Quest for Muscle: The Return of the Pump


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@PetiteSheWolf I understand, as The Thing is my favourite movie of all time. While Carpenter's filmography is full of stinkers (the Fog is just okay IMO), there are a lot of winners too - some of my favourites include Assault on Precinct 13, Escape from New York, and of course, Halloween. I haven't yet watched Big Trouble in Little China, but that one has a very loyal following, and it seems pretty entertaining (also, since I'm Chinese, I'm probably obligated to watch it as it's a big riff on Chinese movies).

Highly recommend In the Mouth of Madness - I liked it a lot because even though it wasn't super scary, the meta twists were fantastic, and the mood was quite eerie.


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@PetiteSheWolf Yeah! I've forgotten that he directed Halloween too. Like that other time I forgot William Friedkin directed The Exorcist lol. ITMOM is highly recommended!

Hey again Bees. Today was my second Push day of the week, where I emphasized more Paused Bench.

Paused Bench: 120 x 6, 122.5 x 5. I was not expecting this at all. A minor PR! I will thus continue with the approach of splitting my benching between fast and paused days.
Paused Incline Bench: 95 x 5. Also a minor PR. Pretty tough, though.
Rope Pushdown: 11 x 6.
Hammer Curls: 18 x 20. Given short shrift today.

I'm watching the city darken as night time moves in. It's 19:08, and there's still a soft veneer of light.

I've been experiencing a lot of family-related anxiety lately... Dad got released from prison and internment a few weeks ago, and it's good to be able to talk to him again, it's strangely troubling. He's back to his old tricks, planning elaborate schemes for making money and finding work, which are kind of what got him into prison in the first place (it's a long story; I have a theory that he has Bipolar, and that it's where I got it from). He's also been rubbing my mom, sisters and his other relatives the wrong way. I heard he's been losing his temper regularly too; so conversations with him have always felt fraught.

But as mom said, we can't take on his troubles, so I'm making the choice to live my life free of worry, and not concern myself.

With that in mind, may you be free from your worries today, Bees.

Playing: The same two games. Hades 2 received quite a balancing update, and as a result, it's no longer as easy to cheese the bosses; correspondingly, some weapons (that I've found useless) have been bumped up in lethality. Eh.

Selaco is still good fun; it's like an indie version of FEAR, but surprisingly ambitious. And the combat is tough!

I am intrigued by Destiny 2's The Final Shape, but considering that I've never bought any of the DLC, I'd probably get buried under lore and crap.

Really should get back into Diablo 4, but I'm not so sure.

Watching: No full movies or reviews today. Watched a bit of Seal Team at the gym, and will continue with Frogman, though I'm hoping that that one overcomes its indie found footage limitations to deliver solid scares. But I'm not that hopeful.

Listening to: Hugo Largo - Second Skin. I know I've posted Hugo Largo before, perhaps on old Darebee. This one is... uh, experimental indie art-pop, I think? I even find it hard to characterize the emotional mood, except to say it's raw. It's cathartic, but also vulnerable and dreamy.



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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Thank you so much @CODawn, @JCU, @MadamMeow, @graoumia, @TopNotch, @Fremen. Ultimately, the family stuff is just a sideshow. It's more important for me to take care of myself and ensure my healthy functioning; only then can I turn my attention to my family.

This was my only (!) weight training exercise today. I woke up late and was in a bit of a hurry, so here it is:

Squats: 90 x 5. This was my first round of squats in a long time.

I did something to my butt. No, not in a dirty way! :shake:

Almost immediately after doing my squats, I could feel something like a cramp, or a tear in my glute muscles. It made it quite painful to squat down below a certain depth; I tried to do some other exercises like front squats, but no dice. I do feel a little better, so I'll give it a few days to recover and go back at it again.

Saw this neat little exhibit under Times Square. If I'm not mistaken, the characters in front translate to "Extremely Ordinary Lives".


Went to meet mom for hot pot; today's flavour was spicy beef soup. Absolutely delicious, though it left my tummy feeling a bit unsteady. If you look closely, you can see how I mashed up six or seven different ingredients in my sauce bowl. Hell yeah! Gimme all the yummy flavours!


Have a great weekend, Bees!

Playing: Still making my way through Selaco. A very intriguing experience I'll be happy to review. Still making the odd run through Hades 2, and winning more than I'm losing at this point. Haven't played anything else...

Watching: Looking forward to House of the Dragon Season 2 next week! Was excited for The Watchers in cinema, but it turns out that it's rubbish. Still making my way through Blood of Zeus Season 2. Not a fan, which is a shame, because I loved the first season's confident take on the Greek pantheon. Almost half of this season has been spent on doling out exposition and treading water, and I wonder if the only reason they'd do that is... if they were planning for Season 3. Bah.

Listening to: Flash Arnold - City Limits. Plugging in some classic synthwave. Slow and measured, but expressive and colourful.



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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@aku-chan I would actually like to see more of the show, contrary to my dour musings. I really liked the first season! The only problem is that it took four years to produce a second season (I checked for updates constantly), and we got a second season that feels like it's just setup for another. I've read that the makers of the show are planning for five (!) seasons, so I don't know whether or not Heron's story will eventually be completed.

Hey again Bees.

Man, it's hot out. Not extremely hot like in many places in Asia, but just hot enough, and combined with draining humidity. Did myself a long walk (22000 steps today), and had a most fruitful Chest workout.

Bench Press: 122.5 x 5, 125 x 5, 127.5 x 6, 130 x 3. I was not expecting to get six reps with 127.5, which is a minor PR for me. On some days my form is fluid and the weights move smoothly. 130 was noticeably heavy, but that's not surprising, consider that I had three working sets beforehand.
Incline Press: 100 x 5. Zzzz... still difficult, and a bit frustrating.
Preacher Curls: 32.5 x 6. Not heavy today, but got a great burn.
Dual Dumbbell Curls (ie curl two dumbbells at the same time): 14 x 8. Will do more of these, as I like the way they feel. Not a fan of barbell curls, either.

Today is actually the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, and a holiday here. Lots of people out on the streets. Did I go out to Stanley and watch the dragon boating? Nah... I'd rather watch it on the news than be bothered with the heat.

Settling for a quiet dinner with mom, and overall, glad to have a good day.

Hope your Monday is going well, Bees!

