Spaceman Workout


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
August 23rd, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 100 Side Jacks + Extra Credit (DD 1,770)

:v: 12 Push-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 23 of Epic Arms

:v: 6 Push-Ups

:v: 14 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
August 24th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Get-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,771)

:v: 4 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 24 of Epic Arms

:v: 6 Push-Ups

:v: 14 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
@NancyTree Currently at the peeling phase. Thanks for asking.
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
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Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
August 25th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Second Leg Raise Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,772)

:v: 16 Lunges from Dare Dice

:v: Day 25 of Epic Arms

:v: 10 Push-Ups

:v: 10 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
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Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
August 29th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Seconds Twist Lunges + Extra Credit (DD 1,776)

:v: 8 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: Day 29 of Epic Arms

:v: 12 Push-Ups

:v: 8 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
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Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
August 31st, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 40 Side Arm Plank Rotations and 50 Side Bends + Extra Credit (DD 1,778)

:v: 10 Lunges from Dare Dice

:v: Day 30 of Epic Arms

:v: 6 Push-Ups

:v: 14 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 2nd, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Seconds Squats + Extra Credit (DD 1,780)

:v: 4 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: Day 2 of the Miner Challenge

:v: 12 Push-Ups

:v: 8 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
@Montserrat & @NancyTree :thanks:
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
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Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 3rd, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 40 Toe Taps + Extra Credit (DD 1,781)

:v: 16 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 3 of the Miner Challenge

:v: 6 Push-Ups (@Zenchan Thank you! Still working on it.)

:v: 14 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
@Tileenah Thank you!
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 4th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 20 Side-to-Side Lunges with Toe Point + Extra Credit (DD 1,782)

:v: 12 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: Day 4 of the Miner Challenge

:v: 8 Push-Ups

:v: 12 Knee Push-Ups

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 5th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Seconds Single Leg Hops + Extra Credit (DD 1,783)

:v: 16 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 5 of the Miner Challenge + a ruby after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 6th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Reverse Plank Kicks + Extra Credit (DD 1,784)

:v: 12 Push-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 6 of the Miner Challenge + a ruby after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 7th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 40 Squat Hold Calf Raises + Extra Credit (DD 1,785)

:v: 16 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice

:v: Day 7 of the Miner Challenge + no ruby after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 8th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 50 Alt Arm/Leg Lifts + Extra Credit (DD 1,786)

:v: 8 Push-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 8 of the Miner Challenge + amethyst after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 9th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 60 Seconds Balance Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,787)

:v: 16 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 9 of the Miner Challenge + Topaz after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 10th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,788)

:v: 12 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice

:v: Day 10 of the Miner Challenge + Topaz and diamond after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 11th, 2023


:v: 20 Pull-Ups

:v: 20 Chin-Ups

:v: 100 Punches

:v: 100 Kicks

:v: 3 Minutes Raised Arms Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,789)

:v: 12 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice

:v: Day 11 of the Miner Challenge + No gems after 3 tries

:v: 10 Pistol Squats

:v: Assisted Head Stand
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 12th, 2023


:v: I jogged a little over a mile from work

:v: 30 Crunch Kicks + Extra Credit (DD 1,790

:v: Punch Out! Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 12 of The Miner Challenge + an emerald and topaz after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 4 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice
I felt like changing things up for now. Felt really good today.

Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 13th, 2023


:v: I jogged a little over a mile to and from work

:v: 30 Calf Raises + Extra Credit (DD 1,791)

:v: Sloth Workout Level 1 + Extra Credit (I didn't have enough time to do any more.)

:v: Day 13 of The Miner Challenge + a topaz after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 12 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 14th, 2023


:v: 2 Minutes Backfists + Extra Credit (DD 1,792)

:v: 2-Move Abs Workout + Extra Credit

:v: Day 14 of The Miner Challenge + a ruby after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 20 Lunges from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 15th, 2023


:v: I jogged to and from work, which is around a mile away.

