Uh-oh, it looks like my previous post got lost somewhere... I don't remember the exact workouts I did from 18 to 20, but there was nothing unusual training-wise. What was unusual though is that we were moving. We're mostly done, all the furniture have been put together in the new (noticeably bigger) flat, and most of our stuff is already unpacked. There are still some things we need to carry here from the old flat which we also need to clean (painting is mostly done).
We had one rough night when we had no idea where the cat was... there were some scheduling issues with the transportation of the furniture, and, long story short, Potyka got very scared and stressed, and he hid before we could put him in his carrier. We thought he was under the bathtub, since he knew he was unreachable there, but after things were settled and I checked there, he was nowhere to be found... and there were no furniture left where he could have hidden. Next day there was still no sign of him, and the treats we left in the bathroom weren't even touched. We were worried that he either escaped the building (which would have been strange, because the only way out was the source of the scary noises), or that he fell into the vent hole and got hurt and stuck without us being able to get him out... At some point we finally heard him from
behind the bathtub, where he had climbed onto the tubes, and my fiancé managed to bribe him out with his favorite food...
Of course he was quite stressed at the new place, too, but now, a couple of days later, he's starting to get used to it. In the beginning, he stayed in the bedroom, and we kept the door closed so he would feel safer, especially at night when we were there with him for hours. Since then we could finally move his stinky food to the kitchen, because he's not scared to go there anymore. The transition was cute, he kept sneaking out of the bedroom to check one thing or another then sprinted back under the bed, to safety.
I think we can say that all is well now: today, instead of spending most of his time under the bed, he kept meowing and scratching at the door of the living room because he wanted to explore there, and, once his wish was granted, he tried to occupy as much space in the middle of it as possible.