Playing: Same two games. I am impressed with Selaco's length and challenging gameplay. This was clearly a labour of love, and I don't object to shelling out 18 USD for such a polished build. If I had to guess, I'm not long from completing the early access build, but what a build.

In Hades 2 news, after a winning streak, I've gotten my tush kicked by the final boss several teams. Need to really get down to brass tacks and win again!

Watching: Watched a bit more of Blood of Zeus at the gym. While I appreciate the show's brand of worldbuilding, I'm eager for stuff to happen. One character was given an important task two episodes ago, and we haven't gotten back to him.

I've found a new flick to watch: 1999's The Thirteenth Floor, which is reality-bending and twist-laden. It's been 25 years since its release: how have I never gotten around to watching it?! I even recall it being rivalled by The Matrix back in the day, but as we all know, it lost.

Listening to: Hardy - The Mockingbird and The Crow. Sometimes I stumble across absolute finds on Youtube! I've been playing this one all throughout the day, as it's really catchy. The first half of the song has the country stylings that don't surprise, while the second clearly lands in the realm of southern rock, or even nu metal. The riffs are absolutely great, and the melody soars. Apropos of the video itself, the animation (courtesy of stop-motion great Lee Hardcastle) has a great concept and fits the song perfectly.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Thank you @Fremen, @TopNotch, @MadamMeow, and @JCU!

@TopNotch "Minor" is just something that I made up. Because my strength comes and goes in waves, I'm making PRs that I've made before, so I usually refer to those as "minor". A PR that I've never done before would be "major". Of course, since this is all in my head, you're right in that a PR is still a PR, and represents growth.

@aku-chan Castlevania, which is also a Netflix show, is noticeably faster in its production times. Either way, let's hope that we don't have to wait a long time for another BoZ season, and that it's saved from the chopping block!

Hey again, Bees! I kind of took it easy for Back day today, and didn't do any deadlifts. My legs still feel like toothpicks. Anyway, without further ado:

T-Bar Rows: 85 x 6.
Meadows Rows: 40 x 6. Kind of rethinking these, as the bar keeps slipping from my grasp; either I use less weight, or use another exercise.
Low Rows: 65 x 6.
Reverse Lat Pulldowns: 60 x 6.
Pull ups: Top set of five.

So, very little lower body stuff. That's okay, I'll find another time to do the deadlifts.

Still hot and humid today (and will continue like this until November *sigh*) as I went about my usual urban commando sojourns.

Keep it up Bees! I hope your week is well.

Playing: Finished the early access build of Selaco (is it SELL-uh-ko, or sell-AH-ko?), so here's a review of the game thus far.

Dawn has just awoken from her medical recuperation to the sound of explosions and gunfire. As a security officer on the space station Selaco, it's her responsibility to intervene, and halt the slaughter of the station's civilians by the aggressive and enigmatic invaders. Having made preparations for contingencies like thus, Dawn sets out to arm herself and single-handedly stop the takeover.

A brief check at its Steam page shows that Selaco is almost universally lauded in reviews, which I believe it wholeheartedly deserves. I've been following the game for years, and even from a short demo, it was clear that we had something special on our hands. In a nutshell, Selaco is an FPS that utilizes the ancient Doom engine to simulate gunplay that you might see in FEAR. So despite landing squarely in retro-styled boomer-shooter territory, this game is quite ambitious. The gunplay is the most obvious part - the game has been designed around intense battles with aggressive and intelligent foes. I don't know how the devs programmed the AI so well, but they've manage to push the envelope and go farther than most other shooters. As such, no gunfight ever goes the same way twice!

However, it's not wall-to-wall action - there are intense bursts of shootouts followed by relative calm, in which you get to explore the massive levels and search for secrets. If there's a drawback, I'd have to say the story is very bare-bones at the moment. Apparently, the protagonist is completely voiced, and very few of her lines made it into this build. It will be interesting to see how the story and levels evolve as the game goes on; even now, it's a meaty and satisfying gameplay experience.

Therefore, I tentatively award Selaco four grenades out of five.

Played s'more Hades 2 as well. Got my revenge on the final boss by beating them two times in succession. Take that, you puke!

Watching: Uhh, not much late night cinema. I end up gaming until late. Watched more of Blood of Zeus at the gym (finally! The gears are turning), and will try to watch the Thirteenth Floor tonight. Try.

At least I've been making up for it in watching gaming trailers. Dragon Age: Veilguard has gameplay footage dropping tonight. Curiously, this trailer has garnered lots of negative attention, but what's the fuss? So it's more stylized than before. What difference does it make?

Listening to: Selaco Soundtrack (SatsumaAudio) - Main Theme. I've given Selaco lots of love, so here's an auditory sample. It wouldn't be out of place in a game from 1996, amazingly.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Thank you so much @CODawn!
Hail, Bees! I've braved the muggy weather to hit the gym once more. Today was another Push day.

Paused Bench Press: 122.5 x 5, 125 x 5. Yes, everything's in order here.
Weighted Dips: 60 x 5. Holy shit. I had it in my head that I was going to try this one out, but I never thought I'd actually succeed with five reps. Having a single plate strapped to your body is difficult enough, but three? The heaviness of the weight quickly breaks down your body, so it's the kind of thing that has to be done quickly. It goes without saying that this is a major PR, as I've literally never done five reps with this amount of weight. I forgot to film it, too. Well, next time...
Preacher Curls: 35 x 6. Moving on up.
Dual Dumbbell Curls: 12 x 10, which is okay, as this is not a heavy weight exercise. All about the feel.

Sweat-inducing weather with plenty of humidity. Ugh, I miss winter. Four months until spooky season!

Also, I had a panic-inducing flash of lower back pain yesterday while out and about - this is particularly ironic since I hadn't done deadlifts the day before, just assorted lower body exercises. It seems to have abated, but it was pretty scary for a moment. Will have to watch my form.

We're almost at Friday, Bees!

Playing: I've taken a bit of a break from Selaco to try some other games that have been gathering dust in my library. These are: Cult of the Lamb, The Ascent, and Hand of Fate 2. Also Everspace. Hades 2 has kept its rightful place on my hard drive, though I've sadly gotten to the point where most of the dialogue is exhausted.

Watching: Sloooowwwlly making my way through the Thirteenth Floor. Blood of Zeus at the gym. Most looking forward to House of the Dragon later this week.