:v: 20 Jumping Lunges + Extra Credit (DD 1,793)

:v: Watch Your Six Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 15 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 16 Squats from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 16th, 2023


:v: 40 Squat Hops on the Spot + Extra Credit (DD 1,794)

:v: Tiger, Tiger Workout Level 1 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 16 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups
When I was vacuuming today, my dust allergy hit me like a truck. So I had to do a small workout, because I was sneezing the whole time.

Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 17th, 2023


:v: 50 Leg Raises + Extra Credit (DD 1,795)

:v: Optimized Workout + Extra Credit

:v: Day 17 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 12 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 18th, 2023


:v: I jogged to and from work, which is around a mile away

:v: 30 Upward Downward Dog + Extra Credit (DD 1,796)

:v: Quicksand Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 18 of The Miner Challenge + A ruby after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 12 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 20th, 2023


:v: I jogged to work, which is around a mile away

:v: 60 Climber Taps + Extra Credit (DD 1,798)

:v: Andromeda Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 20 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 4 Squats from Dare Dice (I chose assisted pistol squats)
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!
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Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 21st, 2023


:v: I jogged around a mile and a half today

:v: 80 Arm Scissors + Extra Credit (DD 1,799)

:v: Super Abs Workout + Extra Credit

:v: Day 21 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 16 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 22nd, 2023


:v: I jogged to and from work which is around a mile away

:v: 50 Reverse Angels + Extra Credit (DD 1,800)

:v: Dracarys Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 22 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 4 Squats from Dare Dice (I've chosen to use pistol squats)
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 23rd, 2023


:v: Butterfly Sit-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,801)

:v: I forgot what today's workout was, but I did it Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 23 of The Miner Challenge + A topaz after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 12 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 24th, 2023


:v: 60 Seconds Balance Hold + Extra Cresit (DD 1,802)

:v: Foothold Workout (I have no idea what extra credit is for this.)

:v: Day 24 of The Miner Challenge + An amethyst after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 12 Jumping Jacks from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 26th, 2023


:v: 50 Single Leg Bridges + Extra Credit (DD 1,804)

:v: Day 26 of The Miner Challenge + A ruby after 3 attempts at deep push-ups
My workout is short today, because I was going out to watch a movie tonight.

I just realized I didn't make a new post, but edited the previous. Whoops.

Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 27th, 2023


:v: I jogged to work, which is around a mile away

:v: 40 Staggered Deadlifts + Extra Credit (DD 1,805)

:v: Not Perfect Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 27 of The Miner Challenge + An emerald after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 10 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 28th, 2023


:v: 20 Sky Diver Push-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,806)

:v: Rockin' Abs Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 28 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 16 Push-Ups from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 29th, 2023


:v: I jogged to and from work, which is around a mile.

:v: 30 Jump Squats + Extra Credit (DD 1,807)

:v: Today's workout of the day Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 29 of The Miner Challenge + Just dirt after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 8.Jumping Jack's from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
September 30th, 2023


:v: I jogged from the movie theater to home, which is 2.7 miles.

:v: 30 Second Boat Pose Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,808)

:v: Today's workout of the day Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 30 of The Miner Challenge + An emerald after 3 attempts at deep push-ups

:v: 4 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
October 2nd, 2023


:v: I ran to and from work, which was around a mile away

:v: 10 One-Arm Plank Jump-Ins + Extra Credit (DD 1,810)

:v: Free Spirt Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 2 of Epic Abs Challenge

:v: 12 Basic Burpees from Dare Dice
@Mamatigerj @Froud , @Montserrat , and @NancyTree :thanku:

Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
October 3rd, 2023


:v: I ran to and from work, which was around a mile away

:v: 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,811)

:v: Pecs Workout Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 3 of Epic Abs Challenge

:v: 20 Sit-Ups from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!


Well-known member
Druid from America
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 2,318
October 4th, 2023


:v: I ran to work, which was around a mile away

:v: 60 Knee-to-Elbow + Extra Credit (DD 1,812)

:v: Today's workout of the day Level 3 + Extra Credit

:v: Day 4 of Epic Abs Challenge

:v: 20 Lunges from Dare Dice
Everybody, stay safe and healthy, have a fantastic day, and keep on keeping on!