It's been so long since I posted in my old log, I decided to start a new one. I find it difficult to keep up with my workout updates here since there is only so much I am allowed to share, being on the team and all. I do a lot of testing these days so it is especially tricky. I do miss having an anchor in here, where I can just check in and write my thoughts down. I figured, I'll share what I can. When I was more consistent with logging in summer it helped me a great deal despite the fact that it seemingly only added to my already hectic day. I'll try to keep this more casual this time around and see how it goes.
These days I just wake up at ~ 5:30AM and that's that. I am awake and alert so I try to take advantage of that. I walk the boys at 6AM and then get my day started. About a year ago, I hit perimenopause but it took me months to realize what happened and why I was so miserable and angry all the time. I started training 2-3 times a day, adjusted my nutrition a bit and started focusing more on rest. With my lifestyle interventions I managed to offset a lot of the symptoms and I feel like a whole new person. I am just, well, more balanced.
I started recording my meals in chronometer so I could keep track of my nutrition. It's been 6 years since I went plant-based and, although I feel great, I wanted to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I needed. And it's a good thing I did because I am consistently under-eating Zinc and vitamin E. A coupe of weeks ago I also bought a new fitness tracker (I didn't even know samsung had a new one out and it was exactly the design I always wanted! I am so happy!). I have a history with fitness trackers... but it's been some time since my last try - maybe this time it'll be ok? So far so good, no mental issues And I love it so much, it has all the features I always wanted, too: heart rate, exercise tracking, step counter, sleep and water tracking, and a stopwatch. And then I also realized it connects to chronometer...
Anyway, welcome to my new log! I'll try to updates it as often as I can because it really does help organize my thoughts and feelings
These days I just wake up at ~ 5:30AM and that's that. I am awake and alert so I try to take advantage of that. I walk the boys at 6AM and then get my day started. About a year ago, I hit perimenopause but it took me months to realize what happened and why I was so miserable and angry all the time. I started training 2-3 times a day, adjusted my nutrition a bit and started focusing more on rest. With my lifestyle interventions I managed to offset a lot of the symptoms and I feel like a whole new person. I am just, well, more balanced.
I started recording my meals in chronometer so I could keep track of my nutrition. It's been 6 years since I went plant-based and, although I feel great, I wanted to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I needed. And it's a good thing I did because I am consistently under-eating Zinc and vitamin E. A coupe of weeks ago I also bought a new fitness tracker (I didn't even know samsung had a new one out and it was exactly the design I always wanted! I am so happy!). I have a history with fitness trackers... but it's been some time since my last try - maybe this time it'll be ok? So far so good, no mental issues And I love it so much, it has all the features I always wanted, too: heart rate, exercise tracking, step counter, sleep and water tracking, and a stopwatch. And then I also realized it connects to chronometer...
Anyway, welcome to my new log! I'll try to updates it as often as I can because it really does help organize my thoughts and feelings
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