Interestingly, a long awaited and (extremely) long in the making indie Adventure film called The Primevals (by stop motion legend David Allen) is available, so I'll probably shift my attention to that film and resume The Thirteenth Floor another time.

Also, animal "abuse".

Listening to: Gary Numan - My Breathing. In Numan I trust! Love the Middle-Eastern (?) touches and the backing vocals. I do find the lyrics a bit underwhelming, as they seem to be Numan railing against stardom and the music industry once again. Still, it's such a strong song.

"Assassination of the voice of God
I don't know if I can do it
I've found the problem and the problem's you
I'm here to pick up the pieces



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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,135
Ah the doggo... :D I was a tad scared when seeing the title of the video and prepared to skip (animal mistreatment, even if the videos or testimonies are to "alert" it exists, makes me sick to my core), then realised you were not the sort to publish true animal abuse videos and this must be a joke ;)


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Ah the doggo... :D I was a tad scared when seeing the title of the video and prepared to skip (animal mistreatment, even if the videos or testimonies are to "alert" it exists, makes me sick to my core), then realised you were not the sort to publish true animal abuse videos and this must be a joke ;)
I definitely did not mean to shock or offend you, and you are correct that doing such things is not in my nature. Please accept an apology :sorry:


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Thank you so much @CODawn, @aku-chan, @Obsinosterous, @MadamMeow, @JCU, @TopNotch, and @Fremen. I'll try to get video footage of it next time to see if I'm doing it right, and for the likes har har.

Today was Leg day, which I'm trying to resurrect as a consistent thing now.

Squats: 95 x 5. Not bad, not bad.
Front Squats: 40 x 5. Not good!
Split Dumbbell Squats: 14 x 6. I really didn't like these. Constantly felt like I was going to fall over. I think I'll just stick with doing the barbell version, for balance reasons.

Plus 26,000 steps. No records today, I'll try again next time.

Boy, am I pooped. Squat workout, followed by walking around Taikoo Shing for a bit, then my lessons, and then the commute back home. And the heat didn't help, of course.

I think my PC is haunted. It keeps making strange tapping/shuffling noises at inconsistent intervals. Maybe a gecko got trapped in there, or... -gasp- a roach!

Tomorrow we're having a tea buffet! Yum yum.

You made it to the weekend, Bees! Have a great weekend.

Playing: Uhh... haven't really gotten started with that pile of games on my hard drive. Still playing Hades 2 - beat the boss for the second route, again.

Watching: Nearly done with Blood of Zeus. Notably underwhelming. I started The Primevals last night, and I think I'll stay with it until the credits roll. It has a great deal of cheesy charm that I gravitate to.

Listening to: Shim Hyeon-jeong, Lee Ji-soo and Choi Seung-hyun (Oldboy Soundtrack) - Jailhouse Rock. This little ditty, which sounds like the score to a heist, has been dormant in the back of my mind for awhile. There's a certain other song from the film that's living in my head, but I'll get to it in due time.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Hello again, Bees!

Some days you ain't got it. I headed to the gym after church for a hopefully fruitful Push workout, but it didn't go as I'd hoped.

Bench Press: 130 x 5. Just barely made it, but the final rep was a terrible struggle.
Dips: 60 x 4. To say nothing of these! Couldn't hit the five reps that I was hoping for, like last time.
Dual Hammer Curls: 14 x 10. About the only exercise that went correctly today.

So, a short and disastrous workout. I'm tired, but okay. I'll continue with 130 on the bench, so I can smooth out the reps and get it more easily next time.

Have a Happy Father's Day, Bees!

Playing: A new Steam FPS about mobsters, taking place in a pulpy comic book recreation of the '40s? (Don't) Fuggetaboutit! That's the only gangster cliche I have patience for, which is clearly lost on the gleefully hard-boiled Fallen Aces. I will admit that its presentation and voicework are sublime, and the large levels that allow for secrets and different approaches intriguing. Unfortunately, the Early Access build is only five levels, but I'm sure they're all tops, so to speak.

Uninstalled Hades 2 (Nooooo) as I want to give Cult of the Lamb another go. Still haven't played any of that huge backlog of games on my hard drive.

Watching: Finished the second season of Blood of Zeus. Felt like it would never end, so here's a review.

The death of the mighty king of the gods, Zeus, has rocked the Grecian pantheon. Amidst the machinations of the furtive Hades, who seeks to bind the defeated Seraphim to his will, Zeus' bastard son, the hero Heron, seeks to prove himself worthy of his godly kin. (I can't believe I wrote all that without rolling my eyes).

I was very excited for this second season, after the first was such a strong showing, and an entertaining, action-filled exploration of Greek mythology. Arriving right after the pandemic started, I waited for a second season to arrive. And waited... and waited... and waited... until I finally got wind of it, watched it, and was disappointed. I didn't realize it at first, but my expectations clashed with the intentions of the showrunners, meaning that there was no way I would be satisfied.


There are two central flaws to this season: a - very little actually transpires in terms of moving the plot forwards, and b - there's so much exposition that the script trips over itself, and the more meaningful things that are said are lost in the retelling of myths and lore. There's nothing actually wrong with the characters, the script, and with the action. When firing on all cylinders (a set piece with a bronze titan is especially exciting), the show is formidable and regal. But it's obvious that this season is set-up for a third one, and that so many of the episodes are spent moving pieces into place, rather than having anything notable happen. And because of this - despite all the stentorian declarations and awesome artwork - this season disappoints. Here's hoping that the third (presuming the show is renewed), is better.

Thanks to all its flaws, I give Blood of Zeus S2 two pomegranate seeds out of five.

HotD drops tomorrow! Woohoo. Will also watch some of The Primevals for late night cinema.

Listening to: Listened to Tubeway Army's debut album of the same name, so here's another rare album review from me.

Gary Numan's first taste of success was with the raw, yet compelling and accessible album he made as part of the band "Tubeway Army". Their eponymous debut is almost completely made up of conventional guitar-based rock (and let's face it - it's not actually punk) that could almost be related to New Wave, as it dropped in '78, just before the movement really took off.

That said, this is where the futuristic nightmares of androids and aliens that plagued Numan really came to the fore, and neatly combine with the group's not quite pop, but still driving and catchy rock 'n roll. Check out the melodic nihilism of "Every Day I Die", "Listen to the Sirens", and "My Shadow in Vain" (the later two are the real stars of this album). In this early outing, there's only trace uses of the synthesizers that Numan would become known for. The quirky, jerky rhythms and nasally vocals fit well with the themes of isolation, paranoia and melancholy.

