Rabbit's Return to Fitness


from Scotland
Posts: 21
@Sif_Shepard @TakingBabyStepsBack Thank you both for your kind words :) Thankfully the symptoms haven't been too bad, but I also don't want to push my luck and do too much and make my recovery longer!

I did the exercises just after midnight, but it's been a busy work day and time just got away from me 😂
Will try and exercise a bit earlier tomorrow!

Day 2: Sept 27th
Baseline - Day 2 - Level I


from Scotland
Posts: 21
Sinus headaches and general fatigue caught up with me these last couple of weeks, and it's been hit and miss as to whether I exercised or not... but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it and I'm getting back to the program!

I'm very grateful for the tick box for completed days, so I can remember where I got to!

Day 1: Oct 8th
Baseline - Day 5 - Level II


from Scotland
Posts: 21
@Sif_Shepard Thank you! It's good to be back!

I'm hoping that taking it slow and steady will get me back into the swing of things, and so far it's going well!

Day 2: Nov 1st
Baseline - Day 2 - Level I (note to self: exercise before you leave the house for 12 hours, so you don't end up exercising at nearly midnight, lol)

Day 3: Nov 2nd
Baseline - Day 3 - Level III


from Scotland
Posts: 21
I'm still going! Glad I picked Baseline as a program, because the 'sit to stand' exercise is challenging, so I think anything more difficult would have been too much for me right now :D

Day 4: Nov 3rd
Baseline - Day 4 - Level I (did not learn my lesson and ended up exercising at 11pm after I got home, lol)

Day 5: Nov 4th
Baseline - Day 5 - Level III


from Scotland
Posts: 21
Had a busy weekend doing fun things and it's been so good to get out and do things and not be tired all the time!

Day 6: Nov 5th
5km walk (went to see the fireworks!)

Day 7: Nov 6th
6km walk (and visited the market!)

Day 8: Nov 7th
Baseline - Day 6 - Level III (and done at a reasonable hour in my lunch break 🎉)
15 mins on the exercise bike (first time back on since covid)


from Scotland
Posts: 21
@SkorpionUK I feel you on that, I've always struggled with sleep, and when I do finally get into a pattern, it only takes one little thing to throw it all off! And I'm a zombie in the mornings, so even when I do wake up early, it takes me so long to actually do anything useful...

I was back on the bike for the first time this weekend, and even though it was tough, I feel like I've already regained a lot of my fitness!

Day 13: Nov 12th
1h20 / 11km mountain biking (it was so muddy and I loved every minute of it!)

Day 14: Nov 13th
6km hike

Day 15: Nov 14th
Baseline - Day 11 - Level III


Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 315
"Building good habits"
@SkorpionUK I feel you on that, I've always struggled with sleep, and when I do finally get into a pattern, it only takes one little thing to throw it all off! And I'm a zombie in the mornings, so even when I do wake up early, it takes me so long to actually do anything useful...
I'm exactly like this! Have been for decades...
I came to realise that 2pm is when I can expect to function, so anything I do before then is a bonus. But I can continue on much later than others so it evens out.


from Scotland
Posts: 21
It's the new year and I'm back! Energy levels are still really variable, so I'm going to try and work up to exercising every day.

Current goal: finish Baseline programme in six weeks (exercise 5 days out of 7)

I started last night (at nearly midnight - some habits die hard :D) and then managed to exercise before dinner today, woohoo!

Day 1: Jan 2nd
Baseline - Day 1 - Level I
50 mins walk
Unwind yoga workout

Day 2: Jan 3rd
Baseline - Day 2 - Level III
Face the Day yoga workout


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year :fireworks:


from Scotland
Posts: 21
Exercise is keeping me sane while job hunting and I got another job application in! I'm slowly getting into the swing of it :)

Jan 10th (more midnight exercising, lol)
Baseline - Day 7 - Level I
30 Days of Yoga - Day 2

Jan 11th (exercised in the afternoon, yay!)
Baseline - Day 8 - Level I
30 Days of Yoga - Day 3
And... about an hour moving very heavy furniture :D


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Good luck :)


from Scotland
Posts: 21
@GentleOx @Fremen @lofivelcro @aku-chan Thank you for the good vibes! I didn't get the job, but it was clear that the job description and the person they were looking to hire were two very different things 😂

Weekly goal achieved as I did more than 30 mins of walking on 5 days, but no progress on the Baseline programme.

Once I'm done writing this I'm going to go and do the next day of Baseline and 30 Days of Yoga and get back in to the swing of things!


from Scotland
Posts: 21
I’m back! Job hunting has been super stressful and I haven’t yet managed to get a job :(

I have been staying active, but not in any organised fashion, and it’s often taken me a while to recover which is not helping the whole having a consistent exercise routine thing.

So, I’m going to start with Vitality and see if I can stick to it for 30 days, hopefully by the end of the month I’ll have at least built up my general fitness!

(And in true rabbit form, I started at pretty much midnight, lol)

Day 1:
Vitality - Day 1 - Level I


from Scotland
Posts: 21
@Tileenah @Fremen @BlackButler @Anek Thank you all for the warm welcome back!

Yesterday was a busy day, so more midnight exercising, but tonight I managed to exercise at 10pm rather than my usual midnight, lol

I'm finding Vitality more challenging than I expected, which means it's the right programme for me right now, hopefully give me a chance to build up my fitness before tackling anything more difficult!

Day 2:
Vitality - Day 2 - Level I

Day 3:
Vitality - Day 3 - Level I