Spaceman Workout


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
February 27th, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 30 Seconds Pacer Steps + Extra Credit (DD1,958)

:v: Body Patch Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 27 of Epic Cardio

:v: Day 58 of 60 Days of HITT Level 3

:v: 10 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
February 28th, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 50 Toe Taps + Extra Credit (DD1,959)

:v: Today's Workout of the Day Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 28 of Epic Cardio

:v: Day 59 of 60 Days of HITT Level 3

:v: 16 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
February 29th, 2024


:v: I ran around a mile

:v: 30 Staggered Deadlifts + Extra Credit (DD1,960)

:v: Hard People Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 29 and 30 of Epic Cardio :float:

:v: Day 60 of 60 Days of HITT Level 3 :vibes:

:v: 12 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 1st-3rd, 2024


:v: I ran a couple of miles

:v: 100 Side Leg Lifts + Extra Credit, 40 Lunge Punches + Extra Credit, and 60 Seconds Toe Tap Hops + Extra Credit (DD1,961-1,963)

:v: March 1st Workout of the Day Level 3 + Extra Credit, Punch Out! Level 3 + Extra Credit, and Queen's Gambit Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 1-3 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 8 Sit-Ups, and 18 Push-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: 300 Punches

:v: 300 Kicks

:v: 60 Pull-Ups

:v: 60 Chin-Ups
@Maegaranthelas , @MadamMeow , @Fremen , and @Mamatigerj :thanku:
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 4th, 2024


:v: I ran a couple of miles

:v: 30 Sit-Up Elbow Strikes + Extra Credit (DD 1,964)

:v: Move It, Move It Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 4 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 8 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 5th, 2024


:v: I ran a couple of miles

:v: 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD1,965)

:v: Spring Chicken Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 5 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 10 Lunges from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
@NancyTree :thanks:
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 6th, 2024


:v: I ran a couple of miles

:v: 3 Minutes High Knees + Extra Credit (DD1,966)

:v: Can't Stop Me Now Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 6 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 4 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 7th, 2024


:v: I ran a couple of miles

:v: 60 Seconds Side Elbow Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD1,967)

:v: Upperbody Tendon Strength + Extra Credit

:v: Day 7 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 20 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
I'm going to be taking a flight to Japan tomorrow, so expect my next post to be at a weird time.:excited:

Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 10th, 2024


:v: 60 Back Leg Raises + Extra Credit, 30 Climber Taps + Extra Credit, and 30 W-Extensions + Extra Credit (DD1,968-1970)

:v: Day 8-10 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 4 Pistol Squats from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks
@MadamMeow , @Mamatigerj , and @Deadoks Thank you! Still adjusting, but it's fun.
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 13th-14th, 2024


:v: I did a short sprint across the beach

:v: 60 Seconds Step Jacks + Extra Credit and 40 Prone Reverse Fly + Extra Credit (DD 1,973-1,974)

:v: Superplank + Extra Credit and Last Life + Extra Credit

:v: Day 13-14 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 8 Sit-Ups and 20 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 200 Punches

:v: 200 Kicks
I'm getting the hang of doing this in Japan. :worried:
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 15th, 2024


:v: 30 Seconds Squat Hops on the Spot + Extra Credit (DD 1,975)

:v: Bane Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 15 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 8 Push-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 20th, 2024


:v: 60 Seconds Balance Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,980)

:v: Can't Break Me Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 20 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 8 Burpees

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
I'm back from Japan! I've been keeping up with my workouts, even though I haven't had a chance to post any of them.
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 21st, 2024


:v: 60 Seconds Arm Scissors + Extra Credit (DD 1,981)

:v: Core Conditioning Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 21 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 10 Burpees

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
@NancyTree , @Maegaranthelas , and @MadamMeow :thanku: I had so much fun in Japan, and I even attended a concert there.
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 25th, 2024


:v: 60 Seconds Pacer Steps + Extra Credit (DD 1,985)

:v: Burn & Build Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 25 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 10 Jumping Jacks

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 26th, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 20 Upward Downward Dog + Extra Credit (DD 1,986)

:v: Seize the Day Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 26 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 10 Sit-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 27th, 2024


:v: I ran around a mile

:v: 60 Seconds Wall Sit + Extra Credit (DD 1,987)

:v: Tune Up Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 27 of 30 of Lower Body Blast

:v: 20 Push-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
March 30th, 2024


:v: 40 Side Plank Rotations + Extra Credit (DD 1,990)

:v: Climber Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 30 of 30 of Lower Body Blast (Nice challenge)

:v: 10 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 1st, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 10 Jump Squats + Extra Credit (DD 1,992)

:v: Butterfly Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 1 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 1 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 10 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Thank you @Mamatigerj !!!
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 2nd, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 20 Push-Up Shoulder Taps + Extra Credit (DD 1,993)

:v: Merlin Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 2 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 2 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 8 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 3rd, 2024


:v: I ran around 2 miles

:v: 30 Seconds Knee-to-Elbow + Extra Credit (DD 1,994)

:v: Action Hero Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 3 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 3 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 20 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 4th, 2024


:v: 60 Seconds Jumping Jacks + Extra Credit (DD 1,995)

:v: Rest & Rec

:v: Day 4 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 4 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 4 Lunges from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 5th, 2024


:v: I ran around a mile

:v: 30 Balance Side Lunges + Extra Credit (DD 1,996)

:v: Chisel Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 5 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 5 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 4 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 8th, 2024


:v: I ran around a mile

:v: 20 Get-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,999)

:v: Set to Stun Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 8 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 8 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 12 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Sorry for not posting for a few days. Just didn't have time, but I've been still keeping up with my workout.
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 9th, 2024


:v: I ran around a mile

:v: 50 Chest Expansions + Extra Credit (DD 2,000!)

:v: Borderland Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 9 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 9 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 10 Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
My legs are jelly!
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 10th, 2024


:v: 50 Elbow Clicks + Extra Credit (DD 2,001)

:v: Beekeeper Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 10 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 10 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 16 Pistol Squats from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 11th, 2024


:v: 50 Elbow Strikes + Extra Credit (DD 2,002)

:v: Stakeout + Extra Credit

:v: Day 11 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 11 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 16 Pistol Squats from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 12th, 2024


:v: 40 Squats + Extra Credit (DD 2,003)

:v: Inside & Out Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 12 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 12 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 10 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 13th, 2024


:v: 30 Seconds High Knees + Extra Credit (DD 2,004)

:v: Counter Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 13 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 13 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 10 Pistol Squats from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
April 14th, 2024


:v: 40 Calf Raises + Extra Credit (DD 2,005)

:v: Lower Abs Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 14 of 30 of Upper Body Blast

:v: Day 14 of 30 of Cardio and Abs Level 3

:v: 12 Lunges from Dare Dice

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups
My Abs are dead!:crawl:
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!!!