All said, this is an album that reveals the potential of Numan's synth-pop soundcraft, while still being more grounded in rock 'n roll. Though Numan would change his sound significantly in later years - the succeeding album, Replicas, is a fully-formed Numan outing - Tubeway Army is still very listenable and essential for Numan fans like myself.

I give it four well-deserved sci-fi guitar riffs out of five.

And here's a song from the album.

Tubeway Army - Listen to the Sirens.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Oxenfree! Hey Bees, it's Ox time with another Pull workout.

Deadlifts: 162.5 x 5. I'd taken a break from these last week, so I'm glad to see that I've still got some strength left. That said, these were tough max-effort sets, so I need to keep things slow and steady from now on.
Barbell Rows: 90 x 6. Felt pretty good.
One Arm Pulldown: 32.5 x 6. I decided to try using the pulldown machine one arm at a time, for the sake of experimenting.
Low Rows: 35 x 6, I think.
Cable Row: 40 x 6.

A lot of bodybuilding exercises today, which is good for a change.

So hot... Man, it is warm out, and it's set to get even warmer later this week. I have a fan aimed at me on high setting in my room, and I still feel muggy and warm. Grr.

I SAW A CATTO! Cat was perched on the front step of an apartment complex, next to the fruit stall. Maybe it works there.

Despite not being receptive to the Outstretched Finger Cat Friendliness test, kitty was still open to head pats and chin scritches.

Kitties kitties kitties, I love kitties, they are furry and fuzzy and friend-shaped and fill me with joy :wand:

Keep chugging away, Bees! We're going to make it!

Playing: Got started on Hand of Fate 2. An interesting and well-made game with style to spare, even if the actual action gameplay leaves something to be desired.

Reinstalled Hades 2. Could not do without it, but the bigger reason was that when you've tasted perfection, everything else is superfluous. Such was the case with Lamb of the Cult... I couldn't get into the gameplay again, because it seemed so primitive compared to Hades 2's refined play. So off my hard drive it went.

As for Fallen Aces, I've been felling wiseguys left and right and sending goons into The Big Sleep. Like I said before, a shame that there's so little of it right now, due to early access.

Watching: Still continuing with The Primevals, albeit a tad bit slowly. As Blood of Zeus S2 has run its course, I've resumed watching Seal Team at the gym, while I do my cardio.

Oh, and watched the first episode of House of the Dragon S2! What did I think...

It's a joy to return to Westeros once more. The acting is particularly on point, and it's interesting to see a previously loathsome character granted some depth; this is to say nothing of one-scene wonder Tom Taylor as the severe, lordly Cregan Stark. There is a controversial change from the violent end of this episode - a moment that was awaited for a long time by book readers, who no doubt expected to see the exact portrayal of that scene writ large on television. I'm not that bothered by it, as I felt like the way they portrayed it was more... realistic, maybe? It made sense given the bumbling, but brutal nature of the characters.

So all told, looking forward to more episodes.

Listening to: Trevor Something - Can You Feel It. I ran out of ideas on what to choose, so it's back to sythpop stalwart Trevor Something, whose ever-prolific and compelling catalogue always demands a listen. Here's a classic from his early days.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@MadamMeow No problem! I'm always on the lookout for cats. And dogs. But mostly cats!

@PetiteSheWolf I read the behind-the-scenes motivations for why they changed it, and they track. The way it was written in Fire and Blood was almost cartoonishly vile, and the changes add a surprising nuance to the scene. I still found it quite hard to watch, however.

I am one tired Ox today. I did not really succeed in my Chest workout for today, but it's all part of the plan - I'm moving on from a 5rm, into a 3rm, with more sets.

Paused Bench Press: 125 x 5, 130 x 3. Ugh. Totally kicked my butt today. Will try for 132.5 next week, after abandoning the five rep scheme.
Paused Incline Press: 100 x 3.
Preacher EZ-Bar Curls: 35 x 5.
Dual Dumbbell Curls: 14 x 10. I like the feel of these, as they require more self control and form than with alternating curls.
+21000 steps.

Had yummy chicken congee for dinner, but the piping hot porridge made me break out in a sweat. Weather's still hot and humid.

Tomorrow, more lessons. I'll try to squeeze in a leg workout if I can.

See you tomorrow, Bees!

Watching: Watched a bit of Seal Team at the gym... still chugging along. May give up The Primevals for now.

Edit: On a whim, after listening to the Pod Mortem podcast, watched the Night of the Living Dead (the 1968 version, see below for why), which, funnily enough, I've never watched completely. So here's a review!

Barbara and her brother Johnny have just made the drive out to rural Pennsylvania to pay their respects to their father's grave. Johnny's teasing and banter gives way to horror when a stranger inexplicably attacks Barbara and, after grappling with her brother, murders him. Barbara flees, and seeks shelter in a farmhouse out in an open field (this will be important...). She is joined by the thoughtful, practical Ben, who reveals that there has been an epidemic of flesh-eaters throughout the state; he marshals their resources and works to fortify the house, while others join them. Bickering ensues as Ben and Cooper, who has an injured daughter, argue on whether or not to stay in the house or retreat to the cellar. And meanwhile, as night falls, the dead gather outside the farmhouse and close in on their refuge...

So this is where it all begins. Let me get the adverse out of the way: this was a roughly made indie film with limited resources, and it shows. Some of the acting is histrionic (the Transatlantic accents really date the film), the score is absolutely terrible, and the zombies (who hadn't really been cinematically explored at this point) are unconvincing, and curiously clever (they smash out headlights and use tools).

Interestingly, NotLD is not the very first movie about zombies, but it is where all our favourite plot devices and traits from the genre originate. It is, simply, an amazing film, even taking into mind its numerous mishaps. Obviously, this is a landmark movie that wrote the book for many zombie and horror movies which would be made henceforth. Today's horror hounds will find the film dated and unsophisticated (one wonders why...).

Ultimately, even when you take away the film's reputation, what remains is a powerful film that doesn't pull its punches. It is still a horrific and violent film. It is easy to sympathize with the characters as they're more and more hemmed in by the walking dead, and the casting of Duane Jones (a black man) is simply groundbreaking. The gore is hard-to-stomach by our standards - by those of the 60s, it must've been gag-inducing. So, while dated, it still holds up!

