want to do vegan sausage and onion, my favorite. This was really good though!



Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks everyone for your nice comments about my pizza :ss::LOL: I though the dough recipe was pretty nice, but I think I added a little too much flour when working on it so next time I'm going to try to figure out how to work with a sticky pizza dough better. Oh also our yeast was kind of old, though it did bloom, but I want to see how well it does with fresh yeast. We'll probably make it again later this week since we still have half a bottle of the mozzarella left. Also my wife has worked at pizza places before so I might make her do the dough lol :happy:

Today I did Day 6 of 1 Min HIIT and day 15 of the Wall Push-ups Challenge. Also considering doing a little skating later but I haven't fully committed yet because I just ate and I'm full and sleepily waiting for my second coffee to kick in. Sounds like fun for today though, so I'll probably give it a try.

We haven't made the zuppa tuscana yet because we still have pozole in the fridge, but I'm really looking forward to it so I'll probably make it tomorrow and we'll have the leftovers tonight. I had some yesterday and I love how it was even better the day after.

Last night I went through my old art supplies shelf on a whim and I started missing that stuff. I was getting into watercolors before the pandemic and then just kind of stopped when my wife had to use the table I used for her work from home setup at the time and I never got back into it. I don't know if I will right now but it was nice to be reminded that I have a bunch of cool supplies there that might be fun to get into again.