For its iconic status, I'm proud to award Night of the Living Dead five keys to the gas pump out of five.

"They're coming to get you, Barbara!"

Listening to: I've started perusing episodes of the Pod Mortem Podcast - a family affair in which the three commentators discuss scary movies (what else would I listen to). Their style is interesting: they choose to narrate the films scene by scene and discuss behind the scenes minutiae, peppered with lots of laughter and outrage. Most other podcasters discuss movies generally, rather than go to such painstaking detail. Here's their take on the seminal Night of the Living Dead, which I'm interested in revisiting.

For today's song of choice, here's a throwback to 1996, with the theme to Crusader: No Regret. I haven't played the Crusader games in a long time, but they have killer music.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@CODawn Kitties kitties kitties...

Hey Bees! I was supposed to workout on Friday, but gave in to laziness.

Skipped the gym Saturday, instead eating out at a Thai restaurant for dinner (forgot to take pictures, but trust me, it was yummy).

Came back today for a Push workout.

Bench Press: 130 x 4. Ugh, this was crap. Couldn't get the five reps, as I didn't want to risk dropping the weight, so I made the judgement call to end the set early. Next sets were with 132.5, which I did three reps with. Will use this as my 3rm moving forward, as I think it's about time I changed tack.
Close Grip Press: 105 x 5.
Preacher Curls: 17.5 x 5. Not bad!
Dual Hammer Curls: 16 x 6. Something to work on.
+23000ish steps. My feet hurt...

It was not unbearably hot today (Hong Kong has one of the more sufferable tropical climates, but not by much), but I think it was about 33 degrees. Certainly felt tiring.

They've changed around the displays at Times Square! Looks it's advertising for Inside Out 2.


Thankfully, the shrine to that ungodly savage Ian has been removed. Past time, says I.

I'm watching the city darken as the sun sets. Never gets old.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend, Bees!

Playing: A lot of Nightmare Reaper, which story and plot-wise is a very undemanding game. A little bit of Hades 2 (I want more, dammit!), and even less of Hand of Fate 2. May visit Hrot, which is one of the best Warsaw-punk (I just made that up, but I feel like it should be a massive genre) shooters out there - not that there are many (Atom Heart is the most prominent).

Watching: Eh, haven't been watching much. Some Seal Team at the gym. First up is finishing Svetlonos, the surreal fantasy film - I do like what I've watched so far, and it was obviously made with skill, and care.

I hear tell that a trailer for Robert Eggers' Nosferatu is due tomorrow, so looking forward to that. Also to House of the Dragon's second episode.

Listening to: Volt Age - Golden Wave. Some mellow synth to watch the day end.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Hey again Bees. Still sweating, still working out.

Today was a Pull day.

Deadlifts: 165 x 5, 167.5 x 5. All part of the plan. Grip was giving way despite using the best deadlift bar. Oh well, at least I got the reps.
Barbell Rows: 90 x 5.
Meadows Rows: 35 x 5. Tried it using less weight this time.
Narrow Grip Rows: 50 x 5.
Behind the Neck Pulldowns: 57.5 x 5.
+22000 or so steps.

It is still quite hot. I've lived in this city for awhile and I never got used to it - the humidity just saps one of energy.

I'm practically penniless this month, so I'm going to apply for some new work. I absolutely hate job-hunting, but I want enough money to afford creature comforts. For instance, my gym shorts have holes in them, and I haven't bought new pairs because I've continually been saving money. So I'll do my best in the coming weeks, and see how that goes.

Start the week strong, Bees!

Playing: A whole lot of not much. Some Nightmare Reaper, a little bit of Hades 2. I'm revisiting Hrot, which is punishing, but still fun for all that.

Watching: Watching a bit more of House of the Dragon. Always enjoyable. I just love spending a little more time in Westeros. We even heard mention of a character thought to be cut, and got a sword fight (to say anymore would be spoilers)! (*cough* *cough* Oh, and Seal Team too)

So I finished watching Svetlonos. It was a short watch, and past the halfway point, I could not look away. Here's my synopsis, and a review.

The days pass, the moon and the sun turn, and a cycle progresses under the reign of a figure in crimson. Suddenly, the days stop progressing, and the red-robed monarch fades. It is at this point that a soldier or warrior in Grecian armour makes its way to the labyrinth at which the monarch resides, with the intention of reaching the top. Their progress will be challenged (tested?) by statues of female figures which manipulate the clockwork structure of the labyrinth to menace the warrior. Will the warrior reach their goal? Or succumb to the machinations of the statues?

This is a stop-motion animation which is firmly in the fantasy genre, though it dips into horror at certain points. Apparently, it was created by Vaclav Svankmajer, son of animation icon Jan Svankmajer; it's clear that talent and detail has been passed, or perhaps handed down from father to son. This is an absolutely brilliant animation - the usual praise we dole out to stop motion works is doubled here because the animation is so intricate and filled with detail. Without saying a word, a story is conveyed, and even though there are some interesting ambiguities, the finer points are made clear by the end. I wouldn't say this is a horror film per se. It's dark and surreal, and the mood is appropriately somber and severe, but apart from a somewhat bloody battle, there's not much in the way of gore. That said, it is an ominous work, and the grim tone is carried throughout but the eerie nature of the characters and the environment.

I give it four valves out of five.

Here's a link to the short on youtube if you're interested, and not afraid of creepy imagery:

Listening to: Jed Kurzel - The Battle. I was looking for an appropriate House of the Dragon song, but I confess, I don't find the compositions very memorable (sorry, Ramin Djawadi). So instead, here's a song from the 2015 adaptation of Macbeth. The song has an eerie, off-kilter feel to it that channels the horrors of war.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Hey Bees! I survived the blazing heat and the humidity to hit the gym once more. Today was another Push day, with a focus on form.

Paused Bench Press: 132.5 x 3. Oooh, this went fairly well! I was going to only go up to 130, but managed to go a bit heavier.
Weighted Dips: 25 x 5. Focusing here on form. Felt good, so I'll go up again in my subsequent workout.
Preacher Bar Curls: 30 x 6. Went light today.
Dual Dumbbell Curls: 14 x 10. Ugh, these were so much harder than I expected. If I alternate hands, I can use 18s, but under slow and controlled movements, I have to use less.
+23000 steps.

As a result of the weight lifting and the walking around, I am totally beat. Having yummy siu laap for supper tonight.

The Inside Out attraction at Time Square looks more complete now, but was only open to the media (gimme a break...), so I haven't seen it at full swing. It certainly looks interesting, even if it's mainly for the kiddies.

Have a great Wednesday, Bees!

Playing: A little bit of Hades 2 (had another successful run last night), but mostly Hrot. A dash of Fallen Aces, but I would like it more if I didn't have to sneak around so much...

Watching: On a(n absolutely wild and capricious) whim, watched Manos: The Hands of Fate; this is a 1966 indie film with a reputation as a landmark bad movie. Here's a review.

A family of three drive through Texas in search of a hotel to board in. A fateful turn off the road leads them to a sad and dilapidated lodge run by the curious and stunted Torgo. Against their better judgement, the family stays the night. However, they discover that Torgo answers to another, and that the lodge is also home to the appropriately-named "Master", an evil figure with a harem of wives. Will the family escape him? Or fall prey to the ghoulish lich?

You know, that summary I wrote above is actually more exciting than the film itself.

If you aren't aware of the film's reputation, let me put it this way: this is one of (some say the) the worst movies of all time. It starts with the fact that all the voices are dubbed in, which already makes for a curious omission. Scenes go on for too long (the family's drive in the beginning lasts ten minutes), and it often cuts to characters' reactions when they have no relevance; the editing is thus total rubbish. The acting is beyond terribly bad, and the Master resembles Borat, only painted white. The plot itself is curiously empty and lacking in any dramatic heft. And there are scenes which have no relevance to the plot, like two teens who make out in three different scenes, and a fight between the wives of the Master that was obviously filmed to titillate. Even the doberman who plays the evil dog is a poor actor, as it's obviously quite friendly and good-natured.

It's kind of entertaining in a so-bad-it's-good way, but for the most part, it just comes across as really amateurish. While many scenes are awkward, and some even verge into the surreal, it's still not as crazy and non-sequitor as, say, The Room (which was admittedly made with a $5m budget. Yikes.) I shouldn't be picking on the low budget here, but it's obvious that it didn't help; the director could not hire more seasoned hands, or even sound recording equipment. In the right hands, the basic premise of this schlock could be made into a good movie, but it wasn't. Much like The Room, the crew knew this was going to be a bad movie, and the director, with amazingly prescient vision, said that the film might be redubbed as a comedy. Standing on its own, this film is simply dreck.

Confirming that Manos lives up to its dreadful reputation, I give it zero ominous paintings out of five.

Oddly enough, I don't regret watching Manos. It was thankfully brief, and it satisfied my curiosity (I have an odd tolerance for really bad and quirky movies). Also watched more Seal Team at the gym, and started watching The Primevals, another independent film which contrasts with Manos.

Listening to: Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore. I love discovering new songs! That sax! That framerate! Beyond Electric Blue, Icehouse have a lot of strong songs. This is one of the introspective songs of theirs that I have a liking for.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Hello again, Bees. Braving the increasingly unbearable heat to bring you another workout!

Today was Leg Day.

Squats: 102.5 x 5. Not bad! Haven't lifted this much in awhile.
Paused Squats: 75 x 5.
Split Squats: 12 x 12. Oof, these knocked the humility back into me. Will try for 14s next time.

The Inside Out exhibit is open to the public, so I snapped a few pics.


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It seemed like every emotional state was covered! Except for rejection, sensitivity, depression, etc...

Yummy chicken pasta for dinner! Gains!

I'm taking a break from the gym tomorrow, so I'll touch base with all of you on Sunday, which is my next Push day.

Peace, Bees!

Playing: I didn't play anything last night! Tonight I'll try to get in some Hrot, Fallen Aces, and maybe Hand of Fate 2.

Watching: More Seal Team. Episode needs more shooty shooty and less blah blah.

Finished The Primevals, so here's a review.

The world has been knocked askew by the discovery and hunting of a yeti in the Himalayas. With the giant's body posing questions as to its origin and makeup, an expedition is formed by two academics to venture to the yeti's home to discover more. There, they find a parallel world with creatures that beggar belief, as they go further in their endeavour.

This film was a labour of love for animator David Allen. Amazingly, the film was finished posthumously, and was painstakingly constructed bit by bit.

I was under the impression that the glorious stop-motion was the primary draw for this film, but it's just one part of what makes this film an ambitious indie gem. Essentially, this is a throwback to the adventure films of the 50s and 60s; the peril, the cheesy dialogue, the creature effects, the stunning locales, and the plucky humans, and dashing bravery. It's a very charming film! The creature-based stop motion is compelling, even in this day and age, and while the budget for the film wasn't particularly large, it's still amazing how well the film conveys an epic feel.

If I had to complain, I would say that the film takes a bit too long to get going; only past the halfway mark do the explorers really reach the hidden world. Also, the acting is merely serviceable, but that's primarily because this is less of a drama and more of a grand adventure. And in that regard it succeeds.

I therefore give The Primevals four alien hologram thingamajigs out of five.

Listening to: David Gilmour - I Can't Breathe Anymore. Amazing song; has followed me through the last decade or so. Starts of introspective and forlorn, and then triumphs with some unsurprisingly virtuoso guitar work.

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Yo Bees! I'm back with another workout. Today was my Push "Speed" day. What did I get up to?

Bench Press: 135 x 3. Ugh. I expected I would make this, but it sucked nonetheless. Next week I'm not going to increase the 3rm weight, but I am going to up the poundages of my working sets.
Weighted Dips: 30 x 5. Still liking these, even if they're a pain to set up.
Preacher Curls: 32.5 x 6. Stretch those bi's!
Dual Dumbbell Curls: 14 x 10. Always tougher than they look.
+22,500 steps!

The lanes at SCAA were buzzing; apparently some premiere bowling competition was going on.

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20240630_133635 (1)22.jpg

Because Monday is a holiday, mom and I are watching a Quiet Place 2! With her senior discount and early bird tickets, we got two tickets for $110! That's criminally cheap.

Closing in on five years sober: that will be on the 12th of July.

Hope you're having a great weekend, Bees!

Playing: Of course, some Hades 2. Still pining for that content update. For the sake of novelty, I paid for and started playing Cruelty Squad, which has to be one of the strangest-looking FPS of all time. Seriously, it looks like it was inspired by a combined drug trip, irritable bowel syndrome, and Deus Ex. Even stranger than Priest Simulator (remember that?), which is saying something. I'm not sure if I'll get into it more, as gameplay-wise, it's like a whole bunch and crap was thrown at the wall, scraped off, and then reconstituted. We'll see...

Also a bit of Hrot, which is a much stronger shooter. May try some Void Bastards tonight, or Unsighted.

Watching: On mom's recommendation, watched What You Wish For, which is a culinary thriller. Here's a review!

Ryan is in a bind - an experienced sous chef, he owes money to some nasty (unseen) types, and has decided to lay low for awhile with his friend Jack in Latin America. Jack acts as a chef for an unspecified international company, hosting events at different locales. Ryan envies his jet-setting lifestyle, the foreign travel, and the gorgeous villa that they stay at; oddly enough, Jack seems to have regrets. However, an unexpected event leads to a certain opportunity dropping into his lap; Ryan takes it, but comes to question his choices. To give any more away would be criminal.

This is a slightly low-key, undramatic (this may be the wrong word) and compact thriller with ice-cold blood in its veins, despite its subject being fine-dining. There are also flashes of occasional (as in, non-gratuitous) gore. One of the scariest things about the way it turns out is that it's all very plausible; there probably exist people in the world with the wealth and means to do what they do (again, avoiding spoilers); one of the guiding questions is the film is how you'd react to the decisions Ryan makes, and how one would get themselves out of such a bind. It's tightly written and directed (during the pandemic, I understand) , and avoids many (but not all) of the clichés you'd find in a thriller. The last part of the film is one squirming predicament after another as things pile up; they all resolve in quite an appropriately muted fashion. Questions are raised as to the moral ramifications of the protagonist's actions, and his future life.

Nick Stahl is simply excellent as Ryan, who quickly gets in over his head; I was used to seeing him as an over-the-top kind of actor, but here, his portrayal is very realistic, and surprisingly empathetic. Most of the fun of the film is fearing for him as he's put in unknown situations with stakes way beyond his means. Tamsin Topolski is the stunning, but absolutely icy and immoral representative of a company that works with Ryan. The Latin American country - Colombia? - is again, muted, but the film morally ponders the injustices, class-divides, and lack of privilege that occur, though a bit briefly.

Because it was an entertaining and compact viewing experience, I give What You Wish For four and a half omelettes out of five.

Also, more Seal Team at the gym. Good clean fun, I suppose. I mostly watch it for the technical action scenes, which are still a bit predictable now that I'm three seasons in. What to watch now for late night cinema? It's either woodsy-thriller Lovely, Dark and Deep, or creepy procedural The Autopsy of Jane Doe.

Listening to: Amorphis - The Wanderer. This isn't a heavy song at all - in fact, it plays to Amorphis' lyrical and melodic strengths, and is the better for it. Even though I have a steady home, I'm drawn to the themes of growth in the song.

"Behold today the face of this man
He smiles now as he knows
He's burden starts to slowly fade away
He laughs at himself
Now it's easy to let go, of futile and the needless
To let it lie, to let it go



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@CODawn Thank you so much! It's the journey that never ends, truly.

Hey hey, Bees! I'm back with another workout. Today was Back day, after a holiday yesterday.

Deadlifts: 170 x 5. Very, very close to a plateau. I could try for 175, but I'm not sure I'd be able to score all the reps.
Barbell Rows: 95 x 5.
Machine One Arm Rows: 57.5
Neutral Grip Pulldowns: 70 x 5.
Behind the Neck Pulldowns: 60 x 6.

The deadlifts absolutely killed me, so I'm glad that I got that workout done. My anxieties were going nuts all throughout the workout, but after walking around for a bit afterward and coming home, I've calmed down a bit. I do wonder why I feel most anxious when I'm working out, as most people seem to be at their most pleasant.

It's related to some drama on my part a few days ago. My cousins are having a gathering with their kids in Michigan in August. I'm not interested at all because I feel like it would be stressful to be around them all the time (they're all sharing one large property) having to socialize, and that being around them would make my social anxieties skyrocket. Nonetheless, my big sister suggested I go. On a call with her on Sunday, I grew very defensive and bluntly refused to consider going. I feel bad for snapping at her, and apologized almost immediately afterward. I'm still not interested in going, but I still feel a little awful for how I treated her, and it leaked into my working out today.

I was a Rain Ox today! Got rained on unexpectedly, but on the way home, the downpour abated, and the sun shone again. And now, I am sleepy Ox.

Mom and I celebrated the holiday yesterday by watching A Quiet Place: DO, and having a nice char siu dinner.

Have a great week, Bees!

Playing: I installed a new game: an indie shooter called Earth's Shadow. It's a bit early to say how good it is, but I am having a bit of fun. Still going along with Hades 2, and a little bit of Void Bastards (trying to give this one a fair shake this time).

Watching: Mum and I watched A Quiet Place: Day One (not 2 as I mistakenly wrote above). Here's a review.

Sam is struggling. A New York cancer patient and former poet, she is tired of the routine at the hospice and of the pain from such a debilitating disease, and routinely mocks the nurse and the other patients. In frustration at having tried all every way to connect with her, the nurse promises to take the group on an outing to the theatre, after which Sam can get pizza at a place which is clearly important to her (she insists on going in person). Sam goes along with her only friend, her loyal "service" cat Frodo. However, after the show ends, mysterious meteors fall from the sky and strike the Earth. They contain deadly and unstoppable creatures that are sensitive to noise above a whisper, stopping at nothing to destroy any who disturb them. After retreating within the theater and suffering more losses, Sam decides to set out for her slice of pizza which is blocks away in Harlem. Along the way she meets Eric, a traumatized Brit who needs her more than she needs them. Together, they make there way through a devastated New York, fighting to keep from alerting the creatures.

I did not expect to like this one as much as I did. It is two movies - a touching story of friendship, and an apocalyptic blockbuster - wrapped in one, with the two neatly meeting in the middle. While there aren't many named characters, everyone hits their mark. Sam and Eric's budding friendship is movingly conveyed; while I knew Ms. N'yongo had acting chops, Joseph Quinn (from Stranger Things) brings his A-game. I was impressed at how there was very little mawkishness and syrupy sentimentalism; there are one or two cheesy scenes, but so much of the drama is quietly memorable and stands out. Because the characters mostly aren't communicating in speech, it's all about the body language, glances, and gestures that convey so much. But for me, the real MVP is Frodo the cat, loyal companion to the characters, and wise to the point of being a quasi-magical animal companion. Frodo is cute of course, but the animal acting is pretty amazing; especially when you consider Frodo is present for most of the scenes in the film (particularly harrowing is a dive through a flooded subway to reach the other side).

And what of the blockbuster side? I'm less impressed with the creatures, who we were introduced to in the first Quiet Place. They're... a touch simple and gimmicky, though not as laughable as in, say, Birdbox. In my mind, this is not a film so much about the CG monsters as it is the humans they prey on. There are some very potent set-pieces that had me alert, though the several jump scares were not so intense. Still, as I said before, the film successfully melds the two genres so well they function very well as one.

Any way you slice it, crappy spin-off this is not.

For being an effective end of the world drama, I give it four and a half slices of Patsy's Pizza out of five.

I haven't watched this week's HotD episode yet, and am looking forward to the bigger battle in episode four. Still watching Seal Team at the gym.

Listening to: Seether - Sympathetic. This one goes back to my college days, where alternative rock and metal filled my days. I still dip my toes into that pond, very occasionally.

"The same old feelings are taking over
And I can't seem to make 'em go away
And I can't take all the pressure sober
But I can't seem to make it go away



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Thank you @graoumia. I know she meant well.

No Ox-ercise today, my lower and upper back are totally beefed, so I'm taking a break. This consists of munching on mochi, listening to podcasts, and watching Seal Team :scroll:

Will get back to my working out tomorrow, for a controlled Push day.

See ya, Bees!

Listening to: Gabriel Garcia - The Sinner. Trashy, pseudo-satanic alternative rock? Sure, why not. It has a great melody, that's for sure.



Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
Salutations, Bees!

As promised, another day of Ox-ercise: Push day!

Paused Bench: 135 x 3. This was absolute agony. Of all the repetitions I've done over the years, the grind in this 135 x 3 is probably in the top five of the most difficult reps I've ever done. I was fighting to get the weight up, inch by inch. Got it up, so not sure where I'll go from here. Maybe stay with the same weight.
Paused Shoulder Press: 70 x 3.
Incline Bench (not paused): 85 x 6. Just going for hypertrophy with these.
EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 37.5 x 5, I think.
Dual Hammer Curls: 14 x 10.

I had a pretty good day throughout - felt good working out, with relatively few anxieties to deal with. And walking around the city after the brief rainstorm felt good, even though it's hot.

On Saturday we're having Korean bbq! Om nom nom.

Farewell for now, Bees!

Playing: Haven't been playing much lately, which is very unusual for me. Squeezed in some Hades 2 and Earth's Shadow. Not sure if I'll pick up Cruelty Squad again; if I want a bad trip, I'll drop some LSD, lol. Also, a dash of HROT, which I really should try to finish completely.

Watching: Haven't picked a movie for late night cinema yet. Got caught up with HotD; apparently we're getting our big battle scene next episode. Not a fan of the final scene (in which two main characters surreptitiously meet to negotiate), as it added pretty much nothing to the show, and felt like an excuse to put the characters together again. Bah.

Some thoughts on Seal Team. I've written before about how this is a military procedural/episode of the week kind of a show. I'm most impressed with the attention to detail and military procedure - it's clear that the show was advised by special forces vets, down to how the operators equip themselves and move. I know that the budget isn't enormous, and it kind of shows with the lackadaisical details when the Seals go overseas (California doubles for a lot of those settings). But I'll continually knock the show for the drama, which is much weaker than the action. So many of the dramatic arcs rely on stubbornness, and characters being close-minded; I thought The Unit and Ultimate Force were more realistic in the way they portrayed interpersonal conflict.

Anyway, it's not like that's going to stop me from continuing the show.

Listening to: Neil Diamond - I Am I Said. Another one of those oldies that I used to listen to as a teen. I'm biased (I grew up with this one and I'm Alive), but I think this one is one of Diamond's best songs. I appended a live rendition of the song, because I'm not a fan of the way the studio recording concludes (it doesn't!).

"L.A.'s fine, the sun shines most the time
And the feeling is "lay back"
Palm trees grow and rents are low
But you know I keep thinkin' about
Making my way back

Well I'm New York City born and raised
But nowadays
I'm lost between two shores
L.A.'s fine, but it ain't home
New York's home
But it ain't mine no more"

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Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 738
"So sleepy!"
@CODawn Indeed!

Hey Bees. Super sleepy this time... it was workout, then commute to my student for the day, lesson, and then the commute back. I did not want to work out today. Just stay in bed and kill time until my class tonight, but I managed to push myself to head out, albeit a bit late.

Anyway, today was Leg day.

Squats: 105 x 5. The squats were pretty messy today, but I got this one in the bag nonetheless.
Paused Squats: 80 x 3. These sucked. I don't know if my hips were out of whack from the squats, but these were a real trial. May substitute something else.
Dumbbell Front Squats: 20 x 5. Didn't feel bad at all! Will have to go heavier.
+28,700 steps, which is a new record. And now my feet hurt.

Kicked around the Taikoo Shing mall for a bit before my lesson.


Obligatory skating rink photo.


The whole area around the IKEA restaurant reeked of durian - which is no surprise, given that they've been running a durian-flavoured dessert promotion for the last few weeks. Durian is just not my thing, and I typically head in the other direction when I get a whiff of it.

Having Korean dinner tomorrow with some family, and I'm taking a break from the gym until Sunday.

We made it to the weekend Bees! Take a load off.

Playing: I only played HROT last night; not even Hades 2! I'll have to rectify that with some time spent on other titles tonight.

Watching: Uhh, still haven't picked something for late night cinema; maybe Time Bandits or Frogman or Hellbound: Hellraiser 2. Just haven't decided, as I spend most of my time in bed scavenging for dank memes on my phone. Continuing with Seal Team, meanwhile.

Listening to: The Hu - Wolf Totem. Haven't posted any metal in awhile, and the Hu are better than most. I find their measured, plodding riffs and gravelly throat singing a very compelling mix.
